» Fiction » Streaks of Purple Saga Volume Four, Heather Ray [accelerated reader books txt] 📗

Book online «Streaks of Purple Saga Volume Four, Heather Ray [accelerated reader books txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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and soft smile, he also carried an enduring love and open pride in his heart.

After seeing his carefree smile and mischievous smirk constantly since she met him, his more pensive, reserved grin hinted at much greater depth than she thought him capable. Yet it was a grin, nonetheless; Alexis found herself wondering if Rocky DeSantos even knew how to frown.

Suddenly feeling awkward, Alexis cleared her throat. "So, you want to take the first bunch to the door?"

Rocky's characteristic smile returned as he turned his attention to the children. "Who's ready for candy?" he called.

The overwhelming response made Alexis giggle as she watched the group crowd around Rocky as they approached the large house. She turned, and noted that two children lingered distant from the others.

"Hey," she greeted, bending to eye-level with the Red and Blue Rangers, "are you two okay?"

They both settled their gaze on her with an intensity Alexis could feel through their visors. "We're just peachy, Purple Ranger."

Alexis managed to release a startled yelp as each child grabbed one arm. Her teeth gnashed as she struggled against their supernatural strength to no avail. She winced helplessly as their grips tightened to bruising force.

"So, what game shall we play first?"

Blue wondered.

Red chuckled wickedly, giving Alexis' arm a sharp tug. "Ever played 'Wishbone'?"

"I have a better idea," a voice called, as a powerful leg swiftly crashed into the elbow of the Red Ranger, forcing his grip to loosen. "How 'bout Tag?" Another blow knocked the Blue Ranger off balance. "You're It!"

Without breaking stride, Rocky snatched Alexis by the wrist and hurried down the street. Eyes still glazed from the pain of having her arms nearly pulled from their sockets, Alexis glanced back at her attackers.

Her jaw hung open as their forms shifted, stretching into two sleek, tall, black-clad beings with green and white graffiti streaking their costumes.

I need to Morph...

Frowning, she pulled her hand from Rocky's, forcing him to come to a braking halt. "Rocky, the kids!" she shouted. "You've got to take them and get out of here, pronto!"

He blinked at the force in her tone. "Got it covered. I asked the lady in that last house to keep an eye on them. I figure they're safer off the street."

She grimaced. Dammit. With Rocky here, I can't Morph or contact the others!

Chapteer Twenty-Six

"Oookay," Kim murmured, chewing on her pen, "Once Billy and Trini get here, we'll be able to send out another group. Somebody's gotta stay here and hold down the fort."

"I can take care of that," Ernie volunteered, "Why don't you and Tommy take out the next bunch. I think they're getting antsy."

Kim smiled her gratitude, and nudged her pensive boyfriend. "C'mon, Swash-Buckler! Let's see some cheer!"

He offered a grin to appease her, and let her drag him to the nearest group of anxious children.

"Who's ready to get some treats?" Kim prompted with her beaming smile.

The loud chorus of agreement immediately followed. Kim giggled in response, and cast her eye across the group charged to her care.

Her eyes lingered on the Pink and White Rangers, who stood towards the back of the group, leaning close to each other in what seemed to be a private conversation.

"Aw, that's adorable," she sighed.

Tommy followed her gaze, yet was far from amused. His eyes narrowing, he tapped Kimberly's shoulder. "I need to talk to you."

She nodded, her smile fading as Tommy's serious tone resonated. The pair moved behind the large table of candy, allowing a modicum of privacy.

"Kim, I've only been the White Ranger for a week," he pointed out, his gaze never leaving the two young Rangers. "Where'd that kid get the costume from?"

Kim frowned. "Maybe his mother made it?"

"Doubtful. Especially since the media can't possibly have a decent picture of my uniform anyway."

Kim's hands fell to her hips. "Then I'll ask him."

After receiving a bare nod from her leader, Kim made her way back to the two children of interest. She smiled warmly at both, bending down to eye level. "So, what're your names? I don't think I have you signed in yet."

The Pink Ranger folded her arms. "Kimberly,"

she hissed in a sharp whisper.

The White Ranger took a step closer to the startled chaperone. "Tommy."

