» Fantasy » Love, Loyalty and Family, Anysia Eaton [best android ereader .txt] 📗

Book online «Love, Loyalty and Family, Anysia Eaton [best android ereader .txt] 📗». Author Anysia Eaton

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freshman, so then next year when we all move up one year I will be starting my freshman year.
Watch out Plum City. The Lawrence’s are on their way.

I awoke in my shining new bedroom. This house was better than I’d imagined. At the front of the house, there is a balcony that Mom, Dad and Irena share, while at the back there is a balcony that I share with Alec. Alec and I look out over the forest that surrounds our garden and house. There is not another house within sight.
My room was fantastic. I was the same size as the last one, which was big. My bed was pushed up against the corner far left corner, I had a door to my walk in wardrobe on my right wall. The double door to the balcony was on the far wall at the end of my bed. And finally in between the door to my wardrobe and my bed, was my desk, which had my laptop already placed on it.
It had only taken one trip to get all my stuff upstairs, last night.
Plum City was a much smaller place than I had realized. We stuck to small places but I’ve never liked towns this small. Gossip spreads too quickly. The middle school only had a total of three hundred and thirty-eight – now forty – students.
We would be the new big town family in a small town full of curious adults, teens and children. We’ve been to places like this before. We never stayed very long. It only took one person to notice me giggling at somebody’s thoughts and suddenly suspicious rumours will be floating around.
I spent the day shopping with Irena and Mom. It wasn’t a very eventful day, just going from shops to shops buying warm but fashionable clothes. I spent the evening putting all of the clothes that I had brought with me into the wardrobe.
When I finished putting my clothes away – it was late evening, I took my bag of bathroom necessities and went to the one upstairs bathroom that we all had to share to clean myself up after the day of shopping.
I didn't sleep well that night. The constant whooshing of the rain and wind across the roof wouldn't fade into the background. I pulled the faded old quilt over my head, and later added the pillow, too. But I couldn't fall asleep until after five, when the rain finally settled into a quieter drizzle. I couldn’t believe that I could sleep with other people’s dreams in my head, yet I couldn’t sleep through wind and rain. It was odd.
There was a thick fog outside today, brilliant weather for our first school day.
Breakfast was a quiet affair, well for the rest of them. They were all stuck in their thoughts, but I could pick them all up.
I wonder whether I should get Alec a car when he starts his junior year this time. I think he’d like that. Then I wouldn’t have to drop them off. He could drive them. He’ll sail through the driving test just like he has in every state where he’s taken the test.

Dad. Typical Dad.
I could be sunbathing right now. I love Henry but he really should consult us when he’s making a decision. I know it probably wouldn’t make any difference, but I bet I’m not the only one that would have liked to have at least felt like they were making a contribution.

Maybe I should convince Mom to actually say that to him. I know I would have liked a say in the decision.
I wonder if this coach will pick me for quarter back. I’ll have to get Sarah to keep an eye on his thoughts. If he seems interested I’ll pick up on my skills and he’ll never know what hit him. You up for that Sarah?

I nodded. Anything to help out the big brother.
Irena however was thinking about boys. Typical Irena. I wonder if they’ll be any fit ones. I hope so. I wonder if any will like me. If they do I hope there on the swimming team, that would be brilliant. Utterly brilliant. Maybe I should join the swimming team. Then I get to meet them all. I would be able to get in, that’s not a problem, it’s just reigning in my speed. I might need to practise in the swimming pool. I’m sure Sarah or Alec will help me.

She looked at me at that moment, so I nodded.
Thank you.

I nodded again.
I suppose I better get these to school.

“Come on.” Even though it’s only a ten minute walk.

“It’s alright Dad, we can walk” I said. I turned to Alec and Irena. They nodded.
You mean you’ll run?

Asked Dad in a serious tone.
“We’d be late otherwise” I replied.
We did end up running, at full speed to school. Irena and I carefully exited the woods opposite the middle school, while Alec carried on to the high school. We looked about, a little disorientated as we approached the main door.
Where’s the main office? I presume we have to go there.

Thought Irena.
I nodded and search the heads of the people around.
New girls, I wonder if one of them...

I wonder if they’re...

We’re supposed to be getting a new student in this class so I better tone it down a little...

No and I hope I don’t get that teacher, that better be one of Irena’s teachers.
I need to get this sorted. They’ll be here any minute to get their timetables...

