» Fiction » Heart of the Pride, Anaya Phoenix [ebook reader color screen .TXT] 📗

Book online «Heart of the Pride, Anaya Phoenix [ebook reader color screen .TXT] 📗». Author Anaya Phoenix

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with unshed tears as she put her hands on Izzy’s face.

“I’m just… fine, mom, are you Ok?” Isabel asked, trying so hard to keep the whimper from her voice.

“Oh my sweet little honey child, I am fine. Now that you’re awake. The doctor’s said they didn’t know when you’d wake. Everybody was worried and they flew down and-“

“Honey, I think you’re overpowering her with information.” Her father said from her left. She looked to him and smiled slightly. He looked so tired and sad, his eyes almost seemed to droop on his face.

“You Ok daddy?”

“Just fine now that you’re up. This lady over here wouldn’t shut up about you.” She sucked her teeth and hit her father on the arm.

“You don’t have to say that dad, you can be honest. You and I both know she isn’t a lady, more like a ma’am.” She said, to which her mother laughed and pat her daughters head.

“You guys suck monkey butt. Baboon to be more specific.” She said, putting her brown hair behind her ear and smiling down at Izzy.

“Anybody wanna clue me in as to what happened to me and why my belly feels like I just ate a whole bunch of sharp rocks?” She asked, sitting up slightly, careful not to jar her stomach.

“Well, he said that someone, somehow, had managed to poison your food supply. They had to pump your stomach, he said… He said they’d given you enough to kill a small elephant! How does a mom miss that!? They said you were lucky to have pulled through that.” Her mother said, the unshed tears falling from her eyes quickly.

“Do they- do they know what I was poisoned with, or how long it had gone on for?” Her voice cracked a little at the end and she cursed the Gods’.

“They said something about night. I-I don’t know. They said that you would’ve had to have been poisoned over some time. If the poisoner would’ve given the night thing to you all in one dose you would’ve died instantly!” Her mother said dramatically.

“No you wouldn’t have. The Nightshade isn’t dangerous, in small amounts. Whoever did this to you must’ve given it to you in so many small amounts that it became too much for your body. You showed the signs I just… didn’t see them. How does that even happen! I’m a freaking doctor, looking out for these things is what I get paid for!” His face turned cherry red and she put her hand on his arm. He looked down at it and so did she. It was pale, as if somebody hat poured white out on it. Now that she thought it about it, it was cold too.

“It’s Ok dad. All that matters is that they fixed me.” She tried to smile, she really did, but she couldn’t. A pain sliced through her and she clenched her fist around her fathers arm.

“Izzy? Isabel? Are you Ok?!” Her mother screeched, holding on to her other hand. She bucked her body, not able to respond over the pain, only to feel another pain.

“Fuck, Isabel! I need you to stop moving! Katelyn stop yelling and get help!!” Her father boomed, but Izzy didn’t have time to be shocked that her father cursed. Her body was splitting in two, and she was pretty sure she puked a little. Could this day not get any more fantastical? As she passed out from the pain Timmy’s smiling face flashed in her brain. Oh great, she thought, just one more fantastical thing.

Chapter 8

There was no crying the second time she woke up, there was only that stupid beeping thing. She looked around her room only to find it completely dark, with the outline of a twisted tree overcasting the floor. She had to pee, but she knew that as soon as she moved her leg pain would rocket through her body. She couldn’t see anything so knew that no one would be coming anytime soon.

“If by some freak chance there’s somebody in here can you please help me use the bathroom?” She whispered, then closed her eyes in defeat when she heard no response. She sighed and pulled the heavy blanket/ quilt they had put on her, trying to put little to no pressure on her stomach. When she’d had a firm enough grip on the edge of the bed she worked on to pulling herself up. She let out a keen cry and fell back down on the bed.

“Oh god, for the first time in my life, I’m gonna piss myself.” She said pathetically, feeling tears come to her eyes. She didn’t want this, she didn’t want to be practically useless and helpless. She heard a swift movement in the air then felt a large hand cover her arm. Her eyes widened but she said nothing. The hand yanked on her arm and she barely held in her cry.

“Look, do you wanna piss or not? I could use some sleep.” A gruff female voice said.

“Oh God yes, I wanna pee. But my tummy-“

“A little pain never hurt anybody,  now get your little ass up and go take a piss. Or else I’ll let you sit there and pee in your catheter.” At that her eyes widened.

“They have me plugged up to a catheter?!” She whisper yelled.

“Duh, wouldn’t want to have to change you every night, now would they? I’m surprised you don’t feel it. Now come on! I’m fucking tired!”

“I can’t even see!”

“Neither can I dummy, but I’m still helping you!” She said and gave a yank, Izzy didn’t fight or yell out, she just followed the yank. She felt her stitches ripping but she could care less, she had to piss.

“Wait, but won’t the piss still go in the catheter, and not the toilet?”

“Yeah, that’s why I’m doing this.” And with that and a quick tug, Isabel Mcreery pissed herself.


