» Fiction » Howl at me, Cama Seeney [best ereader for graphic novels .txt] 📗

Book online «Howl at me, Cama Seeney [best ereader for graphic novels .txt] 📗». Author Cama Seeney

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hit of my voice trails off into silence. I felt like he very silence sucked the air from my lungs and my life from my lips. The sounds from my ears and the light from my eyes. The men that had once surrounded me, left me alone and gathered around Chase. My heart dropped, they screamed the questions they merely asked me loudly. Instead of hitting him once they would beat him each time. 


The next ten minuets were the mere word torcher. Every time I closed my eyes I could see chases head fly back with the power of a hit, blood splatting on the floor. Dribble floating freely down his face. Cuts and bruises formed and formed over and over again. Soon after staying in complete silence he passed out. Silence. Chase had it so much worse than me. 


'You BASTARDS!' I screamed at them. 'Monsters!' I gasped and spat out another insult. 'He is more human then you'll ever be!' That's when the questions and beating turned to me. 'Why are you here?' One man asked me. 'Cause some bastard took me, duh ass hole.' I said angrily. 'Wrong!' A fist flew into my stomach once again. 'Why are you here?' The question was quiet this time. I looked into the man's cruel grey eyes. Almost as lifeless as the bull that tried to run me down. Difference is the bull was protecting his herd, this man was just a bully. He was the only one who had touched me so far, there were three others in the room. One with a buzz cut and another with dirt covered blond, no white hair. The third was a red head with freckles, he was also the biggest 'Cause your a pathetic little man..' Smack, this time the hit came across my cheek, splitting open the cut that was already there. 


'Why are you here?' His voice was raising, he was loosing his temper. His litter red face annoyed me so I just laughed in his face and spat the blood that had gathered in my mouth on his clean shoes.  'Having trouble keeping up with me little man? Do you need to take a break and sit down to catch your breath. You are breathing awfully hard. Don't have a heart attack on my account now' I told him with a fake sweetness that even I was impressed with. He actually growled at looked pointedly at the blond man that was mud covered. He looked crazy. Even his eyes were red, maybe he was an albino? His skin was so pale and fresh milk looking. 'Give me a name.' He ground out. His voice was like gravel, all mashed together horribly and it didn't quite fit. 'ALfie, DYlan, Bren ooh i like the name bren'. He slowly walked closer eyes directally on mine.


I couldn't stand to look at his eyes without wanting to cry this man looked evil, even his pupil was red instead of black just a deeper more blood red colour. His eye lashes and eye brows almost invisible. Blood stuck to the almost invisible hairs on his arms. I wasn't scare because he was an albino but because of the way he seemed to embrace his natural difference and use it to scare me further. I was truly terrified. What would this man do to me. I stayed silent. I couldn't say anything. Nothing. Not one word. But no help was coming I had to think of a way to get out of here. 


'The reason you are here is because that man over there is a true monster.' He stopped and put his startlingly warm hand on my bloody cheek. He pointed to chase. 'If he is the monster then why are you the ones beating me.' I whispered tears escaping me. I wept, I couldn't help it. Maybe this time I couldn't be glued back together. 'Because his kind could rip you into shreds sweetie.' His voice became soft, alluring even. He stroked my cheek gently and explained further. 'He can change into something that is not human. Rip apart every being in this room with no remorse.' I looked into his eyes and his spell broke, he no longer looked nice and comforting but horrifying and scary again, he was a daemon or something. Made from the same evil cloth as my mother. 'If he was so evil' I whispered 'Then why aren't we all dead yet' My voice came stronger, this time I was sure. Not only had he made me forget I already knew they wernt human but he had made me forget I was scared of them not Chase or his 'kind' because I was as much as a freak as they were. Worse I was a broken freak, unpredictable.



