» Fantasy » Feral Heart Edit, Duron Crejaro [new reading txt] 📗

Book online «Feral Heart Edit, Duron Crejaro [new reading txt] 📗». Author Duron Crejaro

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scarce, it took time to purify and maintain a drinking supply, so showers were kept to a minimal length. I locked the bathroom door behind me, stripped down, giving myself a quick once over in the mirror before turning the water on.


It didn’t take long before wafts of hot steam were pouring off the water as it jetted down towards the drain. I tested the temperature and adjusted accordingly, I wanted it hot, but could only bare so much. It took only a few minutes of soaping and lathering to clean myself. I didn’t end my shower there, as was protocol. I simply stood under the falling waves of liquid, indulging in the warmth, setting the heat to higher levels, as I grew accustomed to it.


I’m sure it had only been fifteen minutes or so, but it felt like a lifetime. Eventually I knew it had to end though, and I almost sighed before reaching down to cut the water flow off. I threw open the shower curtain and caused a wave of steam to billow about the room as I reached out grabbing a towel from the rack nearby. With fervor, I began drying myself. Everything was perfectly fine, till I happened to look up at the mirror. That’s when my heart hit the floor. What should have been nothing more than a steam soaked mirror, now had a single word etches across it. It looked as though someone had drawn through the steam with unskilled fervor. Wet lines trailed down the mirror where the moisture gathered in small droplets. My heart leapt to my throat, and I forced myself to swallow hard while staring at the word that chilled me to the core. Wylder it said. That single word, was it a condemnation of myself? Of the things I had been doing? I didn’t know. Who could have known about my ghosting, I had only told Cami. Dhamon may have found out through her but I thought it unlikely. He would find out, but I had just told her earlier this afternoon.


I double checked the bathroom lock, and as I feared it was still latched. No one could have been in here with me I was confused and scared as I threw on my pajamas. So much for homework, I spent all my time huddled under blankets awaiting my parents in fear. I just didn’t comprehend what was really going on.


Publication Date: 03-20-2016

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