» Fantasy » Phoenix, Daccari Buchelli [the beginning after the end read novel txt] 📗

Book online «Phoenix, Daccari Buchelli [the beginning after the end read novel txt] 📗». Author Daccari Buchelli

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Her father's voice cut through the wood of the door. Failing to answer him, she heard the click of the door's lock, undone by her father's magic. There was a brief pause, before his unruly beard appeared round the corner.

'Awaken daughter, for I have a grand surprise for you.'

Her father's voice echoed round her tired mind. He threw open her curtains, the harsh light streaming into her face.

'There. That's much better.' He strode over to his daughter's bed, seating himself upon its edge. 'Violetta, are you all right?

His daughter's face was tear-streaked as usual. Violetta scrabbled to hide her face in her hands, but her father gently pulled them back.

'It would be a shame to hide such a beautiful face.'

He traced slow semi-circles under her eyes, where the last vestiges of her tears clung to life. While his face didn't appear much better, he had accepted that some things could not be changed.

'Come now, as I said, I've a surprise for you.'

Violetta groaned. She squinted through the blinding light to where her father now stood by her dresser. She hated it when the curtains were opened. It always felt as though the light would burn her. Some days she wished it would, or that her powers would finally seek to consume her in their fiery rage. She revelled in the idea of being allowed to simply melt away, therefore escaping this miserable life.

Eagan returned to his daughter's bedside. His eyes were puffy and devoid of what little emotion he had to spare.

'Come now, Violetta.'

Violetta resisted her father's attempt to haul her out of her bed, thankful to have chosen a modest night-dress. She eventually managed to kick him away, dropping to the floor like a frightened pup.

'Perhaps I'll just wait outside,' he suggested.

With the door closed behind him, Violetta was left to her own devices. In her own time, she got to her feet, covering her body as she made for the door. She may only have been twelve years of age, but she would go without a fight.

A thought struck Violetta as she reached for her chamber door. What sort of surprise could her father have planned? Suddenly, the idea of leaving her chambers made her blanch.

A knock upon her chamber door. Again? Violetta prepared to usher her father out, should he have returned when a young maid appeared in the open doorway. She approached the princess with due caution, her frail arms burdened with the weight of a beautiful dress, which Violetta was no doubt expected to wear.

Once the surprise of her unexpected guest had worn off, Violetta couldn't help but admire the garment that the maid held out for her to inspect. It was old-fashioned and far darker in colour than she had expected. Nevertheless, something about it resonated with her. She reached out to stroke the soft folds of fabric that would soon adorn her meagre frame.

Violetta sucked in a deep breath as the last burgundy layer was thrust over her head. It was stifling beneath so many layers, or stages as her mother had called them, yet the temperature appeared to calm her. Violetta shot a weak smile at the lurking maid, before stealing a look at herself in the dresser mirror. For once in her life, she felt beautiful. Flared sleeves tapered off at her wrists, with a gold tie hugging her slender waist. She made for the door, glancing back at that damned ball on her dresser. What it made her feel now was too shameful to contemplate.

Violetta tiptoed into the grand throne room. Its gold furnishings glared at her approach. She was fiddling with the waves of golden hair at her neck when she halted beside a towering figure. The face of a stranger stared back at her. A more beautiful woman surely didn't exist, for the stranger looked to be carved from the smoothest of marble. Violetta memorised her form from head to toe. She was the epitome of grace, her lips full, with eyes of a glistening green that beamed at the onlooker. She held herself like a true lady, forming a friendly smile as she gazed at the princess.

Silence stretched out between the pair, the air crackling with the tension of the moment. Violetta let out a grateful sigh when her father came into view. He wore a dazzling smile, which would have warmed her heart had he not have been so miserable a moment prior.

King Eagan took three long strides until he reached them. He gazed at his daughter in all of her finery, appearing to glow with pride.


Violetta bowed, prompting an unexpected chuckle from the king.

'There's no need to bow to me, my child.'

He brought his daughter's fingers up to his lips, where he pressed a tender kiss upon them. Violetta savoured the sweet moment.

'Do you approve father?'

She avoided looking up at the stranger.

'I do.'

Eagan's smile was warm and genuine. It was the steel which entered his eyes that caused Violetta to worry. She risked another glance at the stranger. Both tall and slender, they were certainly not what Violetta had been expecting. As they closed the distance, she felt herself shrink back. She looked to her father, seeking his guidance.

Noticing his daughter's worried expression, Eagan gently squeezed her hand.

'Worry not, child. All will be well.'

