» Fantasy » Blind Loyalty, M J Marlow [spanish books to read txt] 📗

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into sobs and Adam pulled her into his arms and held her. He looked over at his sons, who were as pale and shaken as he felt. How could this child think he was going to hit her? He picked her up and carried her back into the house where Lora was waiting with a sedative. He remained seated beside the bed for several minutes after the girl had finally fallen asleep, cursing the man who had wounded this child. He thought of Hannah then and knew he would do everything in his power to make certain Joanna never saw her father again. He owed it to her mother, the woman he had loved and lost. Once he was certain she was settled, he looked over at Rachel and they left the house. Winbourne watched as Adam and Rachel went down to the pier and he smiled. It was long past time something happened in that arena. “She’s such a beautiful child,” Rachel said as they stood on the pier together. “She’s a lot stronger than Hannah was.” She looked at Adam and saw his jaw tighten. “I know you loved her, Adam, but…” “You’re right, Rachel,” Adam broke in as he took her hand in his. “I loved her.” He brought her hand up and kissed Rachel’s palm. “A long time ago in another life.” She looked at him in shock. “I’d like to move on now.” “Adam,” Rachel said softly, even as she moved a step closer, “if you’re only looking at me because I remind you of Hannah…” “You are not Hannah,” Adam broke in and raised her eyes to his. “You are Rachel. I have watched you handle this situation with Joanna and realized just what a strong and resourceful and beautiful woman you are. If you could see yourself being with your sister’s ex-husband, Rachel, than I would like….” She kissed him then and for several long moments there were no more words needed. When they finally pulled apart, both of them were grinning like idiots. “I guess that means yes?” Rachel nodded and he pulled a box out of his pocket. “I’ve been carrying this around for the past few months hoping.” “Oh, Adam,” Rachel smiled happily as he opened the box and she saw the ring inside. “It’s beautiful.” “You’re beautiful,” Adam corrected as he slid the ring on her finger. “We’ll tell the family at breakfast.” He caught her nodding towards the house and saw their family standing on the porch clapping and cheering. “I guess they know.” Saturday dawned bright and cool. Joanna sat on the window seat smiling as she saw the beginnings of color change in the leaves of the trees. It was so different being down here by the lake, she mused. She felt as if she had been freed from prison. She heard a sigh and looked over at where Sarah was still sleeping. She had a cousin! She had brothers and aunts and a grandfather! It wasn’t just her father and her alone anymore. She changed into jeans and tennis shoes and a t-shirt and went down to the kitchen to find Winbourne having coffee as Rachel fixed breakfast. “It would seem our Joanna is an early riser,” he smiled as she joined him. “How are you this morning, child?” “Ashamed of myself,” Joanna told him honestly. “I didn’t mean to throw a tantrum last night...” “Don’t apologize, Joanna,” Winbourne said as he patted her hand. “You were thrust into a situation you do not understand without proper warning. I think you’ve conducted yourself admirably given all that.” She looked stunned at his words. “Were you expecting me to be angry, child?” “It is what I am used to,” Joanna said to him. She saw him frown and wondered at it. “I did not mean to make you think that my father is cruel,” she bit her lip as she felt a wave of uneasiness strike her. “He has always given me everything. I have no right to criticize him for expecting me to behave.” She turned to Rachel then, desperate for something to do to make her forget her unwise words. “Can I help, Rachel?” “Make some toast,” Rachel smiled and nodded towards the refrigerator. “Use the whole wheat bread in the refrigerator.” Everyone began straggling in as Joanna made the toast. She had never felt happier as her brothers – her brothers! – ruffled her hair and pitched in to help. Patrick got out the glasses and Ryan got the pitcher of juice. After breakfast, she accompanied the twins and Sarah to school. The cheer squad and football team were having tryouts there. She sat back and watched them and she was intrigued. She could do all the things she had just seen them do. “Could I try that?” she finally asked them as she watched them finish the routine. Sarah smiled and the others sat back as her cousin put the music on for her. Joanna went through the routine without an error and blushed as they applauded. “I think we may have just found your partner for you, Murphy,” Glory Danvers beamed. She got up and her golden blond hair bounced around her. She took Joanna’s hands in hers. “You have to join the squad, Joanna! Doesn’t she, guys?” “Why as Murphy’s partner?” George Jensen, the co-captain, frowned. “She’s never done this before. You should partner her with someone who can show her the ropes…” “That’s not what you’d be showing her,” Sarah snapped at him, “if we let you partner her, Jensen!” She put her arm around Joanna. “You have to join the squad, Joanna. Say yes!” Every member of the squad began to get on their knees and clasp their hands. Joanna giggled in delight. She had never had people wanting her to be part of something before. She could only nod helplessly