» Fantasy » Shadows, S Robinson [top ten ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Shadows, S Robinson [top ten ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author S Robinson

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/> “I know you thought we had more time, I thought so too, but apparently the sun will break tomorrow and we cant be here when it does”
“were not ready”
“don't be rash Hann, we are ready. We need to finish the sail this afternoon and get the craft into the water tonight like we planned. Mags has got our provisions together and here...catch” with that Anan lofted one of his new axes towards Hann, who caught it easily
“what's this for”
“if your not sure what its for then should you really be coming along”
“I know what's its for Anan I am just curious as to why your giving it to me?” Anan was not sure what to say, he felt his cheeks burning with embarrassment. The truth was Anan owed him. Hann had bullied him for most of his life but he had his reasons and Anan understood that. Hann had given up his childhood and his family for Anan to be safe and this gift was not worth a fraction of it, but it was all Anan had to give
“well if your supposed to be protecting me I don't want you getting killed and leaving me on my own cos you had a dull blade.........Mags would have my head” with that the tension that had started to creep in instantly disappeared and they both started laughing.

“I will find Smyt and Cain and see if they can give us a hand getting this thing to the water” jabbing at the raft with his foot.
“are you sure you dont want me to find them”
“I'll be fine Hann”
Anan set off to the waterhole first, knowing that's exactly where the two of them would be on a day like this. He reached as far as the church when something heavy struck him in the back of the head and he hit the floor on all fours. His vision blurred and sharp pain began to throb through his skull. Reaching up to his head he felt the warm sticky ooze of blood and began to panic. Rolling onto his back he saw Broc and Fran stood there, huge grins on there daft faces. Broc was holding a huge club in his hands but Fran was tossing a large stone in his left hand
“that hurt didn’t it?” Anan wasn't scared as he knew he would face a lot worse than this when he left. He slowly got to his feet and his legs felt weak and shook and he nearly fell “hahaha, Hann's not here to save you now is he?” and another rock hurtled towards him, Anan's instincts kicked in and he managed to dodge it. Trying to focus on the two boys he wondered what was coming next. He didn't have to wait for long when Fran ran at him, quickly Anan took a step to the side and left out his leg which Fran tripped on and flew head first into the church gate. A roar met his ears and he turned to catch a glimpse of the well rounded club smash into his mouth. He wanted to scream, this was more pain then he had ever experienced and again he fell to the floor, then a sharp kick to the ribs sent his breath shooting out and left him gasping and clutching at his side. Tears streamed Anan's face his vision was blurred and he could feel the blood running down his throat and chin. He looked past the pairs of legs above him and saw Hann struggling against Ericou's hold. Hann was shouting something but he couldn't hear anything, another blow to the ribs and again he screamed in pain. He knew if he lay there these two were going to kill him without remorse. Clenching his fists he slammed them into the floor and he screamed “LEAVE ME ALONE” his head began to buzz he could feel the last ten years of hatred raising like a volcano and he wanted to show them what it was like to feel pain. He stood quickly and both the boys took a step back confused by what they were watching. At that moment there was no weakness in his legs and he felt no pain, he had one aim he was going to kill both of them. Striding forward he launched into an attack on Fran, swinging his left fist he connected with Fran's nose, he felt it break under the blow but he didn't stand and admire the strike, his other hand was already on its way to find its target. His right hand connected as well and Fran was howling in pain, the second blow had caught him just below his right eye and he hit the floor. Crack............more pain blinded Anan's sight as the club ricocheted off the back of his head,
“get off him” Broc was swinging wildly, but Anan was more precise with his movements and he struck Broc on the wrist which sent the club spiralling to the floor Broc turned his body to shield his now broken wrist away from Anan but it was bad timing as Anan picked up the club and in one movement struck true against the back of his knee. Broc collapsed to the floor clutching at his leg and Anan was on him in a flash club held high about to strike and end the years of torment when once again he was struck from the side. Only this time he was pinned to the floor and Hann was on top of him
“leave them, they don't deserve to die Anan” Anan could hear the words but they were not making any sense, he tried to turn but his movements were restricted, between Hann and the loss of blood he didn't have any strength to move. He was exhausted. “just calm down” again the words just seemed to wash over him, he felt tired and he could feel pain in his head and ribs “your hurting me Hann, now get off me” and Anan made to stand up
“I will let you up if you are finished” Anan didn't reply
“I ain't getting off until you tell me your finished”
“I am finished, now can you get off me” with that Hann let him up and Anan staggered to his feet but didn’t fall, he stood over his attackers and spat


