» Fantasy » ALLURING DREAMS, DEE CARTER [red seas under red skies TXT] 📗

Book online «ALLURING DREAMS, DEE CARTER [red seas under red skies TXT] 📗». Author DEE CARTER

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I fell in love with him the moment I set eyes on him in the coffee shop it was like I was drawn to him for some reason like he was connected to me and we were made for each other or I was made for him and him only

"Kristen ...Kristen wake up baby your dreaming , please your scaring me wake up !!!!," as i was awakening from unconscious sleep i could feel arms wrapping tighter round my waist "Kristen I’m right here I’m holding you it’s just a dream again Kristen........ should i phone doc" as i was coming to i heard the familiar click of the receiver to the bedroom phone and then the buttons being pressed and a dialling tone, i lifted my hand and touched his face and spoke but nothing came out...... i quickly cleared my throat and as i went to say "no don’t” it was too late i heard the familiar voice .. "Hello who is calling this time of night”..... "Doc its alexander I’m worried about Kristen i know it’s late but something’s wrong this is the fourth dream this week and after them she is weak for days. She speaks of her mother singing a certain song and the smell of porridge and the warnings she tells her to use her powers to find out the truth what’s going on”. The phone went silent for a while and then i heard the worry in his voice ......"ok alexander I’m on my way make sure she is completely awake when i get there"...... the phone went dead. Few moments later the phone rang again my eyes darted to alexander and he gave me a strange look I looked at the clock it was 4:03am I picked up the receiver “ hello” I squeaked” Kristen its doc are you ok “ “yes I just had one of them dreams again” I replied “ok ill come over maybe tonight is too long to wait I was thinking because it’s an hour’s drive to yours it could wait till tonight but obviously you need me “ he said “no tonight’s fine doc “ I was kind of glad deep down alexander has never met doc and I didn't feel comfortable with him being here alexander knows nothing of my past or what I am even though sometimes I feel he knows more than he lets on he’s just so in tuned with me it scares me sometimes just wondering how much he does know “Kristen are you there” “yes sorry doc I was miles away that's fine I will see you tonight at 9:30 as said before “ “ ok well I will see you then” the phone went dead. Suddenly I felt eyes on me and I know they would be filled with concern the moment I looked into them I’ve managed for so long to keep my pain I suffer every night dreaming to myself they had stopped for a while because alexander filled a void in my life I thought they had stopped and I knew I would have to tell him about them one day I was just not ready right now I think a part of me was scared of the rejection it might cause if he knew all there was to know about me and to see the fear in his eyes even though I would never hurt a hair on his head I couldn't face that not now I turned slowly around to see him gazing thoughtfully at me “want to talk about it “ was all he said “it was just a dream baby I was being chased “ how stupid I felt but at least it was something different I said each time I wish I didn't have to keep fabricating these things up if there’s one thing I was sure of was vampires could come up with a load of bollox “as long as you’re ok but just remember I'm here baby don't suffer on your own I love you Kirsten” and he opened out his arms “come here let me hold you” I couched over on the bed and found my warm haven my home right in his arms it was my security blanket and the warmness and heady scent of him swept over me the arousal came next and my longing for feeling him against me skin to skin it was the best remedy ever .. “Kristen you’re so beautiful your my everything I been waiting my whole life for you and now I have you I'm never letting go” tears came to my eyes instantly “shhhhhh baby I didn't mean to make you cry” “ I know I said I'm just so happy you make me so happy” his hands are all over me now his passion is blazing and mine is becoming potent we made love again that night and after pulled me into his arms and that's where I stay all night long there was no more dreams that night I was in slumber bliss and most of all contented.
The next morning when I woke, I was still tightly wrapped up in alexander’s arms had he held me all night, awe my thoughts were racing. I lay there looking up at his beautiful face my mind racing back to last night and how every morsel of my body wanted him. I traced my finger round the contours of his jaw line and moved to the bone structure of his cheek all the way up to the smooth creases of his forehead. I leant on my elbow lifting up on the bed to look at him better the second I moved out of his embrace his eyes darted open, the look of worry on his face “Kirsten!!!, oh your still here”, “of course I'm still here I couldn't think of anywhere else I’d rather be “I said “I know I just panicky when I feel you move out of my arms “he replied with an edge to his voice. “I’ve never thought of our embrace like that before but now you said it I couldn't agree more” looking deep into my eyes he kissed my forehead with a slight urgent feeling before returning to look at me, “I just want to keep you safe for all eternity” even in my sleep and just wish sometimes you would share your fears with me” as he finished his sentence he silenced my words with a gentle kiss to my lips. “One day when I'm sure you’re not going to leave I will tell you “I said and nuzzled my nose into his neck. “Is this’s stopping you from opening up to me because you think I'm going to leave you” he spoke with worry in his voice. “yes” I spoke very quickly as in the hope he wouldn't hear me “oh my beautiful baby when you going to get it in your head, I’ve waited my whole life for you” he replied ”one day” I quickly whispered ,his embrace tightened around me and I felt that little bit surer. “Time for breakfast I said to quickly change the subject “mm I'm famished as always after we make love, you sure do exhaust me” he looked at me and gave me a sexy wink. He climbed out of bed and walked across the bedroom floor, I watched him with excitement; mmm that body is quite a picture, so tall so well built and so damn sexy, ahh that arse and he’s all mines he turns to look at me and sees the hunger in my eyes. “you enjoying the view baby” I giggled going a little flushed” mmm certainly am” he sighed in response “I love you Kristen”I blushed as I spoke “I love you too alexander always and forever in this life and the next”.
“Let’s get some breakfast “before I decide we are staying in here for the rest of the day”. I laughed in response “why is that such a bad idea “I said he just looked at me with utter shock on his face. “naughty sexy woman you are and so damn alluring, you drive me crazy, but I need to keep sane for next week when my family come or they might think you’re a bad influence” he threw his head back in a fit of laughter, the sound was pleasurable in its own way. I love the sound of his laughter it’s another sign that almost makes me sure he too is indeed happy.
We watched each other as we got dressed it was almost as sensual as watching him undress. I love his body it was sooo oh my lordy lord, helping. I giggle internally it was such a great feeling to feel truly wanted; it gave me some certain reassurance. Once we were dressed I headed to the bathroom, alexander in tow, I grabbed the brush trying to tame my wild locks into a ponytail not to high, and just midway after tying it with a band I combed my fringe and put the brush down. I washed and moisturised my face and grabbed my toothbrush the second I squeezed the tooth paste on I breathed in the heady mint scent knowing it would take away my morning breath instantly. The taste was fresh and minty and I welcomed it. I brushed my teeth religiously, as I had as a child 20 times on the bottom then swirled a mouthful of water and spitting it out then squeezing more toothpaste I then brushed the top ones 20 times then I brushed my tongue till it felt raw and almost gagged after rinsing and spitting out I gurgled with mouthwash and then smiled widely in the bathroom mirror alexander just rolled his eyes at me and smiled “ what I said “ you know you do the same thing every morning I think you need a shrink “ I laughed out loud “ no darling you just need a good dentist like mine I could make you an appointment if you want “ he looked at me with puppy dog eyes “ are you trying to say I don't have good teeth” I rolled my eyes “ of course not “ I laughed putting my toothbrush back I looked at alexander to see he had a very sexy smile on his face “what’s wrong now “ oh nothing baby I'm just wondering if you will be as attenetative with my body parts as you are with your teeth “he said with a boyish grin “would you like to find out “I quickly replied his eyes lit up like a light bulb “ shhhhh baby don't tempt me let’s eat “ he said shyly.
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