» Fantasy » My Human Mate, Shivani Sharma [e manga reader txt] 📗

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walked back towards the school entrance, but before he entered he shouted out to me “Good luck man! You’re gonna need it. You’re mated to the one and only Alisha!” he laughed and went in.

Alisha? Alisha as in Alisha Ellwood? I was frozen in place as the thought processed in my brain.

Alisha! Oh my god, it’s Alisha! I had to put my head against my locker. I couldn’t see or think straight. I let out a loud growl and slammed both fists into my locker, putting huge dents into it. “Dude are you okay?” “What’s up, man?” “Babe are you okay!?” Karin’s voice brought me back to reality. I felt disgusted by my own girlfriend. I looked in the direction that Alisha was walking and could no longer hold it back anymore. I had to let it out.


I walked in the direction she was going without looking back. I knew I had left them in as much shock as Anush did. My pace picked up the stronger her scent became. I knew she was close but I was stopped by the principal. “Robert get to class right now!” I turned ready to argue with her but the group of people behind her told me now was not the time to start a fight. Reluctantly I walked off to class but I couldn’t get Alisha off my mind.

(Alisha P.O.V)


I arrived at the twins with my baby Anush want to test drive my baby and I didn't protest it. “Morning boss” he greeted and then whistled, “Someone’s looking fine on a sweet ride.” I chuckled, ” Thanks. Gotta look good to keep up the reputation.”


"Give it even a scratch and I will Castrate you," I warn him and give him my bike key. After he sat on my baby I sat behind him and we drove away to the school.


"I will see you at lunch," he said and walk towards his locker. We bid him goodbye and walk to our class after taking my books from my locker.


At lunch I was walking towards my friends when I saw that Karin and I were about to cross paths I knew in the back of my mind she was going to dump her lunch on me. Right as she stopped me in front of me she went to tip her tray over as I expected but not this time I brought my hands up flipping it all over her instead. She let out a high pitched shriek. “You bitch! What the hell was that for?!”


I let out a loud laugh. “Oops, it was an accident” I could stop the smirk that appeared on my face. Hers, however, looked like a tomato. “That was not an accident! You did that on purpose!” I stepped around her careful not to step in food. “Well, that’s the excuse you always used so I thought I should try it.” As I turned to walk away she reached out and grabbed me by my hair.


Oh hell no. I spun around fist already in motion, the impact it had on her face sent her straight to the ground. “Don’t ever put your nasty hands on me ever again!” I marched over to the assholes table my rage in full action Thanking internally to Griselda for training me in my every Vacation on how to fight and protect myself from this assholes.


They watched me as I marched over, their eyes grew wide. I slammed my hands on their table. “Don’t you dare try to fuck with me or you will regret it! And if I ever catch you bullying ANYONE I will pummel you until you end up in a coma for 3 months as you did to me!”


To top it all off I grabbed their table and flipped it over sending all their lunches on to the floor and stormed out of the cafeteria.


You are my mate

(Robert P.O.V)


Again she left me in total shock. I have never seen someone so mad. She may be a little thing but when she was mad she turned into the hulk. I didn’t even have to look around to know that all eyes were on us. Karin came running up to me with tears streaming down her face. “Look what that bitch did to me!" I hated the way she called my mate such a horrible name.


“Don’t call my mate that! May I remind you she is your futureQueen!” my Lycian was trying to take over. He wanted to kill Carley for talking that way about his mate. “But baby! She’s horrible! Why can’t you just forget about her and I’ll be your mate!” Karin was hanging onto my arm. The thought made me sick to my stomach. How could she think I’d give up my mate for her? Having her hang on me felt even more disgusting I felt as if I were cheating on my mate.


"Never” was the only thing that left my mouth as I walked out of the cafeteria. I was going to find my mate and clam her as mine.


(Alisha P.O.V)


I was storming down the hallway, luckily it was empty because I wasn’t in the mood to deal with people. I heard footsteps running down the hall. I thought it was just someone in a hurry until I heard my name being called. At first, I thought I was just hearing things but then it came again. I was growing closer along with the footsteps. I slowed my pace. I was so close to the front doors of the school and I didn’t want to see anyone but something about that voice made me stop. The moment I turned to see who it was my heart almost stopped.


There he has come closer and closer to me, I didn’t like it. I wanted to turn and run out the doors but my feet were glued to the ground. He stopped a few feet from me and just started almost as if he was in shock that I actually stopped. I waited for him to speak but after what felt like forever he still hadn’t said a word.


What do you want Robert?” the annoyance was evident in my voice. His eyes met mine as he started mumbling words I couldn’t understand. “Uh, what?” “Ummm well I really need to tell you something.“I stood there waiting for him to continue but he never did. “You have to use your words, I can’t read your mind.” His cheeks turned slightly pink. It took everything in me not smile at him.


“Well I don’t really know how to say it” I rolled my eyes, “it’s simple really, you open your mouth and speak the words racing around in your head right now.” He smirked at me “you know, you’re a smartass.” “Yes, I’ve been told. But really I don’t have all day to say what you need to say, Robert.” His eyes shot up to meet mine when I said his name. But his eyes weren’t their normal ocean blue color they were yellow. “Robert what’s wrong with your eyes?!”


He looked down and shook his head. “It’s my Lycian.“Does your Lycian not like me or what?“His head shot up again but this time he reached out to grab my arms. He pulled me closer to him so our faces were only inches apart. “No, he could never hate you.” I knew my face held a confused look so he continued. “That’s part of what I need to talk to you about.” He stopped and looked at the floor. Taking a deep breath he looked back into my eyes. “Alisha you are my mate.”


I couldn’t stop the laugh I felt coming up my throat. Before I knew it I was out of his arms hunched over laughing. I thought that it was some kind of a joke but when I looked back up at him, he wasn’t laughing, he had a hard look on his face. I suddenly realized that it wasn’t a joke. I stood back up straight. “Your joking aren’t you?” He slowly shook his head no. “Oh. My. Gosh. What? How? Why?” He just shrugged his shoulders “the moon goddess chose you as my mate.”


I slowly started backing away from him towards the doors. “I can’t deal with this right now.” Was the last thing I said before I turned and ran through the doors of the school.


Running away from him

(Alisha P.O.V)


I ran. I just ran and kept going. I didn’t know where I was going I couldn’t think straight and due to the tears in my eyes, I couldn’t see either. I did, however, know I had been running for a while. Thoughts of the past raced through my mind and pushed me to keep going. The pain in my chest was increasing by the second. I wasn’t sure if it was because I was running so hard or because of the past catching up with me. Suddenly I was thrust forward, hitting the ground hard.


The pain in my ankle told me I had tripped over something but nothing compared to the pain in my chest. I laid on the ground looking up to the sky, trying to calm my breathing. The tears never stopped and my head hurt from the racing thoughts. My only dream was to have a mate to have someone who loves me unconditionally and now it's shattered into pieces.


All the pain I felt was rushing back, all the mean names were being screamed in my head, and her depression was trying to shut me down.


why did he have to be my mate? Why him of all people? I am human, I’m not supposed to have a mate! I had always secretly wanted one. The thought of never having to date multiple guys and knowing that I was with that one person who was made for me. I wanted it so bad but now that it's happening I didn’t want it anymore. I want things to go back to the way they were an hour ago.


He is the leader of all those mutts. The people who caused me so much pain! He was the one who stood back as they beat me and made me hate myself. He was the one person who could have put it all to an end with the snap of a finger, but he didn’t. He let it happen. I know he himself never actually laid a finger on me but he still could have stopped it. I blame him for it. I can’t love him. I won't love

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