» Fiction » Really?, M.J. Garrett [urban books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Really?, M.J. Garrett [urban books to read .txt] 📗». Author M.J. Garrett

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of character and you definitely have a good business sense. You made millions and had pictures taken with Mr. Trump!”

“Then it’s settled. Tomorrow, you’ll be my new right hand man. I’m glad we agree. Make sure you pack a lunch and be ready to go to work by 9:00 am. Now what’s for dinner?”

Chapter 17

Angela stood there looking at me with partial disbelief and partial confusion. “What do you mean, ‘Mr. Trump’?”

“Angela, I’m serious! The guy is a millionaire! I’m actually kind of pissed, because he never told me!”

“Now you work for him? What will you be doing?” Her mouth still hung open as she pushed her head forward slightly. With her shoulders and arms raised, she looked sort of silly in a not so Superman pose.

“Well, according to him, I’m the new ‘right hand man’.” I smiled and raised one eyebrow, possibly conveying my own disbelief and confusion. None the less, I start tomorrow at 9:00 am.”

“Does this mean you are getting a raise?” She folded her arms across her chest and pushed her hip out to the side. Looking at her with that look of jealousy on her face, she began to smile.

“Raise? I don’t even have an income! I guess it would be more like a job.” I smiled at her with the thought that soon enough, I’d be making a paycheck that would be able to take the nervousness out of trips to the grocery store.

“See! I told you that things would work out!” Angela quickly wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my face close to her as she kissed me on the cheek. “Good things happen to good people, Abe. I’m so proud of you! Tonight, we will celebrate! Dinner?”

“Let me get a paycheck first. I want to pay for your dinner this time.”


Dressed in my suit, I stood in front of the mirror looking at myself. I started to get nervous. I’ve never had position of any sort of prestige. A right hand man? This had to have some major responsibilities. I thought to myself that I may not be the man he is looking for. I have never been a key player in a business. I’ve always been a small cog in the big machine. I doubted if I had the mind or the capabilities to do what he needed.

Taking a deep breath, I was able to squeak out a grimaced smile that displayed my nervousness and doubt. I thought that maybe he had made a mistake, but I had hoped that he was as smart and savvy as I thought he was. One last look at myself in the mirror and I exited the bathroom.

“Well, you ready?” He looked at me with a hint of pride. “I’m so excited! Today, my boy becomes a man.” He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. This was probably the most uncomfortable hug that I’ve ever experienced. After about a minute, I tried to push him off. “Don’t fight it, Abe. Don’t fight it.” He finally released me and ended the awkward moment with a kiss on my cheek.


“What? You didn’t mind this attention yesterday.” With his hands on my shoulders he smiled and looked me in the eye.

“Yeah? Well, yesterday you weren’t my boss.”

He quickly covered my mouth with his index finger, “Shhhh, don’t talk. You’ll ruin the moment.” He took a step back and pointed his finger at my chest. “Don’t think of me as your boss, Silly. Think of me as your partner. Now, let’s get to work.”
“Do I have to wear the pink helmet? Please don’t make me wear the helmet.” I asked him in hopes that he would say no.

“Nope, we are going shopping! We’ll take my car.”
“You have a car?”
“Yes. After today, so will you.”


Standing outside the doors of the dealership, I quickly glanced at Rick. “Rick, I think we pulled into the wrong dealership. These are new cars. These are expensive cars.”

Rick smiled and patted me on the back. “Don’t freak out, man. You’ll be fine.”

One of the dealers, dressed in an all-black suit, came towards us with that stupid grin on his face. I knew this guy was licking his chops. “Hey, Rick!” the man shook Rick’s hand and then pointed his silly face in my direction. “So is this the man?”

“This would be him.” Rick smiled and introduced us. It’s kind of funny how confident men have such a confident handshake. “We are looking for something that’s practical. We have a couple of kids to accommodate and possible business partners. What do you have available?”

“You didn’t tell him?” The man pointed his finger at me and smiled.

“Tell me what?” I asked. Confused and somewhat uncomfortable, I looked around like I was about to be a part of a big joke.

