» Fiction » Prometheus, Marieta Maglas [a court of thorns and roses ebook free txt] 📗

Book online «Prometheus, Marieta Maglas [a court of thorns and roses ebook free txt] 📗». Author Marieta Maglas

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The space was full of strange creatures which were swimming all around me. I stretched out my hands to assist me in rising, and they disappeared. I woke up at this point, and unlike my dream, I was really confused. I saw this as a comparison to life. Our inner selves our true selves are a continual work in progress, constantly, under construction. Our bodies are our personal houses. Housing the true us, our spirits contained within, during our time on this earth. "

Ella woke up. She called Alexander. He said he was still at home to finish renovating it. He was with the guys. It was three a. m. She went to the kitchen to drink water. She saw the front door opened. She closed the door and went to her bedroom trying to sleep.

Marie entered the bed and she laid herself beside Victor. Although he was somewhat nervous, he held her tenderly into his arms. . She told Victor while lying in her husband's arms:

"It is raining outside. "

"What time is it, my dear?"

"It's five o'clock in the morning. "

"I love the dawn. I'm keen on making love with you waiting this. "

They then proceeded to take their fill of that pleasure for which both had most desired.

"Women who pretend a man is perfect are regarded as weak in their eyes. " said Marie.

"If you do things like show genuine concern when your man has had a rough day, you will earn his respect and you will go toward winning him over and this good man of yours will reciprocate. " said Victor.

"He kissed me so passionately. I hadn't been close to him for over a year being so terrified of getting into this relationship after the failure of my first marriage. So, I had to leave my first husband. Yet I was so lonely in my marriage that I would like to love again, I guessed it was the aspect of confidence.

I didn't really remember. We used to stare at each other from far but it was more like we didn't need to know any kind of feeling. We made love. He told me that he was going out with a girl that looked similar to me and he spent that night with her not like what I might think but they spent the time together. And for some reason I felt a pain in my heart and I was disappointed. Did I really like him or was it just an illusion?
Suddenly he displayed feelings toward my daughter and I caught him kissing her and I confronted him and I said "I thought you weren't attracted to my daughter ". He said "I told you I was very angry ". I started hitting him with my fist but he started to laugh.

I tried to call her, but her phone was off. Then the door of the house was slammed. I ran to it, it was locked. I was trying to get out and I couldn't do that. I was just trying to break down the door, but instead of this I was shouting her name crying and I couldn't get to her.

"Do you love me?"

"Yes, I do. "

"You caught me. ""

When Nora woke up she noticed she had a fat lip and her pillow pet in her room had a bunch of blood on it. She thought she fell out of bed right there. She called Michael. He didn't answer. It was five a. m. . She slept again.


Chapter 14


Mary Returned Home Having New Ideas


In the morning, Mary came back from her grandmother. Right in front of the building, she saw Michael sleeping in his car, having the door opened. Next to the door, there were two empty bottles of whiskey. Mary passed indifferently and entered the apartment.


"How's your father?"

"He is well. He works all day long and he takes care of Grandma."

"Did you make new friends there?"

"Yes, the cat, the dog, the cow." Mary said with a laughter.

"I guess you cannot wait to come back."

"Not really. But I had to come back. In three days I must go to the school again."

"Is Monday your first day at school? You have three days of vacation left."

"Yes, I want to go to a club with Susan, Dan and Tom."



"Do you need money?"

"Of course. What a question!"

"I waited for Michael to return from the club to get some cash from the bank for you."

"He is in front of the building, sleeping in his car."

"How can you sit here not telling me anything about this?"

"He was already sleeping when I came home. He had two empty bottles of whiskey. I thought that you two had a fight."

"No, not at all,"said Nora, becoming suddenly pensive."Maybe he forgot the keys of the apartment."

"And he forgot to call, too? Let's think a little, stupid mother! You're an old woman accepting everything."

"Maybe, but you're now certainly a naughty child!"

"I'm going to take a shower. And don't tell me about your stupid life principles, that lead to disaster. I'm already exhausted hearing them again and again. ." "You know," said Mary laughing,"sometimes I understand Michael. He has no fault. He loved you. But you should never leave my dad. He is a great man and you are nothing, believe me!"

Mary called Susan.

"Hello, Susan, I want to know your opinion about what I can wear tonight. Dan suggested jeans and a black shirt, what do you think?" Mary told her.

"Jeans and a black shirt can work, or maybe you can choose a skirt and a tank top. But you look very pretty, so I'm sure you'll be hot in anything,"said Susan.

"I think that wearing jeans with sports shoes is a good idea."

"Why don't you choose to wear dark jeans, a cute shirt and high heels shoes?"