and laugh as they all congratulated her on being a part of their squad. Aidan held his hand out to her and she went with him to the opposite corner. “Have you had any gymnastics training?” Aidan asked her bluntly. She nodded and told him about her practices. “You studied with Russell Walters? But he’s the best trainer in the States! People would kill to get a chance to work with him!” “He said I was ready for the Olympics,” Joanna remembered her friend’s comment, “if that means anything.” “You are the most modest girl I’ve ever met in my life!” Aidan smiled and chucked her chin with his fist. “If that means anything! And here I was thinking you wouldn’t be able to keep up with me!” He thought it over and smiled. “We’re going to make everyone sit up and take notice this season! Here’s what I think our entry run should be…” They went through the run individually and then side by side. An hour later they were doing it in unison while the other members of the squad stood or sat back in shock. This girl was awesome, they were all thinking. Aidan was an accomplished gymnast and she was keeping up with him effortlessly. The only reason he was not on the gymnastics team was because he had other dreams he wanted to pursue. They knew if the gymnastics coach heard about Joanna he would be looking to steal her away from them. She looked up as Glory and George came towards her at the end of the practice. Glory handed her a uniform, sweater, top, skort and sweat pants, and George handed her pom poms and the team jacket. “Welcome to the squad, Joanna!” the entire squad said in unison. Glory clapped her hands for silence. “Movie time!” she said solemnly. Joanna joined the others as one of the guys brought out a projector. Sarah went to pull down a screen. “Pay attention, guys. I want each of you to have spotted at least one error by the time this is over.” The film was of the squad at their last game, Joanna saw. She watched it with them and could see at least six things that were a bit off. But she had no place to tell these people what they were doing wrong. She had only just joined their squad. So she sat and listened as they others talked afterwards and saw that they mentioned only five of the six she had noted. She bit her lip and raised her hand and Glory nodded. Joanna got up and told them what she had seen. “There was enough hesitation in the move,” she said when she did it the way it had been done on the film, “to make the action look awkward. It threw off your timing for the rest of the routine. This,” she said as she did the move the right way, “would be the way to execute that move.” The others sat there so silent and unmoving Joanna began to feel as if she had made a grave error. She bit her lip and began to think of some way to apologize for telling them they had done something wrong. But then the others began to clap and smile. She was so confused by their honest appreciation for her critique she felt off balance. Joanna was just not used to having people praise her. “Where have you been all this time, Joanna?” Glory beamed and threw her arms around the stunned girl. She turned to the others. “Run the film one more time so we can see it.” They did and saw what Joanna was talking about. They were ashamed they had missed it. “We took the move from an old film I saw of Jocelyn Snow when she was still dancing.” “Jocelyn?” Joanna repeated. Glory nodded and wondered why Joanna was smiling. “I learned how to dance from Ms. Snow, Glory.” They all looked shocked and she was confused. “Is that something special, too?” “Most people don’t get the chance to learn dance,” Sabrina Wong, a most decidedly Oriental girl, smiled at her, “from the premier diva of the American Ballet Theater, Joanna. Your father certainly went out of his way to make certain you had the best instructors.” “And we are glad of it!” Sarah beamed and put her arms around her cousin. “Now, cousin; Squad tradition states that the new member is given a welcoming dinner.” She looked at the clock. “Well late lunch, anyway. What would you like?” “I’ve never had pizza,” she said to them. “Could we go to a pizza parlor?” They looked at her in shock. “My father was very strict about my diet,” she said softly as she hung her head. “Pizza, it is!” Glory nodded. “We’ll go through the routine until Joanna is comfortable with being included and then we’ll head on out to Scarlatti’s.” An hour later, the entire squad was in the pizza parlor. Joanna was delighted at the place and the pizza was every bit as good as she had dreamed it would be. She was finishing her fourth slice when she saw her father’s car drive by slowly. He was not looking at all pleased and Joanna’s happiness evaporated. Sarah saw the direction she was looking when her smile died and she put her arm around her. “Don’t let him keep you from having fun,” Sarah told her firmly, drawing her attention back from the window. “You’re only fifteen, Joanna; you have the right and duty to enjoy your life.” “I do?” “Yes,” Sarah nodded firmly. “I am going to make it my business to see that you get to enjoy every last thing your father never let you try.” “Every last thing, Sarah?” George leered as he leaned forward. “I don’t think you want to go that far.” “Don’t get nasty, Jensen,” Sarah made a face at him. “Tomorrow,” she said as she turned back to Joanna; “we are going shopping at the mall in Clear Ridge. We’ll spend a few hours
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