» Fantasy » Beneath the Fallen City, Jamie A. Waters [ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Beneath the Fallen City, Jamie A. Waters [ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Jamie A. Waters

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pushed forward to the front of the room. An elderly woman stepped forward and motioned for the other Inner Circle members to join hands.

The woman turned to Alec, her face wrinkled with age, and offered her hand. “My son was in those ruins along with your mother. Our energy is yours.”

He took her hand, accepting the weight of her pronouncement. Seara joined hands with the other Inner Circle members and gave him an encouraging nod. A few of the High Council members also moved away from Edwin and went to stand beside Seara.

“Stand down,” Alec ordered Edwin. “The Inner Circle is united.”

“You’re a fool,” Edwin sneered.

Alec felt his father gathering energy, and he felt his hopes for a peaceful resolution fade. Strengthened by the support of the people standing beside him, he channeled the Inner Circle’s energy in response and crafted a reverse shield around Edwin. Edwin’s eyes narrowed as the shield tightened around him. The shield might stop mental attacks, but not physical ones. Edwin stepped forward toward his son.

“You dare,” he hissed, raising his hand as though to strike.

Before he could make contact, Alec grabbed his arm with his free hand. “I’m sorry, Father, but those people, including my mother, deserved to live.”

Alec channeled an enormous burst of energy toward his father. Edwin’s eyes widened in shock and he staggered. Alec gripped him tighter, forcing the energy into him. Edwin clutched his chest and fell backward. Alec didn’t relent and kept channeling the energy long after his father was still.

“Alec…” Seara’s voice broke through, and he pulled back. He stared down at his trembling hands, the reality of what he’d done crashing over him. He’d acted as the hand of justice, judging and executing without even a hearing. A hush fell over the room when they realized the High Council leader had been killed.

He looked up, afraid of what he would find on the faces surrounding him. He expected to see recrimination, but most were full of understanding, support, and even gratitude.

Seara put her arm around him, offering him a comfort he wasn’t sure he deserved. “You did the right thing, Alec. But please, Kayla needs you.”

Alec immediately reached for the connection he shared with Kayla. It was even weaker now. His hands shook as he went back to Kayla and knelt beside her. He may have taken a life today, but he could save another. He wouldn’t let her die.

Marcus shooed everyone away to clear a space around Kayla. “Security! Clear the room immediately.”

While the security officers scrambled to enforce his command, Carl relinquished his hold on Kayla. It pained him to let her go, but Alec had the best hope of reaching her. She’d been unresponsive since she collapsed, her breathing growing more and more shallow. Worry gripped him as he moved aside so Alec could assess her.

Seara hovered over them. “Is she all right?”

Alec shook his head, taking Kayla’s hand in his. “She went into the energy pool and deactivated my father’s source from there. I can still feel her, but it’s faint. If she hears me at all, she isn’t responding.”

Carl frowned, reaching down to brush Kayla’s hair away from her face. Her skin was cool and clammy to the touch. “Can you pull her out again like you did earlier?”

There was a long pause before Alec answered. “Yes, but the amount of energy required will most likely forge a complete bond with her.”

Carl nodded. He’d expected no less. “But you’ll be able to bring her back?”

“For what it’s worth, I know she loves you.”

Carl closed his eyes, lowering his chin to his chest in resignation. He’d rather see her with Alec than lose her forever. She deserved a chance to explore the possibilities life had to offer. He bent down, brushing his lips against hers. His voice was hoarse as he whispered, “Do whatever you have to do if it will bring her back.”

Kayla was floating in a nice, fluffy cloud of nothingness. Time seemed suspended as she drifted in this spatial existence. She was dimly aware her physical form existed outside of the nothingness, but the link no longer seemed as important. It was becoming more difficult to tell where she began and ended. In all honesty, she wasn’t sure she cared all that much.

A pleasant warmth teased the edge of her consciousness, bringing her back to a state of semi-awareness.

“That’s nice. I didn’t realize I was cold.”

“Kayla, you need to come back now. Follow the stream back.”

She recognized Alec’s demanding voice, but wasn’t sure she wanted to bother. Obeying his request seemed like more trouble than it was worth. She started to dismiss him, but a stronger pulse of energy washed over her, teasing and tempting as it flooded her senses.

Intrigued, Kayla basked in the promising flow of warm energy streaming over her. Wanting more, she instinctively returned a stream of energy in response.

“That’s right,” Alec encouraged gently.

She could feel him now, his thoughts and emotions growing more entwined with hers, but he was still too far away. Her stream of energy was clumsy and chaotic next to his, and she pulled back in frustration. She could sense him and wanted to merge their energies, but it was impossible to focus.

Kayla faltered, not knowing how to reach him. As though he sensed her despair, Alec’s energy magnified until it became a brilliant display, penetrating and filling her with light. The beguiling warmth of his energy evoked a longing within her, demanding a response.

Captivated by the raw display of power, Kayla’s stream of energy became more purposeful and she matched his intensity. She gathered all of the energy she was capable of holding and sent it toward him. When the two complete and intense energy forces collided, they blended and merged with one another.

Kayla watched in amazement as the darkness fell away. She was lost in a world of color and thought. She floated along Alec’s stream of energy and felt the love and desire emanating from him. For the first time in her life, she felt complete and total acceptance.

She mirrored his thoughts and feelings. Opening her eyes, Kayla looked up into his brilliant blue ones. The tenderness in his gaze wrapped around her like a cocoon, offering comfort and understanding. Alec stroked her face, and she leaned into him, inhaling his rich, seductive scent. She reached for him, needing his touch as if it were an anchor.

“Welcome back, my love.”

Kayla smiled up at him, tracing the contours of his face. The slight stubble of his jaw was rough against her fingers, and she marveled at the contrast of the softness of his mouth. She wanted to nibble along his jawline, tasting him until she reached his lips. Sensing her thoughts, his eyes dropped to her mouth, and she felt a sudden rush of desire from him. “This is what it feels like to have a complete connection?”

“Yes. It takes harnessing all of our energy to form the complete bond.”

Her fingers clutched his shirt, and she pulled him closer, wanting to feel the press of his skin against hers. “I want you to touch me.”

A look of regret crossed his face. “As do I, but our timing is bad. We’re in a room full of people. But as soon as we’re alone, you can explore all of these new feelings.”

“Make everyone go away.”

He raised an eyebrow. “We’re in the High Council room, dear. Do you remember what happened?”

Kayla frowned and looked around in confusion, trying to get a grip on her surroundings. Carl and Seara were both watching her anxiously. The room had mostly cleared out with only the remaining High Council and Inner Circle members who had been in attendance.

“I broke the bracelets,” she whispered and sat up.

“Yes,” Alec confirmed.

The security officials were removing Edwin and Keith’s bodies from the room, and her eyes widened. “What happened?”

Alec stood and helped her up. “My father killed Keith. He was also responsible for the deaths of several others, including your father and my mother.”

Kayla felt his agony as though it were her own and reached for him again. His hand threaded in her hair, and she felt his breath hitch. He pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her as she laid her head against his chest, offering solace.

There was a note of pity in Seara’s voice as she said, “I’m sorry, Carl.”

“I’m just glad she’s okay.”

Kayla turned at the sound of Carl’s voice. Her heart lurched at the defeated look on his face. She looked back and forth between the two men, feeling torn. She recognized she still had intense feelings for Carl, but the allure and power pulling her toward Alec was strangely irresistible.

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