» Fantasy » Supernatural Love, Sophere P. [the alpha prince and his bride full story free .txt] 📗

Book online «Supernatural Love, Sophere P. [the alpha prince and his bride full story free .txt] 📗». Author Sophere P.

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Chapter 7

Why couldn’t she move?


Who held her so close to his chest?


She fell asleep in the arm that protected her from any harm.


Isadore awakened at the smell of breakfast being cooked.


Inhaling its fresh aroma flowing out the kitchen. Sitting upright on the couch, grimacing at the pain she felt on her backside, Isadore tried to recall what happened yesterday. Hearing the notification sound on her phone, Isadore slipped the device out her pocket, going through her messages.


3  new messages.


Going down her list of conversations she seen that Shirah was blowing her up with questions. Asking if she were okay over and over again.


Isadore looked at the time and seen that school had already started but knowing Shirah, she still text in class anyways.


“I’m okay, just now waking up.” Isadore replied back.


No faster than she went back to view her other messages, Shirah replied back. “ Doug took care of it btw. No worries.”


Lord that female always had hands like flash, Isadore thought. She laughed at that. Then she read the message over.


The fuck….. What did she mean doug took of what exactly?!


Isadore was sort of confused. But then she thought back to Doug recruiting the guys to go find that bastard that should be in a cage at all times. With a sign that says “Do not feed the animals.” Isadore pushed that thought aside because now she was worried if Doug was going to be behind bars once again..


Isadore fingers worked swiftly across the touchpad on her phone. “What do you mean by that?”


with that she sat her phone down on the coffee table, waiting to hear from her. Hopefully Doug didn’t do anything drastically. She’d hate if he were to get sent to jail because of something that happened between her and Daunivan…. once again.


Slowly standing to her feet she began to stretch, yawning. Something tore inside her mouth… No wait… It was her jaw! the sharp pain began to eat away as she struggled to work her jaw in place.


Fuck! she screamed, stomping hard. What happened to her… Then thoughts came back to her but she quickly pushed it aside...


Suddenly Isadore felt a hard piece of something small hit the back of her head.


“Watch yourself lil lady,” Dane warned through the doorway.


Staring back at her he leaned his tall frame against the door, winding a chrome spatula in hand. “So...are you going to tell me why I had to carry an unconscious sister home?” he asked in a very calm voice.


Isadore stared at him for a minute, debating on whether this was the rain before the storm, or either he was trying to stay calm giving the fact of him wanting to know everything that went down, before he starts ranting and then in that case nothing won’t get said. Dane wasn’t always the one to take things lightly. Even if the situation was just a little problem, he always had to get every single fact. Seeing him in a calm way and him talking as if he was trying to talk a scared cat out the tree, was rather strange.


Changing her position on the couch so that she was facing him, she clasped her hands in her lap and looked him directly in the eyes.


Dane always had eyes that could curdle milk or make any criminal confess. Isadore on the other hand was not ready to actually talk about what happened yesterday. Trying a different approach, she smiled a fake smile, giving the fact of how badly her jaw was paining her. She tried to work her jaw slowly enough that he wouldn’t recognize anything amidst. “What’s for breakfast?” she asked, clearly avoiding the question.


Dane only smiled standing to his normal height, he nodded in the direction of the kitchen before making his way inside. “Follow me, I know the way” he joked in an african accent.


Isadore only raised a quizzical brow as she walked slowly behind him, her shoulder bumping into the swing door. “Fuck!” she whispered vehemently at her arm. She didn’t realize the pain there until now. Testing the matter again, she gently poked at her upper arm, pain shooting along the rest of her arm. Sucking in a sharp breath she tried to shake it off as best as she could.


Dane was watching her the whole time but she didn’t realize it until she looked up from examining her arm. Which felt as if it was a touch away from falling off.


Dane only stared at her, arms crossed about his chest, leaning against the stove. “So…” he pushed on.

Isadore only gave him a straight face, pursing her lips together. Okay so now he’s really not going to let the issue go, Isadore thought.


Exhaling out on a long breath, she walked quietly over to the fridge, opening the door and retrieving a carton of milk. Closing the door, she made her way to the kitchen table taking her seat. “Can you hand me a glass please?” she asked in the most nicest voice she could muster. Right now he was really trying to force it out of her and he knew she didn’t like to be pushed into saying or doing anything. Please don’t piss me off, not today Isadore was screaming to herself. She could just feel his eyes burning a hole at the back of her head.


After a few seconds, Dane responded back in a way to only irritate her more. “Like what sort of glass appliance?”


Isadore balled her hands into fists, bowing her head. “Now if you see someone pulling out a carton of milk or juice with nothing to pour it in, then what do you think?” she asked in a now edgy voice.


