» Fantasy » Those Who Cannot Die, Levi Bible [shoe dog free ebook .TXT] 📗

Book online «Those Who Cannot Die, Levi Bible [shoe dog free ebook .TXT] 📗». Author Levi Bible

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need be. "I 'must be ended', hm?" he said, amusedly. He placed his hand forward, his palm open, and concentrated his palm into what looked like a hilt. Clenching the hilt, he concentrated his soul through the hollow tube he had created, forging a pure Astral Sword, taking on the shape of a bastard sword.

"Say good bye, Isaac." The Archangel said, flying at Isaac. He narrowly avoided the main impact, stabbing one of the wings, his Astral Sword on the same plane of existence that the Archangel was. It screamed, a silvery liquid spraying out like blood, Isaac twirled the Sword he carried, smirking. It spun, and attacked him, now baring it's fangs.

"Angel…Archangel… you are all the same to me." Isaac taunted, the Archangel attacking again. Isaac thrust his blade at the creature coming at him, impaling its heart. "Two hits." Isaac said, confidently. "All it took? I thought you would be a—"

The Archangel charged again, its hand already through Isaac's abdomen. Pain surged through his body, as he grabbed the Archangel's mask and began charging Astral Energy into it. He was going to overload the thing, and gain his victory that way. It grabbed his face with the other hand, pain circulating his body already. The pain of claws clenching down, tearing his flesh wasn't a lie, blood poured over his vision to prove he was being killed. He had to finish the Archangel before it finished him. He kneed it in the throat, hoping to keep it busy, it started grabbing for Isaac's internal organs, hoping to crush something.

There they stood, the Archangel and the Immortal, rich red blood pouring from one, silvery-white blood drenching the other. Isaac could only laugh though—while Angels, even Archangels, could survive forever, never dying unless murdered, they can't recover, even from the smallest of injuries. Isaac would return to life less than five minutes from then anyway, the Angel would die later.

"Goodbye, Archangel…" Isaac muttered, a smirk on his face. He won. Pain was all he could feel, but he had won. That was all that mattered to him for now. The Archangel's helmet began to crack under Isaac's Astral Pressure, an eye revealing itself, terrified. Its face began cracking as well, the silver liquid pouring out.

"Her Majesty won't forget this, Isaac…" it muttered, falling down, taking Isaac's internal organs out as well. He grabbed his own neck, frying himself. No way would he endure living in that body anymore.

He awoke again in the void, the presence there. "Where are you?" he called, but with no response. The pain of reincarnation overtook him, a burning sensation filling his entire body, as he awoke next to the corpse of his previous life. It had become second nature to him, dying. The mystical thing here was that the Archangel left no corpse. Isaac checked for his Soulbind, and was relieved to find it was still there.

He wore his old attire, still blood-spattered, walking down empty streets, contemplating what had happened. "So…I had just seen Orpheus…assumably, anyway." He muttered, finding his dagger in the street, probably since he dropped it while being strangle-dragged across the city of Rimini. He knelt over, dislodging it from the cold, hard street. The moon had set, and the sun was already coming back up.

"Cornelius will certainly find this interesting…" Isaac said, and began walking in the direction of Cornelius' mansion. He walked up to the door, knocking on it, and leaning on his leg.

"Who are you?" asked Cornelius' doorman, more than likely shaken by the blood spattered across Isaac's attire.

"It is me, Isaac. Let me in." Isaac replied, calmly.
"Isaac is currently sleeping, sir. Please leave…" The doorman said, nervously.

"I am well aware that he was, but clearly…" Isaac started, but then remembered the Reincarnation. "Tell Cornelius to come see me." Isaac said, pulling his Soulbind out from under his shirt. A few minutes passed, and the door opened, Cornelius looking disgruntled, his eyes still barely open.

"Isaac…" he muttered, welcoming him in, "…what are you doing?" he asked, holding the door for support.

"Nightmare." Isaac said, walking in.

"Yeah, right. What really happened?"

"You really want me to explain it to you tonight?" Isaac asked, biding for time.

"Yes." Cornelius replied.

"Fine. I found another Immortal." Isaac said, walking through.

"Unless you fought him, that doesn't explain the bloody clothes."

"You aren't my father Cornelius!" Isaac exclaimed, sleep not being his problem. His problem now, was that Cornelius wouldn't leave him alone.

"Was it Orpheus?"


"And?" Cornelius led Isaac on.

"He was being chased by an Archangel, like I chased him. The Archangel mistook me for him, and attacked." Isaac explained hurriedly. "Why?"

"What color was its blood, Isaac?"

"Why does it—"

"What color?" Cornelius exclaimed, grabbing Isaac's blood-soaked shoulder. Dark rings were under his bloodshot eyes, the bronze still capable of piercing through his soul. Isaac sometimes wondered if he had the same impression on others.

"Silver, why?"

Cornelius began to walk away, muttering. "Isaac…Isaac…Isaac…what have you done…"

"What have I done, Cornelius?" Isaac asked, now annoyed.

"Come. I'll explain in the study." They entered a library like room, books covering shelves all around him.

"Have I ever told you of the 'Four Forms of Life'?" Cornelius asked, placing two fingers on the table.

