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Summer Arella Nerissa Romello also known as Arella has been isolated in the california mountains of susanville all her life how she enters high school . her father died and someones out to get her. she falls for a marine named Trevor while arranged to marry her childhood crush who loves her. will he be able to protect them and their love?.will she chose her crush or the marine? can she survive all this and the stress of highschool and a new family..did i mention shes a wolf?.... note: if you

Kyliss a sixteen year old boy, and his 'brother' James. Messes with a creatures blood called Kildriane, and Kyliss starts changing into a Dark kildriane and James is then visited by a water kildriane and soon is changed into one. There is a war going on with the vampyres and the Kildrianes. Kyliss is suppose to help with the war, but will he?

All along, Avery has been sick... and when they finally figure it out, it is too late. Devin finds a way to save her, but is it worth the cost? Changing his whole life over for one girl... This girl is the love of his life, so it should be.... A fantasy twist with shadow creatures and a war behind it all, that's wrecking the balance. This portion of the book has been edited SO many times, so it is in good condition.

All hell has broken loose. Literally. A nervous tension fills the Seven Heavens as Satan's Rebel Army comes together once again to take them down. Only the forbidden prophecy, purposely kept out of Scripture, holds some hope. But it's hope the angels don't want, for if the prophecy is not fulfilled, even God will succumb to Lucifer's power. Two chosen girls, Jelisaveta and Silo, are now bound to destiny. But Silo is cursed to house the soul of Sammael, the Fallen Angel of Death who follows only

Arabesque is an accomplished tamer of animals and sometime woodcutter. She and her companions, human and animal, frequent the Faded Tabard Inn, a comfortable and familiar oasis. Ari's friends and their animal companions - always loyal, occasionally sneaky, and constantly entertaining - will surprise you. Laugh along with the antics of Bad Karma, Whiskey, Nightmare the Bear and the other clever characters found in these tales. There is seldom a dull moment when animal cunning and human emotions