» Fantasy » Infinite Brine, Ai Kagi [uplifting novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Infinite Brine, Ai Kagi [uplifting novels .TXT] 📗». Author Ai Kagi

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her go," Fukyuu commanded. "Not on you life!" Hikaru yelled, wrapping a thorn rope around Ana's neck. "I'll choke her to death if you don't surrender, Fu!" Hikaru yelled, "Don't you love her?"
Fukyuu took a step forward and Hikaru began choking Ana with the rope. "Fukyuu!" Ana cried. Fukyuu's rage was at its peak and he put a Thorn Mark on Hikaru's neck. Then, he began choking Hikaru with it.
"Stop!" Hikaru pled, falling on the ground. Fukyuu ignored him, making the tension on his neck tighter. Hikaru tried to fight back, making thorns creep up onto Fukyuu's feet and ankles. The thorns didn't stay long, because they disintegrated from Fukyuu's immense power.
Fukyuu made Hikaru float up in the air and threw him out a large, glass window. Fukyuu went over to the window and saw nothing, Hikaru had vanished. 'Fool,' Fukyuu thought with hatred.
Fukyuu released Ana from the chair and picked her up. Ana looked up at him. "Fukyuu..." her voice strained. He smiled. "I'm an Eternia now..." she continued, then, she fell unconscious. Fukyuu was surprised at this news. "Ana..." he whispered, putting his face down to her ear.
He began to take her out of the Chateau when Tres coughed out, "Get me down!" Fukyuu paused in his tracks and made the collar dissipate. "Ow!" Tres yelled when he hit the floor. Then, Fukyuu continued out the door with Ana. "Ana's mine," Fukyuu said.
Tres sighed and leaned his back against the wall. 'I'm a failure,' he thought, staring at the Thorn Mark on his wrist.

Chapter V

"Those Everlives left for some reason; we can't find them now, because they seem to have disappeared," Captain Kire reported to Fukyuu. "I'm sure we'll see them again," Fukyuu stated and continued on to the ship.
Fukyuu got to the ship in about ten minutes and put Ana on his bed. He sat on the edge of the bed, stroking her hair.
"You shouldn't have to suffer with this fate, but without it, I would lose you. My heart can't bear it when you're not with me. I'm in love with you, Ana," Fukyuu said aloud. Supporting himself with his arm, he leaned down and kissed Ana on the lips. His action made her open her eyes.
"Fukyuu..." Ana said, her face turning red. "You... love me?" Ana questioned; her heart was beating furiously.
"Yes..." he replied, this time kissing her even more passionately. When he stopped kissing her, he noticed that she looked deathly ill and tired.
"Ana! Did they have you eat something?" Fukyuu asked. "Yes..." "You need some Red Root potion."
Fukyuu opened one of his cabinets and got out a bottle of potion. He gave Ana some of the potion and the color came back into her skin, but she still looked tired. So, Fukyuu decided to let her rest and left the room.
Kano was on his way to the pirate ship with Tres; the pirates came as well. "Are you sure you're okay?" Kano asked. "Look who's talking, Prince," Tres said.
When everyone was on the pirate ship, Tres said to Fukyuu, "I may fail at many things, but I won't give up on Ana." "Nor will I," Fukyuu replied. Tres smirked. Then, Tres began coughing violently.
"What's the matter, lad?" Captain Kire asked. Kano answered for Tres, "He's in need of water; that's the main thing of what an Oceanse is always in need of." "That's why you travel on the ocean all the time?" Kire asked. Kano nodded.
Weasel brought Tres a jug of water as quickly as his short legs would take him. "Thanks," Tres replied and drank the water down in fast, large gulps. "Woah," Captain Kire commented.
"Well, I must be going now," Kano said. "Okay. Safe travels to you," Kire said. Then, Kano left on his ship.
Captain Kire turned around, "Men, we're going to make port at Androsia! You all have worked hard, so, we'll stay for two weeks." All the men cheered and set a course for the island town.

