Clan Fighters, Kaitlyn Garlets [ebook reader with built in dictionary .TXT] 📗

- Author: Kaitlyn Garlets
Book online «Clan Fighters, Kaitlyn Garlets [ebook reader with built in dictionary .TXT] 📗». Author Kaitlyn Garlets
You came here for a reason, and not because Macbeth had told you to or whatever. You came here because fate knew that we would meet and need each other's help."
Reece looked up at Griffen, surprised that he had said that. "But-" Reece cut herself off because she knew that he was right because he had gone through the same thing she had gone through. She didn't know what else to say but thank you. "Thank you, Griffen. For saving my life. I thought you were going to let her kill me for a minute there," she choked back some more tears that were about to burst the barrier holding them back.
"I would never have done that. I was just waiting for the right moment to attack her," Griffen whispered, setting the scroll down on the rotten table in front of Reece, who ignored it.
From behind Griffen, Macbeth made a hissing sound behind the tape on her mouth, thinking that they were just a bunch of sissies.
"Thanks," Reece said again.
"Your welcome," he replied, looking away from her so that she couldn't see his expression. "You know, I did say that you didn't have to trust me. But I do know some people that could help you. I could help you train and learn your powers if you want. But, you don't have to trust me if you don't want to."
"You said that already," Reece whispered, not fighting the tiredness inside of her. "I-I just don't know what to do. I don't even know what powers I have or how to use them or why I have them. Why do I have to be the girl from the prophecy? Why not someone else? I mean, my brother didn't tell me anything, and he totally trusted Macbeth, who turned out to be a crazy person raging with jealousness and who probably lied to me about everything and probably killed Brian."
"Wow, and I thought my life was screwed up," Griffen said to himself.
"What? What did you just say?" Reece asked, her blood boiling inside of her. "Did you just say what I thought you said?"
Griffen backed up, shocked that Reece had heard him say that. He didn't mean to say that, it kind of slipped out, even though it was true. It seemed like her life was way more worse than his, even though he had spent most of his life haunted by the memory.
"I swear, I didn't mean to say that. It just came out," Griffen said, almost tripping over Macbeth, who screamed in pain and fell over from the impact.
"Why did you say that?" Reece asked, grabbing Griffen's t-shirt which was dirty from rolling around on the ground.
Griffen held his hands up, pleading in his head for her not to do anything, especially when she didn't know how to control her powers, and he surely didn't know what kind of powers she had.
"I really, truly didn't mean to say that, Reece. You know that I am not lying."
Reece knew that he was right and let him go, sighing.
"I'm sorry. I have been through a lot these two days," Reece apologized.
"Its okay. I didn't mean to say that. Please, forgive me."
"I do. But do you forgive me for trying to hurt you?" Reece asked.
"Yes, of course."
"Can you tell me about these people that can help me? I'm not saying that I trust anyone or anything, but I just want to know what powers that I hold and if I can control them."
"I thought you might want to go and interrogate Macbeth and see where she might have hidden the papers that were in the box."
"Okay, but right after, then we see what we can do about my powers and stuff, okay?"
Griffen walked to Macbeth, who's eyes widened when she saw fire start to form on his hands.
"Now, can you tell me where you hid the papers?" Griffen asked, holding his hands by her already burnt neck. She shook her head, her eyes widening even more. "Oh, you don't know? Well, I think that you do know and are going to tell me sooner or later. And if you don't tell me where you hid the papers, then I guess you can die and we can just go ask someone else that knows or we can just go look for them. Which would you rather us do?"
Macbeth shrugged, knowing that she probably would die anyways even if she told us where the papers were.
"Look, Macbeth, if that's even your name, just tell us where they are and we will let you go. How does that sound?" Reece asked, knowing that it was a mistake to say something like letting her go because she knew that she would never let someone who had tried to kill her go free because she could try and kill again. When Macbeth just ignored her, Reece said, "Just take the tape off her mouth, Griffen."
Griffen did what she said and ripped the tape off her mouth, causing her to scream at the top of her lungs.
"Tell us now, and you go," Griffen said.
"No! I'd rather die than tell you where I hid the papers!"
"That can be arranged," Reece said, feeling guilty for even thinking about it.
Macbeth just laughed, mocking them. "Never. No matter what you do to me, I will not tell."
"Don't you want to see your family again? I don't think that you would want to die when you would just go to hell," Reece replied.
"I haven't had a family in over a hundred years, and I was the one who killed them when I was your age. Its in our blood to kill. Even if your on the good side, you still have to fight the will to want to kill. Even ask your little boyfriend Griffen!" Macbeth hissed, laughing again.