“That bitch owes me her pudding when I can eat it.” Izzy fumed to the basketball players. They chuckled and shook their heads, but the sadness and intensity didn’t  escape their eyes.

“You guys are killing me here with the puppy dog eyes.” Somebody snorted and they all glared at him.

“What, it was funny so I laughed.” He grumbled, she didn’t even know his name.

“I’m sorry dude, but who are you? And why you bringing anger into my hospital room.” The door opened and Bridget, the yanker as Isabel referred to her, walked in with her IV pole.

“Our room you mean?”

“No, I meant mine. You left, which makes it my room.”

“You left first, so it’s mine.”

“You wanna fucking bet yanker?”

“Yeah I wanna fucking bet, pissy, I wager the pudding you’re trying to take.” Izzy narrowed her eyes on the brunette and growled, then folded her arms.

“Fine, it’s your fucking room! But I keep the damn pudding!” She yelled in a no nonsense tone, raising her finger and wagging it.

“You really won that won, hon.” Cassandra said, patting her leg. She looked to Cassandra and nodded thoughtfully.

“I really did, though, didn’t I?”


                Visiting hours were over but nobody left her room. They would stay until they were forced out, and even then they would put up a fight. Soon, though, Izzy grew tired and she couldn’t stop her eyes closing and her head lolling back.

“Izzy? Izzy?!” Everyone yelled, making her eyes jolt open quickly.

“Wah? What did I miss?” She asked groggily, wanting to stay awake for her friends.

“Nothing, don’t fucking scare people like that though!” Jaime yelled, running his fingers through his light brown hair.

“What did I do?” Her voice came out slow and disoriented, her eyes blinked rapidly to keep from falling asleep. Cassandra sighed and stood, grabbing Darren’s hand and dragging him up with her.

“We’ll see you tomorrow, ok babe?” Cassandra asked as she kissed Izzy’s forehead. Izzy nodded slowly and closed her eyes, her fingers twitching as everybody said bye to her. She was dead to the world within two minutes.


                Her family was the first one in there the next day, fussing over her and making sure her every ‘need’ was looked after. Zena thought it necessary to read Isabel her diary, and she left not one detail out.

“The boogar tasted like peanut butter, strange but welcomed-“

“Ok, didn’t need to know that Z.” Izzy said, putting her fist over her mouth and puffing out her cheeks, she was sure she turned green. Her mom walked over and picked Zena up smoothing down her hair.

“Her stomach is still not strong enough to hear every meal and snack you’ve had in the past days.” Her mother cooed softly, bouncing her hip. Zena looked to her sister and nodded curtly.

“Sorry Isabel. Won’t happen again.”

“Same here.”

“And here.”

 “Here too.” All of her siblings agreed slowly and she smiled.

“Now that’s the Mcreery spirit. Now, anybody wanna empty my puke bag?” They all groaned and shied away from her. She giggled brightly and waved her hand.

“Nah just kidding, it’s my pee bag that needs to be emptied.” She plain laughed when they all made gagging sounds.


She tried to shut her roommate out, she put her hand on her ever painful stomach and closed her eyes. Willing for Bridget to just shut up.

“You’re being selfish!” She yelled as she threw the pillow at Izzy.

“It’s better that they don’t know.” Izzy said for the hundredth time, feeling more tired than ever.

“Says who?”

“Says me. They’ll be destroyed if they hear it.”

“They’ll be even more destroyed when they walk in and see that you’re bed has been packed up.”

“That isn’t-“

“That is exactly what it is! If you don’t tell them, and soon, I will.” She gasped and sat up, ignoring the pain in her abdomen.

“You have no right.”

“Yeah, well neither do you. They deserve to know… and what about him?” She slouched and closed her eyes, she wouldn’t answer that.

“You have feelings for him, so does he. He’s going to be devastated.” She squeezed her eyes closed and pursed her lips, trying not to acknowledge the tears welling up in her eyes.

“You’ve got to tell him, at least.” Bridget’s voice was softer this time, gentle and caring. Izzy nodded, jarring tears lose.

“Ok, I’ll tell him.”


                She didn’t have to wait long, when her friends came the next day he came with them. Their eyes automatically sought out hers and he practically pushed Jaime out of the way to sit next to her. His hand grappled hers and wouldn’t let go.

“How are you today crazy lady?” Cassandra asked, her silver eyes flicking to their hands then back to hers.

“Not any better than I was the day before. I, uh, actually need to speak to Timmy alone.” She stuttered, gripping his hand tightly. They furrowed their brow but complied and left the room. She looked to him and her eyes watered.

“I’m sorry, I was stupid and being a bitch about it.” She cried, bowing her head in shame. He made no sound, only wrapped his arms around her body.

“I didn’t mean anything I said. I don’t hate you, I never did hate you.” She sobbed, letting the comfort of his arms weigh her down.

“I know babe, I know.” His voice was gruff and filled with something she couldn’t place, didn’t have time to place.

“I’m dying. The doctors said I have four months. The nightshade went too-“

“Whoa, nightshade. Who the

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