» Fiction » Kingdom of Hearts, Anonymous [story reading .txt] 📗

Book online «Kingdom of Hearts, Anonymous [story reading .txt] 📗». Author Anonymous

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girlfriend is her?” He was trying to piece it together.
“Dad, let's not get into this. Why don't you and I discuss this later.”
“Kaylee, you look cold.” This was the first time Jakob had noticed Elanor.
“You do, here.” He wrapped his towel around Kaylee.
“I'm not cold, it's hot out here. Uncle, why were you discussing his new girlfriend.”
“Kaylee,'s not important.” Jakob took her face in his hands, and stared into her eyes. “Please, don't.”
“He was...” Mitchell began.
“Dad! That was our secret. I trust you, don't screw that up, your the last father I have.”
“I'm the only father you have ever had! I am your father!” He retaliated.
“No. I am his father, and I have come back to take him away.” Chilles was dressed in a black cloak with a hood that, until now, he had over his face.
“Stay away from me.” Jakob wasn't scared, he was angry.
“Is that any way to speak to your...”
“Step-father.” Mitchell interrupted.
“Are you delusional? I mean did you really think I would leave without my son?”
“He is not yours, you kicked him out of his own house!”
“No. Mira did. She thought he was yours and wanted no memory of you. She hates you. I love my son.”
“Then leave.” Jakob turned his entire body towards him and held Kaylee in his arms. “I don't want to go.”
“Smart child. Let the princess believe you love her, get her to love you, take the crown from the royals. They don't deserve it.” He turned to Mitchell on the last sentence. Mitchell didn't reserve his anger any longer. His fist, clenched through listening to everything, threw in a perfect curve and connected with Chilles' nose. Chilles fell to the ground, but stood up.
“Is that all you have?” Mitchell kicked and Chilles grabbed his leg, threw him up, Mitchell did a back flip. He landed on his hands and feet, then he threw an uppercut, it connected with Chilles' jaw and sent him flying upwards, he dropped into the water with a splash.
“No. Your mistake was you fought for the wrong reason, you fought for pride. I fought for my son and I won the fight.”
“You think this is over? I'm going to demand you to be put in prison for this.”
“You were banished, if anyone's going to prison it's you.”
“Father, Kaylee's looking chilled, I am going to bring her back to the castle.” Jakob had his arms around her.
“This will continue, back at home.” Mitchell's hand rested on Jakob's shoulder. They walked away. Elanor followed close on their heels. “Um...Elanor, I don't think I should be left alone with...him.” Mitchell motioned his head to Chilles pulling himself onto the dock.
“Mitchell, I don't think the children should be left alone. Perhaps, as option number three, you come back to the castle, I will find my guard and tell him to bring Chilles to the prison.”
“Is he in the marketplace?”
“Yes. He is right there, one moment.” She stepped away, grabbed a big man, and pointed to Chilles. “Right there, Richard, bring him to the prison.”
“Mitchell, again, your majesty?”
“No. The old general, Chilles.”
“Yes, ma'am. Sorry sir, for the misunderstanding.”
“It's fine. Take Chilles to the prison, no stops, not one, you understand me?”
“Yes, sir.” He replied and grabbed Chilles and tied his hands and feet together. Mitchell took Elanor by the arm and walked to the castle.

“Do not think this is going unpunished!” Tyson raged.
“I didn't. This was his first day awake since the accident.” Kaylee had sat through a scolding about a complete dramatization of her sister's loyalty.
“Maybe she is my daughter after all.”
“Father, we have developed technology that allows us to see the parents of a child, why not test her?”
“So she can see that I doubt her as my daughter? Never!”
“Secretly. One of many things I have learned is that doing the things in secret, reveals a lot more about a person. She has a hairbrush, I will gather samples, some from you and some from mother. I will send them off to the lab myself.”
“Is there any other way?” Tyson sat in deliberation. She had successfully sidetracked him.
“Tyson, about Chilles?” Emily had just stepped into the room. She had, unsuccessfully, tried to hold back the tears.
“What about him?” He snapped. He paused for a couple moments.“I'm sorry. What do you wish to happen?”
“Let him go. Banish him again, threaten him if you will. Just don't keep him there.”
“Fine, find Soturin, have him release Chilles. Then bring him here. I can't allow him to leave so...late. He will stay here tonight.” Emily nodded and ran to find Soturin.
“Father? Why? You know she still loves him.”
“Of course. Like I still love your mother. I don't act on it and I beg she won't, either.”
“And if she does?”
“She won't, but if she did, I would forgive her right away. I have to deal with seeing Elanor day after day. What keeps me from her is she is married to my brother. I would never betray him, the way he betrayed me. I have high hopes I will be the only reason she'll need.”
“You didn't count her as a reason.” Kaylee pointed out. A wave of emotions, from anger to sadness to understanding to frustration, went across his face.
“Leave.” Is all he said. Kaylee walked away.

