» Fiction » Endless Memoir, Seraph Wedd [rainbow fish read aloud .TXT] 📗

Book online «Endless Memoir, Seraph Wedd [rainbow fish read aloud .TXT] 📗». Author Seraph Wedd

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a while.

“First, a magic engineer uses the applications of the magic circles under the two systems.”

“Second, a magic engineer produces a new type of magic by mixing the two prominent systems, creating a brand new system of magic.”

“Last, possibly, the magic engineer applies concepts of science– I mean the concept of the laws of the world and the universe in creating magic circles. Enabling them to make magic that can captivate the competitive heart of scholars around the world.”

“The last one was half-correct but half-wrong too.”

Blaire was the first one to recover and replied to me.

“Yes, they get attention. However, what draws other people wasn’t how complicated the magic circles they made. What draws them is the ability of the said magic to eliminate ranks of demons in a single strike.”

If I recall the output of the prototype gauntlet that I made, it only fell inferior to the chanted spells. And based on Mary’s words, normal fireball was enough to kill a demon in one hit. You can imagine the comparison.

“… Who was the last Magic Engineer?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. However, if you’re asking for the last successful magic engineer, that would be Salfias. He was the magic engineer that invented the paper manufacturing method that made paper available to the public. At the same time, he also made a sword that can slay thousands of demons without even getting chipped or scratched. He was the last magic engineer in history that managed to create a masterpiece.”

“Paper manufacturing method… So about 300 years ago? There’s no successful Magic Engineer after him?”


She bitterly answered. Then, her eyes rose and met with mine. A small smile appeared on her face.

“Actually, there is one…”


“I’m looking at him now.”


SO it was that scarce. I thought it was a normal job but rather, it looks more like an advanced job after ranking up several times. That is if I compare it using game terms.

“Still, I’m a man who hates working under some unreasonable guy. If I really have the skills to be a magic engineer then I’ll use that talent for myself and those around me.”

I said indignantly. The three of them stared at me with amazement on their faces. Was it really that hard to believe?

“… Looks like we’ve arrived.”

Our carriage stopped and we all came down. What greeted us was a building not inferior to the Merchant’s Guild. They have almost the same design.

Many individuals are coming and going inside the building. Most of them had strong looking weapons hanging on their waist or back.

“… So this is the Adventurer’s guild…”

The Adventurer’s Guild. A guild that offers countless jobs for any individual that wishes to take a look. After asking Mary about where to get a job, she immediately recommended this place.

Despite its name, the adventurer’s guild offers various jobs such as alchemist, herb gatherer, border protector, monster subjugator up to acting as caravan guards. All common jobs that you can think of was being offered there.

I quickly entered inside. A large hall with lots of tables and chairs, full to the brim with people. I almost felt that I went inside a bar on a weekend as the scent of alcohol was drifting around despite it only being slightly past noon.

I ignored the activities around and headed towards the counter where a beautiful woman of around 30 years of age was standing. If she was a bit taller, she may have entered my strike zone.

“Excuse me, I’m looking for a job…”

“May I ask what sort of job are you preferring?”

The woman answered with a smile.

“I don’t have any particular interests so just give me a list of available jobs.”

“… If that is so, then I recommend this…”

She said while pointing at an orb floating on one corner of the counter.

“This is a Job Assignment Orb. Based on the abilities of the person touching it, it will assign a perfect job for him. What do you think?”

What an interesting device. Is it similar to the orb I found on the girls’ house?

“Then that one please.”

“Okay. Then please place your right hand above the orb.”

As instructed, I placed my hand atop the orb. I was surprised when I felt the cold orb. I thought it would be a little bit warmer.

The orb, previously black, now released a bright yellow light. I squinted my eyes a little so as to protect my eyes from it. I can feel mana being drained from me. Then, after about 10 seconds, the light faded.

“Congratulations. The process is done. You may now remove your hands from the orb.”

Is that it? I thought it would be a bit grander.

“The result will be appearing soon so please wait patiently.”

As she said that, I noticed that a small yellow light had remained on the middle of the orb. It seems like it’s still active. After waiting for about 2 minutes, the orb released a flash.

I reflexively closed my eyes. When I opened it once again, a string of letters appeared above the sphere, rotating on an axis vertical to the sphere’s center.

“… What’s that?”

The letters used are a bit different from what I know. I can’t read it. Ignoring my dilemma, the woman on the counter took a small bundle of papers and started scanning it.

Her finger suddenly stopped and she almost fell on her back. She repeatedly checked the words on the orb, the words on the paper and my face. After repeating that for numerous times, she finally spoke.

“U-Umm… T-The job that was given… Was… D-Demon Hunter…”

Why is she stuttering? Don’t tell me that a demon hunter is another rare job?! Don’t mess with me! Fate!

“Demon hunter…”

I murmured loud enough for her to hear. I am currently watching her reactions to determine the significance of the job.

“I-If you would like, I can just assign another job for you! T-There’s no need to force yourself…”

Hmmm… Based on her reaction, this job wasn’t that rare. However, as she looks like she was about to cry, maybe this job has low acceptance rate? Like, nobody want to accept it? Well, no matter what, since the orb determined that this job is the best for me, I’ll just stay with it.

“No, it’s fine. Thanks for the help.”

“A-Are you sure?!”

Woah! That surprised me.

“Y-Yeah. So, the requests for my job is posted on the information board right?”

I asked for confirmation.


