» Fantasy » Truth, S. E. Gutierrez [different e readers txt] 📗

Book online «Truth, S. E. Gutierrez [different e readers txt] 📗». Author S. E. Gutierrez

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my friend are hiding in the closet. My guardian is somewhere else in the house. we are the corner house of Pine Garden and Rosalinda, the house with the white roses." I reply, trying to keep my cool.

"Alright Miss, help is on the way. You and your friend stay in the closet." the man replies and hangs up.

I close the phone and hand it back to Jayaden.

"Get off me you creep! HELP! HELP! PLEASE!" I hear Rose scream.

I feel silent tears running down my cheeks. Not poor Rose. I'm the angel, I should be out there protecting her. WHy am i even hiding here. If I come out, he'll jsut take me and leave the rest of them alone.

I try to wiggle out of Jayden's grasp, but fail miserably. I just turn around and burry my face in Jayden's t-shirt, trying to block out Rose's screams and hold back my tears. It didn't work.

Jayden just holds me, rocking me back and forth, and wiping away my tears as they fall.

I hear a loud knock on the front door.

"It's the police! Open up!" someone shouts.

"Help! Break another window if you have to, but we need help!" Rose yells, her voice sounding raspy and strangled.

Another crash.

I hear Taylor and others shout obscenities at the officers. The sound of boots thudding acros the floor.

"Just give it up kids, you're surrounded." i hear one of the officers say as soon as teh swearing subsides.

I hear my bedroom door open.

"You can come otu now, those boys are in for a hard time." a police woman urges.

I get up first, pulling Jayden up behind me.

"Why were they here? They seemed here for revenge." she asks.

"The leader, Taylor, saw us at the park, and decided it'd be fun to mess with us. He started to get a little grabby so i chicken winged him and told him to leave us alone. I didn't think he'd do this.?" I answer hinestly.

"Well, hurt pride is a dangerous thing." she says as she turns to leave.

Yes, hurt pride is definetely a dangerous thing. A dangerous thing indeed.

Chapter Nine

I cling to Jayden as we walk out to the family room. Rose is sitting on the couch, scrathced up and bruised. I run over to her.

"Rose! I'm so sorry. What can I do to help you?" I asks, healing enrgy already coursing through my hands to her body.

SHe shakes her head, but stops mid-motion when she sees Jayden.

She looks at me with hurt and fury in her eyes. I lean close to her ear. "Later, I promise I'll explain it later."

She just nods.

I walk back over to Jayden. "You've had quite the past two days, haven't you?" I aks.

"You have no idea." he smiles his amazing, lopsided smile and I feel my heart jump. I'm really afraid that i might end up falling for him. Literally.

As the police clear out, Rose retreats to her room. "An hour and he's gone." she commands, giving me a glare. I deserved it.

"C'mon, you look like you need to sit down." i lead him over to the family room, turn on the television, and hand him the remote.

Getting both of us a glass of water, I sit next to him on the sofa. He slings his arm over my shoulders and pulls me close into his side. My heart does another round of flips and jumps.

"Have you ever been to a dance?" he asks, making conversation.

"What, like a school dance, or a party type thing?"

"Either." he answers.

"Nope." I reply.

He changes the TV to a music channel and jumps up, grabbing his crutches. I just look at him.

"C'mon!" he says grabbing my hand. "You get a two person dance party!" he smiles.

He entwines our hands and places his hand on my waist. I rest my hand on his shoulder and he leads us in slow spins.

A second later, He grins a micheviouse grin and changes to a crazy samba, dancing surprisingly well for someone with one leg in a cast.

Even though he leans on me alot, he still manages to lead. The song on the TV changes to a slow song by Taylor Swift.Jayden changes our position.

He takes my hands and wrap them around his neck, placing his around my waist, pulling me close.

We stay like that for a long time, even through some fast songs. With each new sone, Jayden pulls me a little closer, until our noses nearly touch.

He rests his forhead against mine and sighs. "You not just an angel anymore, Ky. You're my angel"

I feel myself melt. We stop moving and just stand there, arms wrapped around each other, foreheads pressed together.

