» Fantasy » Purple Sky, A. Teller [simple ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Purple Sky, A. Teller [simple ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author A. Teller

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ripping passed my cheek, tearing at the stone that was my face and arms. It was odd. My arms were covered, and yet, they chilled and hurt. I felt my back stiffen, and my head and hands shudder. I knew this place. We slowed down, and finally stopped. The wolves stood on the rocks, and I walked out into the open. The meadow.

It was covered in a thick layer of snow. The trees looked grey instead of green. The sky turned dark, but still lit enough to see streaks of sun kissed sky. It was a grayish-raspberry, and the ground was dead. Flowers gone, no grass. Death. Pain. My heart felt like it broke in half, and my hands trembled. The wolves just stared at me in confusion. Suddenly, the wolves coward back in fear. Even Seth flattened and scurried away. I looked across the clearing. And my heart splinters jetted out and stabbed my body. Jacob.

He stood there, smiling a hinted smile. He had no shirt, but he looked cold. Not physically, but he looked scary. His smile was almost an in-your-face kind of smile. As though he knew what I was thinking. His face looked devious, almost evil. Then she emerged. A tall, statuesque woman with pale, blonde (almost silver) hair that reach her waist. Her eyes were…red. Brighter than blood. They glowed like fire across the field. My chest burned, and my arms shook violently. Anger, hurt. It all swelled up inside me. A small, approving smile emerged on her pearly pink lips. She was barefoot, wearing a black, flowing dress. She was far more evil-looking than Rosalie, but her hair resembled Rose’s in almost every way. But her eyes. Fixated on me. Flaunting something. But what? Then, the connection was made, and my heart splinters ran to my throat, grinded into my neck, and made my eyes rain across the dead ground . She took Jacob’s hand, whispering into his ear. Her lips were brushing his ear, and I wanted to cry. I debated. Cry? Run? Scream? Attack?

He turned his head just as she began whispering another malicious word. He didn’t take his eyes off me the whole time she was whispering. He maintained the evil grin. He broke the connection between my miserable eyes, and turned to her. She smiled, and their lips collided. The force of it seemed to slap and stab and claw at my face and eyes all at once. I swallowed hard, then hoped that this vampire woman would kill me. That she’d burn me or rip me apart. I wished I‘d die now so no one would ever know. So I didn‘t have to wilt away in my room over the guy that left. Jake smiled after he released her lips, and walked towards me. Her glossy, red nails released Jake’s arm, and crossed in satisfaction. Jake’s evil grin turned into burning scowls of anger. He phased, turning into not his russet, beautiful wolf. It was a mangy, black wolf with piercing crimson eyes and long, white claws. Nothing like Sam. His teeth bared, and his claws were the size of my face. He walked towards me, then started running. He lunged, and the world seemed to slow down. His lunge for my throat slowed down, and even his blinking was slow. I heard his real voice, his real words instead of growls. The last thing he said before he left, and many others. Whispering... My father’s voice, my mother’s, Alice’s. They all whispered to me. Things about Jacob. But Jake’s was the loudest. The world spun as his words, hushed, screamed at me.

“…love you…love you…love you…”

I woke up screaming. My back was covered in sweat, and my breathe gasped the hot air of the room. Alice held my around her arms, rocking me. “Shh, it’s okay Ness. It’s okay,” she whispered. My side hurt, and I burst into tears. I wailed uncontrollably. I felt bad, since I could hear my parents’ distress. But I didn’t care. Jake was gone. And it felt like he’d be gone forever.


I spent hours sitting on the black futon, looking out of my window, hoping that Jacob would appear. Or maybe hoping the women from my dreams would appear to kill me. To kill me before unveiling the scene from my dreams. I wished I could see him, just once more. Kind of like a cheesy romance where the guy comes up over the horizon to rescue the one he loved. Or once loved. I couldn’t tell. I didn’t care that my father would stand in the doorway of my room, hearing my thoughts. I didn’t care that he knew now that I was in love with Jacob.

“She’s dying!” I heard Alice say from the living room. I flinched at the word, the most I’d moved all day. I was sore, even from the flinch.

“She’s not dying Alice. She’s depressed,” my mom defended. Crap, I thought. My family thinks I’m depressed. What, now I need a shrink?

“Jacob’s coming back soon. We have to wait Alice,” Edward said. He had a tint of disappointment…Jake would come back. I shuddered at the jumble of words. A hiss left my lips. After more arguing, all went silent. No one said a word. Alice’s scent left the room, and soon, so did the others. The only scent left, and that was getting closer, was Rosalie’s.

My sadness suddenly halted. My eyes felt like they were filling with blood, and angry heat built up in my heart. Like I had swallowed a match after having drunk a gallon of lighter fluid. My eyes burned, and I felt like overthrowing a tank.

“Nessie, sweetheart?” Rose called. I glanced up at her, trying to seem less frightening. I could tell that I looked intimidating, so I tried to look innocent and guilty at the same time. If I was guilty, I’d get pity. It worked.