"You're right. I love dancing and clubbing,"said Mary.

"I'm not keen on dancing, but I will come with you," said Susan."I will wear leggings, skirts over jeans, a light cardigan and boots."

"Great. See you tonight."

They payed the entrance fee to the club and they entered the club. The women in those dancing clubs were far more uptight and all the guys were standing or sitting and waiting. They were not specifically waiting for something to happen. Some started a dance with a group, others danced near the group and a few girls were dancing by themselves. Others danced near the edge of the dance floor. The place was already crowded and noisy.
There were some guys, spending their time on the sidelines, drinking alcoholic beverages or juices. They used to cut the rug, when they wanted to dance.

"I have been looking for a jukebox. I want to pay for listening my favorite song,"said Dan.

"Well, if you want to waste you're money, go ahead. I think you feel already paralyzed, when you think of dancing,"said Mary.

"Let's dance. What do you say, Susan?" Tom said.

"I don't know how to dance,"said Susan.

" If you want to have a good time on the dance floor, you don't need any special skills. You don't need to be flexible or musically gifted,"said Dan.

"You can learn to dance by using free video dance lessons. You'll learn how to do dance turns, how to hold your partner and how to put your individual step together to create a beautiful dance. I had to do this because my mother asked me,"said Mary.

"I have no time. My mother is ill and I have to do a lot of work at home,"said Susan.

Dan and Tom bought some organic drinks in four polycarbonate cups.

"Amazing!! I love it!!!" Susan exclaimed.

"Be free, be happy, dance!" Tom said.

"I think it's good to dance. In fact, dancing is a form of exercise made for burning our excess calories," said Mary.

"It seems you enjoyed both the drink and the dance,"said Dan.

"The dance is really overwhelming because it makes you to forget all your problems for some time,"said Tom.

" My mom is against this stuff. Tom had to convince her. I was brought up in a strict religious home and my mother told me about how bad clubs were. First time when I went in a club with Tom all I did was to look around, expecting something bad to happen. But after a few drinks, eating dinner and enjoying the music, I remarked that it really wasn't a bad place at all,"said Susan.

"You seem to have a good moral compass,"said Dan.

" It isn't wrong to dance. And neither is having a drink or two. The problem is when people get drunk and do things that they wouldn't normally do,"said Tom.

"I'm pretty sure everyone looks stupid when dancing. . So just go with the flow and think you're one of the stupids! " Susan said.

"If you look stupid you can't change it. Dancing won't make you look more stupid, if you already look stupid,"said Dan.

"There are three rules for a happy life. More exactly, you can work as you work when you don't need any money, or you can love as you love without being hurt and you can dance as you dance when no one can see you,"said Mary, smiling.

"Get drunk, then who really cares? I bet you'll have fun! Take a look around. Everyone is drunk here. Would you rather worry about looking stupid and not have fun, or about having the time of your life?' Dan said.

" Remember, everyone is in the same boat with you. You must have some confidence in yourself. The most important thing is to have fun. Try not to feel uncomfortable,"said Tom.

"Turn the lights totally off, or blindfold everyone!" Susan exclaimed, smiling this time.

"Just listen to the music and feel the song,"said Mary.

"Just move your feet to the rhythm and stuff nothing too fancy and you'll be fine,"said Dan.

When they got out from the club, it was the middle of the night. They entered the car and Dan drove them home.

"My problem was that I never knew how to tell my parents that I can't
do something, they want me to do. I say yes, because I don't know how to say no,"said Susan.

"I think that we have to be honest with them every time,"said Tom.

"If I can't do what my family wants me to do, I stand up for my right to say so,"said Dan.

"It's not easy saying no to parents, especially when you fear they will get angry with you,"said Mary.

"You must stand your own ground and look out for yourself, because no one else is going to look out for you, if you don't do this,"said Dan. He kissed Mary."You're so beautiful tonight." He told her.

"I sometimes have a hard time saying no to my father. I have to recognize this,"said Tom, kissing Susan.

''Maybe we need to understand our parents in order to accept their opinions. We are so different. Sometimes we can't even understand ourselves,"said Susan.

"There is a difference of generation and there are generation conflicts, but there is not a gap in the sense, that it cannot be bridged," said Tom.

"It is a difference between the life of strength and hope at the beginning of the marriage and the period of hate and despair at the end of the marriage. I grew up, being their child. Now, I can see this difference and I simply cannot listen to their lessons, any longer. They became less credible in time,"said Dan.

"They are apparently not responsible for what I am doing, but in fact, they are very much responsible,"said Mary.

"The conflicts are not inherently negative, but these conflicts must not be violently expressed,"said Dan, paying attention to the road.


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