» Fiction » All the beautiful daughters of Mara, Ashok Aatreya [black male authors .TXT] 📗

Book online «All the beautiful daughters of Mara, Ashok Aatreya [black male authors .TXT] 📗». Author Ashok Aatreya

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moment she thought, her coming to this place was not right. But then suddenly she asked Anand-‘You have come here for the first time?
‘Ofcourse, What did you think otherwise? And why did you ask? Anand came close to her. The big mirror on the side wall was showing their charming image. Both smiled and Anand took her in his arms. She too surrendered herself and rested her head on his broad shoulders.
‘Don’t you feel you are looking tired Shaheen? He asked her
‘I am not tired. I am feeling, we should not have come here.
‘Don’t be a fool. Anand looked her with his intense eyes. He gave her a warm kiss on her forehead. She felt relieved.
‘Let’s get on to the bed and talk…and without caring for her reply he lifted her with his strong arms and carefully made her to sit on the bed. She was quiet.
‘I think we should wait. We shouldn’t do this! It should be done after marriage, do you know’. She said.
‘Why don’t you make a radial move and come here. Anand was in the middle of the bed.’
‘We will marry soon’ – He assured her. She crept close and stared at his face with a soft smile.
He nestled her hair. Shaheen trembled with excitement. He put his arms around her and kissed her deeply.
They were now exploring the wonderland of sex… the cupid was in hurry to act.
It was the devil’s darkest kingdom where two creatures were busy in searching and creating fantasies of life-most interesting, arresting…disturbing…restive… throwing in all sort of they involved more and more in their passionate act. It seemed as if everything was pre-empted, yet never explored. Their body and mind were in search of a new language…new notions. They needed of some in-depth enquiries about each other and by the grace of the invisible, the fact finding became automatic…. so far as this new wonder was there. Eye to eye...lips to lips...fingers always searching a new direction…their bodies were totally in restless rhythm…they were floating in air…there was no room, no roof no window, no stair-case, no balcony no road outside the hotel room, no people... anywhere... Just them, the two wild entities...
Only two of them existed in the whole of the Universe the cosmos. in their wonderland there was no place for God... and hence no sin or evil as the opposite force.
Anand was facing flashes of intuitions revealing vast vistas of mystic and magic of a woman’s body and mind. A pearl turned into a woman’s body ...the soft curves of infinite range and the feeling knew no end. But like all good things come to an end. Anand and Shaheen had broken all the barriers of age old morality in the most luxurious environment of Palace hotel. Anand's sexual adventure Shaheen was lying half nude…He un-buttoned her and his fingers were playing the game so freely and fantastically, she was really moved.
They bonded themselves as love-birds in a golden cage, the Gajner Palace Hotel. Everything beyond them seemed invisible and meaningless for that moment, their body –language changed spontaneously. Lavishing each other with their erotic feelings and designs...they were ready to satisfy one another as it was their only inner urge then and there.
Anand’s tongue was exploring her body…he kissed and licked her beauty bone, her full round breast, came upto her shoulder, back of her neck, then her armpits…with one hand supporting her head the other stroking her buttocks… when he tried to go down on her, she accepted his act with moderate passion…the love battle was charming as both the players were thoroughly aroused… although she took long time to cum.
Shaheen kept lying in the bed, for a while after they were through with the love game, then wrapped her with a sheet and headed for the restroom. She put on her clothes back, tossed and combed her hair then came out. She was not a little stressed. She asked Anand to leave the hotel immediately.
It was risky being there; moreover the two had different religions. The two however decided to stay on till evening. Later, they boarded the bus back to the city…on their way back, just as Anand was ready to leave, Shaheen held his hand. Now, she didn’t want to separate from him. But then, circumstance were such, they had to let go.
Unfortunately, the setting sun brought heaps of darkness in their life. After their blissful union, they had to writhe in hell, bear the pain of separation. It was perhaps, also, a closure of their ‘moral life’. They were now setting off to a new journey to doom and darkness. The road Anand and Shaheen had taken for their journey was exciting, but risky. In those times and days, pre - marital sex was considered not just immoral, but heinous as per the norms laid by the society, a crime in the eyes of their elders.
And that way, the coming of Shaheen in Anand’s life could not be a happy affair but sad turning point of his early karmic phase of life. Her affair resulted in her pregnancy. Anand then, didn’t have the courage to stand up for his act and take responsibility. Due to his lily livered attitude, Anand not just lost Shaheen’s love, but hurt himself. He suffered from guilt.