“Nessie, I want you to come hunting with me and Alice tomorrow. Please?” Rose pleaded.

I nodded silently. Rose spend a few minutes stroking my hair. I fought to stay awake. Rose left after realizing I was uncomfortable, and the house was empty. I felt cold, and for the first time in my life, alone. The house was empty, my heart was empty, my stomach was empty, and my eyes were the only thing filled. I was seeing blue, blurry tears. But my eyes transformed, and my stomach suddenly ached. Suddenly, purple, than red. Why had Jacob left me? What did I do? Why did he leave me so helpless? Why hadn’t he talked to me? Where was he?

I decided to give in to my questions. I wrote out a note, trying my best not to break the paper with my teeth. I wondered if sending my pen through the granite counter was any better. Leaving the note on the counter, I grabbed a small bag of necessities and left for Sam’s. The note read

Dear Family,

Don’t be alarmed that I’m not here. I need to find Jake. No questions, please. And please, don’t come and try to find or stop me. I need to do this on my own. I’m begging, and if you could imagine me begging on my knees, that might help my case a little. Dad, you know a lot more about my thoughts than everyone else, so tell them what you will. Alice, don’t try to look for me, please? I just want to know that there’s no eyes on me this time. I think that I deserve full control this time. Please? I’ll be back in five days, tops.

I love you all, Renesmee

I didn’t care if I had to rip Sam’s arm off, I was going to find out where Jacob was. I reached the house by about seven at night. It was quiet, so I figured they were out on patrols. I could wait. For how long, I wasn’t sure…

Sam and the pack showed up about fifteen minutes after me. They could smell me, of course, but I posed no threat.

“Hey Ness!” I heard Seth call from about ten feet away. Seth had healed enough yesterday to be back outside. Caring for Seth kept me occupied for the first one or two days without Jake, but the feeling was gone once Seth was well enough to leave the house and run with the pack.

I waved and stood up when they all came into view. “She’s been waiting guys,” Emily called from the kitchen.

“Whatcha need?” asked Seth, who led me into the house with a rest of them. Sam kissed Emily affectionately when we came in.

“Sam, I know he called,” I began.

Everyone fell silent. No one wanted to speak, but I didn’t care. I was going to find out.

“Sam?” I asked. “Sam, I need to find him. I don’t care what he told you, I don’t care if he’s across the world. I just want to know. And with or without you, I will find him.”

“So, you’re on a manhunt?” Paul asked sarcastically. I glared at him, and for once, he backed off. His eyes darted to the ground. A huff, probably a laugh, came from the group, but I couldn’t tell who it was.

“He told me to not tell you anything, and that he’d be back in a week.” When Sam told me what Jake had said, it felt like those words came straight from Jake’s mouth. But the words fell short of comforting.

“Sam, if you don’t want to help, I don’t care. I’ll find him anyway. You’re only hurting yourself by not telling me.”

“Okay, fine. Jake went to Montana to stay with his cousins. He said he needed some time to think. Renesmee, he really doesn’t want to see you.”

I flared. Jake didn’t want to see me? WHY? What did I do?

“Well, I really need to see him,” I said, moving to the door.

“Renesmee, he needs time. He just wants…”

“Save the crap, Sam. I’m going to Montana. End of story.”

With those final words I left the wolves to eat. I headed east, hoping I would reach Montana in my timeline. I had, technically, four days left. That’s at least a full day to get back, so I had three days, to talk to Jacob and overcome his stubbornness. I needed more time. But now, I had to focus on finding Jake’s scent. I had to follow a four day old scent, which was going to be close to impossible to track. Close.

I ran to the exact spot Jacob was standing before he ran off. My heartstrings snapped when I remembered that moment. But I tied them back up and moved on. I followed the faded, dry cinnamon smell across hundreds of miles. It took a lot of climbing, swimming, and the occasional avoidance of hikers, but I managed to stay on track. I passed Idaho and reached Montana in good time. I probably covered 500 miles within two and a half days. I finally reached Placid Lake State Park, and by now, the place wreaked of wolf. And not all of it was my wolf…

I followed the smell beyond the woods to a small, two-story house in the middle of nowhere. The house was wooden, and worn down, but still had an old white color to it that made it look like home. A little girl was outside, swinging on a tire swing. I walked over quietly, worrying I’d scare her. If this was where Jake had gone, I knew a vampire wouldn’t be welcome. I walked up and waved warmly. The little girl seemed nervous, but not as one would be around a vampire. Nervous as in shy, like I was just another stranger visiting.

The little girl had dark brown hair, and light brown eyes. She wore a blue polo shirt, and black shorts. She had little, pink flip-flops on, and they had little pink butterflies on the front of them. Her mouth was small, and her lips were thin. Her skin was a reddish color, the same as Jacob’s. Her

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