» Fantasy » Young Guardian Trilogy, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [epub e ink reader txt] 📗

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knew Katherine was here with her, and Sabrina had some other victim to invade, so she was worried. She squeaked a soft, “Who?”
Katherine leaned down to her. “No one, my Young Guardian friend. Mark, Derrick, and Aaron took you to the nearest hospital. They are watching over you.”
Wolf stroked Ariana’s head. He turned to the Sisters. “Her head feels hot. Does that mean she should be getting back?”
“Aye,” Challandra replied. “It is time for her to return and tell the Crusaders.”
With a Sisterhood chant, Ariana was sent back home. She was weak and weary, but fine.
They looked to O’Dell for answers to a silent question only Katherine asked. “How do we keep uncle Orthos from striking us?”
O’Dell looked at each of them. “We must put a special shield on the Province, to keep them out of it.”
Once the Sisters excused the Companions, they began to Power Shield Chant.
For the time, they were safe. 
Chapter Forty-Four:
Safe and Sound

The next morning, Aaron awoke to pounding on the door. He looked beside him, and noticed Shadow was already gone.
When he answered it, a frantic Luna Woods shoved by him. “She didn’t wake up, Aaron.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean – Katherine isn’t able to take Ariana’s place.” She explained in a hurry. “It’s just like before, only worse.”
“When Sabrina took her to Damian’s dungeon?” Luna asked. “Get with the program, Aaron!”
“I am with the program, Luna.” Aaron snapped back. He held his head, thinking of the scenarios that rushed through his mind. “If Katherine’s not able to, and Ariana’s still missing in action, what’s gonna happen now?”
“Sabrina’s Earthbound already.” Luna said. “That we know. Grand Psycho is with her and Caroline at the Parker Mansion still.”
“So, until Ariana’s soul is found again, her body is just lying there?” He guessed, not sure what to think.
“To the rest of the world, she’s comatose.” They heard a male voice behind Luna, turning to see Derrick. He continued, walking in. “Her vitals are fine, but her soul’s missing.”
This was too much to bear. Aaron thought to himself glumly.
“We have to get her to a hospital and hope for the best.” Luna announced, with Derrick nodding in agreement.
“Do the Sisters know?” Aaron asked her.
“Katherine told them, I’m sure.” Luna nodded. “Meanwhile, the spell didn’t work right. Damian found me in the Wood with Kit and taunted us. I tried to scare him off with my Magic, but it didn’t work. I wasn’t able to get home until it wore off.”
“Shadow told me that last night.” Aaron replied.
Both Luna and Derrick looked at each other and cried “The Pendant.”
“Let’s get Mark and head to the nearest hospital.” Aaron suggested.
Within the hour, the Crusaders gathered at Shore Point Mercy General. Luna was in such an emotional state by then, she had to be taken away by Shadow. This left Mark, Derrick, and Aaron at the bedside of a very silent Ariana.
Aaron watched as Mark stared at Derrick, with Derrick glaring back at him for the next hour.
“I can’t believe she’d do that to me.” Derrick replied.
“What’s that?”
Aaron was ignored, as if he wasn’t there.
“How do you think I feel?” Mark cried. “She’s been playing a game with me, and I don’t like it.”
Whoa. Aaron thought. I’ll stay quiet this time.
“You know she’s in love with me, yet you still pursue her.” Derrick accused. “Sabrina told me.”
“That explains everything.” Mark responded sarcastically.
There was a tense air about Mark and Derrick, and Aaron could do nothing to stop it.