Once the pirates had reached the town, they got off and Fukyuu woke Ana. Everyone went to an inn and Captain Kire payed for it.
The inn was serving dinner and everyone was hungry, except for the two Eternias. So, Fukyuu and Ana just sat at a table, watching everyone else.
Ana became curious when she saw a man with caramel-colored hair liker her own. He had a strange trait, his eyes; the man had slit pupils, like a cat, and his eyes were green.
The man looked up at Ana and smiled. Ana smiled back at the man.
"How do you do?" the man said to Ana and Fukyuu. "We're fine," Fukyuu stated bluntly. "Well, why won't you eat anything for dinner?" "We're not hungry," Fukyuu said, now getting a bit annoyed.
"Or is it... because food will make you sick?" the man asked, half-closing his eyes. "How did you know?" Ana asked, totally admitting it.
The man smirked, "I've met your kind before; I've even worked with them to find my little sister." "Who are you?" Fukyuu asked, "I'd surely know you if you worked with my kind."
Ana was completely shocked at what the man said next. "I'm Isla Feesico. I'm looking for my sister, Ana, but I fear she may be dead, like our parents," he said. Isla stared at Ana, "What's wrong?" "I- I'm Ana Feesico," Ana said.
Isla's face lightened up, "I'm glad you're safe Ana. It is strange, though, that you'd be an Eternia when you're also part Pureheart." "I was clawed by an Oceanse that was half Eternia." "Ah, that explains it; venom from those creatures will turn you into one or the other," Isla said.
"What's a Pureheart, brother?" Ana asked, feeling thrilled at having a sibling. "A Pureheart is one that has extremely enhanced powers. If you were, for example, an Allgrace, you'd have every ability of every kind, but you would most likely be born as an Allgrace to begin with," Isla said. "So, it's rare for someone to be an Allgrace from an outside force?" Ana queried. "Yes, and in the case of Eternias and Everlives, you could be born with it or be turned into one," he replied.
Fukyuu had not said anything for a while and finally spoke, "I remember you now." "I knew you'd remember eventually," Isla said. "You helped me find Hikaru." "Yes, and you didn't kill him when you had the chance. His crime was unforgiveable; he shouldn't have lived this long, but I'm sure he carries his guilt always."
"What did he do?" Ana asked. Fukyuu looked away with a sad face. "He killed his parents and younger brother," Isla answered.
Changing the subject, Fukyuu asked, "So, what brings you here?" Isla chuckled, "I'm here, because I'm looking for a place to build a school." "A school?" Ana queried. "Yes, a school for the gifted children and adults that are like us; they won't be hunted or destroy things. They can be taught to better improve their powers, but still be taught as normal people," Isla replied.
"Can we help?" Fukyuu asked. Isla had a glint of happiness in his eyes, "You would help me?" "Of course." "I'll help too," Ana chimed in. "Me too, lads!" Captain Kire spoke up. Isla smiled genuinely, "Thank you all."
'This is wonderful,' Ana thought happily. Then, Ana noticed Tres sitting in a corner; he hadn't said a word since they'd arrived in Androsia.
"Then, it's settled; tomorrow, we'll all go look for a place to build the school," Ana heard Captain Kire say. Ana was happy about the idea and tried to be as social as possible.
Later, Ana saw Tres go outside. She saw that all the others were in deep conversations. So, Ana stepped outside to find Tres and see what was wrong with him.
"Tres?" Ana called, "Tres?" Suddenly, someone behind her clasped their hand over her moth and pulled her into the shadows. 'Oh, no! The Everlives are going to kill me now!' Ana screamed in her mind.
Ana squirmed to get away, but paused in shock when a mouth touched her ear. "Shh. It's me, Ana. Be quiet; there are hunters on the streets tonight," Tres said.
"Tres, you scared me half to death! Mmph!" Ana yelled and Tres covered her mouth again. "Not so loud," he lectured. "Well, excuse me for almost having a heart attack because of you," Ana rasped, "You are so-" She was cut off when Tres yanked her to him and put his arms around her. She felt his breath on her neck.
"Ana..." Tres mumbled. "Yes?" "Do you love me?" "I-"
Tres stood straight and looked her in the eyes. Ana looked away, but he put his palms on her cheeks and his fingers in her hair. "I- I..." Ana struggled to find words.
Tres looked disappointed, letting his hands fall to his sides. "I'm sorry," he said, walking towards the front door of the inn.
Ana squinted her eyes shut, then, spun around and grabbed Tres' hand. He looked at her.
"I'm- I'm too young right now to decide who I truly love," Ana confessed. Tres looked sad. Then, Ana pulled his head forward and kissed him on the lips.
Tres was stunned. Ana hugged him, leaning her head on his chest. He patted her head. "I understand," he said, resting his chin on her head.

Chapter VI

In the morning, everyone that could eat ate breakfast and set off early. Isla led the way to another part of Androsia.
"Ana, I think I've found it! What do you think?" Isla asked when he had gotten to the top of a hill. Ana walked up next to him with the others. "It's perfect!" Ana said, smiling happily.
They had come upon a beautiful mountain that was more glorious than Shangri-La. The mountain had many different levels to it and was covered with lush trees. Exotic birds flew all around and there was a perfect ocean view.
"Let's begin building straightaway," Kire said, "We can build out of stone blocks, if you like; we're skilled in masonry and architecture." "That's fine. Shall I make a detailed layout of the school?" Isla replied. "Sure! That would be of much help," Kire said. "Very well," Isla said, throwing his rolled-up blanket on the ground. The others found that there were painting

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