"Yeah," Isaac said, walking over to Cornelius, "Mortal, Immortal…"

"…Angel and Darkangel." Cornelius finished. "And the Fifth,"

"The Creator. Cornelius, we already—"

"I never said the fifth exists, but I never said it doesn't, either." Cornelius explained. "But there is an equally mysterious Sixth form exists as well, one of which is like none other." He turned to Isaac. "The ones we know as Silverbloods, the Reapers."

"Like the Grim Reaper?" Isaac asked, amused.

"Exactly." Isaac raised a brow. "The Grim Reaper is one of them. They are the most superior form of life, second only to the fifth…" Cornelius looked at Isaac. "The Angel of Death is what he is called, but the Grim Reaper is no Angel. He is a Silverblood. The Fifth's Guardians, the Two Reapers…" he said, sitting down. "The Unkillable Form of Life."

"But you said the Fifth always had a weakness for each form of life, that way it stayed superior, a God." Isaac said, remembering past explanations Cornelius had given him.

"They do. But only to the Fifth." Cornelius explained. "Depending on which Silverblood you killed, you will be receiving a visitor sometime soon, and you must be ready. They are known as the Fifth's Assassins."

"So they kill all who the Fifth find undesirable?" Isaac asked, leaning on the desk with his hands.

"Precisely. And you just made your way onto the target list." Cornelius said.

"Big deal. They can kill me, but I'll come back."

"Yes, Isaac it is a big deal." Isaac sighed. "The Darkangels are equally as indestructible as us. But the Silverbloods have their way."


"To kill the undesirable Darkangels, they beat them until they can no longer move, and deliver them straight to the Fifth."

"All the better."

"For Immortals, they drain the soul using the Immortal's own Soulbind, and seal them to where they stand. The only who has ever escaped…"



Isaac stood to leave, Cornelius stopped him. "One last thing, Isaac. Was the being wearing a cloak, or wings?"

Isaac turned around, looking at Cornelius. "I'll figure out for myself." He said, smirking. "Besides, we have an Immortal to look for now. I can describe him if you wish."

"That would be nice." Cornelius said, getting out a quill and paper.

"It had four wings, and a metallic helmet." Isaac explained, moving his hands in gestures that also explained this. "Also, it wore a white cloak."
"So…you met the Chaos Reaper…" Cornelius muttered. "It is better than if you met the Grim Reaper, although they both foretell your eventual end."

Isaac scoffed, turning around. "We begin searching for Orpheus tomorrow. He must be somewhere around Rimini still." Cornelius said, "However, we search together. Two of us should be able to keep a Silverblood at bay."

Isaac left the room, closing the door. Now all of a sudden, there were six forms of life, why wasn't this explained sooner? He returned to his room, looking out at the window, the figure no longer there. "Tomorrow…" he muttered, laying on the bed. "…tomorrow."

Chapter 6:

June 10, 1250-The Demon of Rimini

The light shone through the window, I covered my eyes with my hand as I sat up. Looking around, memories of the night before flashed through my mind. I never told anyone, but sheer terror filled me. I was being hunted, by something that could really ruin my life. The Chaos Reaper could have, even then burst out of nowhere and sealed me then. I stared at my hand, as if expecting to see something no one else could. As if my palm could tell me what I had to do to survive.

I got out of bed, and dressed, a black coat accompanying my black pants and white undershirt. I walked out of the room, and began looking for Cornelius. My brownish-black hair fashioned into a small ponytail that swayed slightly behind my head. I walked into the dining hall, a rather glorious breakfast set out, more than likely for me. I left the hall. I didn't need food; I could go without it for quite a while. I needed to figure out how often I needed to run from the Chaos Reaper.

Outside the mansion, I followed my gut, looking for Orpheus. The sounds around town filled my ears, I tried to concentrate. I had to find Orpheus before the Chaos Reaper could. The image of the Immortal: a dark, grey skin, golden-red scar, jet-black hair, was burned into my mind as I shoved through the crowds. I didn't know why, but when I was near Cornelius, I grew faster. My body was already that of a young man; 16 at least. The town square now sprawled before me. It wouldn't have meant anything unless I had heard the words.

"…did you see those two freaks last night? They must have been witches."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I even followed the one with all of those scars…lost track of him around that…what was it called again?"

"What was what called?"

"Anyway, I lost him somewhere in the South."

I continued blending with the crowd, however never moving forward. This was a pretty great clue to finding Orpheus; as well as the person hadn't followed me. I now would head South, shoving through the crowd, through the square. I made my way to where Orpheus and I had fought the night before. The smell of the water filled my nostrils, the sound of the canal filling my ears. Today was the day that Rimini had found its demon.

Isaac stood by the waters of the canal, watching them. "Hmph. South, huh?" he muttered, looking up to the sun. He determined which direction was South, looking over to the road Orpheus had run. That was East. Had the man lied to the other? Or maybe, Orpheus hadn't fled in one direction. In which case, Isaac thought, looking at the building he had was launched into. If he headed South, he would have a better chance of finding Orpheus than if he followed by memory. He just had to follow any trail Orpheus might have left; even if it was a trail of witnesses. On the bright side, Isaac looked nothing like he did before Reincarnation—questioning people
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