Alarmed, Kim tried to take a step back. Only, the White Ranger's hand darted like a viper, and managed a firm grip on her neck.

Tommy had already leapt over the table before Kim managed her choked gasp.


the Pink Ranger commanded, holding out her hand, "You don't want your little friend hurt

... do you?"

Tommy stopped, his fists clenching.

All conversation in the room ceased as slowly, everyone present realized the dangerous scene occurring just feet away. Frozen in fear, one and all held their ground, uncertain whether they should interfere.

All except one, who discreetly strapped on a bright yellow helmet. She slipped through the crowded Youth Center, feeling everyone's eyes on her back as she approached what looked like two obnoxious children.

"Didn't your mothers teach you any manners?" she demanded.

The two "Rangers" looked up to the Juice Bar, and stared openly at the petite form standing boldly at the step. Her arms folded over her chest, she glared down at the delinquents. "Now you're really

in trouble, Kids."

A low, rolling chuckle escaped the White Ranger. The grating sound made the lone heroine shiver. "Is that so, Yellow Ranger?"

White lifted his hand, bringing Kimberly's feet off the ground. Everyone blinked as the two small forms gradually stretched, pink and white darkening to black as new beings took shape.

"We are Misfits,"

the former "Pink Ranger" declared. She then turned to the Yellow Ranger, a cruel smirk on her wrinkled face. "And we're just looking to have a little fun


The other Misfit took one more glance at his victim, reveling in the pained grimace that marred Kimberly's face. With a dismissive shrug, he tossed her into the refreshment table, watching with wicked amusement as the force of her fall snapped the table like kindling.

He chuckled as Tommy raced to her side, and then turned back to his partner. "I'm curious to see what lesson the Yellow Ranger intends to teach us."

Grinning in agreement, the Misfits pounced on the Power Ranger as one. However, the young woman was ready. She held her ground, arms elevated to block the first jab aimed to her face.

She bit down against a yelp of pain as her forearm absorbed the supernatural impact.

Improvising at the speed of thought, she switched her defensive strategy from "block" to "dodge." She bent backward to avoid the follow-up blow, and leapt to the side to just barely miss a forceful kick from the other Misfit.

The errant kick collided with a load-bearing pillar, causing the children to shriek in panic as dust snowed from the ceiling.

A strange calm suffused her mind as an idea took form. She continued to dodge the subsequent blows, and delivered a fierce kick to one Misfit's unprotected abdomen. She grimaced at the odd feeling as her foot sank into the creature as if he were made of wet sand.

The creature's momentum forced it to crash into its partner, sending both into a row of stools near the Juice Bar. Seizing the opportunity, the Yellow Ranger turned around, and made a mad dash to the wide open doors of the Youth Center.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Tommy's face was set in a scowl so fierce all the children surrounding the broken table made adequate room for him. He tapped her shoulder gently, yet forcefully.

"Kim?" he urged, leaning as close to her face as possible. His hands hovered anxiously above her, his skin chilling as his harried mind mounted all the possible internal injuries that even jostling her could aggravate.

Only when her eyelids fluttered did he release the tense breath he didn't realize he was holding.

"Kim! Can you hear me?"

"Tommy," she rasped. She flinched, her hands moving to her bruised neck. "What hap-"

Her eyes widened as her memory fell into place. "Where are those kids?"

"Aisha led them out of the Youth Center," he explained in a soft voice.

Kim gasped. "By herself? What was she thinking?"

"I'll make sure to ask her." He leaned closer, touching Kim's cheek. "Will you be okay?"

Her eyes narrowed as she grabbed his wrist. "Help me up."

He read the resolve in her eyes, and quickly shook his head. "Kim-"

"I'm fine," she protested. "Now, help me up!"

He knew better than to waste precious time arguing. Instead, he gently grasped Kim's hand, and wound his other arm behind her back. With the utmost care, he extricated her from the stakes of wood and strewn candy, keeping her weight against his chest.

"You hit the table hard," he pointed out. "Can you stand?"

She chewed her lip as she redistributed her weight. "I can handle it."

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Aisha's chest heaved as she ran faster than she'd ever run before. "Well, it seemed

like a good idea..."

Much to her irritation, her father's voice flowed through her mind.

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