» Fantasy » Do You think I Care?, Cheyenne M, Jen Q [the unexpected everything txt] 📗

Book online «Do You think I Care?, Cheyenne M, Jen Q [the unexpected everything txt] 📗». Author Cheyenne M, Jen Q

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that everything was fine I mean my parents can communicate with me and I don't find out untill now. I think my boyfriend is a traitor then, WHAM, pull the carpet out from underneath me again. Now he's not. What I thought he was, but what am I supposed to think now, who should i believe? I took a deep breath and exhaled, just have to focus.

        "Jordan" I whispered "You don't have to kill Alex now." It felt so nice to say his name and not have to think that he tried to have me killed. Jordan sat me up and looked at me.

     "What are you talking about? Are you crazy? Did you hit your head? Do we need to call a pack meeting so we can all remind you that he betrayed us?!" His voice getting louder and louder as he spoke. He stood up and I fell backwards.

    "But Jor....."

     "NO! You can plead all you want I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch!" He interrupted me.

     "Jordan would you lis...."

"Shani you can't think about it. The more you think about it your heart is going to tell you to let him off. Then he'll come back for us all." He was shaking his head.

     "No you don't understand. It's not his..." he covered my mouth.

      "Yes I do and I'm going to protect you. You were always there for me when I needed you. Now I'm going to defend you. That's all there is to it."

    "I'M PREGNANT!!!!" He stumbled back onto the bed looking shocked.

        "Wh.....wh.." He tried to talk but was apparently too stunned.

     "God you can be soooo annoying” I continued using his shock to blurt it out before he really went crazy and I didn’t' get a chance to explain. "Inmydreamdadandmomtoldmethathe'snotthebadguyhere." I blurted out in a rush then took a deep breath if I kept talking that way I was gonna keel over with lack of oxygen. "He's was under control of a Nymph, one of Charrissa's cronies. I kept trying to tell you. I couldn't believe it either, but as long as dad and mom were really in our dreams then it's true. They said he's in the Vampiric Kingdom right now being tortured into switching to their side. They chose him because he’s part vampire." I looked at him waiting for a response.

     "You're pregnant!?!" Out of all of that and that's be the one thing he heard.

     "No, you dolt. I said that so you'd shut up. I ain't pregnant." I shook my head. "Jeez I only spent one night with him. Didn't you hear what I said?"

     He nodded feebly and looking relieved. "Yeah, but who's to say one of Charrissa's cronies ain't toying with our dreams?"

         "There's no guarantee, but I have to trust my instincts on this one."

     "OK then we'll call a pack meeting I hope to God you're right. Otherwise we'll be in some deep shiz."  I jumped up and gave him a hug.

     "I love you, thank you for this chance too." Then ran out of the room to call everyone together.

Battle Plan



 "Ok everyone you are probably still all little beaten down and weary. However, I have some good news to cheer you all up. Especially me and Alex's sis. But as always with good news there is bad news. First good news so moral gets up. Alex wasn't bad or at least that's what my parents told me." Heads went up at that.


 "What'd ya mean your parents?" Jennie asked quizzically.

 "Well that's part of the bad news. When I went to sleep I had a dream that my parents were in. They came to me and explained what had happened. It wasn't Alex it was one of Chrissana's crew that were using mind control on him. HE didn't mean to do those things. The bad news is he's in the vampric Kingdom right now. He's held hostage, and we don't know if he's still under the powers or not. Even worse news, we are gonna have to get him, but I'm not exactly sure how yet." I waited for reactions, but everyone seemed too stunned to speak.

 "Another problem we have is we don't know if it's a trap." Jordan said "We all know that if Chrissana's group has power to control a mind that is awake then she has the power to control the mind while it's asleep. Because the mind would be weaker as it's not being controlled by the human."

 "So in other words it could be a trap that is used to lure us all to the castle?" Peter asked.

  "Yeah possibly, but we have to take the risk, we don't have a choice." I started to say, but I couldn't choke back the tears. It hurt me so much to think that he was trapped and I couldn't tell him how much I loved him.

"It's Ok Shaniqua." Stephanie said and pulled me into a hug. "I know how you feel, well sort of."

  "Yeah I know too. I couldn't imagine what it'd be like to lose Corey." Destiny said. "I think I'd die."

  "It's not your fault. We'll find a way through this." Xavier whispered. He didn't sound too sure but I knew what he meant. I think he didn't want to unsettle me.

