» Fantasy » Blood Wolf, April Figueroa, April Fige [english readers .txt] 📗

Book online «Blood Wolf, April Figueroa, April Fige [english readers .txt] 📗». Author April Figueroa, April Fige

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the first place. My father and mother told me when I left they gave me 2 months to come back or Ookami would take my place as alpha so he did... I then gave my parents a big hug and left saying I was going to see them every Friday and If I didn't come don't be alarmed Id make it on saturday. As me an Blood were leaving he asked me the biggest question of my life "umm fang?" "Yes Blood?" I asked.  I looked at him he was blushing. " w..will you be mate?" he asked  I stopped walking in shock of the question. And I said in amazement " are you serious?" " well yes but if you do-" I cut him off with a big fat YES!  Chapter#11 Alice's view

I took off from the gray wolf territory in shock with Fang chasing after me.  She lost sight of me after I hid the the bushes. I watched her leave and I dashed into the forest turning human when I hit the love of my life. It was Eric. I obviously didn't tell him that, because I was afraid he didn't like me back. he was in his human form also. as I apologized" oops sorry Eric I didn't see you " "oh it's okay Alice I was looking for you" he said "oh well Eric I don't think this is the right time." " it's always the right time for this" he said as he grabbed my face and gave me a kiss. I stood there shocked for a moment but then I started crying and said." I told you it wasn't the right time" I turned into a wolf and ran leaving bloody paw prints behind me. Hoping fang would find me and cheer me up. Eric yelled behind me " I'm sorry I ...I just love you!" I stopped in my tracks and walked back to him slowly i turned into a human again. I grabbed his hand and said"'I'm sorry but this is not the right time I've done something very bad and I can't undo it. Please understand. I will see you tomorrow at school okay?" " okay" he said but before I could turn away he gave me another kiss on the cheeck. I held my cheeck as I turned into a wolf and ran away.  Then I herd a howl it was Eric but I didn't stop i looked back and saw Eric and fang talking. I overheard a sentence from Eric " it worked fang thank you!" I saw thme give each other a hug and go on their way. I also so blood and fang walking closely next to each other then nuzzle. I did not realize I was not paying attention when I got caught in a trap from A hunter. I fell asleep from the impact of the closure on my tail. I woke up with an ugly man carrying me out of the trap onto the forest floor resetting the trap. He said to me " I'm sorry for hurting you with my trap it was ment for rabbits" he then grabbed wipes and cleaned the blood off of my paws. And gave me a hug and left. All this time I was thinking why are you nice and other hunters aren't why cant you all be like that ugly man, why? I got up and noticed the arrow that was in my tail was gone he must have taken it out finally! I howled for cheer! I also howled for Eric to come. He came about a few minutes later and we walked to the gray wolf pack and asked to join. They accepted us! i was happy but sad because I would be away from my best friend Fang for a while.

Chapter#12 Alice's challenge

I was finally accepted I was with my real family... So me Eric and my dad were going hunting when Ookami my brother was trying to come, but my dad refused to let him come he just said " stay with kite we will be back." Ookami gave me a mean look but I returned it back with a confused look. I didn't understand why he was so angry at me he does have a mate to prortect. My father yelled for me and Eric to come so we could find an elk before nightfall. We walked for hours finding nothing but then I smelled something in the air it smelled like....... A moose. I told my dad he said it was too much of a risk, but Eric insisted we could take it down. He looked at me with a smirk on his face we both took off running and my father shouted " NO!" But we still continued to run. He tried to catch us but he couldn't I looked back and saw terror in his face not from the moose but for me. Then Eric comes to a hault he gets down we stalk it I see the moose it's big and fat enough to feed an enitre pack for days. we got close enough to see another wolf was stalking it. It looked like a blood wolf.  It was Moon the leader of the blood pack she was doing hunting because Blood and Fang weren't home yet I guess they were walking instead of running. That's when it happened Eric bolted and I followed moon noticed we were there and she tried to catch it first there was rules when hunting. If a another wolf from a pack other than ours if they touch it first they get it. We were too fast we took it down in a few moments. We decided to let Moon share it with us to bring her pack to the river which crosses our packs it's only an hour trip for a celebration. Later on that day the celebration started, all the wolves from the blood pack were there execpt Fang and Blood. The gray pack was skeep tic. They showed about a couple minutes late in attack mode. That figures. But a few hours earlier they nominated Fang and blood to be Alpha of Blood pack. And Eric and I to be Alphas of the gray pack. everything was going good until Ookami decided to make the first lunge and attack the former Alpha Female Moon. From there everything went downhill. the battle of the packs started. I decided to call for help and I howled for Fang and blood. I then grew angel wings and flew to the top of the mountain .

Chapter #13 battle of the packs.

I heard a familiar howl and registered it as Alice in trouble. I told blood to grab my tail. " What why would I grab your tail?" he asked. " just do it blood" I demanded. He then grabbed my tail as I grew huge dragon wings and flew as fast as lightning. I then let him go into the crowd and flew to the top of the mountain with Alice. No one noticed us until we howled " Stop the fighting!!" Alice demanded " We don't need to fight"! I stated they all bowed to us. We had our wings out and one of then said. " the legend was right evil and good will unite!!" " NO" kite yelled " OOKAMI ATTACK!!" Ookami attacked one of the blood wolves but then stopped. " HELP ME ROBIN!!" He cried " SHES GOT ME TRAPPED!!" He then fell as she started giving him pain with her mind. And then she got him under control again. Along with our parents. We bothe decided to turn into our demon form but we told Blood and Eric to attack us if we tried to kill anyone. We both got each other angry and went down to the battle grounds and howled a deep howl and said " ANYONE WHO FIGHTS AGAIN WILL DIE!" Everyone was terrified  even kite. then kite howls a big howl for her sister. And She comes. Her sister Karrie says let's go Robin and Alice two on two no powers. we subsided our anger and had no powers.  " we said no powers guys shrink already.." said Karrie . " we did " I said " this is our normal form."  Alice had grew quite a bit scince I first saw her. Now we were the same size. We were slightly bigger than our mates two full grown male wolves. Males are bigger than females usually. " Kite!?" Said Karrie in fright " you didn't tell me they were this big! " " oh having second thoughts eh Karrie?" said Alice I finished her sentence with " you better scram and don't come back you are BANISHED FROM ALL pack forever except the sea side wolves. IF I EVER CATCH YOU AGAIN I WILL RIP YOU TO SHREDS." Everything went back to normal even Ookami he wasnr a jerk anymore and he apologized to us for being mean. But it was just Kites power doing that to him and our parents. They were fine too. And the blood pack and the gray became friends. They didn't unite but they didn't kill each other ethier.

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