Got it.
“This way” I said heading towards the only double pair of door. I suppose it should have been obvious, that it’ll be in there. We walked through the doors and was faced with another door. That was the office. Next to the door was a small glass window.
Irena and I walked to there. I knocked on the glass.
I hate it when people knock. Does nobody have any patience?

The secretary turned and saw us. Oh shoot, it’s the new kids. I don’t have their timetables yet. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot.

She scrambled to a pile of papers and hurriedly ran her fingers through it. “Just a moment, dears. I’m just getting your timetables”
She’s lost them hasn’t she?

Irena laughed.
I looked to her and nodded, trying to stop a laugh from escaping my mouth.
The office looked nothing big. It was just a room with two desks in. One was empty, but there was a females coat slung over the chair. She was here, just not at her desk. The other was the one the woman was searching through to find the timetables. In the corner there was a small TV. I didn’t see why they have put it there, neither of their desks face the TV.
They had the news on. Nothing special was on the news today.
Ah, got it.

The secretary came to us and placed the two timetables on the windowsill.
“Which one of you is Sarah?”
“I am”
I replied.
She handed me the timetable. This one will be popular with the lads.

As if I needed to hear that.
“Here’s your timetable. You first lesson is Maths which is down the corridor and to your left. You’ll see the door along that corridor. Your locker is number 56. That is just around the corner” she said pushing my timetable towards me and pointing out the directions.
I turned so leaned against the wall next to the glass window. I wouldn’t walk off and leave Irena while she collected hers.
Sarah! Look!

Irena practically screamed in my head. I turned to her. Her eyes were glued onto the TV. The secretary was pointing out the directions to her first period and she had no idea about Irena’s lack of interest.
Mr Billy Wright was on the TV. A news report was talking to him.
“He threw me to the other side of the playground, threatening me, almost knocking me out, and then he made the wind come and attack us all. His sister was with him. They seemed to communicating but mentally. I am telling you, they’re aliens.” He Jabbered on. It didn’t look good for him. He looked more insane. Bu then the familiar face of one of the ‘We Come in Peace’ group was stood next to him.
“I am determined to find this family. I am granting the ‘We Come in Peace’ trust, we are also searching for these people, one thousand pounds a year to aid their efforts in locating this dangerous family.”
Hmmm. That could be slightly problematic.
Is this girl even paying attention to me?

I turned to the secretary. I kicked Irena in the ankles.
“Ow” Her attention too turned onto the secretary. She took her timetable and said, “Thank you”
“You’re welcome” the secretary said, putting on her best fake welcoming smile. God, good luck with these. They look more trouble then what they’re worth.

I couldn’t help but let my eyes narrow. Before she could notice I stalked away, Irena following.
Should we warn Mom, Dad and Alec about this?

“Mom will probably see it on the TV, she’ll let Dad know, and as long as Alec doesn’t slip up we should be fine till we can talk about this together” I told her.
I wondered whether this would actually cause a problem, or would we be able to walk away Scots free like we always do. Dad did say that we would have to move to another country, but then decided against it. Perhaps we should have moved. Perhaps we won’t be in USA for long.
I hope we don’t have to move again. I like my room here. I have a walk in wardrobe.

Irena moaned.
I stifled a laugh. We split up at a t junction in the corridor. I had to go left and she had to right.
Have fun!

“Thanks. You too”
I always have fun!

I laughed as I started heading down the corridor full of people. I managed to find my locker. A group of what looked like the next year’s high school football players were stood by it. One of them must have a locker nearby.
I still need a date to prom. At this rate I’ll have to ask one of the science geeks...
I wonder whether Lucy would be up for... Ew. Didn’t want to hear that.
Maybe I should just ask Tara, I don’t want to turn up alone...

Locker number 56.
As I tried to open the door, the group of lads spotted me.
Wow. Problem solved. I’ll ask her...
O.M.G, she is hot...

I tried pushing their thoughts to the back of my head. The thing I hated about being new was I had no idea which voice belong to which student. Though I’d already decided, if any of them ask me to prom, the answer will be a definite No.
I opened my locker. It was empty. I placed inside my bag, and pulled out my timetable and pen. That is all I should need, hopefully. If I need any more equipment, I’ll have to borrow it.
I closed my locker and headed on to my classroom without even looking at the group of boys gawking after me. Hopefully, none of them will be brave enough to ask me out. If they try, I’ll try and avoid them. I’ll know if it was coming.
The classroom was small. It was filled with single desks, individually placed in neat rows and columns. The teacher was at the front of the room, behind his desk. He was a tall and bald man with a quite a large stomach. I walked to him. He saw my approach.
This must be

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