» Fantasy » Stone Predator, Kennedy Harkins [if you give a mouse a cookie read aloud txt] 📗

Book online «Stone Predator, Kennedy Harkins [if you give a mouse a cookie read aloud txt] 📗». Author Kennedy Harkins

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no anger in his voice. I got the feeling he was impressed that I knew so much about him.
“It’s kind of stalker of me, but there was a course in college.” I shrugged.
He snorted, “There was a course on me?”
I groaned, “Not you! Just supernatural people of importance.”
“I’m important am I?” He said with a sly grin.
“I wish I hadn’t said anything. I can actually see your ego inflating.”
His lips touched mine gently at first then increasing with speed and pressure. I melted into his touch. All thoughts of revenge, for the time being, out of my mind. Looking back I think it that might have been his plan. Unfortunately for him I’m not easily distracted long term.
I pulled back and put a finger to his eager lips, “None of this. I have errands I need to run!” He raised his eyebrow, but I continued before he could get a word in. “You know, groceries; I’m seriously low on ice cream. Plus I could go for some therapeutic clothes shopping.”
“Should I...come?” Ace looked like the last thing he wanted to do was go clothes shopping.
So I put on a big smile and said in a happy voice, “Nope, I’ll call regularly, and I’ll take Ellen. She’s more prepared to take care of a clothes crisis.” The relieved expression on his face told me I had won.
As soon as I was in the car and safely out of hearing distance I called Ellen.
She picked up on the second ring, “Hello?”
“Hey Ellen, it’s me. I’m sorry I didn’t come home last night. I ended up staying at Ace’s. I’m also going to spend the day with him. You don’t mind, right?”
“That’s probably a good idea. I heard about last night, crying on a strong shoulder sounds nice to me, and I wasn’t mauled by a wall.” I could hear the amusement in her voice.
“I’m glad one of us finds that funny,” I chuckled sarcastically.
“Listen, take as much time as you need. I’m not exactly going anywhere.”
“No hot date tonight?” I smirked.
“Good-bye.” The click sounded that meant she had hung up. She’d bought my lie so easily that it made me feel bad. Maybe I should just let it go and go home.
I shook those thoughts off. Jen deserved someone to investigate her murder. I pulled out of Ace’s drive and drove to down town Eastmoor.
The 2nd day on the job I had met a vampire. He’d come in with a woman he’d rescued from a car accident. She hadn’t looked both ways before crossing the street...dumb ass. He stayed with her all through surgery and recovery, which meant we’d had lots of time to talk. He was so nice that I didn’t even count him as meeting one of the supernatural. To normal, not enough Dracula. His name, I’d learned after looking at his records because I was too intimidated to ask, was Charles Mendoza. He was a man of Mexican descent who dates all the way back to the Revolutionary War.
I wasn’t completely sure he would help me. Actually make that not at all sure. We’d gotten coffee a couple of times, and he use to hang around me in the hospital, but...It’s been months since we last talked. I checked the time on the dash; 4:27 pm. Charles owns Sunset, yeah I know, a vampire who owns a night club, clique`. He says that it’s the last place people expect to really see a vampire. When in reality it’s kind of their hot spot.
I parked across the street and hurried over before I froze my ass off. It was located at the end a small shopping strip, much larger than the shops of course. Some of the lights were on even though it doesn’t officially open til eight. I remembered him telling me that most days he’ll come in early to get some quiet before all the loud music and drunk people showed up.
I desperately hoped it was Charles and not one of his hungry friends. And me without my Buffy the Vampire Slayer weapons and outfit.
I pushed open the double door and was hit with the smell of alcohol. It wasn’t unpleasant, more alluring, like it was an advertisement. There was a medium sized dance floor in the middle of the room, surrounded by red booths and a few tables with chairs. On the far side of the dimly lit room was an enormous bar that was calling my name. The man who was wiping it down looked to be an inch or so shorter than Ace, with a good build, light brown hair, and strange grey eyes. They reminded me of rain and thunder clouds.
He gazed up from his work with an expression of confusion on his face, probably wondering why I was breaking in.
“Vivica Khan?” He chuckled like it had been years instead of months.
I lifted my hand to my forehead, as if to shield of the sun, and said in a highly sarcastic voice, “Brad Pitt?”
He rushed over to give me an encouraging squeeze and a cheesy grin, “No, but I’m told the resemblance is shocking.” Charles motioned me over to the bar and sat down next to me.
“The place looks nice,” I said glancing everywhere, but in his eyes.
“I heard what happened at the hospital,” his voice didn’t give his mood away so I was forced to meet his gaze. His brows were furrowed and he seemed a little angry, but it might have been my imagination.
“How has everyone heard? What, was there a news letter? Extra, extra, read all about an unlucky doctor who smashed her skull in...”
