» Fiction » Folklore of the Santal Parganas, Cecil Henry Bompas [sad books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Folklore of the Santal Parganas, Cecil Henry Bompas [sad books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Cecil Henry Bompas

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they saw the smoke rising. But before her sons

came back Kuwar and the princess finished their meal and paid the old

woman and mounted Piyari and gallopped off. Then the old woman set fire

to the hut and her sons, seeing the smoke hurried home. She told them

that a beautiful girl had just left who would make a suitable wife for

the youngest of the brothers. Then the brothers tied on their swords

and mounted their horses and went in pursuit. Kuwar and the princess

knew nothing of their danger and rode on happily, but presently they

heard horses neighing behind them and looking round, saw men riding

after them with drawn swords. Then the princess said to Kuwar "Our

enemies are upon us; do you sit in front and let me sit behind you,

then they will kill us both together. If I am in front they may kill

you alone and carry me off alive." But while they were thinking of

this the seven brothers caught them up, and began to abuse them and

charge them with having set fire to the house in which they had eaten

their rice, and told them to come back with them at once. Kuwar and

the princess were too frightened to answer and they had no sword with

which to defend themselves. Then the robbers surrounded them and killed

Kuwar, and they said to the princess "You cannot stay here all alone;

we will take you back and you shall marry one of us." The princess

answered "Kill me here at once, never will I go with you." They said

"We shall take away your horse and all your food, will not that make

you go?" But the princess threw herself on the dead body of Kuwar

and for all they could do they could not drag her off it. Then the

murderers said to the youngest brother "She is to be your wife: you

must pull her away." But he refused saying "No, if I take her away she

will not stay with me, she will probably hang herself or drown herself;

I do not want a wife like that, if any of you want her, you can have

her." But they said that it would not be right for one of them to take

a second wife while their youngest brother was unmarried, and that

their mother intended him to marry this girl; if he would not they

would kill her there and then. But the youngest brother had pity on

her and asked them to spare her life, so they took away her horse and

her food and everything that she had and went away and left her there.


For a day and a night the princess lay there weeping and lamenting

her dead Kuwar and never ceased for a moment. Then Chando said "who

is this who is weeping and what has happened to her?" And he sent

Bidhi and Bidha to see what was the matter; they came and told him

that a princess was weeping over the body of her dead husband and

would not leave him though she had been robbed of everything she had.


Then Chando told them to go and frighten her, and if they could

frighten her away from her husband's dead body he would do nothing, but

if she would not leave him then they were to restore him to life. So

they went and found her holding the dead body of her husband In her

lap and weeping; and they first assumed the form of tigers and began

to circle round her roaring, but she only went on weeping and sang--



    "You have come roaring, tigress:

    First eat me, tigress:

    Then only will I let you eat the body of my lord."



She would not quit the body nor run away from fear of the tigers,

so they slunk away and came back in the form of two leopards, and

prowled round her growling; but she only sang



    "You have come roaring, leopardess

    First eat me, leopardess

    Then only will I let you eat the body of my lord."



and as she would not fly from them they slunk away and came back

in the form of two bears, but the princess only sang the same song;

then they appeared as two elephants; and then as two huge snakes which

hissed terribly but still she only wept; and in many forms they tried

to frighten her away but she would not move nor leave the corpse of

Kuwar, so in the end they saw that all the heart of the princess was

with Kuwar and that even in death they could not be separated, so at

last they drew near to her in the form of human beings and asked her

why she was crying, as they had heard her weeping from a long way off,

and had been filled with pity for her lamentations. Then the princess

said "Alas, this youth and I are from such and such a country and

as we loved and our lives were bound up in each other we ran away

together hither, and here on the road he has been killed and the

murderers have left me without my horse or food; and this is why I

weep." Then Bidhi and Bidha said "Daughter, rise up and we will take

you to your home, or we will find you another husband; this one is

dead and cannot be restored to you; you will find another; come arise,

you have but one life," But the princess answered "No I will not go

and leave him here. I will not leave him while my life lasts; but I

pray you if you know of any medicine that might restore him to life,

to try it." Then they answered "We know something of medicine and

if you wish we will try to cure him;" so saying, they ground up some

simples and told the princess to spread out a cloth and lay the dead

body on it and to put the head which had been cut off into position,

and then to cover it with the cloth and hold the head in position;

so she did as they bade, and they rubbed the medicine on the body

and then they suddenly disappeared from her sight.


