» Fantasy » Blood Land, J.R. Lawson [electric book reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Blood Land, J.R. Lawson [electric book reader .txt] 📗». Author J.R. Lawson

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“I…I don’t have a reason,” was all she could honestly say back to him.

The vampire then let go of her and moved so that he was standing in front of her, “I don’t know you. And I certainly don’t get you. Why the hell do you keep wanting to help me?” the vampire said this with more honesty this time than anger. He seemed earnestly confused as he stared at her.

Nora just smirked as she then said, “Because I feel that it’s right. That’s all. Besides, what does it matter anyway? Just get out of here now before the N.F.C.U. gets here.”

The vampire just shook his head and let out a small chuckle. He muttered something under his breath, but Nora didn’t hear it. He then proceeded to push the cellar doors open and jump through them to the outside. Nora didn’t take the time to watch him go; she just shut the doors after him, locking them tight, and then fell to the ground in exhaustion.


“ARE YOU SURE you’ll be alright here alone?” Nora asked as she stood up from the hospital room chair. The last few hours had been difficult as Nora had come to visit Will’s father, who’s illness he had had for the past several months now forced him to succumb to staying in the hospital. Even though, really she ended up coming to visit Will. As much of a father his dad was to her, more than her real dad had ever been, she knew Will needed the most comforting, and she was glad to be there for him.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” Will responded. He didn’t look at her. He just continued to look over at his father who was lying asleep in the hospital bed next to them. There was a small moment of silence as Nora watched him until he finally turned to look back at her, “Thank you for coming. And bringing me some clothes and stuff,” he concluded.

Nora smiled, “No problem. And don’t be afraid to call me. I’ll be home if you need me.”

“I will if I need to. But I think I really just want to be alone with dad for a while,” Will turned to look back at his dad as he spoke. Even though his father didn’t do much but sleep the past few days, nor did he show many signs of improvement, Will never left his side. In fact, he had stayed here in the hospital, spending the night with him for most of the week. Nora would have as well, but someone needed to stay home and watch the house, at least, that was the excuse Will had given her. Really, it was his way of saying that he wanted his alone time with his father, and Nora knew that.

Nora nodded, “I understand,” she then turned to head for the door, but stopped suddenly at the doorway as Will spoke up again, “You sure you won’t take a cab home? It’s almost sunset.”

Nora turned around to look back at him, “No, I’ll be fine. It’s not a long way home and I’m looking forward to the walk.”

“O.k. but please be careful.”

“I will, I promise,” Nora then turned around and finally exited through the door and into the hallway.

Nora exited the hospital doors and into the outside air, only to pause a moment to look up at the sky. It was, as Will said, almost sunset. She knew, however, that the walk home was not a long one, and she’d be home in plenty of time. She shivered a bit as the brisk wind hit her. Her baby blue sun dress blew slightly as she wished she had decided to bring that jacket she ended up leaving at home on the living room couch. She crossed her arms and raised her shoulders for a slight bit of warmth and started to walk across the hospital lawn. The dead leaves that indicated the depth of autumn crunched under her feet as she went. She listened to them until another sound entered her ears. It was several male voices coming from nearby. She looked over unassumingly as she walked, noticing a group of young men conversing and standing somewhat afar off, but still quite near the hospital. One of them was clearly taller than the other two and obviously older as well. He wore all black. Black jeans, black shirt, and a long black trench style coat.

“Come on, man, just go and do it!” one of the shorter young men pressured as he shoved the other one.

“I…I can’t,” the other one timidly said, wringing his hands nervously.

The taller and older of the three didn’t seem to really be listening. He was looking off in another direction and seemed lost in thought.

“You are such a pussy. You won’t go hunting but then you won’t take an opportunity like this!” the more outspoken of the two who were arguing continued.

“Give me a break! I’m still a little new at this, o.k.!”

“I’m newer than you are! How can you not think hunting is fun?! I love the chaos and carnage of it all!” The young man said this as he put up his hands in a claw like posture and made a loud hissing noise. Nora noticed his bright white fangs when he did this as she continued to walk and watch them. Obviously she deduced that they were vampires and after reaching this conclusion, she quickly put her head down and started her walk a little faster.

It was now that the two smaller vampire boys started to argue further and shove each other around as they did so. That is, until the one that had been doing all of the antagonizing bumped into the tallest of the three.

“Alright enough!” The tallest suddenly yelled, causing the other two to immediately cease, “You two are giving me a headache.”

