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o her and kissedher and asked, "How knewest thou that I should come to thee thisvery night?" She answered, "I knew it not! By Allah, this wholeyear past I have not tasted the taste of sleep, but have watchedthrough every night, expecting thee; and such hath been my casesince the day thou wentest out from me and I gave thee the newsuit of clothes, and thou promisedst me to go to the Hammam andto come back! So I sat awaiting thee that night and a secondnight and a third night; but

ely to befighting and much trouble as the result.'""Is that all the Book says?" asked Ozma. "Every word," said Dorothy, and Ozma and Glinda bothlooked at the Record and seemed surprised andperplexed. "Tell me, Glinda," said Ozma, "who are theFlatheads?" "I cannot, your Majesty," confessed the Sorceress."Until now I never have heard of them, nor have I everheard the Skeezers mentioned. In the faraway corners ofOz are hidden many curious

h all fringed with ferns and creepers. They passed through the arch into a deep, narrow gully whose banks were of stones, moss-covered; and in the crannies grew more ferns and long grasses. Trees growing on the top of the bank arched across, and the sunlight came through in changing patches of brightness, turning the gully to a roofed corridor of goldy-green. The path, which was of greeny-grey flagstones where heaps of leaves had drifted, sloped steeply down, and at the end of it was another

gover the fire.'Good evening, mother. I see you have lived long in this world; doyou know anything about the three bulrushes?' 'Yes, indeed, I've lived long and been much about in the world, butI have never seen or heard anything of what you ask. Still, if youwill wait till to-morrow I may be able to tell you something.' Well, he waited till the morning, and quite early the old womanappeared and took out a little pipe and blew in it, and in a momentall the crows in the world were flying about

ared the King."You will have to go to the Land of Oz to recover it, and your Majestycan't get to the Land of Oz in any possible way," said the Steward,yawning because he had been on duty ninety-six hours, and was sleepy. "Why not?" asked the King. "Because there is a deadly desert all around that fairy country, whichno one is able to cross. You know that fact as well as I do, yourMajesty. Never mind the lost Belt. You have plenty of power left,for you rule this

at my appearance did no discredit to Sullivan and the great lady, his wife.At eight o'clock, when the conductor appeared at his desk to an accompaniment of applauding taps from the musicians, the house was nearly full. The four tiers sent forth a sparkle of diamonds, of silk, and of white arms and shoulders which rivalled the glitter of the vast crystal chandelier. The wide floor of serried stalls (those stalls of which one pair at least had gone for six pound ten) added their more sombre

n creed he so specially condemned,--for each one wore on his breast a massive golden crucifix, hung to a chain and fastened with a jewelled star."Cross and Star!" he mused, as he noticed this brilliant and singular decoration, "an emblem of the fraternity, I suppose, meaning ... what? Salvation and Immortality? Alas, they are poor, witless builders on shifting sand if they place any hope or reliance on those two empty words, signifying nothing! Do they, can they honestly believe

ess Sergeant at Sfax, with the 4th Spahis. I had a good record, and besides, as I did not drink, the Adjutant had assigned me to the officers' mess. It was a soft berth. The marketing, the accounts, recording the library books which were borrowed (there weren't many), and the key of the wine cupboard,--for with that you can't trust orderlies. The Colonel was young and dined at mess. One evening he came in late, looking perturbed, and, as soon as he was seated, called for