Jakob moved to his bed and layed down.
“Continue.” He motioned with his hand to a chair.
“She is your cousin. She is obligated to marry prince Michael. She comes with baggage. What else is there to say?”
“That she loves me and love overcomes everything. Every obstacle. Like fighting your son's biological father, to keep him.”
“That is different. I have a right to love you. You are my son, bio or not. She is a silly girl.”
“Speaking royally, she is everything this kingdom has left. She is the heir. She is his successor. She will never be a silly girl.”
“Is that what your in love with? The crown?”
“Is that what everybody thinks? I have been by her side since we were little. You-all of you, are to blame for this. Leave my room, please.” Mitchell left the castle entirely to stay in a little hut, outside the castle walls, outside running distance to kill Chilles.

“Elanor? Are you in here?”
“Yes. Reading. Do you need something?” Tyson stood for a moment deliberating. Then walked in and sat down on the bed.
“Yes. Elanor, I need to ask you something, but I have to know if you would answer honestly.”
“Of course. What is it?”
“Do you think Emily would...sleep with Chilles? I know I seem paranoid, and you and I are friends now, I mean at least I can talk to you about things, right?”
“I think that, well, you remember back when I hurt you,” She cringed at the pain brought back from that memory, “I told you at the feast that we should kiss to make the public think we were together. You kissed me on the cheek and you said that if you had kissed me that you would be blown back to when we were happy together. I think that, given the opportunity, Chilles will blow her back to when they were happy. So, yes, I do believe she would sleep with him if he kisses her.”
“Thank you for not sparing my feelings and telling me the truth.” She smiled and caressed his cheek. “Where's Mitchell?”
“He decided not to be in the same castle as Chilles.”
“Makes sense. Makes it harder, though.” He stated.
“Makes what harder?”
“Staying away from you. Emily being with Chilles, Mitchell away, makes it near impossible to keep from holding you in my arms again. Feeling your warmth. Tasting the sweet taste your lips had.” He traced her lips with fingers. She was crying.
“But you can't. You would never forgive yourself.”
“Watch me.” He pulled her to him. His lips softly touching hers, then he pushed harder. He softly laid her down. He kissed her cheek, her shoulder, her arm, her hand.

“I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I should have been more careful.” Tyson held her close.
“What could you have done? I am the one to blame.” She replied.
“No. I did everything, but the funny thing is I regret only one thing- I hurt my brother. Why didn't I think this through? I could have done something else. I love you, I always will. This can never happen again, do you hear me? Next time, if there is, hit me.”
“I don't think I could.” She touched his face. He kissed her once more.
“I have to go. Emily will wonder where I am and...what I was doing to be gone so long.”

“Where is he?” Emily demanded. Tear soaked eyes drilled hard in the soldier's soul.
“Who, your majesty?” Frederick asked.
“You know well who! Chilles. Where is Chilles?”
“Your majesty, what of King Tyson?”
“I just need to see him.”
“Yes, your majesty.” He grabbed a key off of his belt, turned it in the lock and opened the door for Emily to walk through. “You have a visitor, general of the once known city, Vrare.”
“Frederick, go find Tyson for me.”
“Emily, pleasant non-surprise. Have you come to tell me that, let's see, you are happy with Tyson, but you love me. Am I close?”
“Yes. I love Tyson far more than you, though.”
“Would you mind a test then?”
“No.” He ran up and kissed her. She, at first detested it, but after a while she remembered that she used to be happy with him. She remembered that Chilles used to hold her close to him and make the problems go away. She remembered what it felt like to be his again. She is Tyson's now. She pushed him off. “See? Tyson loves me and he would never betray me.”
“If he did? What then?” He smiled.
“You would be amused wouldn't you? I would try to work things out, we understand eachother, Chilles. Something you and I never did.”
“So if he cheats on you, you would go back to the way things were before? When I do it, you hate me.”
“He would do it once. You did it over and over again.”
“He would never change the way I did. I will change for you.” He grabbed her hand. “I already have. Please stay with me. We can leave with my son or stay here with your children.”
“Chilles, don't make this harder than it already is.”
“Listen to me. Do you see what I have done? I have created a life for us. I have changed for us. All you can think about Is everything about Tyson? Isn't anything about you?”
“Things have changed. I have pull, I will manage to keep you out of prison, for a while. I can keep you out for maybe two weeks. Maybe Tyson will want you here for the wedding of his daughter, but he might send you away and wait two and a half years to bring you back. Chilles, I love Tyson. This is the same as when you walked in on him telling me he loved me, years ago. I was willing to go back to you, then, had you changed for me, but you didn't. You and Mira moved in together, threw out your son, and played house until the guards came to banish you, you threw every inch of that relationship in my face. I thought it was over, I thought your hatred for me had gone, but you trying to get me back,
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