» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [reading tree .TXT] 📗

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Province to the Dominion fell. All Dominionite Warriors, once held captive by the Master Orthos’ powerful spell, were shaken from their dazes. Since the Master was Exiled to the Unknown by the Dream Realm Crusaders, they were lost and alone. The thick cloud of grey smoke cleared, revealing a new place to inhabit, new land in which to live. Recently back in the Dream Realm from his own Banishment, Lord Maximaniac took his new bride of Sister Jezebel and claimed the land his own. It had no life color, so they called it the Grey Area.
Now, knowing his own brother Orthos was no longer in the Dream Realm, Maximaniac took pity on the lost souls. He decided, with help from Orthos’ twin Lord Guardian O’Dell, to take the opportunity and make the old Dominionite Warriors good again. All Warriors once had powers of their own; great powers of Companions and Creatures. Those who wished to turn good again, could with their Majesties’ help.
Three lone Dominionite Warriors had served the Master with utmost respect and dignity. Once the wall fell, they disappeared to a much darker part of the Grey Area. They weren’t the only ones who disappeared after the Wars and Crusades. About half of the Warriors followed, making it their own doomed place. They called it the Dark Area, for they didn’t want to be good again. When Maximaniac found out, he was furious, but could do nothing about it. Since there were two totally different parts to the Grey Area, the good part, where his Castle stood, was soon called the Shady Kingdom.
Those three Dominionite Warriors hated Lord Maximaniac and Queen Jezebel. They knew Jezebel as a betrayer, for she once served the Master as his bride. When the Crusades ended, Jezebel saw in her heart and soul what love she’d had for Maximaniac, who’d Banished himself for her.
Gloriana was always jealous of Jezebel, but remained a loyal servant and Warrior to Jezebel’s children, the Maiden Sabrina and the Merchant Damian.
She’d stayed silent long enough. When she heard about the Maiden being back in the Old Dominion, she decided to make her move. All she had to do was get her two daughters and herself Exiled to the Unknown. That was easy, once Gloriana found out Shenara was acting like the Maiden and haunting young male Dreamers’ Dream Realms.
Gloriana had heard all about the Crusades and the Crusaders, Young Guardian and her friends. It was hard not to once the Wall fell and she had her own mind once again. She ordered Shenara to find the most vulnerable of the Crusaders, and haunt him until he gives himself to her. Turned out, Aaron Theodore Schmidt was the lucky victim. It was all too easy to lure him in. Shenara knew about his love for Young Guardian, and used it against him.
Aaron had done just as Gloriana thought he would. He went to Young Guardian and told her about the strange demon-girl in his dreams. Sure enough, they had welcomed Shenara back into his Dream Realm to cast the Exiling Spell.

Once cast, Gloriana and her two daughters, Shenara and Albrath had disappeared. First, they reappeared in the Abyss, where the Keeper of Souls took their Dominionite Magic. The Keeper sent them through a portal to the Unknown, landing face-down in a pool of murky water.
Gloriana looked up to see two female figures standing over them. One held out her hand in assistance, helping Gloriana to stand.
“Warrior Gloriana,” one replied, bowing. “It has been too long.”
“Who are you?” Gloriana snapped.
The girl’s black eyes flashed red for a moment. “I am the Maiden’s personal servant, D’Kora.” She introduced. “You and I were on the same watch together.”
Gloriana nodded, turning to her soaking wet daughters. Shenara was wringing her hair, twisting it to get the water out. Albrath simply shook her head to get her hair dry.
“You remember my daughters?” Gloriana announced. “Shenara and Albrath.”
At the sound of their names, the girls looked up.
“Aye.” D’Kora supplied. She nodded to her attendant. “That is Kasha. The Master took her voice for speaking out.”
“Serves him right.” Gloriana announced, turning to the timid girl. “You should know better than to talk back to the Master. I am surprised he did not have you hung for the act.”
Gloriana wasted no time. “D’Kora, can you tell me where to find the Master?”
D’Kora nodded. “He is in Dark Tower, not far from here.”
Gloriana looked at her daughters, then back at D’Kora.
D’Kora was smiling. “I can show you if you like, Gloriana.”
Gloriana herself grinned. “Perfect.”
Kasha tapped D’Kora’s shoulder, then waved goodbye as she disappeared.
It didn’t take long for the quartet to reach the newly rebuilt Dark Tower. Gloriana’s heart skipped when she saw it. This Dark Tower was as grand and grotesque as the one he’d had in the Dream Realm’s Dominion.
D’Kora showed Gloriana and her two daughters through the massive rotting doors leading into the throne room.
“Master, you have visitors.” D’Kora bowed to Orthos.
Orthos and Gloriana set eyes on each other. “Leave, D’Kora.”
“Yes, Master.” The servant left.
Gloriana walked up to Orthos, who was sitting at his throne. Shenara and Albrath stood in their spots, silent.
“Master, I have returned to you.” Gloriana bowed.
“Explain yourself, Dominionite!” Orthos’ booming voice made Shenara and Albrath jump in fear.
“I have been Exiled by Young Guardian, Master, and so have my daughters.” Gloriana stood, walking closer to Orthos.
Orthos sneered at the mention of Young Guardian’s name. “You seek shelter in the Unknown?”
“Aye, Master.” Gloriana nodded. “I was hoping to persuade you to house us with yourself.”
Orthos laughed. “With me? Hah! I have yet to house a lowly Dominionite.”
“I assure you, Master. I am no lowly Dominionite.” Gloriana supplied. “I am known to you as the Warrior Gloriana, with my daughters, Albrath and Shenara. We served you, and only you until the Crusades ended.”
Orthos shook his head. “What is your point, Warrior Gloriana?”
Gloriana took the chance to step up to Orthos’ throne and whisper in his ear. “Do you not wish for a lady to rule the Unknown with you?”
Her hand stroked his human-male face. Orthos was speechless.
“Remember our affair, my Lord Master?” Gloriana licked the rim of his ear, keeping her voice down to a whisper. “Was it not wonderful for you? Jezebel could not have satisfied you as much.”
Orthos looked her in the eye. Her aura was seductive, but he wasn’t complaining.
“Besides, I have claim on you.”
“Claim? How?” Orthos’ tone was serious.
“My daughter Shenara?” Gloriana and Orthos looked at the girl with flaming red hair, bowed paces ahead of him.
“She is yours.” Gloriana whispered, kissing his ear. Both the act and her words made him cringe. “She was born shortly before the Wars began, the same time Jezebel was with your son, Damian.”
Gloriana stepped back, kneeling to him once again.
“What do you want from me?” Orthos asked.
“I wish to become your Queen.” Gloriana told him in a straight-forward voice.
“Why should I grant your wish?”
“I give you my oath as a Warrior,” Gloriana whispered, keeping her black eyes on his. “As your Queen, I will never betray you.”
She held his glare for a few moments. Her daughters stood aside in wonder.
Orthos stepped down from his throne to take Gloriana’s hand, allowing her to stand. When they parted from the kiss to her lips, he held her close to his body. She was surprised and confused at the same time.
“Keep the secret of Shenara’s birth between us only.” Orthos demanded in her ear.
“Certainly, Master.” Gloriana supplied in a gasp.
He devoured her mouth with his, pulling her body tight to him. After the kiss was finished, he took her hand and called into the air. “D’Kora!”
D’Kora appeared in front of their eyes, kneeling when she saw Orthos. “Aye, Master?”
“Spread the word. Warrior Gloriana is to become Queen of the Unknown.” Orthos demanded. “Her daughters will now become Dark Ladies. Now, go.”
D’Kora nodded. “Aye, Master.”
With that, she disappeared once again. Albrath and Shenara grinned at each other. Orthos and Gloriana, once kissing to seal the deal, cackled.
Queen Gloriana was with her lover and Master once again.
It was only the beginning.


