» Fantasy » Lorkana, Emily Zimmerman. [epub ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Lorkana, Emily Zimmerman. [epub ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Emily Zimmerman.

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to be called by my given name” I insisted.
She looked at me, surprise in her eyes, “o-okay, as you wish my- I mean Johanna” she said.
I smiled and let her work on my makeup again “well, you see, your mother was a little stubborn, and very independent, she wouldn’t let us help her dress, make her food, she always made her own food…” and she explained about my mother as she worked on my face, smiling slightly here and there as she explained.
After she was done, she straightened up and smiled “very good, would you like to see?” she asked me.
I nodded and she twirled me around, I gasped as I looked in the mirror, I had never looked like this, my lips were blood red, with what the woman named Lilia informed me was lipstick, my face looked clear and inflectionless, you couldn’t tell that the powder was on my cream colored skin, my hair was naturally curly, it was cascading down my back and around my shoulders, longer than I was used to, my mother was going to cut it before she died. I tried to push away the sadness and be grateful for what this woman has done.
I turned to Lilia and hugged her tightly “thank you so much” I whispered.
She smiled at me when I pulled away “you are as sweet as your mother” she informed, making me smile.
She studied my eyes for a few seconds “yet something seems wrong” she murmured.
I sighed, throughout the entire time she told me about my mother, my mind would drift back to Logan; he only thought I was beautiful, he just wanted to bed me.
“Logan…escorted me to my room, and… when we entered the room he…he kissed me” I muttered, confiding in this woman.
Lilia pulled me over to the bed and set me down, sitting beside me “okay, and what happened?” she asked.
“I asked him why” I said, tightening my hands into fists.
“And what did he say?”
“He said the reason was because I was beautiful” I said, lowering my eyebrows.
She raised both of her eyebrows, a look of disbelief on her face “really? Interesting” she said, looking over at the wall across from us, a small smile on her lips.
“What? What is it?” I asked.
“You see, Logan is my nephew, he asked me to do this today, was asking me for advice on how to tell you” she said, looking over at me.
“To tell me what?” I asked.
“He is fond of you, very much so, I see the way he looks at you” she explained.
I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out, “he is coming back soon to escort you to dinner, so I must go, please do not tell him I told you this, I don’t even think he has accepted it yet” she chuckled, patting my hand.
I nodded, still in a little bit of shock. She hesitated, but then leaned down, kissing my cheek. I smiled at her as she left with a bow of the head.
About ten minutes later, a knock sounded at my door. I opened it and poked my head out to find Logan, he wouldn’t meet my eyes until I smiled at him “hi” I said.
He searched my eyes for a second, and smiled slightly back “hi, umm, are you ready?” he asked.
I nodded and stepped fully out of the room. He sucked in a breath as his eyes roamed down my body “you look, beautiful” he said, looking back up to meet my eyes.
I blushed and looked down “thank you, but Lilia is to thank for this, I’ve never looked like this before” I murmured.
He put his finger under my chin and made me look at him, “I can’t say I agree with that” he said softly.
I blushed deeper, but was unable to look away from his intense silver eyes. “Maybe we should go” I whispered.
He sucked in yet another breath and took his hand from my chin, nodding. A small cry from my room reminded me that Aileen hadn’t eaten in a while either “what about Aileen?” I asked.
“Don’t worry, I had a few servants prepare five bowls of food for them, they will be able to come with us” he assured.
I nodded and took his awaiting hand; he led me through another part of the castle downstairs, this place was becoming more and more like a fairytale, red carpet covered the floor, beautiful paintings covered the walls, the ceiling was painted with angels sitting in clouds. It was a fairytale dream.
As I admired it, I registered Logan staring at me, his silver gaze showing that strange look.
I looked at him and smiled slightly “what are you thinking?” he asked.
“This place is so much like I always imagined when reading fairytales, our king and queen’s castle was always something I dreamed of going into, my father always called me and my sister his beautiful princesses, my sister was very interested in princesses, and had me tell her stories, sing to her, she loved a song that my mother used to sing to her, it was called ‘so this is love’ mother used to dance with me while she sung it” I realized that I was babbling, I quickly shut my mouth and looked down, he didn’t want to know about those kinds of things.
In the corner of my eye, I looked at him, he was still staring at me with that look, it unsettled me,
I looked down at Aileen and pat her on the head; she cocked her head to the side, perking her ears up in curiosity.
“You miss them, don’t you?” he asked.
I looked at him and smiled weakly “they were my family, how could I not?” I whispered.
He smiled as he stopped in front of another very large door, it reached up to the ceiling, which was very high, and it was round. Two men, not exactly guards, stood in front of the door with their hands clasped in front of them.
They bowed their heads as they pulled the door open, I gasped at how beautiful the room was, a dining table sat in the middle, with matching dark mahogany chairs. Plates filled with food lined the table, Vivia and Demetrio sat at the seats closest to us “took you guys long enough!” Demetrio exclaimed, getting up and walking over to us, he and Logan did a manly hug, and Vivia came over, pulling me into a light hug. I smiled lightly at her.
Suddenly, Demetrio pulled me into a bear hug, lifting me off the ground. I let out a breathless laugh as I pat him on the back. He set me back down again, smiling. I laughed, walking over with Vivia to sit beside her. Demetrio sat on the other side of Vivia, and Logan sat beside me.
“So Johanna, have you decided that my brother is too annoying yet?” Demetrio asked.
I laughed “I decided that a long time ago” I teased.
“And yet he is still in the castle” he said, shaking his head in disappointment at me.
I let out another laugh “I have a feeling you two don’t like each other all that much” I said.
Logan smirked and Demetrio snorted “what gave you that idea?” Logan asked sarcastically.
“Just a guess” I elbowed Logan gently.
He smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, not seeming to realize it. I smiled slightly as he looked at me, then his arm and his cheeks got a little pink. “No, they don’t like each other, because they are both big babies and are really good at holding grudges, but I’ll let Logan explain that” Vivia chuckled.
I glanced at Logan again, watching as he flushed and glared at Vivia.
“Well dig in, our food is going to get cold” Vivia said.
I picked up my fork and tried to keep my manners as my stomach almost jumped out of my mouth to get the food. I cut the steak with my fork and stuck it in my mouth, resisting the urge to moan. A few big pieces of potato sat beside the steak, with green beans and another food that I had never seen before “what are these?” I asked curiously.
Logan raised an eyebrow at me “you mean you have never seen rice before?” he asked.
I shook my head, looking at the small grainy looking stuff called “rice”
“No, my family only ever cultivated potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, and we hunted” I said.
Logan chuckled “try it, it’s good” he said.
I lifted a grain with my fork, studying it with curiosity “no, like this” Logan said, lifting a big pile with his fork and putting it in his mouth.
I mimicked him, and widened my eyes when I put the food in my mouth. It was salty, and little black specs only seemed to intensify the flavor. Logan laughed as he looked at the expression on my face “I take it that you like it” he said.
I nodded, smiling.
Chapter six:

A banging on my door woke me, and Logan’s angry voice. Aileen was crying softly, hiding her pups behind her. I got up, reassuring Aileen with a pat on the head.
I opened my door, staring at him with tired eyes “what is it?” I asked groggily.
His chest was heaving, and yet he was breathing silently “I need to speak with you” he said.
I rolled my eyes, running a hand through my hair “you couldn’t have waited?” I asked.
He shook his head and I sighed “alright” I sighed out.
I opened the door and let him in, running a hand through my hair again. I turned around and immediately stopped breathing. He was standing right behind me, hands raised to the tops of my arms, yet not touching them; his face was inches from mine.
“Johanna, forgive me” he whispered, just before smashing his lips to mine.
I tried not to give in, struggling as he wrapped his strong arms around my waist, “please, one last time” he whispered against my lips.
What did he mean “one last time?”
I was losing my battle, so I decided to grant him his strange wish. I melted into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck with a moan of surrender. He tightened his arms around me, kissing me passionately before he pulled away, unwrapping his arms from me.
No, he didn’t intentionally pull away, he was pulled away, by a large group of men,
“Logan?” I asked in confusion, my voice shaking.
He gave me a saddened look as they pulled him out of the room “I love you, Johanna, never forget that” he said.
“No, Logan!” I screamed.
Two men pulled me back as I ran for him, but I easily got out of their grasp “let him go!” I screamed.
The last thing I

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