» Fiction » Destined (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [good books to read for beginners TXT] 📗

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to see anyone, refused to talk to anyone besides his mate. He just couldn’t. His best friend, his beta, died. He had no idea how he would run the pack, he would have to choose another beta and beta’s didn’t just pop up. They had to be born with beta blood. Brandon didn’t have any kids, or a successor. So Thomas was pretty much screwed. He followed the sound of laughter and stopped at the threshold. His mate stood there, surrounded by all of the pack children, covered from head to toe in flour and sugar. The other children were covered too, just not as much. He leaned against the threshold and watched as they engaged on a full on war. Sarah sidled up next to him and smiled weakly.
“She’s done this everyday, the kids come to her and she manages to just… make them forget.” She said softly, crossing her arms.
“I don’t even think she’s had time to properly mourn, immediately after the burial she just jumped into making everyone else around her happy.” With that Sarah walked back to wherever she came from.
“Luna Molly you’re all messy.” A small girl said, scrunching up her nose cutely, her brown hair in two pigtails and flour smattering her face.
“You guys made me all messy, you put more flour on me than in the cookie batter!” Molly said laughing lightly and spraying flour on some more kids.
“You look like a messy troll, Luna Molly!” A small boy exclaimed, his voice almost as excited as his brown eyes. Molly turned her eyes to the boy and smiled widely.
“FEE FI FO FUM, I SMELL KIDDIES AND KIDDIES ARE YUMM!!!” She said in a deep voice, making the kids squeal and run from the kitchen, she laughed and ran after them. They ran past him but he shot his arm out to stop her, he looked in her eyes and smiled.
“Thanks Luna.” She smiled softly and cradled his cheek with a floured hand as her eyes softly leaked to amber.
“We’re here for you Alpha, always. Make no mistake, now go on upstairs and take a shower. I think our children would appreciate it if you spent time with them.” With that she kissed his lips briefly and walked past him, only to be stopped again. Before she could ask he pressed a sweet kiss to her lips and held her body close to his.
“Thank you.” He whispered on her lips, enjoying as she licked his bottom lip.
“Your welcome.” She whispered back and walked away, adding an extra sway to her hips. Chapter 14

Sarah watched as her daughter walked around their backyard, not really doing anything. She sighed and contemplated on whether or not she should go out there. She knew what she said was wrong, knew that her daughter was hurt by it but she couldn’t apologize. Her daughter was a Mascot and, sadly, Mascot’s had a certain way of handling hurt emotions. Sarah knew if she were to go out there and apologize to her daughter, her daughter would accept it. Then her daughter would say she was fine when, in all actuality, she was still hurting and was secretly plotting ways to get back at her. It’s what all Mascot’s did, Sarah knew to accept it. Didn’t mean she had to like it.
“Just talk to her, love, I’m sure she’ll accept your apology.” Drew said, wrapping his arms around her midsection and pulling her close.
“Oh yeah? And how do you know this? Are you capable of seeing in to the future?” She teased, allowing herself to calm down from his presence.
“Yup, I see into the future.”
“Then what am I going to say next, huh?”
“That’s not what I was going to say.”
“That’s not- sneaky, sneaky.” She said giggling as he nibbled on her neck.
“Hey mom- ah! Can you guys please reserve this for the bedroom, or when me and my sister aren’t here?” Ander said, putting his hands over his eyes. She rolled her eyes and broke away from her mate.
“What do you need sweet face?” She asked her son, pinching his cute little cheeks. She didn’t want to sound conceited or anything but… damn could she make kids. Her children were so cute and were a perfect mixture of sweet and naughty.
“I wanted to know if we could play with the Greene’s?” He asked, his blue eyes twinkling with something she couldn’t quite place. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously and pursed her lips.
“I thought you hated the Greene’s?”
“That’s me mom, he can’t get enough of ‘em. Honestly, it’s a little bit sickening.” Her daughter said, coming in from the back door.
“Come off it, you just don’t like them because they don’t treat you like a little princess.” Ander sneered to her. She zoomed to him and scrunched up her nose.
“I am a princess and they should treat me like one.” She growled, narrowing the blue eyes that were so similar to his on him.
“No you’re not, you’re just a spoiled little brat.”
“Oi! Take that back you nose picker!” She yelled at him, pushing his shoulder. Sarah hung her head, she was hoping they could have a nice day.
“Sorry, brat, haven’t picked my nose since we were three!” He yelled, pushing her in the shoulder back. She gave an outraged gasp and moved to punch him in the face. Drew zoomed behind her and picked her up, holding her while she punched and scratched at the air to get at her brother.
“I got the last hit! Ha, ha!” He teased and she scrunched her face up. She lifted her leg and took off her sneaker then threw it at his face.
“Now I got the last hit!” She said victoriously as Drew walked out of the kitchen and, hopefully, up the stairs to take her to her room.
“She threw a shoe at me.” Ander said as he dabbed the fine line of blood coming from his nose.
“That she did.” Sarah nodded in agreement. He looked to his mother and smiled, his blood getting on to his teeth and making it look like she gave him far worse than just a bloodied nose.
“I love my sister.”