Then in a few moments she saw Kuwar's chest heave as if he were

breathing; thereupon she shook him violently and he rose up and said

"Oh, what a long time I have slept," but the princess said "Do not

talk of sleep; you were killed and two men appeared from somewhere

and applied medicine and brought you to life again;" then Kuwar asked

where they were and she told him how they had disappeared without

her knowledge.


Then they rose up and went in search of food to a village where

there was a bazar, and they tried to get employment as servants;

but the people advised them to go to the capital city where the Raja

lived, and there if no one would take them as servants they could get

employment as coolies on a big tank which the Raja was excavating. So

they went there, and as they could not get employment as servants they

went to work at the tank with the common coolies and were paid their

wages at the end of the week and so managed to live. Kuwar's desire

was to somehow save five or six rupees and then build a little house

for themselves.


Now although the tank had been dug very deep there were no signs of

any water. Then the Raja ordered the centre post to be planted in

hopes that this would make the water rise; and he told the coolies

not to run away as he would make a feast to celebrate the making of

the tank and would distribute presents among them, and at this the

labourers were very pleased.


Now Kuwar's wife was very fair to see and the Raja saw her and fell

in love with her and made a plot to get possession of her. So when

the centre post had been planted and still no water came he said

"We must see what sacrifice is required to make the water come. I

have animals of all kinds; one by one they shall be offered and you

shall sing and dedicate them." So first an elephant was led down into

the bed of the tank and the people sang



    "Tank, we will sacrifice to you an elephant

    Let clear water bubble up, O tank,"



but no water came.


Then they led down a horse and sang a similar song, but no water came;

and then in succession a camel, a donkey, a cow, a buffalo, a goat and

a sheep were offered but no water came; and so they stopped. Then

the Raja asked why they stopped and they said that they had no

more animals. Then the Raja bade them sing a song dedicating a man,

to see if that would bring the water; so they sang and as they sang

water bubbled up everywhere from the bottom of the tank and then the

coolies were stricken with fear for they did not know which of them

would be sacrificed.


But the Raja sent his soldiers and they seized Kuwar and bound him

to the post in the middle of the tank; and then a song was sung

dedicating him to the tank and as the water rose around him the

princess wept bitterly; but the Raja said "Do not cry I will arrange

for your support and will give you part of my kingdom and you shall

live in my palace." The princess said "Yes: hereafter I may stay with

you, but let me now watch Kuwar till he is drowned;" so Kuwar fixed

his eyes on the princess and tears streamed down his face until the

waters rose and covered him; and the princess also gazed at him till

he was drowned. Then the Raja's soldiers told her to come with them

and she said "Yes, I am coming, but let me first offer a libation

of water to my dead husband;" and on this pretext she went into the

water and then she darted to the place where Kuwar had been bound and

sank beneath the surface. The Raja bade men rescue her but all were

afraid to enter the water and she was seen no more. Then the Raja

gave all the coolies a feast and scattered money among the crowd and

dismissed them. And this is the end of the story.

XVIII. (The Laughing Fish.)


There was once a merchant who prospered in his business and in the

course of time became very rich. He had five sons but none of them

was married. In the village where he lived was an old tank which was

half silted up and he resolved to clean it out and deepen it, if the

Raja would give it to him; so he went to the Raja and the Raja said

that he could have the tank if he paid forty rupees. The merchant paid

the money and then went home and called his family together and said

that they would first improve the tank and then find wives for all

his sons. The  sons agreed and they collected coolies and drained

off the water and began to dig out the silt. When they had drained

off the water they found in the bed of the tank a number of big fish

of unknown age: which they caught and two of them they sent to the

Raja as a present. When the fish were carried into the presence of the

Raja they both began to laugh: then the Raja said "What is the meaning

of this? Here are two dead fish, why are they laughing?" And he told

the men who brought the fish to explain what was the matter or else

to take them away again. But they could give no explanation. Then the


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