“It’s not my fault! Jay won’t go in and do what we came to do!”

“Well, you acting like an ass towards him isn’t exactly helping.”

“He’s being a pussy! He needs someone to be an ass to him!”

“Just shut the hell up, Shane, Jesus.” the tallest grunted, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.

“I’m the only one doing anything about this! I’m this close to leaving!” Shane threatened, holding up his hand in a pinching motion.

“Then leave! You’re annoying the hell out of Jay and me.”

“Ugh!” Shane kicked the dirt out of frustration and turned away from the other two.

“I’m sorry, guys, I just can’t go through with stealing the blood,” Jay finally spoke up.

“Then you’re gonna spend what’s left of your life starving. You can’t do anything right!” Shane turned to look back at him and yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.

“Shane! How many fucking times do I have to tell you to shut the hell up! You’re voice annoys the hell out of me! And leave Jay alone. He can do what he wants.” The tallest one sternly commanded, glaring over at Shane.

“You think you’re tough shit because you walked out on Dagon, eh Rogan? We didn’t ask you to come anyway!” Shane argued back.

“I asked him to,” Jay interrupted.

“Exactly,” Rogan responded, “I had to make sure you idiots didn’t get yourselves into trouble with this stupid scheme.”

“Stupid? If it’s so stupid and easy, you go do it, genius,” Shane egged on.

Rogan then laughed, “As if I would do anything so reckless. Besides, I’m not the one that needs the blood.”

“Me neither! Which is why I’m about to get the hell out of here and find some good kills!”

“Do it. We won’t miss your sorry ass.”

“Shut up!”

It was then that Nora had finally caught up to where their group was standing and she began to walk past them. She kept her head down for the most part, not wanting to let any of them know that she had been listening to their heated conversation, but then curiosity caused her to lift her head for a moment and make eye contact with one of them. It was the taller one; the one they called Rogan. It was also then that a wave of familiarity came over her as she stared into his blood red eyes. Time seemed to slow down to a painful pace as she walked by. It gave her time to notice the all too familiar black hair, pale skin, and the peak of a scar at the base of his neck that was mostly hidden by his jacket. All too suddenly though, reality snapped back to her as she noticed he was observing her as well and she quickly looked away and back to keeping her head down. She hasted her pace even further to get as far away as quickly as she could.

However, she had to suddenly stop in her tracks because Rogan had almost instantly appeared in front of her. She had almost forgotten just how quickly vampires were until she was face to face with him. She stumbled a bit, but was able to keep herself from completely falling over. She looked up into his eyes with a mixture of curiousness and fear as he spoke.

“Hello there,” he said. His voice was snake-like; not genuine as far as Nora could hear.

“Um….hi,” was all Nora could really get out. She looked past him at the place she desperately wished she could continue walking to.

“You recognized me,” he said so matter of fact, staring down at her.

Nora wasn’t sure if he was inadvertently asking a question, or just making a statement, but she felt somewhat obligated to answer, “Um…I guess,” she nervously said, trying to avoid looking him in the eye.

“Yeah, I remember you too,” he said with disdain like it had been an imposition.

It was then Nora decided to look up into his face, “Oh…” was all that came out.

“Yeah,” he then continued, now with a slight sarcastic chuckle, “I didn’t forget how you ‘helped’ me that time a while back. I’m actually here to ask you to help me again.”

Nora was slightly confused. She knew she heard him ask for her help but his voice seemed almost sarcastic. The way he had said the word ‘helped’ was obviously cynical and Nora was slightly nervous about what he actually did want. However, she wasn’t about to show her uneasiness. Last time, she came out alive by not showing just how afraid she was and she wasn’t about to start this time.

“What do you want?” she answered as confidently as she possibly could.

A slight smirk appeared on his pale face as he then said slyly, “More blood.”

Nora took a step back defensively. He noticed this and spoke again, “No, no, not from you, dumbass” he said it in a way that obviously made her feel stupid. Nora sighed and dropped her guard slightly.

“I want that blood you have horded down in your house basement,” Rogan then continued.

“Nora looked up at him, “What? N—no…no. Why would I agree to that?!”

“Um…maybe because I told you to,” Rogan said sternly, “And I’m a vampire and you’re a puny human so you’ll do what I say. That enough of a ‘why’ for you?”

“Well, I’m not going to!” Nora then angrily said. She then moved to the side and tried to walk past

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