» Fantasy » Soul Searcher, D.M. Richardson [best e reader for academics txt] 📗

Book online «Soul Searcher, D.M. Richardson [best e reader for academics txt] 📗». Author D.M. Richardson

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I walked over to the seat opposite her and sat down. Koner had been about to walk around the table, but he sat next to Sara with a slightly dismayed look. I hadn’t realized he was going to pull my chair out for me as well. It was very gentlemanly and I didn’t know what to make of it.

I waited awkwardly for them to start because I didn’t know their customs. I wasn’t sure if they said grace or just served themselves or if I was supposed to do something. Finally Sara took pity on me and started loading her plate from the arrangement of dishes in front of us. It looked like meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and green beans. If I had been religious I would have thanked god for Sara making food that I actually liked. I couldn’t count how many meals I had to choke down in the past for the sake of not being rude.

Koner motioned for me to make my plate before he reached for his. I waited for him to get done and hesitated. The question of grace hadn’t been answered yet. Koner looked at Sara and she took her first bite then he turned to me. I was confused for a moment before I realized he was waiting for me to do the same. I hurriedly did the same and he started in on his own plate. It was quiet for a couple minutes with the only sound being the scrape of forks on plates. Until Sara looked over at Koner.

“So anything interesting happen today?” she asked. He launched into a tale of an old man and an ancient car that he had to find parts for that weren’t made anymore. The familiarity of the conversation made me relax slightly as I listened to his story. He had a deep soothing voice. I was suddenly filled with sorrow for the young couple. He would have made a great father that probably would have read to his children every night before bed. And I could see Sara getting their children up for school every morning with a smile and a hug. Breakfast waiting on the table.

I was startled out of my musings when Sara turned to me. She was looking at me expectantly. She must have asked me something while I was trapped in my own world.

“I’m sorry?” I asked. She gave a slight smile not upset at my rudeness.

“I asked if the food was okay. You stopped eating.” I looked down to see I had been resting my fork on my half eaten plate of food having forgotten to keep eating. I nodded really quick.

“Oh yes it’s very good. I’m sorry I was kind of lost in thought for a moment.” she smiled again and returned to her own dinner. I cleared my throat and looked down at the table. “Actually I did want to ask you guys something.” They looked at each other not sure whether to be nervous or not.

“Okay what is it?” Koner asked cautiously.

“I was wondering if you would mind if I got a job?” I held my breath as they exchanged surprised looks. Finally Koner turned back to me.

“Well if you really want to I don’t see why not. As long as it doesn’t interrupt your school work.” Sara nodded.

“It won’t”

“You know you don’t have to, right. I mean if you need anything all you have to do is ask.” Sara said hesitantly. I nodded.

“I know I’m just trying to save for college, and I don’t want to bother you for something I can just as easily get myself.”

“Alright what kind of job were you interested in maybe we can help?” Koner asked. I nodded.

“Well I’ve worked as a waitress, and at a couple convenience stores. A mechanics shop once but I was paid under the table because I was only fifteen.” Koner’s eyebrows almost touched his hairline as I mentioned the last one.

“Do you know a lot about cars?” I nodded.

“When I was thirteen I lived with a mechanic. He was pretty good but had a bad habit of tampering with a customer’s car to keep them coming back. Business wasn’t great. I used to have to wait at the shop after school for a couple hours. I watched what they did. When he noticed I had an interest he taught me everything he could. I think he was hoping for free labor. I guess he thought I’d be there longer than I was.” I shrugged and looked down at my plate taking a bite to try to lessen the tension a little. Koner nodded.

“After we get done with dinner I’ll make a few phone calls and see if I can’t find anything.”

“Okay, thank you” he smiled.

“Anytime” We finished the meal in silence and Koner retreated to his office. I offered to help Sara clean up, but she sent me on my way saying she was fine.

I went back up to my room and decided to take advantage of the waning sunlight and read a little. An hour later it was dark and I turned on my lamp just as there was a knock on my door. I called for them to enter and Koner walked in with a large manila envelop in his hand. He handed it to me.

“If you can fill this out tonight and leave it on the table by the door I can probably get you a job by tomorrow night.” I felt my eyes widen and nodded giving my thanks. He gave me a small smile and left closing the door softly behind him.

