» Fantasy » Supplemental Nights to The Book of the Thousand and One Nights, Sir Richard Francis Burton [best love novels of all time .txt] 📗

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passing along the road, laid hands on him forthright and stripped him, and whipped him with palm-rods. Then I threw him in jail, ironed, and carrying him to the Prefecture, beat him again, saying to them, ‘This be the robber who stole the coin.’ And we strove to make him confess; but he would not. Accordingly, we beat him a third and a fourth time, till we were aweary and exhausted and he became unable to return a reply; but, when we had made an end of beating and tormenting him, he said, ‘I will fetch the money this very moment.’ Presently we went with him till he came to the place where my slave had buried the gold and he dug there and brought it out; whereat I marvelled with the utmost marvel and we carried it to the Prefect’s house. When the Wali saw the money and made sure of it with his own eyes, he rejoiced with joy exceeding and bestowed on me a robe of honour. Then he restored the coin straightway to the Sultan and we left the youth in durance vile; whilst I said to my slave who had taken the money, ‘Say me, did yonder young man see thee, what time thou buriedst the money?’ and he replied, ‘No, by Allah the Great!’ So I went in to the young man, the prisoner, and plied him with wine[FN#110] till he recovered, when I said to him, ‘Tell me how thou stolest the money?’ Answered he, ‘By Allah, I stole it not, nor did I ever set eyes on it till I brought it forth of the earth!’ Quoth I, ‘How so?’ and quoth he, ‘Know that the cause of my falling into your hands was my parent’s imprecation against me; because I entreated her evilly yesternight and beat her and she said to me, ‘By Allah, O my son, the Lord shall assuredly gar the oppressor prevail over thee!’ Now she is a pious woman. So I went out forthright and thou sawest me on my way and didst that which thou didst; and when beating was prolonged on me, my senses failed me and I heard a voice saying to me, ‘Fetch it.’ So I said to you what I said and the Speaker[FN#111] guided me till I came to the place and there befel what befel of the bringing out of the money.’ I admired this with the utmost admiration and knew that he was of the sons of the pious. So I bestirred myself for his release and cured him and besought him of acquittance and absolution of responsibility.” All those who were present marvelled at this story with the utmost marvel, and the twelfth constable came forward and said, “I will tell you a pleasant trait that I heard from a certain person, concerning an adventure which befel him with one of the thieves.


The Twelfth Constable’s History.


I was passing one day in the market, when I found that a robber had broken into the shop of a shroff, a changer of monies, and thence taken a casket, wherewith he had made off to the burialground. Accordingly I followed him thither and came up to him, as he opened the casket and fell a-looking into it; whereupon I accosted him, saying, “Peace be on you!”[FN#112] And he was startled at me; so I left him and went away from him. Some months after this, I met him again under arrest, in the midst of the guards and “men of violence,”[FN#113] and he said to them, “Seize this man.” So they laid hands on me and carried me to the Chief of Police, who said, “What hast thou to do with this wight?” The robber turned to me and looking a long while in my face, asked, “Who took this man?” and the officer answered, “Thou badest us take him; so we took him.” And he cried, “I ask refuge of Allah! I know not this man, nor knoweth he me; and I said not that to you but of a person other than this.” So they released me, and a while after the thief met me in the street and saluted me with the salam, saying, “O my lord, fright for fright! Hadst thou taken aught from me, thou hadst a part in the calamity.”[FN#114] I replied to him, “Allah be the judge between thee and me!”[FN#115] And this is what I have to recount. Then came forward the thirteenth constable and said, “‘I will tell you a tale which a man of my friends told me.”


The Thirteenth Constable’s History.


I went out one night of the nights to the house of a friend and when it was the middle of the night, I sallied forth alone to hie me home. When I came into the road, I espied a sort of thieves and they espied me, whereupon my spittle dried up; but I feigned myself drunken and staggered from side to side, crying out and saying, “I am drunken.” And I went up to the walls right and left and made as if I saw not the thieves, who followed me afoot till I reached my home and knocked at the door, when they went away.

