» Fantasy » Grim For Ever After, Elizabeth Haley [best books to read non fiction txt] 📗

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 "Yea not again Tessa agreed and then very dramatically she grabbed her stomach I think I'm going to be sick!"

"Come on It's not that bad!" Kandace pouted.

 Zoey laughed.

"I'm serious Tess said making her way to the small powder room just outside Mandi's first floor bedroom. she slammed the door shut behind her and locked it before making the most disgusting wreaching sound she could as if she were truly were ill. And the girls took the bait.

"Are you alright?' Kandace sounded frieigtened.

"Geez I was only kidding about the pregnancy thing unless your date with Carter was even better then we thought!" Zoey said with slightly less edge.

"I'm not pregnant!" Her words were raspy and convincing. 

"The Dr. said something was going around, ughh ugh ug" she added another round of vile sound effect's, clearly I caught it!" she finished

"Can we get you something?" Kandace offered sweetly.

"Like a bucket or bag or some pepto?" Zoey added.

"No I'll be fine im just going to take a shower and hopefully sleep it off!"

"Are you sure?" Both girls asked.


"Feel better!" Kandace said sadly.

" And will check on you in the morning." Zoey finished

Tess listened for the sound of their retreating footsteps and the door shutting before coming out she was impressed with her performance she patted herself on the back before realizing now that she was alone there was nothing keeping her from her Grim task. 


She didnt really need to go over the list of names this time she knew who was next. The first name at the top of her list had been a man named Brant Larson and Brick had stepped in so she lucked up on not having to kill him. But to her dismay  that meant Tavia Kane was up it was her deathday and there was no card from hallmark that covered such a thing. She felt for Tavia. Having died herself she wouldnt wish it on anyone. It was that exact reason Brick had agreed to become a demon after nearly fifty years of killing he'd had enough that was until he'd met her. She left the bathroom expecting to return to her empty bedroom but to her surprise Brick was waiting for her  gazing into the woods  by her house from the the widow seat. He stood when he saw her she'd spent little time with him since becoming Mandi the idea of kissing him with another girls lips didnt sit right with her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked knowing he'd come for the book.

"Did you take Forever Grim?" He asked ,coming towards her.

"Yes im going to have Rae return it to Jake!"

"I wasnt finished with it!" He said his voice more edgy then usual it was then she notice the red tint to his eyes. 

" Forever Grim cant help you." She spoke steadily not wanting to anger him futher.

"How do you know?" he asked

"Because I spoke with Penn her voice was low and Brick hoped he'd heard wrong.

"You told him what I'm trying to do?"  Not exactly she said honestly and stepping closer to him i just sort of brought it up but left out specifics.

"And you think he would'nt guess you were talking about me?"

"So what if he know's Brick dont you get it? Penn is the one who put the demon in you so wouldn't it be obvious he's the one who can undo it?"

"Yes but at what price im not sure if you've noticed Tess but Penn isnt ever in a giving mood not without getting something in return.  And last I checked I have nothing to give"

"We all want something Brick, we just have to find out exactly what it is Penn desires."  

In all the years Brick had worked under Penn he'd never truly gotten to know much about him they were'nt friends and that ancient creep Sid was always shadowing him and Brick couldnt stand to be near the soul collector. 

"And how exactly do you suppose we find out the Death Carriers deepest desire." He asked doubtfully.

"Leave that to me." Tess said confidently.



Tavia Kane poured two glasses of wine she lit mango candles and had soft reggae playing in the living room. She moved through her house with an elegance Tessa envied. In a glass case trophys in golds and silvers highlighted the womens life a champion dancer turned instructer surely her students would be devastated come monday. Tavia made her way to the balcony doors where unbeknownst to her Tessa waited paitently. The sound of a cell phone made Tavia pause and head the other direction. A short conversation followed and then scowling Tavia did open the balcony doors mumbling about how she couldnt beleive she'd been canceled on. In a rush of wind Tessa invisible and full of nerves entered the apartment. Tavia grabbed her glass Taking a gulp.. This was awful what was she thinking. No way could she handle ending some ones life . What gave her the right to such power.  She couldn't do This  

Tavia came back in going for another glass of wine already






































All Through The Night










Text: Elizabeth Haley
Images: Elizabeth Haley
Editing: Elizabeth Haley
Translation: Elizabeth Haley
Publication Date: 09-30-2012

All Rights Reserved

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