"We just met, Macbeth," Reece said, ignoring the fact that she had said that about them.
Griffen looked away from Macbeth, knowing that she knows how he feels about Reece even though they had just met that same night. It was like love at first sight, but he had no idea if Reece felt the same way.
"Its true though. But not the way she thinks to kill. I do want to kill, but I want to kill every last Skincrawler there is on this planet," Griffen admitted to mostly himself.
"What? I already knew that you wanted to kill them because they killed your parents in front of you!" Reece said.
Macbeth kept laughing. "You know nothing of the sort!" She said.
"What are you talking about?" Reece said, getting madder by the second.
Reece grabbed Macbeth by her shirt and felt rage pouring out of her.
Macbeth laughed as a fierce wind started, almost knocking Griffen over. Lightening was everywhere, hitting Reece, but she felt nothing.
"What the hell?" Macbeth asked, the color draining from her face and her eyes almost popped out of her head.
"Tell me now where the papers are or else!" Reece screamed, seeing lightening fly everywhere, still hitting her, but she didn't care.
"Ha, you think a little lightening is going to scare me?" Macbeth asked, even though both Reece and Griffen could see she was terrified.
"Yes, and I think a little fire wouldn't be so bad either!" Reece said, letting a warm feeling take her body over as fire raised from under her skin and flowed onto her hands which were still gripping Macbeth's shirt.
"Alright! Just don't kill me! I'll tell you!" Macbeth screamed, blowing at the fire on her shirt and shoulders. "Let me go!"
"Not until you tell me where they are!" Reece yelled, as Griffen watched from in front of them, a shocked look on his face as he watched as lightening and fire collided and hit one another and landed on Reece who wasn't affected one bit by it.
"Okay, they are still at your house! I took them from you when you were sleeping in the hotel room and I put them back there!" Macbeth yelled, screaming in pain.
Reece didn't let go.
"Reece! Let her go! She told you where they are! Reece!" Griffen yelled over the wind and lightening and fire roars.
"Did you kill my brother?!" Reece yelled, needing to know.
"No! I swear! It really was Skincrawlers!" Macbeth said, crying in pain.
Reece let go of her, the wind, lightening, and fire instantly ending.
"Oh, my God. Did I just do that all at once?" Reece whispered, looking at the damage she made to the small shack that Griffen has called home for a while now.
Macbeth was almost dead, no longer wanting to sit up straight, she fell over, her hands and feet still tied. She looked like she was set on fire. All of her hair was gone and most of her skin.
"Reece?" Griffen was a distance away from her, afraid that she would do the same thing to him as she did to Macbeth.
Reece looked at her hands, knowing that she had done this because she was mad and wanted the truth.
Reece had never done anything this bad in her life. The worst thing she had done in her whole entire life was accidentally punch her brother in the nose when they were smaller when she was acting like she was punching someone, and Brian had ran outside right into her fist. She had cried for weeks until his nose was all healed, but she thought that she was going to hell for doing that to him.
"You okay?" Griffen asked, holding her shoulders.
"No, I think I could have killed her. I didn't know what I was doing. I just felt like I had to do it or else," Reece whispered, leaning her head against Griffen's chest, sighing.
"Macbeth was right. It is in our blood to kill. And since you have all the Clan's powers, you have the feeling ten times as worse then anyone."
Reece nodded, not trusting herself to speak.
"I know that you were scared and so was I, but that is all behind us now. We know where the papers are and we can see what you can really do. Okay?" Griffen asked, lifting Reece's head off his chest and forcing her to look at him.
"I don't think that I can go on, knowing that I just almost killed someone, even though she tried to kill me. The worst thing that I have ever done was accidentally punch my brother in the nose. I felt so bad, but Brian kept telling me that it was by accident."
Griffen laughed, swaying back and forth with Reece, trying to calm her down.
"How is that funny?" Reece asked, both crying and laughing with him. Reece always laughed when she cried, especially when someone was trying to get her to laugh.
"Oh, it is funny."
"Maybe you should check on Macbeth and see if she's still alive. Because If she died from that, then police might think it was suspicious because of all the lightening marks and fire everywhere and all," Reece said, wiping her tears.
Griffen let go of Reece even though he didn't want to and checked to see if Macbeth was breathing, but she wasn't.
"She's gone," Griffen said.
"What? I killed her?" Reece asked.
"But you didn't mean to do it, Reece!" Griffen reassured her, failing.