He guided Violetta along, stopping the customary three feet from their mysterious guest. Violetta was reluctant to move, but at her father's urging, she stepped forward.

The young woman stared down at Violetta with the same full smile. The princess took note of the ferocious waves of red hair tumbling down the stranger's form. They reminded her of curved snakes, with the colour of fire set into their skin, stark against the stranger's milky flesh.

'Violetta, may I introduce Jermise.'

King Eagan gestured to the lovely maiden, who looked all too embarrassed to be in his presence. She dipped into a graceful bow, her fiery locks spilling across her face.

'Your Highnesses.'

Violetta watched as she drew herself back up. The maiden's bright eyes moved in her direction, making her pale before the porcelain beauty. She couldn't help but wonder why her father had summoned such a maiden here.

'Jermise, thank you for coming so promptly.'

King Eagan stepped forward, guiding the maiden's soft hand to his lips.

Violetta's mind burst aflame. For her father to kiss any maiden, even by the hand, showed great disrespect to his departed wife. She glared at him, her eyes like daggers as he began to circle young Jermise. How dare you? she thought. Violetta could feel her powers boiling within. They lay just beneath the surface of her skin, her mind begging with her to release them.

'Jermise will be taking over for Clarisse from now on. Be sure to treat her well.'

Violetta gulped. So this had been his plan all along. Replace the help with someone new; younger, prettier. Violetta could feel her sorrow returning when a light flashed on in her mind.

'Father, will you please show me the fire lion?'


Her eyes couldn't help but light up at the prospect of him disappointing this guest. Surprisingly, her father smiled.

'I'm not sure.'


Violetta batted her lashes at him. Her father sighed, his eyes briefly zipping to the newcomer.

'Oh, alright.'

King Eagan closed his eyes to the outside world and began to slow his breathing until it was little more than a low hum.

'Fierce beast, I call upon thee!'

He blew out a steady breath and forced his eyes open. A burst of flame shot out from his palms, coiling itself into translucent shapes, before transforming into a mighty beast.

Standing before them was a majestic lion, a genuine work of art that burned brightly in mid-air.


Eagan withdrew his power, leaving the lion to disappear in a brilliant flash. Violetta smiled. For a moment her father's eyes had appeared hopeful, like they had always been before his family's passing.

The king's eyes soon returned to their cool steel; the look of a storm when it first starts to brew.

'Jermise shall not act as nurse maid. You're too old for one now. She will be your confidant. Tell her anything you wish and she will do her best to advise you.'

Violetta was startled to find her father's thick arms closing round her shoulders. The inexplicable feeling of home soothed her.

'Some day,' he whispered, 'You may come to learn why people do certain things. Often, it is with the best of intentions. Until then, I thought it about time you had a friend.'






YEAR C-7 Month 5/10






Violetta hauled an ancient tome between her arms while reciting passages of Peradonian history. Three years had brought the pair closer and Violetta no longer saw Jermise as her mother's replacement, but as a role model to be admired.

They strolled through the Royal Gardens at their leisure, sampling rose flavoured Dal berries from the pockets of their crimson robes. It was no secret that Violetta had blossomed into a dazzling beauty. She knew, having recently turned Fifteen, that she would soon be expected to take a husband, yet the princess' desires lay elsewhere.

Violetta lowered the book from her gaze. When the light hit the plants just right, a scintillating explosion of colours burst forth. She shot a quick glance around the gardens, drinking in the sight before the dust-riddled tome rose back to her face.


Violetta teetered over with the weight of the book, almost knocking Jermise from her feet.

'S-sorry,' she whined, and righted herself.

Jermise simply rolled her eyes, a playful smile beginning to form.

'Tell me princess, how did Peradon come to be separated?'

Jermise had been quick to fire questions her way all morning. A pair of hazelnut eyes peered up from the tome.

'When hatred emerged between those with different Gods, the four Arch Mages decided it would be best to split up Peradon's people.'


Jermise led them to a peaceful enclosure, where a shaded bench provided them a brief respite from the sun. Here, they were free to gaze at the plants, every colour of the rainbow reflecting the sunlight.

Violetta settled her skirts about her knees, resting the book there with it's pages propped open. Her eyes remained fixed on the yellowing parchment of Peradon's history.

Thoughts of her coming responsibilities raced around Violetta's brain. She took a deep breath, preparing to go on with her lesson when a hand caught her arm.

'Princess, what's wrong?'

Violetta turned her back to her new-found friend, opting for a view of some lilies nearby.

Jermise peered out from beneath the protection of the shade.

'It's a beautiful day. It would be a

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