The woman stared at me like looking at a rare creature. Then, with caution in her tone, she slowly spoke.

“There’s no requests for Demon Hunters… Demon Hunters earn their keep by hunting high ranking demons…”

… High ranking demons? What the hell? Were the ones that attacked the border last time low ranking ones?

Looks like I ended up with a troublesome job…

Chapter 14: Greater Demon Hunting

It had been an eventful day.

One thing led to another making me feel tired both mentally and physically. I requested for an inn and asked them to just leave me alone to rest while they tour around the capital.

I tucked in early and closed my eyes. I dispelled the random thoughts in my head and visited the world of dreams…

Based on my senses, I haven’t even slept for an hour, however, my eyes suddenly opened. I don’t know why. When I looked around, darkness covered the surroundings. Is it evening already?

I picked up my glasses and forced my lethargic body to stand up. Then, I slowly treaded towards the hall on the first floor. I checked at the counter and asked for a late dinner. It seems that I have slept for over 6 hours.

I headed towards the dining hall and waited for my dinner. To my surprise, the three girls were there, eating their meals too.

“Nazo, good evening.”

“Come here! Over here!”

“…… G-Good evening…”

Mary, Nina and Blaire called in turn. What caught my attention was the clothes they were wearing. If I am to borrow words from earth, it would be similar to a negligee. Their semi-transparent blouse made it easy to see the tank top beneath it. The sight was very provoking, especially on Blaire’s case. It was explosive.

“… Good evening… What’s with the clothes?”

“This? Blaire chose it! Looks good right?!”

Nina explained as she stood and twirled around once. Since she was wearing a tank top matched with a short pants, surely, the exposure was high. However, in Nina’s case, it didn’t look provocative. Rather, it boosted her lively charms.

“… It looks good alright… I’m asking why you’re all wearing that here…”

I rephrased my question. This time, Mary answered with a smile.

“Since nobody else other than us are currently renting a room in this inn. Also, the staff here are all female. So there’s no problem.”

“… I’m a man you know?”

“But you don’t mind this right?”

“… Well… It’s true that I don’t particularly mind though… Wait… Isn’t that supposed to be the other way around…?”

I really couldn’t guess what’s running on these girl’s minds.

I reluctantly sat down on the vacant chair between Mary and Blaire.

I tried hard, really hard, just to ignore the temptations beside me. Luckily, not long after, my dinner was served.

It was a luxury meal if I may say.

A large slice of steak garnished with many vegetables. A bowl of soup. Something soft looking, probably for dessert, and a glass of wine.

I asked the waitress but it seems that it’s a non-alcoholic wine. When I asked for the “real” wine, both Mary and Nina stopped me. Was there rules against drinking here? When I asked, it seems that alcoholic wine was expensive and that we probably can’t afford it. I nodded in apprehension.

Since we don’t have any particular topic for discussion, I talked to them about the job I got when we went to the adventurer’s guild. I was a bit surprised upon seeing their reactions.

“… Demon… Hunter…”

“Are you really fine? You don’t feel anything weird?”

“I’ll sue that wench for not explaining things thoroughly…”

Mary went into a pondering mood. Her face looks serious while her stare points down to her unfinished plate. Nina voiced some peculiar questions with an extremely worried face. Blaire was murmuring something that sounds dangerous.

Probably noticing my confusion, Mary shook her head and explained.

“Sorry. The Demon Hunter Job is actually a job that is never took by anyone to the point that once they got the job successfully, they will either sue the attendant or angrily ask for a change of jobs.”

… I see. I kind of get now why that attendant suddenly got tense. However, something within Mary’s words was tugging at the corner of my mind.

“… What do you mean by successfully?”

Mary took a grim, serious look and explained.

“… Actually, the Demon Hunter job can only be acquired through the Job Assignment Orb. Also, each job needs a certain amount of mana to be drained from the user. In case of a Demon Hunter, the mana would be equivalent to the mana of a dozen on magicians… Which is naturally unattainable by a single person.”

Don’t tell me…

“That’s why, in some cases, some got their mana completely drained to the point that their vitality was almost depleted. In extremely rarer cases, some even died… Just because they are compatible to the highest job available called Demon Hunter…”

“The hell?! You mean I was doing something dangerous back then?!”

I unconsciously shouted. I was a bit startled to have found out that I almost died… One misstep and I’m…

“The last recorded man to acquire this job was around a decade ago and his conclusion was a comatose so the management probably got a bit loose.”

“… In the first place, it is you who is unbelievable.”

Suddenly, Blaire butted in.

“That orb just took a dozen magician’s worth of mana from yourself you know? How are you even standing after that?”

Now that it was pointed out, I noticed why I got tired suddenly after that event. My mana was drained almost completely, leaving only the bare minimum to maintain my consciousness… Still, mana was a concept that I have yet to fully grasp. There’s no way for me to measure my mana quantity.

“… I honestly don’t know… Maybe my mana pool is just that large?”

“If that’s true, having a large mana pool is an understatement. You have an INSANELY ENORMOUS MANA POOL. I admit that I myself has a larger mana quantity than others but not to that extent.”

Blaire commented offhandedly.

“In my opinion, it’s better to just look for another job… The job bonus may seem good but it’s not worth it. The risk is too great.”

“… Job bonus? You mean like a salary bonus or the like?”

As another vague term was mentioned by Mary, I cannot help but ask back. She just nodded slightly before continuing her words.

“You know the effect of the equipment that you made

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