He sighed, “I’m afraid to ask, but what brings you down here? I know you didn’t come all the way here just to say hello.”
“It is good to see you-”
“V,” he interrupted impatiently.
“Fine, I need your nose. I want to investigate into who killed that girl, and before you say no, I’m going to snoop around anyway. I can do it with or without your help and protection.”
He glared at me, “You’ll be the death of me, Vivica Khan, if it’s the last thing you do.” I smiled at his obvious surrender and leaned in to give him a kiss on forehead.
“I knew you’d see it my way,” I said happily.
He captured my focus with his eyes and held me prisoner, “I will help you, but if I get the feeling you’re in to much danger, you go home. No questions asked, we do this my way.”
I returned his power stare, “You have yourself a deal Mr.” I held up my finger, “If you promise not to tell anyone what we’re up to.”
A smirk crossed his face, “Afraid of what a certain Alpha might do?”
I nodded cautiously, “To both of us.”
We clamored into my pick up and I let him drive, sense I technically owed him now. I asked him about the Club, but he said not to worry about it, someone was coming in to open it.
“So, do you mind if I ask you something very inappropriate?”
A smile tugged across his face, “You’re a very naughty girl, you know that?”
“Not that kind a question, well not about us anyway.” He motioned me to continue, “Are you seeing anyone?”
He choked a little, “W-what?” I guess that wasn’t what he was expecting at all.
“I was just curious. You’ve been around so long, you must know like every pick line imaginable,” I quickly covered my embarrassment at his reaction. I hadn’t exactly thought through what I was asking.
“I don’t know about that, but it does make it harder people,” he laughed.
I frowned, “How so?”
“I’ve been ‘around’ for so long that I’ve met a lot of women, they’ve all become the same to me. It’s a very boring life.”
“So you need someone exciting! I a serial bomber or a FBI agent.” I was instantly caught in a day dream of Charles blowing up a building on their first date.
“I’m afraid the type of woman that would satisfy me is in short supply,” he joked, seemingly not affected by my geeky comments about his love life.
“I guess you now have my permission to ask me something personal or weird,” I sighed heavily, turn about is fair play.
“I may take you up one that,” he chuckled as we pulled into the hospital parking lot.
“I can’t believe I’m coming here on my day off...” God, I’m turning into a loser.
“I can’t believe I let you drag me into another one of your crazy plans.”
“Another?” I cried.
“You remember the time you forced me into helping you prank your coworker, Natalie Loyse?”
“You have a very selective memory, because you talked me into doing it,” I grumbled.
“Ha! As if.”
I got a lot of looks walking through the halls, but my determined and slightly angry expression kept them from messing with me. Just because we work together, doesn’t mean we’re friends. I took him to the exact spot where I had found her. It was really hard to even think her name, now that I was back at the scene of the crime. The body had been moved and my blood cleaned up. It was good to not to have to see it, the same time I hated how it seemed like nothing had happened. Like Jen had never existed. The only thing that lingered from last night was the temperature. I felt like I was standing in a meat locker.
Charles walked around where Jen had been, his nose was wrinkled like he smelled something awful. Perhaps he could pick up something I couldn’t.
Finally he looked up at me, his eyes held concern, “You’ve got a problem.”
I frowned, “What is it?”
“Not what, who. I smell a warlock,” he growled.
I stiffened, so someone had done this to Jen. Someone with a soul, and feelings, and perhaps a family. I didn’t know much about the magically gifted, but I did know they were completely human. Just humans with powers. They are usually born with the gift, but some sell themselves to demons and get magic that way.
I don’t know what I had expected, some kind of beast. True, I didn’t know anything about Jennifer’s past but...what could someone do to deserve that? Nothing in my book, and I’m not exactly merciful.
There was only one thing on my mind, “How do I kill him?”
Charles raised his eyebrows, “Unless he casts a spell on himself, he’ll die just like a human.”
“Oh, good. Here I thought it was going to be complicated, so a gun will work?”
“You’re not serious,” he said disbelievingly.
“Deadly.” And I was. This guy wasn’t going to just get away with this, and there was no way for the police to trace magic.
“Leave this to Ace, alright? He’ll think of something.”
“I don’t need him to fight my battles,” I groaned.
He leaned closer to me. “This isn’t your battle,” he said gently, “It’s not your fault she’s gone.”
I sighed, “Have you gotten all you can get from here?”
“Alright, then we may as well call it a night. I’ll think more on this tomorrow.”
“Ace?” I called into the seeming empty dark house. Mel had left two days ago for some kind of school related camp. I’d told her that if she came back pregnant her father would kill both of us, and sent her on her way without further questioning.
“Ace? I’m back from my day with Ellen.” Yes, I was taking the lying route again. I know I should probably stop before my nose
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