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ing packages by the door. Dayne didn't know what the fuss had been about. The man's hair had regrown in a mere matter of months."Just a moment, please." Whoever was calling after midnight could only be bringing trouble with them. For a while, after what was later called: the tribal massacre, the lone hero had darkened his door, convinced Dayne was up to something nefarious and had to be taken down. Or another Cary Town villain decided to rise to infamy and needed Dayne out of the way

indeed to be such a warrior as she neededin her enterprise, and her hopes of success tooka sudden bound when Files told her he knewwhere a gun-tree grew and would go there atonce and pick the ripest and biggest musket thetree bore.Chapter Two Out of Oogaboo Three days later the Grand Army of Oogabooassembled in the square in front of the royalpalace. The sixteen officers were attired ingorgeous uniforms and carried sharp, glitteringswords. The Private had picked his gun and,although it was not

y) allthat discontent and trouble seemed to slip off him.It was a beautiful night of early winter, the air just sharp enoughto be refreshing after the hot room and the stinking railwaycarriage. The wind, which had lately turned a point or two north ofwest, had blown the sky clear of all cloud save a light fleck or twowhich went swiftly down the heavens. There was a young moon halfwayup the sky, and as the home-farer caught sight of it, tangled in thebranches of a tall old elm, he could scarce

>"I b'lieve, Cap'n," remarked Trot, at last, "thatit's time for us to start."The old man cast a shrewd glance at the sky, thesea and the motionless boat. Then he shook his head. "Mebbe it's time, Trot," he answered, "but I don'tjes' like the looks o' things this afternoon." "What's wrong?" she asked wonderingly. "Can't say as to that. Things is too quiet to suitme, that's all. No breeze, not a ripple a-top the water,nary a gull a-flyin'

b. The Breslau Textc. The Macnaghten Text and the Bulak Editiond. The same with Mr. Lane's and my VersionAppendix II--Contributions to the Bibliography of the Thousand andOne Nights and their Imitations, By W. F. KirbyThe Book Of TheTHOUSAND NIGHTS AND A NIGHT MA'ARUF THE COBBLER AND HIS WIFE There dwelt once upon a time in the God-guarded city of Cairo acobbler who lived by patching old shoes.[FN#1] His name wasMa'aruf[FN#2] and he had a wife called Fatimah, whom the folk hadnicknamed

used a youngman, the following day in the little hamlet of Tafelberg, towhistle as he carefully read it over."I am glad that I am not the mad king of Lutha," he saidas he paid the storekeeper for the gasoline he had just pur-chased and stepped into the gray roadster for whose greedymaw it was destined. "Why, mein Herr?" asked the man. "This notice practically gives immunity to whoever shootsdown the king," replied the traveler. "Worse still, it givessuch an

e others might not be likely to stumble upon it. So finally hedecided it must be written somewhere in his own house.Bini Aru had a wife named Mopsi Aru who was famous for making finehuckleberry pies, and he had a son named Kiki Aru who was not famousat all. He was noted as being cross and disagreeable because he wasnot happy, and he was not happy because he wanted to go down themountain and visit the big world below and his father would not lethim. No one paid any attention to Kiki Aru, because

s axis would tear it into a thousand fragments.The old Norseman also maintained that from the farthest points of land on the islands of Spitzbergen and Franz Josef Land, flocks of geese may be seen annually flying still farther northward, just as the sailors and explorers record in their log-books. No scientist has yet been audacious enough to attempt to explain, even to his own satisfaction, toward what lands these winged fowls are guided by their subtle instinct. However, Olaf Jansen has

ttered nerves, Professor Maxon sailed with his daughter for a long ocean voyage, which he hoped would aid him in rapid recuperation, and permit him to forget the nightmare memory of those three horrible days and nights in his workshop.He believed that he had reached an unalterable decision never again to meddle with the mighty, awe inspiring secrets of creation; but with returning health and balance he found himself viewing his recent triumph with feelings of renewed hope and anticipation. The

not the case with the stout fellow that at that moment entered from the common room beyond. He caught sight of me and let out a yell that could have, and in fact did, summon everyone in the place. The sounds of singing stopped as others rushed to see the source of his consternation."Let this be a lesson to you not to waylay innocent travelers!" I shouted, scooping up the pies, one in each hand. I urged Hysteria onward, but no doubt feeling the warm air exiting the window, she was