“But it was my turn to have it!”
“No it wasn’t, you liar!”
“Yes it was!”
“No it wasn’t!”
“Yes it was!”
“Would you two shut the hell up!?! It’s mine now, happy?” Carol said, snatching the brightly colored ball from between Lina and Aubrey. They both looked at her then to each other, Carol didn’t like the way their eyes gleamed. That could only mean-
“Get her!” They yelled together and tackled her down to the ground. That was it, she wasn’t having kids.

Sarah leaned on the hood of her car and watched her kids walk into the Greene house, she did not envy Thomas and Molly for doing this. She just needed a small amount of time to herself, to figure out what was happening to her. She was hoping it wasn’t what she thought it was. He better fucking pray it wasn’t. Drew had went to go to work after he’d dragged his daughter off and pampered her until she felt like a little princess again. It still gave Sarah an ache to know that she could never do that for her child, that she could never make her precious little girl feel just that. Special.
It wasn’t like she hadn’t tried, because she had. She had sat down and talked with Anna, played with Anna, spent girl’ days with her. She’d done everything she could think of, yet their relationship still seemed strained and forced. She wasn’t cut out to be a mother… of girls. With Ander she had no problem, not fucking one. She loved her little boy and would protect and fight for him to the death, as she would Anna, there was just something more between her and Anna.
She opened the door to her little bug, she’d kept it in the states after Drew picked her up and traveled to England. She’d trusted Carol to take care of it, and that she did. She’d see all the things Montana had to offer, and then she’d handle her business. After that she’d have to be home by three so she’d have enough time to shower, cook, and rewind before Drew came home with the kids. She sighed and started the car.
“The average fucking house wife.” She mumbled happily and drove toward the city.

“What’re you cooking?” Asked one of them.
“Is it gonna be yummy?” Another one asked.
“I hope it’s gonna be yummy, I don’t like yucky things.” Soon all of them put in there three cents about what they thought of ‘yucky’ things. Molly groaned internally as she seasoned all ten pounds of chicken. She’d learned to block them out, but there’s only so much a person could handle when it came to the ramblings of eight little kids.
“Do you like pickles, Luna Molly?” One child asked. She crinkled her brow, how did the conversation come to pickles?
“Well, when I was pregnant with Rosa, I used to eat chocolate dipped pickles. All the time. They were so yummy. But ever since then I haven’t had one. I only eat them when I’m pregnant though.” They were quiet for a while, until one kid asked.
“Luna Molly, how do mommy’s get pregnant?” Molly’s hands quit their moving as she fought to find an answer. She continued to move them, hoping that she could try to feign like she didn’t hear the question. Pretty hard to do, seeing as she could hear everything that happened in the house.
“Luna Molly!! How do mommy’s get pregnant!!??” The child yelled and she blinked and looked down at the child.
“Well, um, mommy’s get pregnant when… Mother Moon tells them that they will become a mommy.” She sighed inwardly at the stupid answer and went back to seasoning the chicken.
“My mommy said that mommy’s get pregnant when a mommy and a daddy have s-“
“Whoa there buddy!!” Thomas yelled, swooping into the kitchen and holding out his hands.
“Alpha Thomas!!” The kids yelled in chorus and ran to him, wrapping their arms around whatever part of him they could find. Molly smiled and wiped her hands on sucking the seasoning off of her fingers. She wouldn’t get salmonella or any other disease like that. Her body was hardwired to eat raw food, so she could, in theory, eat one of the drumsticks right now and it wouldn’t affect her at all. Thomas managed to walk to her, even though the kids weighed him down, and sucked on one of her fingers.
“That’s gonna be good, you gonna fry it?”
“What kind of questions is that? Of course I’m gonna fry it!” She exclaimed, sucking on the finger he just sucked on. She saw his eyes flash to gold before residing on black as he grinned.
“Need any help with anything?” He asked ruffling the kids hair. She motioned to the table where about fifty potatoes resided.
“You can peel those and wash ‘em for me. The kids can start shucking corn. Then, if you want to be the best mate ever know, you can start calling those heathen kids down so they can help with the cornbread.” She said, all in one breath, as she got the flour from the pantry.
“That sounds like an awful lot of work.” She shot him

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