» Fiction » Poor and Proud; Or, The Fortunes of Katy Redburn: A Story for Young Folks, Optic [best books to read now txt] 📗

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boys and girls in the neighborhood; and when she stated her object to one and another of them, she was readily understood. To help her cause, it had begun to be known that Ann Grippen had been seen with a clean face, selling candy in the street. She had no difficulty, therefore, in procuring the services of half a dozen girls, who were delighted with the plan especially when Katy informed them of Ann's success.

On her return home, she found that Simon Sneed had called to see her, and she immediately hastened to his house. When she knocked, he came to the door and invited her into the parlor.

"Well, Katy, I have hit upon something," said he.

"I am glad you have."

"I went down town after I saw you, and hearing of a place in Tremont Row, I went to apply for it."

"Did you get it?"

"Not yet, but I hope to get it. They agreed to give me three dollars a week if everything proved satisfactory; but they wanted a recommendation from my last employers."

"Of course they will give you one."

"No, they would not; they were offended because I left them."

"Then you asked them?"

"Yes, I went after one this afternoon, and they would not give it to me. I did not much expect they would, and so I informed Messrs. Runn & Reed, the firm to which I have applied for an engagement. I told them exactly how the case stood; that I had demanded higher wages, and the Messrs. Sands were angry with me for doing so, and for that reason refused the testimonial. They saw through it all, and understood my position. When I spoke to them about my friend the mayor, they looked surprised, and said a recommendation from him would satisfy them. So you see just how I am situated."

"Why don't you go to him at once, and ask him for the recommendation?" said Katy wondering why he hesitated at so plain a case.

But Master Simon had some scruples about doing so. He was old enough to know that it was rather a delicate business to ask a man in a high official station for a testimonial on so slight an acquaintance. The mayor was interested in Katy, though she did not presume to call him her friend. She had twice called upon him, and she might again.

"I don't like to ask him, Katy. I feel some delicacy about doing so."

"I should just as lief ask him as not, if I were you. I am afraid you are too proud, Master Simon."

"I am proud, Katy: that's just it. I was born to be a gentleman, but I submit to my lot. I am willing to sell my talents and my labor for money. If I can once get in at Runn & Reed's, I am sure they will appreciate me, and consider it a lucky day on which they engaged me."

"If you want me to go to the mayor's house with you, I will," said Katy, who did not clearly comprehend Simon's wishes.

"Well, I think I will not go myself," replied Simon.

"Why not?"

"I do not like to place myself in a humiliating posture before great men. If I were mayor of Boston, I should like to do him the favor which I ask for myself. When I am—"

"You haven't asked him, Master Simon."

"In a word, Katy, I want you to ask him for me. You will do me a great favor."

"I will," replied Katy, promptly.

"The mayor is a very fine man, kind-hearted, and willing to help everybody that deserves help; and if he were not my friend, I should feel no delicacy in asking him myself. You can state the case, and inform him who I am, and what I am; that you know me to be honest and faithful. You can tell him, too, that I am a gentlemanly person, of pleasing address."

"But I can't remember all that," interposed Katy.

"Tell him what you can recollect, then. He is an easy, good-natured man, and will give you the testimonial at once."

"Suppose you write a paper, just such as you want, Master Simon. Then he can copy it."

"Well I will do that."

Simon seated himself at a table, and, after considerable effort, produced the following piece of elegant composition, which he read to Katy:—

"To whom it may concern:

"This may certify that I have been for some time acquainted with my friend Mr. Simon Sneed, and I believe him to be an honest and faithful young man, of gentlemanly bearing, pleasing address, and polite manners, who will be an honor and an ornament to any establishment that may be so fortunate as to secure his valuable services; and I cheerfully recommend him to any person to whom he may apply for a situation. Mayor of Boston."

"I have left a blank space for his honor's signature," continued Master Simon, when he had read the modest document. "What do you think of it, Katy?"

"It is very fine. What a great scholar you must be! I should think you'd write a book."

"Perhaps I may one of these days."

"I will go right up to the mayor's house now," said Katy, as she bade him good afternoon.

Before she went, she returned home and nicely enclosed six sticks of candy in white paper as a present for Freddie, the mayor's little son. On her way up to Park Street she opened Simon's paper, and read it. It sounded funny to her, with its big words and fine sentences; and then what a puffing Master Simon had given himself! She even began to wonder if there was not something about her gentlemanly friend which was not all right.

She reached the mayor's house, and as it was his time to be at home, she was conducted to the library.

"Ah, Katy, I am glad to see you," said he, taking her hand.

"Thank you, sir. I have brought this candy for Master Freddie."

"You are very good, and I suppose you are so proud that I must not offer to pay you for it."

"If you please, don't, sir," replied Katy, unconsciously taking Master Simon's testimonial from her pocket. "I don't want you to pay me in money, but you may pay me in another way, if you please."

"May I? What have you in your hand?"

"A paper, sir. You remember Master Simon Sneed?"

"No, I don't."

"The young man at Sands & Co.'s."