Dane only pushed further, laughter in his voice. “Shit, you could be talking about a glass bowl, a glass plate, a glass spoon. Who knows!”


That’s it, that done it! bolting from her chair, she faced him with an ugly scowl on her face. “Why the fuck must you play with me?”  she almost screamed out. “Can’t you just give me a glass CUP. That’s C.U.P if you didn’t know. Shut the fuck up talking to me.”


Dane did the best thing he could only do at times like this when they argued. But now she really crossed the lines in between who is the adult and who isn’t. Without effort he shoved her back into her seat. Walking over to the cabinets he grabbed a glass cup. Slamming the cabinet doors he made his way to the table sitting opposite of her. “You asked for a glass cup right?” his voice was hard but his face was emotionless.


Isadore only rolled her eyes, leaning back in her chair. “Who knows? I could’ve been asking for a glass bowl right?” She shot back at him.


Dane slammed the glass cup on the table, the bottom shattering into pieces. “There goes your cup!” He stood up making his way out the kitchen. “Drink up” he muttered.


Isadore was quite annoyed with the way he was trying to force her to talk but now she was even more annoyed with herself by the way she was taking it out on her brother. He was only trying to help… But what good would that do anyway?


Isadore was no longer thirsty and she felt guilty about this whole thing. “Fine!” she yelled after him. “I went to Shirah party last night” she started out.


Seeing that Dane was sitting on the couch in silence, analyzing the hand that shattered a glass cup not too long ago. Sensing that he would no longer talk and wait for her to clear things out in the open, she went on. “And… Things didn’t go exactly as planned that night..”


She made her way further into the living room, making a seat on the couch that sat opposite of the couch Dane was sitting. “I sort of ran into a familiar face I wasn’t proud to see. Things got of hand when we decided to take a stroll down the street.”She was now fidgeting with her fingers. Her voice became raspy and started to crack in between words. “And…” Isadore stopped talking to compose herself.


Dane was already sitting at the edge now, his eyes on full alert. “And what?!” his voice went hard again. After a few seconds of silence Dane reached over placing his big hand on isadore small knee. “Isadore what happened?” he asked softly now.


Sniffling, Isadore sat back in her chair trying to calm herself. “Daunivan! he tried to know” Isadore words trailed off, seeing it was best to gesture what he tried to do other than talking about it. She wasn’t really comfortable explaining. But there was no need by the look upon Dane face.


Slowly getting to his feet, he paced back and forth along the coffee table rubbing his head. After a few paces here and there he stopped, looking up at the ceiling. Lowering his head, hands in pockets, he stared over there at the one true thing he had to always protect and thought he was doing the best at.


He couldn’t bare the thought of someone touching his sister in a harmful way. Shit, barely in a friendly way. She’s so small and fragile. she didn’t deserve to be taken advantage of in any way and he’d be damned if he sit back and let the shit happen. Not while he was living. That’s one of the things he promised to his father at a young age. That he wouldn’t let a hair on her single head be harmed.


“Isadore would you like for me to…” he was cut off by the ringtone sounding off from her phone


Isadore scanned through their previous messages until she reached the bottom of the conversation box.“Yup, they officially taken care of yo lil problem. :) comin’ to class?”


Isadore guessed since shirah didn’t say anything bad happening to Doug, he was A- okay.

“Yep, i’m hitching a ride from my brother. Be there shortly :)”


Looking up at Dane with a sigh of relief displayed across her face, she gave a small smile. “No.”

Dane stared at her with a straight face. “No?” he asked. Now a little curious of the smile she wore so tightly on her face. As if someone took a sharpie marker and drew it there.


Nodding in response, she got up slowly. Aware that her back was still paining her and so was the upper part of her arms. Definitely the left one. Dang thing stung like hell! She tried her best to look as in best condition as she could, sprinting towards the steps. “Can you take me to school before you head for work?” she asked before going up.


He only nodded before going back to the kitchen. Isadore understood he was upset about what she just told him and how she wished for them to just forget about it. But it was already taken care of and she couldn’t tell Dane that. Besides, he know what type of guy Doug is and when Doug ready to thrash, there’s no conversation going on in between his fist connecting to some part of your body.


Isadore headed upstairs into her bedroom. Turning up her stereo, she went to her closet, fishing out comfortable wear for school. Thank god there really wasn’t rules to school wear. rubbing on her sore arm gently while searching her closet, she thought back to Elijah. Her whole mood changed and became darker. How could he have done that to her. Out of every person in the entire world, she put her trust into him. Now he just dissed and dismissed her like so much

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