» Fiction » Retribution, Michael Bates [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗

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watching. “Fifty pounds, I could really do with that right now. Okay, what do you need to know?”

“I need to know who stayed in that room, how many, and when they booked in here.”

“The name given was a Mr Evans. There was three of them, two men and a young girl.”

“How did this Mr Evans pay for the room?”

“He paid by credit card.”

Yes! “ Do you have the credit card details?”

“I’m not too happy about giving you those kinds of details.”

“Look, I have no intentions of stealing from him, I just need to find him. Now, do you want this fifty quid or not?”

She reluctantly gave me the information. This was the best lead I’d had so far. In fact it was the only lead I’d had so far. I had this guy’s name, and soon with these details, hopefully his address.


I took out my mobile phone and got in touch with a computer geek I often used on some of my jobs.

“Hay Liberace.” He liked being called Liberace, not that he was gay or anything. It was because he thought Liberace was such a good piano player, and as he was so good on the computer keyboard, it would be a cool name. Personally I didn’t think Liberace was that good, but what the hell. He was great with a computer, and that’s all that interested me, so who was I to argue. Still, it didn’t stop the fact that every time I said his name, a smirk would appear on my face. “I need you to do me a job.”

“What you got in mind?”

“I have some credit card details I need you to check up on.”

“What do you need?”

“I need a full name, address, telephone number, especially any mobile number that might be registered.”

“Okay, no problem, anything else?”

“Yes, I want a list of all transactions carried out within the last two weeks.”

“What’s it worth?”

“You’ll get the usual. One other thing. Will it be possible for you to set it up, so that every time a transaction is carried out, it will put a red flag up on my computer, telling me where and when the credit card was used?”

“Yes sure, but that will be extra.”

“No problem, just do it.”

“Okay, I’ll e-mail you with the details as soon as I have them.”

“Great, thanks.”

Having used my mobile, I noticed a number of missed calls, which came up as unknown number. I rang the number to see whom it was, only to find I was again talking to the Met.

“Hello Mr Spader, we have been trying to get in touch with you for some time.”

“Oh, hi. So, do you have any information yet?”

“Not at this moment in time. However, I do remember asking you to stay in your room, just in case your daughter tries to get in touch.”
“Excuse me, it’s been over a week now. So just how long did you expect me to stay locked away in a poxy hotel room?”

“Well, Mr Spader, if you’re not willing to co-operate, you are only going to compound an already awkward situation.”

“Look, unless you come across some information that is of any use to me, I suggest you leave me alone from now on.”

“Look, Mr Spader_”

I hung up the phone. Useless fucks. I thought.

I made my way back to the hotel and decided to wait until I heard from Liberace. I really couldn’t do much more until I had the info he was going to give me. With this new development, I decided to put the assassination job on the back burner for a while, and concentrate on trying to find Clair. At least until Spud got in touch with me again, which knowing him, I didn’t think would be long now. I had no intentions of telling Spud about the new info I’d got. I didn’t want anyone jeopardising any chance I might have of rescuing Clair. If there was a slight chance of getting her back, I was going to do it alone.

I hovered around my hotel room constantly checking my e-mails for what seemed like days. He doesn’t usually take this long coming up with the goods. I contemplated phoning him, but gave him the benefit of the doubt, as he’d never let me down in the past. It’s just, I felt I was on the verge of a break through, and the frustration was getting to me. Force of habit had me heading for the fridge to grab a bottle of JD. I took one look, and removed every bottle of liquor from the fridge and started pouring them down the sink. From now on not one sip of liquor was going to pass my lips again, until all this shit was over.

Eventually I got the call. “Hay, it’s Liberace, I’ve got what you asked for.”

“Jesus, it’s about time.”

“I know, I’m sorry, this wasn’t as easy as I thought it was going to be. The thing is, this guy, Mr Evans, isn’t actually the owner of the credit card. It belongs to a corporation, but unfortunately, even I had to admit defeat in finding out the name of them.”

“Oh right, so what are you telling me?”

Well, I managed to get the full name, but no address or phone numbers. However, I was able to track the recent transactions of the card, and be able to hook up all future transactions to show up on your computer.”

“Well that’s at least something. Thanks buddy, I owe you.”

“Not really, just pay me what I’m due.”

“No problem.”

“I’m sending you an e-mail with the details now, okay.”

“That’s great, thanks.”

I opened my e-mail account eagerly awaiting the info inside. However, I needn’t have bothered, looking at the list of transactions, the last entry was the payment for the room at the Strand Palace Hotel. So at that moment, with the information I was given, I wasn’t going to get any closer to knowing where these people were, than I was when I was at the hotel it’s self. I would just have to wait, and hope this prick used his credit card again. Fuck!

It felt like nothing was going right for me. Shit, what the hell did I have to do, just to get a shagging break around here?

Just then the phone rang. “Hi Jack it’s Spud, I’ve managed to set up a 50m range for us to use, over at Chelsea barracks.”

Shit, that’s all I needed right now. “Oh right, that sounds great, when?”

“In two days, I’ll come round and pick you up.”

“Okay, what time?”

“About 10 am, if that’s all right?”

“Yes fine, I’ll see you then.”

“Okay, have you heard anything new yet?”

“No not really, cops have been in touch, but they’re about as much use as tits on a fish.”

“Oh well, there’s still time yet, you never know what’s around the corner.”

“Yeh, what ever, I’ll chat with you later okay?”

“Okay mate, don’t give up, we still have time on our side.”

Easy for you to say. “Yes, if you say so, chat soon, bye.”

Suddenly my computer started beeping and a red flag started waving all over the screen. I had to admit it caught me completely by surprise. Shit, what’s happening. I thought. Then it struck me, that pricks making a transaction with his credit card. At last, got you now you fuck. It took a while before the information started to come through, but at last, my biggest break so far.


Publication Date: 11-03-2009

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