“You, Mr. Lewis, are going to be very happy! We just cleaned your car and it’s on the way out right now.

“I already have a car? Rick, what the hell is going on?” I looked at Rick as he smiled.
“Well, Abe, I knew you wouldn’t be too excited about buying a car that you can’t afford yet. So I took the liberty of getting you something myself. Basically, since I’m buying it, you’ll have to be happy with whatever I think is the best thing for you.” As I stood there stunned, this black beautiful car pulled up next to us.

The dealer smiled and started to speak, “This is the new Audi….”

“I know! It’s the new Audi A8! 500 horse power, 0-60 mph in 4.4 seconds, 463 lbs. of torque. I think I’m going to faint.”

“Oh, that reminds me.” Rick reached into his pocket and pulled out a brown paper sack. “You may need this.”

Blowing the paper bag up like a balloon, my eyes began to water. “How am I going to pay for this?”

“Trust me, with the money you’ll be making, I’ll give you a year before you’ll be upgrading.” Rick smiled at me and handed me the keys. “Let’s see how it runs!” Looking over at the dealer who was standing there smiling like a creep goon, Rick pointed at his car and told the man to make sure that he delivered that back to his home.

All leather three spoke steering wheel, full leather package, and voice controlled electronics. “Rick, when I get home, I’m going to fuck you like a gay guy.”

Laughing, Rick smiled and said, “Well, before we get crazy, let’s just get home. Take a right at the light.”

“But to get home, we have to take a left.” I was confused by the directions.

“Not anymore.” Rick said.

Chapter 18

“Angela, I’m sorry to tell you this, but the girls and I are moving.” I didn’t want to sound too happy. Me and Angela were getting very close. I loved her.

“Moving? Where?” She didn’t sound too happy and I could hear the shake in her voice. I could picture her eyes darting back and forth, filling with tears as her heart began to sink into her stomach.

“I know this may be a little presumptuous, but I was hoping you would come with us.” I closed my eyes, knowing that she wouldn’t understand. She would even fight me about it. She loved her job, she loved her apartment, and she even loved her car. Why wouldn’t she love them? After all, she worked hard for them. I didn’t want to tell her that where we would be moving to was actually closer to the school. I wanted to know that she was willing to give up everything to be with me. I know that I was setting myself up for a huge let down, and considering my luck, maybe I was pushing it.

“Abe,” she spoke with hesitation, “I love my job. I don’t want to give up on the children. I love where I am and I don’t really want to give it all up.” My eyes began burn as the tears started to fill them to capacity. I could tell what she was about to tell me. “But, I love you. If this is what you want, then I will do what I have to do to make you happy.”
My heart began to race as I felt that I couldn’t get my words out fast enough. “Angela, you don’t have to give up your job! I’m moving closer to the school anyway. I want you to stay where my girls have you there. They love you and I love you. I’m not asking that you give up anything. I just wanted to hear you say that you would.”

“You’re an asshole!” I could hear the words coming out of her smiling mouth. “Where are you?”

“I’m sitting outside your apartment. Do you want to come with me to see our new home?”


She walked around the spacious house with her mouth open in awe. Her head pointing toward the ceiling, she stuttered out the words, “This is our new home? How the hell are you going to pay for this?”

I struggled with telling her that the house was already bought and paid for. Rick decided that a bonus would be in order to receive my services. I think he really knew that money wasn’t that important, but having a roof over the head of my kids and his God Daughters was the most important thing. “So, do you like it?”

“I’m shocked, stunned; speechless.” Angela wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered words that will never be forgotten. “Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. Let’s make it amazing. I love you.”

Walking through the house, we looked at everything. The perfection of this house was astonishing. No chipped paint or stained carpet. There were no water spots on the ceiling and no gaps between the cabinets and floors that could allow those little night critters any access. Perfection. The yard was about half of an acre in the front and a full acre in the back. Of course, Angela was quick to point out who would be doing the mowing. We held hands and walked on the soft grass with our shoes resting on the porch. The smile that her eyes made couldn’t compare to the smile that she had on her face. For once, I felt like this is where I’m supposed to be.

I pulled her to the garage, where another gift was waiting

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