» Fantasy » Atlas Online, Nick Venom [sad books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Atlas Online, Nick Venom [sad books to read TXT] 📗». Author Nick Venom

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be under the king’s domain. Anybody attacking them will be directly attacking me.” The king declared, bringing out a feather pen. Tin nodded, grabbing the pen and inking his name on the contract. The only way for the siblings to be free would be through his new job. Daring to go against the king and the kingdom would result in being branded as a traitor and executed. With his job title, he could deter people from attacking him while, at the same time, slowly easing peoples’ discrimination of elves. It was a solid plan.

Tin finished, handing the contract scroll back to the king. He grabbed it and laid it against a stack of contract scrolls in a different drawer. The king then looked up at Tin. He extended his hand. 

“Welcome to the kingdom, you may call me Peter Stone.” The king---Peter Stone---told him. Tin shook his hand and nodded.

“Thank you… Peter. However, why did you take me in? I dared to brandish a weapon in your sight and I hold onto two elves. How do you know I’m not abusing them?” He asked.

The king let out a small sigh. “I’ve seen how real slaves acted around abusive masters. They would often distance themselves from their master, or keep their heads low. Your elven kids did neither of those. Instead, it looks like they will never separate from you, almost as if forcefully separating you guys would cause a large scene. That and-” He pointed at the siblings’ clothes. “-they would never dress their slaves up with fancy clothing.” 

Tin turned to look at the siblings’ clothing, noticing the fanciness and noble-like resemblances. He then turned back to face the king. “It seems you’re like a wise king. That’s good to know.”

“You expected a vicious and racist king?” Peter asked. 

Tin was about to shake his head but stopped himself. He then nodded. “I am new to this kingdom, so I wasn’t informed about you. I also never expected to meet a real-life king.” 

“I see,” He then stood up. “It’s good to hear that you hold such a pleasant observation of me.” He then motioned for them to stand. 

As they stood, Peter suddenly coughed up blood, turning away to conceal it. “I’m afraid that you’ll have to vacate the room for the moment. Return tomorrow and we’ll discuss further.”

Tin nodded, glancing at the blood on the desk. He shrugged his shoulders and ignored the blood, turning around and grabbing the siblings’ hand. 

“Where are we going?” Siora asked.

“Are we living here?” Arlin asked.

Peter heard their questions. “Ask the head-” He coughed up more blood, turning away from them. “Ask the head maid for your rooms. I had them organize it.” 


They exited the room and met with the head maid, named Brittany, who took them to their rooms. At first, there were three separate rooms for them, but after some disagreements between the head maid and the siblings, they were moved into a single room. 

Their room was enormous, triple the size that he’d imagined. It was flushed with vivid colors, illuminating the room. He looked up at the glowing chandelier. 

Against the farthest corner from the door was a king-sized bed, fitting all three of them. The covers were dark red with golden outlines. Everything else in the room was the same; really encasing the idea of “royal status”.

While the siblings played with toys delivered by the head maid, Tin went out to explore the castle, eventually discovering a balcony overlooking the kingdom. He could see the castle’s main entrance and the forests far from it. He could see much more than, noticing unseen pools of water and smaller villages clumped around the capital. There was more life than he ever knew.

“You seem to be liking this place,” May remarked as she crept up on Tin. 

He jumped out of fear. He hadn’t sensed her presence, possibly because of Tracker being deactivated. Without Tracker, he had the sense of a common man; a shallow sense. 

“Uh, yeah. I haven’t been here for long, but everything I’ve seen has been beautiful.” He told her. She nodded, grinning proudly.

“I’ve been protecting these landscapes for years. I’ve done everything I could to derail the demon’s attacks.”

“Demons?” Tin questioned.

“Yeah, based on one of my Guardian comrades, the demons will soon begin to invade the world. The demon king wants to dominate the world.” 

“Complete domination, huh?” He stared off in the sky. “Can all of the Seven Guardians defeat them?”

May let out a small chuckle. “That’s funny, but… nobody can defeat the demon king at the moment. Even with every Guardian together, we would barely be able to challenge the demon king. Gaining a victory would be the hardest thing to achieve.” She glanced at Tin. 

“However, if we had more help, then… maybe we could.” Tin noticed the glance and opened his mouth to respond when a scream interrupted him. His eyes were attracted to the scream, learning of the cause. The beautiful sun that glowed over the kingdom was being blocked out by an enormous dragon, ten times the size of Holy Sanctuary. The monster was horrific, towering over the clouds. Its crimson red eyes stared at Tin and May, carefully observing them. 

“A rank SSS dragon has emerged, where’s the king? Guardian May?” A maid shouted. 

May turned to Tin, her eyes widened. “What do we do?”

“Begin evacuating the capital. There’s no way we can defeat Godzilla.” He watched as two maids ran past him. “I’ll get the siblings while you’ll get the king. Forget the city, there isn’t a way to save it.” 

May shook her head, clenching her fists. She struck Tin before turning away.