"O, yes; the young gentleman that uses so many long words."

"He has left his place, and wants to get another."

"He has left it? Why was that?"

"He asked for more wages. He has found another place, which he can have if he can get a testimonial."

"Let him ask Sands & Co."

"They won't give him one, because they are so angry with him for leaving them."

"That indeed!"

"Master Simon wants you to give him one," continued Katy, who, in her confusion was jumping at the conclusion of the matter rather too hastily, and before she had produced a proper impression in regard to her hero's transcendent character and ability.

"Does he, indeed," laughed the mayor. "He is very modest."

"He said, as you are his friend, you would not object to giving him one."

"What have you in your hand, Katy? Has he written one to save me the trouble?" laughed the mayor.

"I asked him to do so. You can copy it off, if you please, sir."

The mayor took the testimonial and proceeded to read it. Katy had already concluded from his manner that the business was not all correct, and she wished herself out of the scrape. He finished the reading, and then burst into a violent fit of laughter.

"Your friend is very modest, Katy;—my friend Mr. Simon Sneed."

"I hope I haven't done anything wrong, sir?" stammered Katy.

"No, Katy; you have been imposed upon by a silly young man. You meant to do him a kindness—in your heart you had nothing but kindness—and I think the more of you for what you have done, and the less of Simon for what he has done. Did he think I would recommend him, when I know nothing about him? He is a conceited puppy, and, in my opinion, a worthless fellow. One of these days he will be 'an honor and an ornament' to the workhouse, if he does business in this manner."

"Dear me!" exclaimed Katy, frightened at the remarks of the mayor.

"Now, Katy, we will go to the store of the Messrs. Sands & Co., and find out about this young man. I will meet you there at half-past four. Good-by, Katy. Freddie thinks ever so much of you now, and in his behalf I thank you for the candy."

Katy did not know exactly what to make of her position but at the time fixed, she was at the store of Sands & Co., where the mayor soon joined her.

"Now, Katy, you shall hear what his employers say of Master Simon," said he; and she followed him into the store.

The mayor stated his business, and inquired concerning the character of Simon.

"He is honest, and did his work very well," replied Mr. Sands.

Katy was pleased to hear this, and the mayor confessed his surprise.

"But he was an intolerable nuisance about the store," continued Mr. Sands. "With only a small amount of modesty, he would have done very well; as it was, he was the biggest man in our employ. Our customers were disgusted with him, and we had been thinking of getting rid of him for a long time. When he asked for more wages, impudently declaring he would leave if we did not accede to his demand, we discharged him. In a word, I wouldn't have him round the store at any price."

"As I supposed," replied the mayor, as he showed Mr. Sands the recommendation Simon had written.

"This sounds just like him."

Katy pitied poor Simon now that she understood him, and she went home determined to tell him all that had passed between the mayor and herself.


Master Simon Sneed sat at the window when Katy returned, and she had to tell him all about it. She pitied him, poor fellow, and she hoped the lesson would do him good. She did not like to tell him so many unpleasant things, for they would wound his pride.

"Well, Katy, what did my friend the mayor say?" asked Simon, as he joined her on the sidewalk.

"I am afraid you will not call him your friend after this," replied Katy.

"Why? He had not the effrontery to refuse my reasonable request?"

"The what? Please to use words that I can understand," said she, for she was not a little disgusted with Simon's big words, now she knew how much mischief they had done him.

"Didn't he give you the paper?"

"He did not."

"I didn't think that of him. It was shabby."

"He said he did not know you. But I showed him your paper, in which you had written down what you thought of yourself."

"Well, what did he say to that?" asked Simon, eagerly.

"I thought he would split his fat sides laughing. He didn't seem to believe a word of it."

"He didn't? I am surprised at that."

"He said you were a conceited puppy."

"I always took the mayor for a sensible fellow; I see I have been mistaken."

"He didn't like it because you sent me to him upon such an errand. He said you had imposed upon me."

"Go on, Katy; I may expect anything after what you have said," replied Simon, with all the coolness and indifference he could command.

"He said he believed you were a worthless fellow. Then he told me to meet him at the store of the Messrs. Sands & Co., and he would inquire about you."

"Then you went to the store?"

"We did; and when the mayor asked Mr. Sands about you, he said you were honest, and did your work well, but——"

"Notice that remark particularly. I hope you called the mayor's attention to it," interrupted Master Simon. "What else did he say?"

"He said you were a nuisance——"

"Observe how far his prejudices carried him. That man believed, if I stayed in the store, that I should supplant him and his partner. You see how far he carried his spite."

"But he said all the good he could of you Simon," said Katy. "He said you were honest and did your work well."

"Can a nuisance be honest, and do work well? Hath not a Jew eyes?" queried Mr. Simon, with dramatic fervor.

"He didn't say anything about Jews."

"I was quoting Shakspeare, the immortal bard of Avon. Katy, Sands knew that I was securing the respect and esteem of all his customers; and he knew very well if I should step into a rival establishment, I should take half his trade with me," continued

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