Ariana woke to the sounds of monitors beeping and the boys talking amongst themselves. She stayed silent, listening in.
“This is your fault, Mark.” It was Derrick’s accusing voice. He was standing over her.
“It is not. If anyone’s, it’s yours for not taking care of her!” Mark cried back.
Aaron decided to break them up. “Knock it off, you two. Ariana’s in a coma, and we’re biting each other’s heads off.”
Both Mark and Derrick were silent.
“Who made you leader?” Mark asked, still angry.
“Stop it, Mark. We have a job to do, and you know it.” Aaron cried. “Once you guys talk to her, I’m sure she’ll tell you the truth.”
They were silenced.
The truth? About what?
Then it came to her – the choice.
“What did Sabrina tell you?” Aaron dared to ask them.
“Ariana didn’t love me.” It was Derrick’s soft voice. “She loved another.”
Mark’s voice sounded nervous. “Sabrina told me Ariana was playing with my heartstrings. That Ariana loves playing with men like they’re her toys.”
“Think about it, Mark.” Aaron replied. “Who does that really sound like?”
“Sabrina.” Mark and Derrick chorused.
“We should know better than to believe Sabrina.” Derrick said. “Of all Dominionites, she’s the worst.”
“Not to mention Grand Psycho.” Aaron replied.
“Sabrina took my childhood friend away from me, and I want to get back at her!” Mark cried, remembering how fun Psycho used to be.
Ariana had been listening to every word, and decided to reveal herself. She moaned and the three of them turned to face her.
“Ariana. Are you all right, Love?” Derrick lovingly stroked her face, looking deep into her eyes.
Mark looked wistful behind him; Ariana could see that immediately.
She meekly nodded, and tried to sit up. “I’m still a little woozy, otherwise, I’m fine.”
“We were so worried about you!” Aaron took her hand and squeezed it, then bending down to kiss her cheek.
“What happened?” Derrick replied.
Ariana gave him an innocent look.
“You disobeyed Anna’s orders, didn’t you?” He teased, tweaking her nose.
“Not on purpose. I closed my eyes to think of Kelina Erin, and suddenly, I was whisked away by two of Sabrina’s Dominionite Warriors. Next thing I knew, I was hanging from the main Dark Tower dungeon wall, with Orthos glaring down at me.” Ariana told them. “I believed there was no hope, until I heard voices: Enchantra’s, then Katherine’s. They freed me and I was sent back here to you.”
Derrick didn’t know whether to be mad or happy. So many thoughts ran through his mind. He kissed her cheek, and whispered in her ear, “Let’s talk later.”
Ariana nodded, understanding why he wanted to talk. The toughest choice of them all.
“You’re okay now, right?” Aaron asked beside her. “Everything’s back to normal?”
Ariana sadly shook her head. “Not even close. Sabrina and Grand Psycho are still in our world, reeking havoc, and we have to stop them.”
“How? I mean, where are they?” Mark asked, getting in the conversation.
“Talk to Wolf. I’ve talked to Katherine already, and Luna still has Kitten’s Claw, I mean, Kit, to return to the Dream Realm.” Ariana paused to take a breath. “If we can form a bi-Realm Crusader team, we can defeat Sabrina, Grand Psycho, Damian, the Warriors, and eventually even Orthos himself.”
At that moment, Ariana sensed a nurse at the door. She put her finger to her lips and a telepathic message was heard by the boys, Tell her nothing.
“Well, what do we have here? Our favorite patient has finally awoken! How are we feeling this afternoon?”
Ariana silently nodded, telling her she was fine.
When the nurse left, the group looked at each other.
“You should be able to go home soon.” Derrick replied, squeezing her hand. He gave her a whisper of a kiss on the lips. “Shannon doesn’t think you guys have any reason to stay now.”
“For now, do you know exactly where they are?” Aaron asked, seeking revenge. A revenge for hurting someone very close to him passed through his veins. He released her hand.
Ariana sensed this and smiled. “Last I sensed, Sabrina was with Caroline. You were there Aaron, remember?”
Mark pounded his fist into his hand. “Enough is enough!” He growled. “Let me handle Caroline. Unfortunately, she’s my sister.”
Derrick placed a hand on the quickly-angered Mark’s shoulder. “Calm yourself. We’ll all get even and destroy them. Together. Got that?”
Mark stopped to think before he nodded, agreeing.
Ariana and Aaron could tell there was an apprehensive air about Derrick and Mark. They weren’t being completely friendly with each other, but were both eager to help Crusade against Sabrina.
Ariana could tell it had something to do with what she had overheard.

The next day, Ariana was allowed to go back to Hill View, Michigan, to rejoin her family with her twin sister Luna. Luna was all too eager to have her sister back, and the girls were now resting from their System trip.
“How is Kitten’s Claw?” Ariana asked.
Luna smiled. “Call her Kit – and she did well with her tests, finally realizing the error of her ways. She lives with Wolf, Katherine, and Toby, hidden in Stargazer Castle in the Canine Valley.”
Ariana stopped and smiled. “Province or Dominion?” She asked. “With all the excitement, I tend to forget what’s where.”
“In between, but mostly in the Province. The Sisters are keeping an eye on them.” Luna sighed, laughing. “Listen to me; I must sound ridiculous!”
“You don’t. Trust me.” Ariana assured her sister, returning the relaxed laughter. “At first, I did too, but now I accept it as normal.”
“Oh, there’s nothing normal about us, that’s for sure!” Luna giggled.
Ariana laughed too, until she heard her feline friend in her mind. She became worried, and Luna was interested.
“Take my hand.” Ariana said, and Luna obeyed.
What is going on with Sabrina there? Katherine asked, sounding anxiously scared.
We don’t know yet. What about Kit? How is she doing back in the Dream Realm? Ariana asked.
Is she okay now? Luna asked, worried.
She is slowly getting used to it. Katherine replied, giggling happily. She purred. Kit is beginning to remember just how much power one has here. She paused. How are things with you, besides Sabrina’s charade?
Ariana told both her sister and feline friend what happened after her trip to Dark Tower.
Katherine told Ariana and Luna her own plan to help defeat and destroy Sabrina and Grand Psycho. Kit and Toby will be joining the fight. Once she came home, Wolf, Toby, and I told her what was going on.
Great! More Crusaders! The twins chorused.
Thank her for me, won’t you Katherine? Ariana exclaimed.
I knew you would think that. Aye. Katherine sighed happily. There will be a day without Orthos in the Dream Realm. One day, there will not even be any Dominion, Young Guardian!
The Dream Realm Crusaders will make sure of that! Luna cried.
That’s the spirit! Ariana cried. We have to leave now. Take care.
Au Revoir, Katherine purred in French as she returned to the Dream Realm.
The twins opened their eyes and looked at each other. The fun wasn’t half over yet, and they could sense it.


The trio of original Crusaders secretly gathered in Shannon's office.
"So, when are they supposed to need our help?" Nicholas McNathaniels, Shannon's boyfriend and leader to the rivaling agency of the Network, asked her.
She sighed. "Soon, I promise."
Shane was playing with his Pendant, frowning at the feelings he got from it. "I'm still anxious, Shan. What if Orthos decides to attack Lu, too? What about Aaron, or Mark? Now, I don't know the two of them, but I do know this. They're getting themselves in deeper waters than they can swim in."
Shannon stared at her best guy Senior Detective. "Trust me. He's not going to get Luna. I know how much you care for her and all that."
"Yeah, as much as the two of you care for each other." Shane lightened up and remarked sarcastically.
Shannon blushed and Nick laughed.
"So, how long have you known?" Nick asked.
"Come on," Shane replied. "I'm the Shadow.
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