The Worm Ouroboros, Eric Rücker Eddison [epub ebook reader txt] 📗

- Author: Eric Rücker Eddison
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Book online «The Worm Ouroboros, Eric Rücker Eddison [epub ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Eric Rücker Eddison
with white sails unfurled, striding majestic over the full broad
VI THE CLAWS OF WITCHLANDOf King Gaslark’s leading in the attempt on
Carce in the dark, and how he prospered therein,
and of the great stand of Lord Juss and Lord
Brandoch Daha.
ON the evening of the third day, whenas they drew near to within sight
of the Witchland coast, they brailed up their sails and waited for the
night, that so they might make the landfall after dark; for little to
their mind it was that the King should have news of their farings.
This was their plan, to beach their ships on the lonely shore some two
leagues north of Tenemos, whence it was but two hours’ march across
the fen to Carcë. So when the sun set and all the ways were darkened
they muffled their oars and rowed silently to the low shore that
showed strangely near in the darkness, yet ever seemed to flee and
keep its distance as they rowed toward it. Coming at length ashore,
they drew their ships up on the beach. Some fifty men of the Goblins
they left to guard the ships, while the rest took their weapons. And
when they were marshalled they marched inland over the sanddunes and
so on to the open fen; and seeing that the most of them by far were of
Goblinland, it was agreed between those three, Juss, Brandoch Daha,
and Gaslark, that Gaslark should have command of this emprise. So
fared they silently across the marshes, that were firm enough for
marching so it were done circumspectly, rounding the worst mosshags
and the small lochs that were scattered here and there. For the
weather had been fine for a season, and little new water stood on the
marsh. But as they drew near to Carcë the weather worsened and fine
rain began to fall. And albeit there was little comfort marching
through the drizzling murk of night towards that fortress of evil
name, yet was Lord Juss glad at the rain, since it favoured surprise,
and on surprise hung all their hopes.
About the middle night they halted within four hundred paces of the
outer walls of Carcë, that loomed ghostly through the watery curtain,
silent as it had been a tomb where Witchland lay in death, rather than
the mailed shell wherein so great a power sat waiting. The sight of
that vast bulk couched shadowy in the rain lighted the fire of battle
in the breast of Gaslark, nor would aught please him save that they
should go forthwith up to the walls with all their force, and so march
round them seeking where they might break suddenly in and seize the
place. Nor would he listen to the counsel of Lord Juss, who would send
forth detachments to select a spot for assault and bring back word
before the whole force advanced. “Be sure,” said Gaslark, “that they
within are all foxed and cup-shotten the third night with swilling of
wine, in honour of such triumph as he hath gotten by his sending, and
but a sorry watch is kept on such night. For who, say they, shall come
up against Carcë now that the power of Demonland is stricken in
pieces? The scorned Goblins, ha? A motion for laughter and derision.
But thine advance guard might give them warning or ever our main force
could seize the occasion. Nay, but as the Ghouls in an evil day coming
suddenly upon me in Zajë Zaculo gat my palace taken ere we were well
ware of their coming, so must we take this hold of Carcë. And if thou
fearest a sally, right hotly do I desire it. For if they open the gate
we are enough to force an entry in despite of any numbers they are
like to have within.”
Now Juss thought ill of this counsel, yet, for a strange languor that
still hung about his wits, he would not gainsay Gaslark. So crept they
in stealth near to the great walls of Carcë. Softly ever fell the
rain, and breathless stood the cypresses within the outer ward, and
blank and dumb and untenanted frowned the black marble walls of that
sleeping castle. And dour midnight waited over all.
Now Gaslark issued command, bidding them march warily round the walls
northward, for no way was betwixt the lofty walls and the river on the
south and east, but to the northeast was he hopeful to find a likely
place to win into the hold. In such order went they that Gaslark with
an hundred of his ablest men led the van, and after him came the
Demons. The main strength of the Goblins followed after, with Teshmar
for their captain. Warily they marched, and now were they on the
rising ground that ran back north and west from the bluff of Carcë to
the fen. Full eager were they of Goblinland and flown with the
intoxication of impending battle, and they of the vanguard fared
apace, outstripping the Demons, so that Juss was fain to hasten after
them lest they should lose touch and fall to confusion. But Teshmar’s
men feared greatly to be left behind, nor might he hold them back, but
they must run betwixt the Demons and the walls, meaning to join with
Gaslark. Juss swore under his breath, saying, “See the unruly rabble
of Goblinland. And they will yet be our undoing.”