Some few days after this, as I stood at the door of my house, behold, there came up to me a young man, with a chain about his neck and with him a trooper, and he said to me, “O my lord, an alms for the love of Allah!” I replied, “Allah open!” and he looked at me a long while and cried, “That which thou shouldst give me would not come to the worth of thy turband or thy waistcloth or what not else of thy habit, to say nothing of the gold and the silver which were about thy person.” I asked, “And how so?” and he answered, “On such a night, when thou fellest into peril and the thieves would have stripped thee, I was with them and said to them, Yonder man is my lord and my master who reared me. So was I and only I the cause of thy deliverance and thus I saved thee from them.” When I heard this, I said to him, “Stop ;” and entering my house, brought him that which Allah Almighty made easy to me.[FN#116] So he went his way; and this is all I have to say. Then came forward the fourteenth constable and said, “Know that the tale I have to tell is rarer and pleasanter than this; and ‘tis as follows.”


The Fourteenth Constable’s History.


I had a draper’s shop before I entered this corporation,[FN#117]

and there used to come to me a person whom I know not, save by his face, and I would give him whatso he sought and have patience with him, till he could pay me. One night, I foregathered with certain of my friends and we sat down to liquor: so we drank and were merry and played at T�b;[FN#118] and we made one of us Wazir and another Sultan and a third Torchbearer or Headsman.[FN#119]

Presently, there came in upon us a spunger, without bidding, and we went on playing, whilst he played with us. Then quoth the Sultan to the Wazir, “Bring the Parasite who cometh in to the folk, without leave or license, that we may enquire into his case; after which I will cut off his head;” so the headsmen arose and dragged the spunger before the Sultan who bade cut off his head. Now there was with them a sword, that would not cut clotted curd;[FN#120] so the headsmen smote him therewith and his head flew from his body. When we saw this, the wine fled from our brains and we became in the foulest of plights. Then my friends lifted up the corpse and went out with it, that they might hide it,whilst I took the head and made for the river. Now I was drunken and my clothes were drenched with the blood; and as I passed along the road, I met a robber. When he saw me, he knew me and cried to me, “Such-an-one!” “Well?” said I, and he rejoined, “What is that thou hast with thee?” So I acquainted him with the case and he took the head from me. Then we fared on till we came to the river, where he washed the head and considering it straitly, exclaimed, “By Allah, verily this be my brother, the son of my sire, and he used to spunge upon the folk;” after which he threw that head into the river. As for me, I was like a dead man for dread; but he said to me, “Fear not, neither do thou grieve, for I acquit thee of my brother’s blood.” Presently, he took my clothes and washed them and dried them and put them on me; after which he said to me, “Get thee gone to thy house.” So I returned to my house and he accompanied me, till I came thither, when he said to me, “Allah never desolate thee! I am thy friend Such-an-one, who used to take of thee goods on credit, and I owe thee a kindness; but henceforward thou wilt never see me more.”

Then he went his ways. The company marvelled at the manliness of this man and his clemency[FN#121] and courtesy, and the Sultan said, “Tell us another of thy stories, O Shahrazad.”[FN#122] She replied, ” ‘Tis well! They set forth[FN#123]


A Merry Jest of a Clever Thief.


A thief of the thieves of the Arabs went one night to a certain man’s house, to steal from a heap of wheat there, and the people of the house surprised him. Now on the heap was a great copper tasse, and the thief buried himself in the corn and covered his head with the tasse, so that the folk found him not and went their ways; but as they were going, behold, there came a mighty great fart[FN#124] forth of the corn. So they went up to the tasse and raising it, discovered the thief and laid hands on him.

Quoth he, “I have saved you the trouble of seeking me: for I purposed, in breaking wind, to direct you to my hiding place; wherefore do you be easy with me and have ruth on me, so may Allah have ruth on you!” Accordingly they let him go and harmed him not. “And for another story of the same kind” (she continued), “hearken to


The Tale of the Old Sharper.


There was once an old man renowned for clever roguery, and he went, he and his mates, to one of the markets and stole thence a quantity of stuffs: then they separated and returned each to his quarter. Awhile after this, the old man assembled a company of his fellows and, as they sat at drink, one of them pulled out a costly piece of cloth and said, “Is there any one of you will dare sell this in its own market whence it was stolen, that we may confess his superior subtlety?” Quoth the old man, “I will;”

and they said, “Go, and Allah Almighty open to thee the door!” So early on the morrow, he took the stuff and carrying it to the market whence it had been stolen, sat down at the very shop out of which it had been purloined and gave it to the broker, who hent it in hand and cried it for sale. Its owner knew it and bidding for it, bought it and sent after the Chief of Police, who seized the Sharper and seeing him an old man of grave presence and handsomely clad said to him, “Whence hadst thou this piece of stuff?” Quoth he, “I had it from this market and from yonder shop

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