I went over to my desk switching on the lamp that on top of it. I searched through a couple drawers finally finding a pen. I opened the envelop to find a think packet of papers. I read the first paragraph and stared. It was a test to become a licensed mechanic. After a couple more minutes of staring I started on it.

An hour and a half later I finished. I spent another ten minutes going over all of my answers to make sure they were right then returned them to the envelop. I looked at the clock. It was a little after eleven so I switched off the desk lamp. I took a quick shower and slipped into my spaghetti strap shirt and pajama pants that I had been sleeping in for the last two years. I crawled into bed making sure my alarm was set for the right time then switched off that lamp.

I got comfortable and fell asleep for the first time for as long as I could remember I felt a shred of hope.


 I rolled over and hit my alarm to shut it up. I groaned as I rolled out of bed and stumbled to my closet. I didn’t have to spend time choosing my outfit for the day. All of my clothes are pretty much the same.

I went into my bathroom to brush my teeth, then I brushed my hair putting it into my usual braid. I went down stairs only a little more awake than when I got dressed. I stepped into the kitchen with the hope of grabbing something small to eat before school, but Sara was already in there.

She turned and smiled at me handing me a plate of eggs, sausage, and toast. At least it wasn’t as big as yesterday morning. I took it into the ding room and ate as quickly as I could. I didn’t want to be late for school again. Nothing attracted attention as well as getting in trouble.

I placed my plate in the kitchen and thanked Sara. I practically ran to my car, buckling my seat belt as I started the engine. I couldn’t risk speeding but I made it three minutes before the first bell anyway.

I sat down at my desk just as the second bell rang. I momentarily forgot where my locker was. Instead of reading through calculus I decided to try to keep ahead of the class. It would make things less stressful when I started working and didn’t have as much time.

There weren’t near as many stares or whispers today. So the class went by smoothly, and was almost enjoyable. Until my next class at least. I spent the whole hour ignoring Zeke’s stares again.

In physics it was twice as bad having him sitting right next to me. He seemed relaxed if not frustrated. He was wearing holes in his paper again struggling with the equations. I watched him out of the corner of my eye before I finally took pity on the paper.

With a sigh I leaned forward in my seat. He looked up at me with surprise. I reached over and grabbed his book pulling it until it sat in the middle of us. I leaned as close as I had to so I could explain the problem and still stay as far back as I could manage. I murmured the explanation to him and answered his questions. He had a nice voice. Deep but not too deep, and smooth.

I felt eyes on me and I glanced up to see the same girl from yesterday glaring at me. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the book. I looked at him to explain the next step to see him looking from me to the girl. He shook his head then concentrated on the problem. By the end of the class he had it down, and I was back in my own little world.

The rest of the day went just as smoothly. I didn’t have to talk to anyone, and nobody tried to talk to me. I managed to stay at my corner table at lunch undisturbed. My novels class was quiet since everyone was supposed to be reading. Though most of them were more interested in texting than the books. Choir was almost fun, the teacher decided I was good enough to stay in the class and placed me between the sopranos and altos since I could do both as needed. But it was my last class I looked forward too.

I really enjoyed shop because it allowed me to work with my hands, and I was expected to ignore everyone. I didn’t have to answer questions, and nobody asked me any. It was peaceful despite all the noise of the machines.

The day before I had to spend the hour in the classroom. I had to take a test on the safety and proper way to use the machines. I walked into the classroom. Since I was on time the other students were still in the room. They hadn’t gone into the actual shop yet. I almost swore when I saw Zeke at a table in the back. Ironically the teacher had assigned the seat next to him the day before. I sat down ignoring his usual stares and waited. The teacher came to our table and placed my test in front of me.

“How did you do it?” he asked with an accusatory tone. I looked at him confused. I didn’t bother to pick up the test I could see the hundred percent easily.

“Do what?”

“How did you cheat? Did you get a copy from another student? What?” Luckily he kept his voice down so the only people that could hear him were me and Zeke. Who was eavesdropping with no sign of shame.

“I didn’t cheat.” I was really offended by the accusation. I never cheated at anything.

“This test is four pages of essays. I’ve never had a student get a hundred percent on it.” I glared at him, and sat up straighter.

“I have never cheated on anything in my life. I’ve been in shop since the sixth grade. There isn’t a machine that I haven’t been tested on or used. If your so damn determined to fail your students then maybe you should be pickier about who you allow in your class.” His eyes widened at my curse, but he nodded and went back to his desk. I expected him

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