Back in the Outer Realm, the Woods sisters led their somewhat peaceful lives.
Claudia was out with her boyfriend, Craig Richardson. Unfortunately, her thoughts were further than Craig liked.
Craig held her hand. “Okay, Claud. What’s up?”
Claudia shook her head, looking at him. “What makes you think something’s up?”
“It’s not everyday your sisters gather at the Clubhouse together.” Craig pointed out.
“You were there?” She asked.
Craig smiled. “I’m surprised you didn’t see me.” He said. “By the way, what’s with Anna’s ring?”
Claudia didn’t know what to say. Should she tell her secret to him, or leave it as it is? “What do you mean?”
“It was glowing.” Craig said. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say something is going on, and neither of you know what to do about it.”
“Why do you say that?”
“My best friend just happens to be the Young Guardian’s husband.” Craig whispered in her ear, so no one could hear him. “I know more than you think I do.”
“You knew?” Claudia asked incredulously.
Craig shrugged. “When Derrick came back from California some time ago, he and Ariana brought over Ariana’s daughter Kelly. I let Kelly and Cara play upstairs in her room. Meanwhile, Derrick and Ariana told me the whole sordid story.”
Claudia stopped walking and stared at him. “Just how much do you know?”
“Just that Ariana didn’t grow up with the best of people, and how much Magic she’d had.” Craig said. “She told me, if I was still to be Derrick’s best friend, shouldn’t I be trustworthy enough not to tell?”
Claudia smiled at him. His dark brown eyes twinkled as he talked, which made him irresistible.
A minute passed where neither of them said a word, just staring into each other’s eyes.
Craig took Claudia’s hand and led her to the nearby pond. When she saw a hurt seagull dancing around, she knew she had to do something. Letting go of his hand, she went to it.
“Are you nuts?” Craig cried. “It could bite you!”
“Trust in me, Craig.” Was all she said as she knelt down near the injured bird.
Claudia was grateful he didn’t question her actions further.
She began talking to it. “Don’t be afraid, little one. I won’t hurt you. I want to help you.” Slowly, she began to earn the seagull’s trust enough for herself to handle it. She tended to the mangled wing by putting her hand on it and closing her eyes. She felt the warmth of her Healer’s Magic going through her body. “That’s it,” she whispered, and the seagull began to calm down. It snuggled closer until Claudia was finally holding it in her arms. The Healer Magic warmed her hands and the wing glowed. She pictured the inside of the wing, and where the injury was. She focused on the main bone, moving it in her mind until it was mended once again.
Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by a very familiar face. Dark hair, dark eyes, dark-glowing crystal necklace. A sadistic laugh escaped from the image’s lips, giving her identity away immediately.
Claudia gasped, opening her eyes. She gently sent the seagull on its way, staring into space for a few moments. Craig was at her side.
“What’s wrong?” Craig asked her. “Is it okay?”
Claudia’s heart raced with the thoughts of Sabrina. “Yeah,” she breathed. “It’s fine.”
Craig helped her stand, leading her to a nearby picnic table. He moved
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