Anan would have preferred to traverse these new lands with the aid of his battle master, but Ericou had insisted he must stay behind to bolster the defences and give Anan a fighting chance of survival. Throwing his hand mitts into his ruck sack Anan caught sight of himself in the mirror in his room. An unrecognisable face stared back at him. His face was puffy with streaks and blotches of various blues and greens from the bruises which were now healing. The swelling on his lips and the dried blood in the corner of his mouth made the rest of him look even paler than usual and ill. He looked like a castaway. But looks are definitely deceiving as he felt stronger and stronger every day and these small imperfections just proved that even in times of hurt he was never beaten. The fightback was of no real importance but it made him feel confident and told him a lot about himself, and also made the villagers take note that he was ready to face this journey head on and come out the other side.....alive. He grinned to himself in the mirror baring his newly acquired hole in the front of his teeth where the club had impacted and his heart sank a little. This was something he was going to have to live with.
“you look very pretty” said a gruff voice from behind him, Anan turned on his heel whipping the small axe from his belt all in one motion to face the source only to be confronted by Ericou. The weary battle master took a step back and chuckled “so you have learned something from me then boy” Anan sheathed his weapon and turned to continue packing his bag. “why do I have to leave?” he knew the answer but that did not make him feel any better about it. He just couldn’t help himself, Bockley was his home he knew nothing of the outside world and how to survive. The last few days had been a whirlwind of change and hardship and things were not about to get any easier.
“Anan, I know you are scared and unsure, but I make this promise to you now. When I have defeated all who come for you here I will also leave and find you.” Ericou was on the verge of tears and the words seemed to be half choked “you are the son I never had and no father would let his son leave without being equipped for the job at hand” tears began to run down Anan's cheeks as he stood there. “you will not be alone Hann will keep you safe and teach you things I never have, you are our saviour Anan, fate dictated that and we have to play to fates tune. If you stay Jangaar will send all he has to capture or kill you and our world would be lost forever.” Anan continued to throw items into his bag with earnest. “if you can make it to the Evergreen Mountains there is a chance the spirits can help you and you would be lost to Jangaar”. Anan gulped as he felt the bile rising in the back of his throat. His stomach was performing acrobatics and he was not feeling to good. Ericou strode forward and pulled Anan into a fierce embrace. “ I will find you and together we will fix this world” Anan did not want to let go, he felt safe in the large man’s embrace, like nothing in the world could hurt him.
“are you sure you have packed everything you need” Ericou looked questioningly at the rucksack that was bursting at the seams. Without noting the hint of sarcasm Anan replied that he hadn’t and with that Ericou picked up the bag and flung it over his shoulder. Anan followed him out of the door. All his memories were here in this place, and he was leaving it all behind. One day he thought one day he would return to this place and this could be his home once more. As they started to make there way over to the meeting point Anan noticed how quiet the place was. The Folips were unattended. There was no smoke coming from the small forge he had worked in all his life. The place was empty. As he continued his long walk to the meeting place a chorus of song could be heard which began to get louder with every step, there was also the clanging of metal on metal beating out a sombre tune. Anan and Ericou rounded the corner to be confronted by the entire village all dressed in their battle garments. Beating swords and spears against there shields. The villagers began to fan out to let him pass nodding their heads and patting him on the back, the odd word of encouragement. This felt more like a celebration or party than it did a long anticipated goodbye. Then something caught the corner of his eye and a slender pair of arms were thrown around his neck. As Anan turned he was kissed full on the mouth. It was Sofi she was kissing him and he couldn’t believe it. She stopped the kiss and rocked back down on her heels and pulled him close to her and she whispered in his ear “I
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