In such case stood they, nor were Teshmar’s folk more than twenty
paces from the walls, when, sudden as nightlightning, flares were
kindled along the walls, dazzling the Goblins and the Demons and
brightly lighting them for those that manned the walls, who fell
a-shooting at them with spears and arrows and a-slinging of stones. In
the same moment opened a postern gate, whence sallied forth the Lord
Corinius with an hundred and fifty stout lads of Witchland, shouting,
“He that would sup of the crab of Witchland must deal with the nippers
ere he essay the shell”; and charging Gaslark’s army in the flank he
cut them clean in two. As one wood fared forth Corinius, smiting on
either hand with a two-edged axe with heft lapped with bronze; and
greatly though the folk of Gaslark outnumbered him, yet were they so
taken at unawares and confounded by the sudden onslaught of Corinius
that they might not abide him but everywhere gave ground before his
onslaught. And many were wounded and some were slain; and with these
Teshmar of Goblinland, the master of Gaslark’s ship. For smiting at
Corinius and missing of his aim he louted forward with the blow, and
Corinius hewed at him with his axe and the blow came on Teshmar’s neck
and so hewed off his head. Now Gaslark with the best of his fighting
men was come some way past the postern, but whenas they fell to
fighting he turned back straightway to meet Corinius, calling loudly
on his men to rally against the Witches and drive them back within the
walls. So when Gaslark was gotten through the press to within reach of
Corinius, he thrust at Corinius with a spear, wounding him in the arm.
But Corinius smote the spearshaft asunder with his axe, and leapt
upon Gaslark, giving him a great wound on the shoulder. And Gaslark
took to his sword, and many blows they bandied that made either
stagger, till Corinius struck Gaslark on the helm a great down-stroke
of his axe, as one driveth a pile with a wooden mallet. And because of
the good helm he wore, given by Lord Juss in days gone by as a gift of
love and friendship, was Gaslark saved and his head not cloven
asunder; for on that helm Corinius’s axe might not bite. Yet with that
great stroke were Gaslark’s senses driven forth of him for a season,
so that he fell senseless to the earth. And with his fall came dismay
upon them of Goblinland.
All this befell in the first brunt of the battle, nor were the lords
of Demonland yet fully joined in the mellay, for the great press of
Gaslark’s men were between them and the Witches; but now Juss and
Brandoch Daha went forth mightily with their following, and took up
Gaslark that lay like one dead, and Juss bade a company of the Goblins
bear him to the ships, and there was he bestowed safe and sound. But
the Witches shouted loudly that King Gaslark was slain; and at this
chosen time Corund, that was come privily forth of a hidden door on
the western side of Carcë with fifty men, took the Goblins mightily in
the rear. So they, still falling back before Corinius and Corund, and
their hearts sick at the supposed slaying of Gaslark, waxed full of
doubt and dejection; for in the watery darkness they might nowise
perceive by how much they outwent in numbers the men of Witchland. And
panic took them, so that they broke and fled before the Witches, that
came after them resolute, as a stoat holdeth by a rabbit, and slew
them by scores and by fifties as they fled from Carcë. Scarce three
score men of that brave company of Goblinland that went up with
Gaslark against Carcë won away into the marshes and came to their
ships, escaping pitiless destruction.
But Corund and Corinius and their main force turned without more ado
against the Demons, and bitter was the battle that befell betwixt them,
and great the clatter of their blows. And now were the odds clean
changed about with the putting of the Goblins out of the battle, since
but few of Witchland were fallen, and they were as four to one against
the Demons, hemming them in and having at them from every side. And some
shot at them from the wall, until a chance shot came that was like to
have stove in Corund’s helm, who straightway sent word that when the
rout was ended he would make lark-pies of the cow-headed doddipole
whosoever he might be that had set them thus a-shooting, spoiling sport
for their comrades and endangering their lives. Therewith ceased the
shooting from the wall.
And now grim and woundsome grew the battle, for the Demons mightily
withstood the onset of the Witches, and the Lord Brandoch Daha rushed
with an onslaught ever and anon upon Corund or upon Corinius, nor
might either of these great captains bear up long against him, but
every time gave back before Lord Brandoch Daha; and bitterly cursed
they one another as each in turn was fain to save himself amid the
press of their fighting men. Nor could one hope in one night’s space
to behold such deeds of derring-do as were done that night by Lord
Brandoch Daha, that played his sword lightly as one handleth a willow
wand; yet death sat on the point thereof. In such wise that eleven
stout sworders of Witchland were slain by him, and fifteen besides
were sorely wounded. And at the last, Corinius, stung by Corund’s
taunts as by a gadfly, and well nigh bursting for grief and shame at
his ill speeding, leapt upon Lord Brandoch Daha as one reft of his
wits, aiming at him a great two-handed blow that was apt enough to
cleave him to the brisket. But Brandoch Daha slipped from the blow
lightly as a kingfisher flying above an alder-shadowed stream avoideth
a branch in his flight, and ran Corinius through the right wrist with
his sword. And straight was Corinius put out of the fight. Nor had
they greater satisfaction that went against Lord Juss, who mowed at
them with great swashing blows, beheading some and hewing some asunder
in the midst, till they were fain to keep clear of his reaping.
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