» Fantasy » My Dark Knight, L.Perez [inspirational novels txt] 📗

Book online «My Dark Knight, L.Perez [inspirational novels txt] 📗». Author L.Perez

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chin. Then just as suddenly as everything had happened, I was flying through the air and by the time I opened my eyes, the door was closing. I stared at the door for lord knows how long and couldn’t think straight. Had that just happened or had I bumped my head? I lay back down and moved my ankle and felt the sudden pain which confirmed that what just happened with Andrei wasn’t in my head. I sighed happily and lay there. Why was my heart still racing? I shook my head and then looked at my hand; I had goose bumps and my hand was shaking. Then I looked at the rest of me and realized my whole body was shivering and wrapped myself in the blanket. The shivering stopped and as it did, I fell into unconsciousness. When I awoke, it was from Mama shaking me. “Time for school Gabriella, get up.” I groaned. “Mama, can’t I stay home today?” I asked. Mama sighed and said “No Gabriella, you have to go, now get up,” and left my room. Ugh. I finally got up and hobbled my way to the bathroom and took a long shower. I stroked my face and could still feel Andrei’s lips. I hobbled out and dressed for school and then realized that I hadn’t done any of my homework. I groaned out loud and just thought of crawling back into bed. I really was starting to consider crawling back into bed when I smelt food. My stomach growled hearing the food call my name, so with a sigh, I opened the door and hobbled downstairs. Once down stairs, I stuffed myself with eggs, bacon and pancakes. I limped toward the door and sat on the ground and then very lightly pulled my shoe on and tied the laces and sighed with relief as I’d done all this without any pain. As I got up, I felt the chill that always alerted me that Andrei was in the same room, and looked around. There he was standing against the wall, looking so beautiful, my heart raced. Andrei looked up and I turned away. Andrei didn’t say anything to me as we walked out; well he walked. I tried to start a conversation but Andrei said very little and the conversation didn’t last. I tried not to look at him but out of the corner of my eye I watched his every move. What was wrong with him? He wouldn’t meet my eyes and he kept distance between us. I tried to look distracted and look like I didn’t notice his mood, but deep down, my heart ached. Why was he acting so…strange? Sure yesterday was…out of the ordinary but he didn’t have to be so…so…hurtful? “Gah!” I thought. He was just having a bad day I convinced myself. Yeah, that’s all. He’d go back to being himself soon. When the bus came there was no change in his attitude. He continued to look everywhere but me. The silence was starting to make my stomach hurt and now my ankle seemed to want to ache. I sighed and placed my head in my hands as the pain in my ankle throbbed. “Gabriella,” Andrei’s luscious voice called to me. My eyes opened immediately; he was talking again? I looked up and saw the eyes I had missed this morning. “Yes?” I whispered. His ice eyes were staring at me, cautious yet concerned. “Are you alright?” He asked. I nodded once and immediately, his eyes disappeared. I stared at Andrei and wanted to ask what was wrong but then I just stopped. Maybe leaving him alone would help. The walk to school was quiet just as it had been on the bus. We were on the school steps, which was where Andrei always dropped and picked me up. I turned to Andrei. “Bye,” I said, trying to sound happy. Andrei simply nodded and looked elsewhere. I stared at him, seeing that he did not intend to say a word back. For some reason, I wanted to cry. Foolishly, tears started to leak over and I quickly brushed them away and turned my back on the Andrei I didn’t even know anymore. The day dragged after that. I didn’t feel like talking to anyone much and asked to be left alone when everyone met up with me. During lunch, I heard them murmuring about what could possibly have me so down, but I just lay my head down and said nothing. The bell rang, letting me know it was time to go to last block, and I slowly got up. Liz looked at me worriedly and said “Gabby, are you alright? Is it your ankle?” I sighed and said “No…I’m just feeling a little down,” and tried to smile. The smile didn’t fool Liz but she decided not to push on the subject and just held my stuff as we walked to class. At the class door, I explained to the teacher what had happened and was excused for the absence. During class, my mind wouldn’t focus on Chemistry; it just kept going to how Andrei acted. He didn’t look at me, he didn’t talk to me…he didn’t even say bye. My heart squeezed uncomfortably and I coughed quietly. When the bell rang, I sat there, not wanting to go out and not see the eyes of Andrei, to not hear the sound of his laughter, but when Liz tugged on my arm, I got up. Liz, Karen, Nathan, Eric and Austin all asked me what was wrong again. I was irritated but to be fair, what was wrong with me? Why was I acting so down? “To be honest,” I said. “I’m not sure.” They all stared at me as we stopped on the steps. There was a honk and we all looked up to see a pretty blonde woman, waving her arms frantically. “There goes my Mom,” Liz said, looking embarrassed. “Gotta go, feel better Gabby,” Liz shouted as she rushed to the car. We watched her go and then I felt the chill that had nothing to do with the cold. I looked up and saw Andrei walking toward us. “Bye guys,” I muttered and started walking toward Andrei.

Publication Date: 11-19-2010

All Rights Reserved

A special thanks to my sister's Barbie and Jasmine for being so supportive and reading through it.

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