"Yes, I did, if I had just let go a few minutes before, she would still be alive!" Reece said, crying. "I didn't mean to!"
"Its okay, Reece. She was the one wanting to kill you! You did the right thing! It was amazing to
Reece looked up at Griffen, surprised that he had said that. "But-" Reece cut herself off because she knew that he was right because he had gone through the same thing she had gone through. She didn't know what else to say but thank you. "Thank you, Griffen. For saving my life. I thought you were going to let her kill me for a minute there," she choked back some more tears that were about to burst the barrier holding them back.
"I would never have done that. I was just waiting for the right moment to attack her," Griffen whispered, setting the scroll down on the rotten table in front of Reece, who ignored it.
From behind Griffen, Macbeth made a hissing sound behind the tape on her mouth, thinking that they were just a bunch of sissies.
"Thanks," Reece said again.
"Your welcome," he replied, looking away from her so that she couldn't see his expression. "You know, I did say that you didn't have to trust me. But I do know some people that could help you. I could help you train and learn your powers if you want. But, you don't have to trust me if you don't want to."
"You said that already," Reece whispered, not fighting the tiredness inside of her. "I-I just don't know what to do. I don't even know what powers I have or how to use them or why I have them. Why do I have to be the girl from the prophecy? Why not someone else? I mean, my brother didn't tell me anything, and he totally trusted Macbeth, who turned out to be a crazy person raging with jealousness and who probably lied to me about everything and probably killed Brian."
"Wow, and I thought my life was screwed up," Griffen said to himself.
"What? What did you just say?" Reece asked, her blood boiling inside of her. "Did you just say what I thought you said?"
Griffen backed up, shocked that Reece had heard him say that. He didn't mean to say that, it kind of slipped out, even though it was true. It seemed like her life was way more worse than his, even though he had spent most of his life haunted by the memory.
"I swear, I didn't mean to say that. It just came out," Griffen said, almost tripping over Macbeth, who screamed in pain and fell over from the impact.
"Why did you say that?" Reece asked, grabbing Griffen's t-shirt which was dirty from rolling around on the ground.
Griffen held his hands up, pleading in his head for her not to do anything, especially when she didn't know how to control her powers, and he surely didn't know what kind of powers she had.
"I really, truly didn't mean to say that, Reece. You know that I am not lying."
Reece knew that he was right and let him go, sighing.
"I'm sorry. I have been through a lot these two days," Reece apologized.
"Its okay. I didn't mean to say that. Please, forgive me."
"I do. But do you forgive me for trying to hurt you?" Reece asked.
"Yes, of course."
"Can you tell me about these people that can help me? I'm not saying that I trust anyone or anything, but I just want to know what powers that I hold and if I can control them."
"I thought you might want to go and interrogate Macbeth and see where she might have hidden the papers that were in the box."
"Okay, but right after, then we see what we can do about my powers and stuff, okay?"
Griffen walked to Macbeth, who's eyes widened when she saw fire start to form on his hands.
"Now, can you tell me where you hid the papers?" Griffen asked, holding his hands by her already burnt neck. She shook her head, her eyes widening even more. "Oh, you don't know? Well, I think that you do know and are going to tell me sooner or later. And if you don't tell me where you hid the papers, then I guess you can die and we can just go ask someone else that knows or we can just go look for them. Which would you rather us do?"
Macbeth shrugged, knowing that she probably would die anyways even if she told us where the papers were.
"Look, Macbeth, if that's even your name, just tell us where they are and we will let you go. How does that sound?" Reece asked, knowing that it was a mistake to say something like letting her go because she knew that she would never let someone who had tried to kill her go free because she could try and kill again. When Macbeth just ignored her, Reece said, "Just take the tape off her mouth, Griffen."
Griffen did what she said and ripped the tape off her mouth, causing her to scream at the top of her lungs.
"Tell us now, and you go," Griffen said.
"No! I'd rather die than tell you where I hid the papers!"
"That can be arranged," Reece said, feeling guilty for even thinking about it.
Macbeth just laughed, mocking them. "Never. No matter what you do to me, I will not tell."
"Don't you want to see your family again? I don't think that you would want to die when you would just go to hell," Reece replied.
"I haven't had a family in over a hundred years, and I was the one who killed them when I was your age. Its in our blood to kill. Even if your on the good side, you still have to fight the will to want to kill. Even ask your little boyfriend Griffen!" Macbeth hissed, laughing again.
"We just met, Macbeth," Reece said, ignoring the fact that she had said that about them.