"My time here is almost up, but there is one last thing I'd love to do." he states, a twinkle in his eyes.

"And what wou-" He cuts me off, pressing his lips to mine.

I'm so happy even though I know I shouldn't be. If possible, I melt even more.

Before i know it, it's over, my one kiss is over.

"Ky! I need to talk to you, It's time you told you're friend good-bye, you'll be able to see him tomorrow." rose calls.

"'Kay." I shout back.

I press my lips to his one last time and help him wiht his crutches. "See you at school monday?"

"You know it, Ky." he grins.

After he's gone, I turn and go down the hall to Rose's room.

"Kyrie, there's something you need to know." she syas, somewhat sad.

"Okay?" I say, a little confused.

"There's an old prophecy, talking about a young angel coming down to 'save a stranded mountaineer.' It goes on to talk about how she's able to stay wiht him for a year, and how they fall in love. It describes the characters, the mountaineer, a boy who traverses the mountains with his family and has 'raven's hair and forest's eyes.' And the Angel, 'cloud's eyes and tree trunk's hair, skin pale and fair.' The Council thinks that you and Jayden are te couple in the prophecy, taht's why you were sent here. In the prophecy, it says that the angel will find a way to become a human, and ends up staying on earth. The Council wnats you to find out how to do this, turn an angel into a human, they think that a few of the Elders would be willing to becom humans and help those they meet. They want to try and preserve goodness because, as you can see wiht that horrid young man who broke in, good is starting to recess.

"The council sent you here to fullfil the prophecy. Now that that's out of the way, who was that kid and why was he over here? How did he get in? Is he the kid you saved? Why was there music playing on the TV while you guys were dancing?" she let out,overwhelming me with information.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold you horses. I was sent here to fullfil a frickin prophecy? So this entire time, i wa supposed to be falling in love with Jayden while i was telling myself that it wasn't for me?" I ask.

"Yup, pretty much. Now, is that kid, this Jayden, the one you saved?" she asks.

"Yeah, he is. And he decided it'd be fun to scare to crap out of my and tap onmy window till I opened it. That's how he got in, like seconds before Taylor broke in. And no, I don't really know Taylor. And the music and dancing was because he wanted me to expireince a dance, because he's so caring and nice that way." i answer all at once.

"Dang it, now i have noreason to reprimand you." she replies, mock dissapointment in her voice.

We laugh. "Alright, go to bed kiddo. You only have Sunday to get ready for the wonders of highschool." she says, ruffling my hair.

I sigh and head to my room, feeling myself unwind and relax.

Chapter Ten

I wake up to the morning sun hitting my face. Ah the beauty of Sunday, it think to myself. Getting up, I head downstaires and find Rose cooking.

"How do you wnat you're eggs Ky?" she asks, resuming her cheerfulness, even after last night's plethora of bombshells. Typical Rose.

"Scrambled." I reply, making myself a glass of chocolate milk. After all, I do need some form of caffine in the morning, even if rose has banned coffe and Dr. Pepper from the house.

A few minutes later, Rose has successfully burned just about every egg in the house as well as ruined yet another pan.

"Rose, have you ever thought of letting me do the cooking? Or maybe the staff at McDonald's?" I ask, teasing her.

she sighs. "If you can find another egg, I'll let you cook. If not, well, we have milk at cereal." she says, sitting down at the table, lettign me rampage through the fridge.

At last I find the last two eggs that haven't expired. Rifling throught the cupboards, I find a good sized pan, and whip up a small batch fo scrambled eggs with bacon bits and cheese. I finish my creation wiht some salt, pepper, and cilatro. perfect.

Sliding a plate to Rose, I take my seat next to her and eat the yellow flufiness of my eggs. When we finish, I place our plates in the sink, wash my hands, head towards my room, searching for notebooks and pens for school tomorrow.



Publication Date: 06-04-2011

All Rights Reserved

To all my friends and family memebers who ecouraged me to write. Love you guys! ^_^

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