The inside Haveli, life and times of Anand’s Nana and his brother Brijendra, had left deep impressions on him. Soon after his Nana had joined hands with the revolutionaries of the Province, Nani was forced to leave the Haveli.
As privilege Anand’s great grand father enjoyed the status of Rajguru of the erstwhile state. While one of his son’s left home because of his connection with the freedom fighters had, the other one was attracted toward a royal mistress, Bageechi. She was given as dowry to Maharaja Bhim Singh. She had a distinctive charm and a beautiful body. She was accorded a special place as a mistress and was given a house outside the fort by the royalty. She also fell in love with Brijendra.
It was a slow drippy spring when the mistress had also caught the fancy of Maharaja Bhim Singh’s uncle Thakur Roopsingh, while soaking her long hair in sun. On the roof top of her house, she was barely clothed, when Maharaja’s chopper took a flight over Bageechi’s house. Thakur Roopsingh, was fascinated by the sight of the young beauty relaxing carelessly exposing her charming body. He was restless and within no time known, he figured her out and by hook or crook coaxed Bageechi to be his keep… Bageechi consented, but she continued to have a secret affair with the Rajguru’s son. Time passed and on one rainy day, RoopSingh caught both of them red-handed in a compromising position. He got furious and in front of Bageechi’s house, got his clothes ripped off and had his bare body lashed with whips.
The inhumane public torture caused Brijendra, deep sense of pain. He couldn’t bear the agony and within a year passed away. Incidentally, his beloved Bageechi also died on the same day and she was cremated next to her lover.
The torture had caused rage in Anand’s great grandfather‘s heart. Following the incident, he stopped going to the fort temple till one day Maharaja called him personally to his office and requested his Guru to take charge of the temple again, forgetting the old unfortunate event of flogging of his son by Thakur Roopsingh, who died just after a fortnight after whipping the elder son of Rajguru family.
Rajguru requested to re-join his services. In the memory of his son, the entire city was offered ‘Ichha-Bhojan’ for seven days by the royal family. In the memory of Brijendra and Bageechi, two Cenotaphs were erected outside the fortified city. Those Cenotaphs were known as ‘Prem Chhatreese‘…and visited by lovers of the city and also by tourists.
In his days of romancing Shaheen Anand would often visit the cenotaph. But with the passage of time, the area became a dump for municipal wastes, filth and drainage and all disposable medical materials...expiry dated medicines , injections syringes, bandage ,removed Plaster of Paris covers of orthopaedic wards…and all other hazardous bio-chemical drugs ,broken test-tubes etc. This was further joined by a narrow road ending into the lime- workers’ oldest kuchi-basti and a water-tap stand where from grey lights of dawn, men and women came to collect water for their daily usage.
The broken exterior walls of the fort were also used by women and children as cover to attend nature’s calls. Early mornings were hence never missed by lecherous people who would keep sitting there to catch a glance of female bodies. Some pervert would pass by the place in the pretext of morning walks.
One afternoon when Anand and Shaheen were sitting under one of the Chhatri …they heard some noises, coming from a very short distance…The two went up there and were horrified to see a newly born child lying in that garbage as if waiting to be dragged and devoured by dogs…the cries of the baby coupled with the barking dogs had got people alarmed. They rushed in the direction. The baby’s face and body was covered in blood. Women and kids who had gathered there started pelting stones at the dogs to rescue the baby. They were crying in their own way to call attention of public…Unfortunately, there was no one except Anand and Shaheen. The two however got so petrified that they fled from the scene. The whole event thrilled and shocked their existence.
Anand told Shaheen to take little rest near Shavanbhadon…so called green house of the public garden…By the very after thought of the baby,.Shaheen was shivering when she came down from her bicyle…Her body was in temperature…She threw her bike at one side of the road and fell down on the little path of green grass almost in semi- conscious state…Anand took her in his hand…fanned her from his practical note-book…brought water immediately from garden pipe and sprinkled it on her face…Shaheen became normal in few minutes.
‘What happened to you…Shaheen? Anand asked her.
‘I could not tolerate the horrible scene…She told…and the way we both escaped …as if…
‘Shaheen we both knew our limitations…our coming in public light was not right. Anand told firmly but with a very cautious stand.
‘Who might have done that…I am afraid…She could not complete the sentence.
‘For god-shake…please…
‘You know I am pregnant too…What we have to do now…?
‘I am equally worried …and decided to call my Nana for all help…He is a strong man…we will fight out the situation…’
‘Anand I don’t know….For last few days I felt like ending my life…’
‘Shaheen you are a brave girl….How could you think all that rubbish….We have vowed to fight…and Anand took her hand in his hand…They remained silent for a very long span and then departed by separate roads to their homes.
But in no time their shady relationship exposed and now everything was coming to blows. Initially both the families of Anand and Shaeen wanted to keep this matter hidden but the sudden parental activity in both their houses, and particularly because of Hindu-Muslim religions background unearthed the seriousness of the case. Shaheen was not allowed to come out of her home and Anand too was changing his hide-outs. There was rumour in the town that Anand will be punished for his heinous crime he will be pierced and given to dogs. The relatives and community of Shaheen was in emotional state of anger and series of rumours spread in the city that could cause communal tension any time and aggression on the roads of that old fashioned suburb Bikampur.
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