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all. Even if we decided to fuck right here and now."
"You're right. I would love to see my brother screw my bestie."
"You," I said pointing at her. "Get to work. Now!" I snapped the last part.
Ash kissed my cheek. "Baby, can we go home yet?" he asked.
"After your sister cleans up the hair. It's what she gets for coming in late." I said.
"Just go. I'll close up. Tell your mommy sex isn't sexy when you're fourty."
"That's what I said." Ash said. I smacked his arm playfully.
He grinned then pecked my lips. "I'm gonna go wait in your car." he said and grabbed the keys. "Hurry up. The faster we get home and go to bed. Then we'll be at Hawii and we can..."
I nodded. "Why cant we just..."
"Cause, I wanna rub it in Alexander's face. And I wanna show you I have control over my manly emotions."
"Fine. But it better be worth the wait, doofus." I whispered.
"As long as I got you, babe." he whispered back. I pecked his lips and handed him my pop. He looked at it and groaned. "You're gun be up awhile tonight."
I nodded. "Now go." I said.
He pressed his lips to mine softly. "I dont wanna,"
I bit my lip. "Go! Before I kick you. I love you!"
"Please hurry? I dont wanna sit out there all night."
I nodded.
When he left Tatiana laughed. "Lovestruck dumbass."
"Jelouse?" I asked.
She nodded. "But it's what I get. Naulan wants some time alone."
Just as she said that Naulan came into the room out of breath. "Tatiana, I was wrong. I dont want time. I want you."
She pouted and looked at me. She pulled her blond hair into a hairtie. "What do I do here?" she asked me.
I shrugged. "Sweep up the hair." I comanded.
She giggled and Naulan smiled lightly.
"Why'd you want time in the first place?" I told her.
She looked at him. "What she said." Tatiana said.
"I thought you were cheatin on me. I didnt know you got raped."
Her head snapped to him. "How'd you know that?"
"I read your diary, baby. I took it before I left yesterday morning."
She turned to me and pouted. Naulan ran a hand through his black hair. "Lovestruck dumbass." I giggled.
She nodded. "Tate," Naulan took off his shirt and everything else and walked over to her. He got down on one knee. I find this weird. She looked away from me and gasped. "Marry me?" he asked.
Now I remember. Tatiana wanted her love to be naked when he proposed. It's weird and her. "Yes I will fucking marry you. Damn I thought you'd never ask." she yelled.
He chuckled and grabbed her hand. He kissed it.
"Why the fuck am I watching this? Tatiana, go do your job so I can leave."
She pouted. Ana came out of the bathroom with a towle around herself. Crap! I forgot she was here. "Holey shit, there is a naked boy in here." she said.
"Ana, why are you still here?" Tatiana asked.
"No reason," she said as Kevin came out of the bathroom. I giggled.
"I forgot you two were in there. Enjoy yourselves?" I asked.
Kevin nodded. "Oh yeah! Best make up sex ever."
I glared. "You two are the weirest couple. You're only twenty and twenty one. No make up sex. Just sex."
They shook their heads. I nodded. I grabbed my bag and my phone.
"I'm leaving. Lock up when your done doing whatever." I said then walked out. I got into the driver's side of my Mustang GT and looked at Ash. He was texting. "Who are you texting, baby?" I asked.
He jumped. "I was texting you, babe." he said.
I giggled. "Why?"
He smiled. "Cause, I'm starving and tired."
I kissed him. "You wanna go out?" I asked.
He nodded.
"I dont care. What ever you're in the mood for."
I kissed him lightly. "Wanna go to taco bell and pig out?" I asked.
He grinned playfully. "You know, I've falled for my bestfriend's twin. I'm pretty much calling him sexy when I call you sexy."
"Well, we are very sexy. Just he has amazing abes and I have a soft amazing stomch. And he is buff like you and I'm tiny."
He kissed me. "If you wanna be huge, then you're huge."
"Shut up!" I yelled.
He laughed then kissed my forehead. "You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen."
"Who is the prettiest boy?" I asked.
"Your brother," He hesitated a little bit. "But I'm not gay."
I giggled. "I am. I like boys." I said. "One out of everyone in the world."
He framed my face lightly and pressed his soft lips to mine. I love times like these when his hands never leave my face and the kiss is soft and he isn't trying to shove his toung in my mouth. It makes my heart warm.
Chapter seventeen

"Bye bye, Makayla." Mika whispered quietly in my ear. He looked like he was gonna break out crying.
"Why cry, Mika?" I asked.
"You're leaving for two weeks. It hurts to be away from my favorite person in the whole wide world."
"We're leaving for two weeks and I thought Kaysee was your favorite person."
"Who and no."
"You, me, Ash, and Kaysee. And Oh." I said.
We laughed. "Ok. We, as in the four of us are going on a plane to Hawii?" he asked.
"First class," I nodded. "Just for you." I said smiling. Mika has always talked about going on a plane and first class too.
He picked me up and kissed both of my cheeks while saying, "I love you," over and over again.
I giggled cause I like seeing bubbers happy. "Just hold me when we get in the yellow thing." I said.
"I dont like the yellow thing either. I'll hold you if you hold me."
I nodded.
"Makayla, I really appreciate this, but I aint got clothes to take with me." he said.
"Ash got your stuff. So did Kaysee. Admit you love your birthday present."
"Love it? I more than love it." he said. "I think it's more amazing than you, you adorable little girl."
I crossed my arms. "Really now?" I asked.
He shook his head. "No,"
I giggled. "Baby, are you ready to go?" Ash asked coming up behind us. I nodded. "How bout you Mika?"
Mika hugged me and nodded.
"Where the heck is Kaysee? I told all three of you to wait here." Ash said.
"I had to pee." she said pulling Mika off of me.
"Hey! That's my sissy."
"And my girlfriend. Back off, bud." Ash said playfully, wrapping his arms around me. "That Alex guy isn't gonna be happy you and I are..."
I shushed him. "And Gale has mrtinis and muscle relaxers if he is an ass."
He smiled. "Come on, let's go." He pulled me out the door


Publication Date: 07-05-2012

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