Griffen looked away from Macbeth, knowing that she knows how he feels about Reece even though they had just met that same night. It was like love at first sight, but he had no idea if Reece felt the same way.
"Its true though. But not the way she thinks to kill. I do want to kill, but I want to kill every last Skincrawler there is on this planet," Griffen admitted to mostly himself.
"What? I already knew that you wanted to kill them because they killed your parents in front of you!" Reece said.
Macbeth kept laughing. "You know nothing of the sort!" She said.
"What are you talking about?" Reece said, getting madder by the second.
Reece grabbed Macbeth by her shirt and felt rage pouring out of her.
Macbeth laughed as a fierce wind started, almost knocking Griffen over. Lightening was everywhere, hitting Reece, but she felt nothing.
"What the hell?" Macbeth asked, the color draining from her face and her eyes almost popped out of her head.
"Tell me now where the papers are or else!" Reece screamed, seeing lightening fly everywhere, still hitting her, but she didn't care.
"Ha, you think a little lightening is going to scare me?" Macbeth asked, even though both Reece and Griffen could see she was terrified.
"Yes, and I think a little fire wouldn't be so bad either!" Reece said, letting a warm feeling take her body over as fire raised from under her skin and flowed onto her hands which were still gripping Macbeth's shirt.
"Alright! Just don't kill me! I'll tell you!" Macbeth screamed, blowing at the fire on her shirt and shoulders. "Let me go!"
"Not until you tell me where they are!" Reece yelled, as Griffen watched from in front of them, a shocked look on his face as he watched as lightening and fire collided and hit one another and landed on Reece who wasn't affected one bit by it.
"Okay, they are still at your house! I took them from you when you were sleeping in the hotel room and I put them back there!" Macbeth yelled, screaming in pain.
Reece didn't let go.
"Reece! Let her go! She told you where they are! Reece!" Griffen yelled over the wind and lightening and fire roars.
"Did you kill my brother?!" Reece yelled, needing to know.
"No! I swear! It really was Skincrawlers!" Macbeth said, crying in pain.
Reece let go of her, the wind, lightening, and fire instantly ending.
"Oh, my God. Did I just do that all at once?" Reece whispered, looking at the damage she made to the small shack that Griffen has called home for a while now.
Macbeth was almost dead, no longer wanting to sit up straight, she fell over, her hands and feet still tied. She looked like she was set on fire. All of her hair was gone and most of her skin.
"Reece?" Griffen was a distance away from her, afraid that she would do the same thing to him as she did to Macbeth.
Reece looked at her hands, knowing that she had done this because she was mad and wanted the truth.
Reece had never done anything this bad in her life. The worst thing she had done in her whole entire life was accidentally punch her brother in the nose when they were smaller when she was acting like she was punching someone, and Brian had ran outside right into her fist. She had cried for weeks until his nose was all healed, but she thought that she was going to hell for doing that to him.
"You okay?" Griffen asked, holding her shoulders.
"No, I think I could have killed her. I didn't know what I was doing. I just felt like I had to do it or else," Reece whispered, leaning her head against Griffen's chest, sighing.
"Macbeth was right. It is in our blood to kill. And since you have all the Clan's powers, you have the feeling ten times as worse then anyone."
Reece nodded, not trusting herself to speak.
"I know that you were scared and so was I, but that is all behind us now. We know where the papers are and we can see what you can really do. Okay?" Griffen asked, lifting Reece's head off his chest and forcing her to look at him.
"I don't think that I can go on, knowing that I just almost killed someone, even though she tried to kill me. The worst thing that I have ever done was accidentally punch my brother in the nose. I felt so bad, but Brian kept telling me that it was by accident."
Griffen laughed, swaying back and forth with Reece, trying to calm her down.
"How is that funny?" Reece asked, both crying and laughing with him. Reece always laughed when she cried, especially when someone was trying to get her to laugh.
"Oh, it is funny."
"Maybe you should check on Macbeth and see if she's still alive. Because If she died from that, then police might think it was suspicious because of all the lightening marks and fire everywhere and all," Reece said, wiping her tears.
Griffen let go of Reece even though he didn't want to and checked to see if Macbeth was breathing, but she wasn't.
"She's gone," Griffen said.
"What? I killed her?" Reece asked.
"But you didn't mean to do it, Reece!" Griffen reassured her, failing.
"Yes, I did, if I had just let go a few minutes before, she would still be alive!" Reece said, crying. "I didn't mean to!"
"Its okay, Reece. She was the one wanting to kill you! You did the right thing! It was amazing to
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