» Fantasy » A Magical Betrayal, arabian [essential reading .txt] 📗

Book online «A Magical Betrayal, arabian [essential reading .txt] 📗». Author arabian

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up behind him. Derric stood in front of the large oak tree I had tackled him into and I couldn’t help but think that he looked like some avenging angel that fell from the heavens. My rational mind had come back I bit back a growl and shoved it farther back and locked it in a teeny tiny box.
My teeth grew into wickedly sharp fangs and I lunged for his neck but in one almost blinding movement that was fast even with my inhuman speed and strength. Derric pinned my hands over my head against the tree. Because my rational mind was still padlocked in that box I snapped him a couple of times but then the box exploded and I was me again and not the hunter. I turned back to my natural color and felt nauseated at what I had almost done. My cheeks burned with shame and I looked at the ground.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered but my voice was bleak because I did not expect him to ever forgive me.
“It’s alright everyone loses themselves sometimes,” He said softly against my ear. His breath on my neck made me shiver and I pulled away. He let go and allowed me to slip away but he groaned. “God, woman you’re killing me.”
“You do realize I have a name,” I said not sure whether I should be offended or flattered that he considered me a woman. He looked at me with a mixture of amusement and confusion.
“I don’t get you,” He said,” You change direction so fast that I’m starting to get whiplash.”
“Well, hold on tighter maybe you’ll figure it out.” I snapped back at him but I had replenished his health so I headed back to where his men waited. “Come on pretty-boy you coming or what,” I tossed over my shoulder then continued without looking to see if he was following or not.

It turns out that when I had run from Robin’s castle I had gone over seventy miles but since everyone in Derric’s party had magic we were able to travel pretty quickly. When we showed up at the castle there was a tearful and totally corny reunion (doesn’t mean I still didn’t cry) but now I’m sitting with Hailee, Olicia, Cecilia, and Emily in my room.
“Tell us, Ally, come on,” Emily pleads, “what was it like?”
“I don’t want to talk about it and anyway most of it I don’t remember it’s just a blur of images that some are brighter than others I lived like an animal.” I said quickly and sadly. When she saw my expression she dropped the subject and picked up another one I didn’t like it much better.
“So, tell us did you have a little fun with Mr. Tall, Blonde, and Gorgeous.”
“Uh, which one?”
“Derric,” her tone added the of course.
“No, I didn’t and I think if I did I would be eternally kicking myself for being an idiot. He is such—he’s just so--- he’s majorly full of himself.” I spluttered trying not to sound like a whiny lovesick child.
None of them bothered to say anything else they already could tell then Olicia said,” Girl you’ve got it bad.”
“I know,” I sighed. I didn’t want to admit it but denying it would just make it harder in the future so I embraced it, not with open arms of course but embraced it just the same. Then I let loose with a soul deep sigh that seemed too reverberated throughout the castle even though it was almost inaudible to my own ears.
Then I smelled him my cheeks flamed in embarrassment as I hollered,” Derric, get your eavesdropping ass over here.” When I didn’t get an answer I yelled again, “You stupid—Goddammit!!!” He seemed to appear out of thin air right behind me. “HOLYMOTHERFUCKINGSHIT!!!!!!!!” I jumped to my feet and skittered to the opposite side of the room.
“How come you’re so surprised to see me even though you knew I was here?” He asked trying and failing to keep a straight face.
I ignored his question and asked,” So?”
“So what?” he asked confused.
“What all did you hear?” I asked trying my very best to keep from breaking down in hysterics.
“Well I heard something about you having it bad for me. What is this that you have anyway?” Derric asked genuinely puzzled. My legs nearly buckled with the relief I felt but I burst into a fit of giggles. Wow he is totally oblivious.
Then I saw Cecilia grin wickedly and open her mouth but before she could even form the words I had my hand over her mouth and whispered in her ear. “Don’t make me turn you into an illiterate mute.”
Cecilia’s face reddened and she narrowed her eyes at me but she nodded and I let her go. Whew. That was close. I was about to shoo Derric out the door when he asked, “Ally, can I talk with you for a minute?” I shrugged and followed him while all the girls behind me literally tittered like a bunch of quail.
“Oh dear gawd,” I muttered under my breath as I closed the door behind me. Derric chuckled softly and led me out into the moonlit gardens of the outer courtyard. I hesitated a moment when he started to lead me into a copse of trees where from the castle we couldn’t be seen. Derric turned and looked at me quizzically so I mentally shook myself and followed him under the cover of the thick boughs.
I let out a breath of relief when I felt the boughs hiding me, caring for me. I didn’t realize how much the peace of the forest had started to mean to me. I listened to the animals sleeping as I followed Derric into the middle of the garden.
Derric came to such an abrupt halt that I nearly ran into his back then when I tried to step back I tripped and fell flat on my ass. Boy, do I have talent or what? I thought sarcasticly.
Derric turned and looked at me trying his hardest not to laugh (the bastard) and asked, "Are you all right?"
"Yeah, I just decided to make myself more comfortable," I said in a pathetic attempt to keep my microscopic pride from being squished mercilessly. Which didn't work because he snorted derisively the second the words were out of my mouth. Oh, why couldn't I be graceful when I wanted to. It just seems that God tries to foil my every attempt at trying to be awe inspiring or in this case just normal.
I sighed heavily and stood then asked, "So, what is it you wanted to talk about?" Just as he opened his mouth Robin appeared out of thin air.
"Why hello Ally, don't you look just ravishing this fine evening." As Robin said all this he stared daggers at Derric and tried to intimidate him. Too bad Derric was three inches taller than him.
After the initial greeting a great battle of wills ensued. Neither one of the two golden and gorgeous guys would look away first. I was almost expecting them to start banging their fists on their chests like a couple of gorilla's when I sensed more than heard the girls coming to watch the male face off.
I groaned then said, "When you two start acting like gentleman we can continue this conversation." Then before either of them could protest I stalked back to my room, muttering about how males are complete idiots, and without changing into a night gown I slept until dawn.
When I awoke the sunlight stung my eyes and groaning I rolled on my side trying to go back to sleep but my stomach was having none of that. It snarled angrily and clawed at the walls of it's fleshy cage. With a muttered oath I lurched out of bed and nearly did a face-plant when the room pitched and rolled around me. I grabbed at the bedpost to steady myself but when nothing changed in my vision I started to feel nauseous. I weaved drunkenly to the chamber pot and vomitted blood.
"Lovely," I thought sarcasticly. Then trying not to start balling like a baby I stumbled to the drapes and pulled them closed, shutting out the sunlight that seemed to claw at my eyes. That used all of my strength so I just slid to the floor were I was and pressed my pounding head to the cool stone floor. I sighed sadly and was just drifting off to sleep when I heard a knock at the door.
"Aleca," Olicia called softly, "are you awake?"
"No," I croaked just loud enough for her to hear," and please leave me be."
"Why?" she asked concerned.
"Because, lifes a bitch that's why," I said bitterly. I didn't get sick often but when I did I hated people seeing me so weak. Olicia walked in with Cecilia and Emily in tow. They took in my grayish complection and the blood around my mouth and they all went into a tizzy at once. Before I even had the chance to protest I was tucked back in bed, my face was cleaned with a damp cloth, and a remedy was being cooked up by Emily. Imprint

Publication Date: 06-02-2010

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