They left with an corus of exhausted sighs. I was unbowed from the chains and left a bucket and sponge. I dragged the bucket over to chase and began cleaning the wounds that spotted everything about him. They bled freely and  knew I was going to have to rap his wounds up. I ripped off a healing rune from my dress, it looked like a B. But at the bottom a line rose horizontally and rapped it around his middle. I hopped the wound was clean enough and I hoped the rune would work. I whispered the words 'Sana , officium et curabo commodo. Peto a vobis ....' to the small piece of cloth that was now the only thing on his bare chest. His chest was bruised and covered in blood red water but I hoped it would work. I had risked my life to whisper the words 'Heal, do your job and heal please . I beg of you.' I smiled faintly to myself, it was weird that I could speak a second language without even knowing that I had learnt it. I had always been able to speak latin when I needed to. I knew what I was saying but I could never read or write latin.


I hummed softly as I cleaned and bandaged Chases broken body, but as I cleaned the wounds they seemed to heal. It was freaky but I didn't let it bother me, I had to finish cleaning the slab of cut up meat, looking body. Bruises slowly began to darken and turn yellow before my every eyes. Chase opened his eyes and watched me carefully clean. When I was done I washed my hands in the red water. 'Are you okay?' I asked softly. He looked at me wide eyed, not expecting me to speak. I looked at his chains and sighed. His arms were stretched wide and his head slumped. Defeated. 


'Can you get us out?' I asked him hopefully. He shook his head. 'What about me?' I asked waggling my fingers. 'You wont be able to fight if you waste your energy.' He muttered sadly. I nodded once and hugged him, standing on my tiptoes to do so. I kissed his cheek and whispered 'I will free us'.



Held captive

Chapter 25


The ginger man soon walked in, strutting in his newly cleaned shirt and clean boots. 'Well How-dee-doo little wolf lover.' He said teasingly. 'Want to love a real man.' He taunted, slowly walking towards me. I shook my head making myself dizzy with the movement and walked further into Chases bound body. 'He can't protect you there sweetheart, no one can now.' He taunted coming even closer. He grabbed my arm and threw me against the wall. 


'So what are you hiding you little slut!' He whispered menacingly in my ear. He ripped my dress into rags. Leaving me even more exposed to the rotten cold. Chase who was behind me gasped, I secretly hoped he couldn't see my scars but I already knew it was too late. Tears leaked down my ashen face, falling into the little fabric that still clothed me. I wept and wept replaying over and over again all of the beatings I had endured but not once had they ever touched me in any inppropriate manner. This cruel disgusting man looked at me hungrily, as if I was the last meal of a condemned man. Like I was the last thing he could eat before certain death. I screamed and screamed. The sound echoing and bounding off of the walls which had become my cage.  He pushed his hands so hard onto my face I was pretty sure I was going to get a big hand shaped bruise as a prize. The smell of old body oder and un-brushed teeth hit my nose and made me gag in revulsion.


Heavy foot steps charged towards us. The door fell open with a crash. The white haired man took in the scene with his scary, ghost like eyes and strides over to where this horrifying man covered my mouth with his beefy like claws he called  hands. MONSTER.

Guardian angels come in all shapes and sizes

Chapter 26



He took one look at the man and punched him, right in the face. 'We do not EVER and I mean EVER rape human girls. There is a line Thom and you just fucking passed it.' His noise rose with anger, he took one look at me and shot me a dirty look as if to say cover yourself up child. I shivered and did as his eyes asked of me. He grabbed the bigger man by his ear and literally threw him from the room, I heard a crash as he tripped and fell into something. After a muttered moan there was silence. 'You okay kid?' He asked me with his dead eyes and blank expresion. I nodded once 'Thank-you' I whispered not trusting my voice not to crack or stutter. 'It would make my job so much easier if you told us what you know' He told me exasperated 'I know nothing' I said sadly, shaking my head slightly. He sighed and turned to leave. 'You and I both know that's not true and the sooner you realise it the better. I can't protect you from every man here.' After that he he left, slamming the door closed. 


I closed my eyes and allowed myself a minuet to compose myself. Feeling my whole body tightly strung and shivering at the same time. I looked down at my exposed self and sighed. I spent a couple of minuets trying to get the fabric to tie together but it was no use. Instead I searched for Chases blazer in the semi-darkness. The moon was nearly full and mightily beautiful. The skylight was knocked

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