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After long and trying failed!... rescue atempt zack is capterd by the same Dark elves that cught his sister and her band. finding she is pregnet with one of ther childern and going to use all the new prisoners as as sacrifices to there dark saints and godess he try to strk a deal for the life of the childern now growing in his sister but his call fall on deff ears in in one last finle attempt to save them escapes with the ues of his ninjgestu kill many of ther slave and fighter two even of the

Most gislers seem to understand eternal youth, but not Doelan. He cannot tell his elders apart from many of the children, and yet he knows that like all gislers he will stop ageing at fifteen. That's not the problem. The problem is that when the other gisler children find out they start making fun of him. Doelan is a misfit with only one friend. He can handle that usually, but there is another problem. Doelan has been seeing goblins around the village. He thinks he's imagining things at first,

Sierra Didnt understand why her family kept her hidden from the world until the day she decided to leave her home, she is saved by Time Shifters and told that she is not only a Time Shifter but a Time Weaver a rare type of supernatural, she is wanted and has a price over her head. As a protective matter she is put into a school for supernaturals but will this even help? Or will it make things worse? {Unfinshed Still Writing!}

The time has come. The people are ready to rise. They crawl form the very foundations of the city, ready to reclaim what was once theirs. But is it war, or genocide? A sacred revenge that has been twisted and confused? Nevertheless, they march, and the more cries of war I hear, the more I start to realize that this goes far beyond our city. Everywhere, people with uncanny abilities keep popping up. And what of my parents? How were they involved with all the impossible things people are