   "Why don't we ask the Silverfang Pack they are third strongest? Plus they don't completely hate us. Like the...."

    "DON'T say their name!" I cut off Jennie. She was talking about the second strongest, but I didn't want to hear about it.

      "I'll do that it's almost our only option." Braydyn grimaced he hated asking for help.

    "So it's a plan then...." I said already cheering up.


  When I got a hold of the SilverFang Pack leader he seemed hesitant to help. I was worried he was going to say no, when he agreed. He said they'd meet us outside the park they took Alex from to meet up. No surprise it was right between our territories. I'd be suspicious if I were him too. We all are, its how we survive, but this time I had to take chances. My mate could be killed any second and without a mate life wasn't worth living.

 "So it's settled then?" asked Casey "We're meeting up with them tonight?"

"Yeah, we have to do it tonight I can't wait any longer." I sighed I hope this worked.

 "It'll be fine" said Jordan coming up behind me. I didn't know what to do anymore I felt as though my world was falling apart so I sat down and burst into tears. I knew I had to have my breakdown now before the battle; there could be no second anything everything had to be perfect.

"Hey Shani, I don't think this is such a good idea" said Stephanie.

"What!! It's your brother we are talking about here and you think this isn't a good idea? Are you crazy?"

 "I just think this is suicide. Can't we draw them out or something?"

     "Listen" I snarled "ARE YOU IN OR ARE YOU OUT? That's it no changing your mind decide now!" I was so pissed I stormed out of the room. HE was her flesh and blood how could she think that? I don’t care if I had to go in alone I was getting Alexander back..

I rushed down the hallway to my room and threw myself on the bed heaving a sigh and forcing myself not to cry. Was it really that hard to understand how I felt about Alex? Why did everyone think I was nuts? I know it’s dangerous, but he is worth the risk. It was almost seven and I knew that I still had to be leader, so I told myself to stop the pity party and go downstairs to make sure we all ate and were ready to do this. It was absolutely necessary that we were all in fighting condition; no one knew how bad this could get. I walked into my bathroom and cleaned up, then forced myself to buck up and walked out to the kitchen.

       Everyone was already in there when I got there; I noticed that Alexia had made burgers for supper. She’s the best cook in this house and there’s nothing that can stand between any of us and a good burger. Part of that has to do with needing so much protein in our diets so we can have the energy to shift and such. I sat down at the table and grabbed a burger; it was painfully quiet with everyone eating.

       “I’m sorry Shaniqua.” Stephanie whispered, breaking the silence. I chewed my burger thoughtfully enjoying the wonderful taste that only a burger can give.

       “It’s ok Steph. I just didn’t understand how you could be so calm when it’s your brother. He means just as much to you as he does to me.” I shook my head and took a drink of my energy drink. “Maybe I was just overreacting. I’m just stressed out right now. Being a leader isn’t always easy, especially when you know that you can’t trust everyone. Then you don’t know who to trust, and then,” I waved my hand in a general motion as if summing it up, “this happens and it’s all the worse.”

       “We know I’m just worried about the rest of the pack. We don’t know for sure if this isn’t a trick. There’s no way to know because Charrisa’s got some pretty powerful people on her side. I know you know this and I’m not trying to stress you out, but we have to think of a plan at least. Someway to ensure everyone’s safety, it shouldn’t all ride on you.”

       “I know you’re trying to help, but sometimes when things get too particular then it’s more dangerous. I’m beginning to think that it might be best in a few person stealth act, instead of everyone going gangbusters. Too many people can and most likely will cause commotion, then we’ll really have hell on our hands.” I was standing up now trying to think of the best way to go about this when we were supposed to meet up with the other pack in a few short hours. “I mean they most likely already know we’re coming. They’ll know if they are the ones who really did control him. OR they’ll know if they put the trick on me either way we’re not going down without a fight.”

       “Don’t worry right now.” Corey says comfortingly “Right now you need to be getting ready for the fight. You know it’s not going to be easy, even with help.”

        “Yes, yes. I know that, but it’s going to happen one way or another. There’s no way to avoid it. Even if we find out later that it was a lie, the dream I mean, then we can take care of it then. Honestly though a battle between us and them has been impending for years. Ever since I became leader of the pack this has been waiting to happen. We’ve driven them back countless times, but there was going to be a time eventually that we’d

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