“I will never abandon this city. It’s my hometown. As for you, run away with your tail in between your legs.” She then scoffed at herself. “I was admiring you for your strength, yet when the time to prove yourself arrived, you wanted to escape. I’m a fool for believing in you.” 

Tin watched as she rushed towards the dragon. He stood, dumbfounded at her words. It had struck his heart hard, proving to be more truthful than anything he had ever said. He immediately wanted to flee, leaving the citizens for death to claim. 

“She’s right,”



Episode Ten "Savior"

May rushed towards the dragon, brandishing her weapon and pointing it at the dragon. She shouted and yelled, attracting the dragon’s attention. She dashed towards the monster, slashing at it. The dragon took the attacks and lunged towards her, but something restricted its actions. Almost as if somebody was controlling it. 

Meanwhile, Tin ran to his room, picking up the siblings. He led them to Peter. At Peter’s room, he discussed the dragon with some of the kingdom’s nobles. The discussion was loud and explosive with some nobles wanting to launch a full assault while others wanted to flee the capital. Tin looked away from the capital, the conversations reminding him of May and himself. One person wanted to fight while the other one wanted to flee.

Peter glanced over at Tin and the siblings. He held his hand out, stopping the nobles in their tracks. He then motioned for Tin to step forward. Tin complied with his order, taking a step forward. 

“This is Tin, my new bodyguard. Now that you’ve been accepted into the royal castle, I want to ask you for your opinion. Stay and fight or flee?”

“You flee, sir.” Tin said without hesitation. 

‘Okay, then it’s decided. Send the army through every house and take out anybody you can find. Move everybody to the secondary castle.” He ordered. The nobles that wanted to fight, glared at Tin as they walked by. The nobles that wanted to flee, thanked him. 

Once everybody was out of the room, Peter walked up to Tin, his big frame toppling over Tin’s smaller frame. “Why did you choose to flee?” He asked.

“I’m not fleeing… they are.” He pointed at the siblings. They looked at him, eyes wide and opened mouths. 

“You’re abandoning us?” Siora shouted.

“You can’t do that!” Arlin exclaimed.

Peter squinted his eyes. “You’re staying.”

“I have to do something as your royal bodyguard… I also can’t let May fight the dragon on her own. She’ll die like that.” He told them. “Someone has to back her up and only I can do that.” 

Peter shook his head while chuckling. “I see, then I’ll adopt the siblings if you were to pass away.”

“I thank you for that,” Tin kneeled and bowed his head. “I swear my loyalty as long as they are living.” 

Peter was taken aback by the sudden action and ordered for him to stand up, grabbing his shoulders. “Defend this kingdom if you can. If you can’t, then evacuate. There’s nothing wrong with fleeing to survive. You can’t take revenge if you’re dead.” 

“You right, sir.” Tin turned around, trying to escape the tearful stares of the siblings. However, before he could leave the room, everything stopped for a split second. The split-second went away as soon as it happened, leaving an old man in its wake.

Tin brandished Ashbringer and activated One-Shot Kill. The old man, a short fragile white-bearded man walking on a cane, looked up at Tin. With his free hand, he swatted the air to his right. Somehow, Ashbringer was thrown out of Tin’s grip, falling on the floor.

“Who are you?” Tin asked, scrambling to grab his weapon. The old man chuckled, swatting the air again and yanking the sword out of his hand.

“I am Orilleo, the god of this world.”

“God?” Peter questioned. “Why are you here?”

“I’m here for Tin, I-” His expression turned sour as he clenched his hand into a fist. He shut his eyes and clenched harder. A second later, he relaxed his fingers, revealing May. May was now standing in the room. She wasn’t on the battlefield anymore. 

“How am I here?” She muttered.

“I have much to tell you and less time to tell it. In a few years, an evil goddess will emerge and plunge this world into darkness. The world will be destroyed by this goddess if she isn’t killed.” Orilleo told him.

“I’m the world’s savior?”

“Correct, however, you’re too weak to stop Evil Goddess Helina’s destruction. You’ll need to build up a team to kill Helina. Otherwise, if you were to attack Helina by yourself, it would be a drop in the bucket.” He then created a recliner out of nowhere, sitting down. “However, you’ll need to reveal yourself.” He then looked at Peter, May, and the siblings. “Tin is not native to this world. He’s from another world and every single skill comes from that world.” Orilleo told them. 

“He’s not native to this world,” May muttered, clamping her mouth with her hand.

“From another world?” Peter questioned.

The siblings didn’t speak a word, instead, clinging onto Tin. Tin looked down at them. “Do either of you care about me being from another world?” They both shook their heads. 

“You are our father,” Siora declared.

“Father! Father! Father!” Arlin exclaimed.

“I didn’t realize I look that old.” Tin joked.

“It’s okay if he’s from another world. As of today, he’s my valuable employee; the royal bodyguard.” Peter declared, resting a hand on Tin’s shoulder. “I won’t abandon him.”

Orilleo chuckled. He then snapped his fingers. “The dragon will leave the kingdom now. In three years, Helina will emerge. Be ready for her or else this world will be destroyed. Everything you ever loved would

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