» Fiction » The Sterley’s of Oakland Park, SAREJESS [best e reader for epub .txt] 📗

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the gentleman “I believe he is in the grounds or at the Avery” replied Lady Ann “The marquis of Wellington has once more thrashed old Bonny I believe he is the greatest military man England has ever had” continued Mr Parker.

“Then sir pray hurry make hast and find Sir Thomas for I am sure he will have dispatches to write on this occasion to all the officers involved pray in what theater of the war did this grand occasion take place?” Lady Ann asked as an after thought “Why You’re Ladyship In Spain of course” said Mr Parker surprised at the ignorance that some woman have of the fighting fronts of the greatest war England had ever fought.

From the desk of the honorable Benjamin Bathurst

To Sir Thomas Sterley,
Dear Sir, I shall have at my disposal next week an half an hour on Wednesday morning at half past eleven in which you may avail yourself of my time.
Please beware that I make no promise of employment for your son however, I will be interested to hear what you have to say in this regard?
Yours Sincerely

B Bathurst

“Lydia was dancing with Peter Parker ”They seem so much like brother and sister,“ said Lady Ann ”They are of like age,“ said Emily Parker who was sitting at the side of Lady Ann.

“Indeed they make a handsome couple,” said Sir Thomas over hearing the remarks of his wife and Mrs. Parker. I see that Thomas and Arabella are well disposed to each other said Lady Sarah as she watched her daughter and Tom dancing. The music was of the sort that made every one want to dance even old married couples of advanced age seemed to be tapping along the rhythm as the young folks danced.

“Madam would you do me the honor of dancing the next round with me?” asked Mr Parker of Lady Ann. “Indeed I will Mr Parker pray have you imparted the good news of which you spoke earlier to Sir Thomas? She asked. ”I of a certainty have Lady Ann he was most pleased to hear of it said Mr Parker as they once more drew near in the dance.

“Mamma come quickly, it seems as if George has come to visit” said Mary as she looked out the window below in the yard George Parker was handing the reins of his mount to a groom.
“It would seem that he might have some business with Lydia,” said Lady Ann “Indeed Mamma you have no way of knowing that?” Replied Mary “I do indeed know this I have had a note from him this very morning requesting a moment with Lydia” said Lady Ann
“Go and find Lydia,” said Lady Ann“
George Parker entered the drawing room after been announced by the butler.

“Good day Lady Ann I trust this morning finds you well? Said George Parker, Good day George I am in the best of health pray how is your dear Mamma I should pay you Mamma a visit shortly.” Said Lady Ann

“”Mamma and papa are exceedingly well and send there regards,“ said George the sound of excited female voices could be heard in the hall Lydia, Sophia and Mary entered the drawing room.

“Why George we seldom see you of late I quite believe that your father keeps you quite busy with his rents and business,” said Lydia. “All affairs are in hand my dear Lydia,” said George. “Pray Lady Ann I beg that you would excuse me if I took Lydia for a round in the garden” said George “Indeed young Mr. Parker you may Sophia, Mary pray come with me to the kitchen I fancy we will need to address cook” said Lady Ann.

“Oh Mamma must we would rather go with George and Lydia” answered Mary “No my dear child there are things that I believe George will want to talk to Lydia about that are not for your ears” said Lady Ann sternly.

A while later George and Lydia were making there rounds in the garden, they chanced to stop under one of the great oaks that stood in front of the house. “Lydia I have some thing of importance to impart to you of the greatest significance and a matter of how I feel about you” Said George. “Pray George please speak plainly tell me what you have on your mind” said Lydia. “Madam I have long been one of your most ardent admirers, I have long held the hope within my heart, that one day that you would do me the very great honor of becoming my wife,” said George. “

“George, I can only consent if you speak to Papa I would be very happy to marry you to become your wife but I cannot do it with out the blessings of my father” said Lydia

“Lydia I will this instant speak to your papa for I have long held the idea that he and my father have had this marriage in mind. for they are old friends with the estates of my father coming to me one day I will be able to care for you in the manner in which you are accustom” said George.

Turning now once more to the house the two young people proceeded at an advanced pace for they were in a hurry to have George speak with Sir Thomas. Unknown to them Sir Thomas and Lady Ann watched from the window of the study. A look of profound pleasure rested upon there brows for they were well aware of the mission upon which George had set out that morning to accomplish at Oakland Park... “You had better return to the drawing room lest the young people become alarmed and think some thing is amiss,” said Sir Thomas. “Yes my dear husband,” said Lady Ann“ You will of course remember to be stern at first with young George?” said the good lady...

“Indeed madam I am well aware of the attitude of a prospective father-in-law are, I would ask that you make haste and take up your former occupation in the withdrawing room,” said Sir Thomas.

It was not long before George Parker was closeted with Sir Thomas in the drawing room the females of the household whispered softly to each other of the events that had transpired in the garden between Lydia and George Park. Lydia in the mean time found herself in a highly agitated state of nerves for she imagined on occasion she heard the voice of her father then George voice could be heard raised in some thing, which did not sound like pleasant communication.

Shortly the door of the study was flung open, George Parker stepped out for a moment he took hold of the hand of Lydia then letting go walked off to the withdrawing room.

Lydia hurried into the study looking up from his desk Sir Thomas addressed his eldest daughter. “Well my girl I hope you will be happy if you love him then remember. That he will always turn to you for advice and comfort. Now go to him before your Mamma smothers him in caresses for I am sure that this is a happy occasion for which she has long been waiting,” he concluded.

“Dearest lovable Papa I give you my thanks,” said Lydia before leaving the study. From the drawing room, the sound of happy voices could be heard. “Pray Sophia fetch your Papa from the study for he should be here to celebrate this good news,” said Lady Ann.

“Mary send one of the servants to find Tom and John so they might also share in this happy occasion,” she continued.

“So George you are to be our son-in?law pray that when things go ill with you that you will always remember that you can speak plainly without fear of retribution. for I know my daughter and I am sure that there will be occasions when you will want the advice of a mother-n-law” said Lady Ann. “My dear wife do not scare the boy so you will have him running home to his parents err long. If you continue in this vain,” said Sir Thomas.

Chapter Seven

My Dear Ann you must try this chicken it is the most flavorsome bird I have ever tasted“ said Lady Sarah. ”Yes I dare say that cook has out done herself this evening,“ said Lady Ann
”Ill warrant that you had some thing to do with the flavor for did I not see you in the kitchen earlier today?“ asked Lady Sarah. ”It was but a sham to get Sophia and Mary away from George and Lydia while he proposed“ said Lady Ann. ”Ah yes it is indeed a good day when ones eldest daughter is made a marriage proposal from such an agreeable young gentleman.

Sir Thomas entering the dinning room remarked, “We just got the lambs of the higher pasture the weather is bound to turn cold this night,” he said as he seated himself at the table. “Indeed there is a bracing of the elements,” said Lady Sarah as she dug into another helping of potatoes.

“One wonders what we would do with out the humble potatoes said Sir Thomas as he helped himself to a serving of the same. ”I have more then a passing fancy for that vegetable“ said Lady Sarah as sweat bead began appearing upon her forehead. ”The French of course will eat all manner of things but I prefer the humble boiled potatoes of old England over any foreign concoction,“ said Sir Thomas

“I believe that I have never dinned so well in all my life Ann your cook has really out done herself this evening,” said Lady Sarah. “Sarah you talk as if you are starved pray have we not always made sure there is enough upon the table have I stopped you from eating any thing” asked Lady Ann. Some what concerned at the strange behavior of Lady Sarah who at that instant had broken off a piece of bread and was mopping the last of her
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