John Frewen, South Sea Whaler, George Lewis Becke [free novel reading sites .TXT] 📗

- Author: George Lewis Becke
Book online «John Frewen, South Sea Whaler, George Lewis Becke [free novel reading sites .TXT] 📗». Author George Lewis Becke
ship that came to Samatau!"
"How know you, Lilo?" cried Mrs. Marston tremblingly. "How can you tell it is my ship? And where is it?"
As soon as the boy was able to make himself heard through the clamour of his companions, he told Mrs. Marston that whilst he was engaged in fishing along the shore of an unfrequented little bay on the north end of the island, he was startled by the sudden appearance of a large ship, which he instantly recognised as the _Esmeralda_. She came around a headland with a number of her hands aloft taking in sail, and dropped anchor about half a mile from the land. Lilo waited some time to see if a boat would come on shore, and also ran out to the edge of the reef, and tried to attract the attention of the people on board, but no notice was taken of him. Then, as darkness was coming on, he set off for the village at a run to tell his mistress.
"We must hasten on board, Lilo," said Mrs. Marston, as she walked hurriedly along beside him to the house. "Run quickly to the old white man, and ask him to send his boat here for me."
But Manning had already heard the news, and his boat had not only been launched, but, manned by half a dozen stalwart Anoudans, was at that moment coming down inside the reef. The old trader's half-caste son Joe was steering, and the moment the boat touched the beach, he sprang out and ran up to the house.
"Father sent me for you, Mrs. Marston. The old man is nearly off his head with excitement. He has sent a native out on the reef to burn a blue light so that it can be seen by the people on board the ship, who will then know that there are white people here."
"Thank you, Joe," she said, as, kissing her little Marie, and bidding Serena take her to Manning's house, and there await her return from the ship, she ran swiftly to the boat, which at once pushed off, accompanied by twenty or thirty canoes--all crowded with natives.
"Look!" cried Joe Manning, "there is the blue light!"
Half a mile away, on a projecting horn of the reef, the blue flame was shedding its brilliant light, and clearly revealing the all but nude figure of the man who held it.
"Father said, Mrs. Marston, when he took those three blue lights ashore from the wreck of the _Lupetea_, that they might come in useful some night----" and then he uttered a yell of delight as a great rocket shot high up in air and burst; the ship had seen the blue light and was answering it!
"Hurrah! she sees the blue light!" he cried, and then with voice and gesture he urged his crew to greater exertions. They responded with a will, and then, as a second rocket shot upward, a deep "_Aue!_" of admiration was chorused forth by the occupants of the canoes, which were trying hard to keep pace with the swift whale-boat.
"We'll see her as soon as we get round the north end, ma'am," said the half-caste, as he swung the boat's head towards a passage through the surrounding reef. Mrs. Marston made no reply; she was too excited to speak, as with parted lips and eager eyes she sat gazing straight ahead.
Ten minutes passed, and only the _swish, swish_ of the canoe paddles and the boat's oars broke the silence; then the high north point of the island was rounded, and the _Esmeralda_ lay before them, so close, that even though it was dark, figures could be seen moving about her decks, which were well lit up.
Bidding his men cease pulling, and the natives in the canoes to keep silent for a moment, the burly half-caste hailed.
"Ship ahoy!"
"Hallo, there!" cried Prewen's well-remembered voice, "we see you. Come round on the port side."
"Ay, ay, sir," shouted Manning, and then, unable to restrain himself, he expanded his mighty chest and bawled out--
In a moment or two there came an outburst of cheering from the ship, and then amidst the shouts and yells of the Anouda natives the boat dashed alongside, and Mrs. Marston ascended the ladder. A crowd of men were at the gangway, and almost ere her foot had touched the deck Frewen had grasped her hand.
"Thank God, we have found you at last, Mrs. Marston!"
She tried to speak, and then would have fallen, had not Randall Cheyne sprung forward and caught her.
"Carry her to the cabin, Randall," said Frewen, "the poor little woman has fainted."
Half an hour later, the chief officer ran up on the poop-deck and called out--
"All hands aft!"
As the crew--who had been eagerly listening to Joe Manning's account of how Mrs. Marston had come to the island--crowded aft, the mate cried out--
"Boys, I want volunteers to man the starboard quarter-boat to bring Mrs. Marston's baby on board."
Such a wild rush was made for the boat falls that the good-natured officer had to interfere and pick out eight men, and with Lilo as pilot and himself in charge, the boat left the ship amid further cheering.
In the cabin Mrs. Marston, now looking bright and happy, was telling her story to Frewen and Cheyne.
"And now," she said, as she concluded, "I am the very happiest woman in all the world, and oh! Captain Frewen, when I think I shall see Mrs. Raymond within a few days, I feel almost hysterical. I'm sure I won't want to go to sleep for a week."
Frewen laughed as he looked at the flashed, beautiful face. "Well, I don't think you'll get too much sleep to-night, for the men are as much excited as any one aft, and I sent word that they can have a bit of fun and make as much noise as they like until eight bells, and drink your and your baby's health seven times."
"Ah! my poor little baby. How cruel of me to forget her! Oh, please let me go for her."
"You are too late," said Frewen with a smile, "the mate has just gone, and he'll bring her to you before another hour has passed. He has taken your boy Lilo with him as pilot."
Mrs. Marston sighed contentedly, and then looked round at the familiar cabin.
"Oh, how I shall love to see Samatau again, Captain Frewen, and oh! how wonderful it is that the _Esmeralda_ of all ships should be the one to find me. If only Mrs. Raymond could know I was safe and on board talking to you of her!"
"She will indeed be yery happy; and yet, do you know, Mrs. Marston, that she always said you were not dead, although when month after month passed by, and a most careful search had been made of all the islands within a radius of six hundred miles, and no trace of the _Lupetea_ was found, Mr. Raymond himself lost all hope."
"How long was it before Mr. Raymond knew of what had occurred on board that night off Lotofanga?" she asked.
"Mrs. Raymond herself told him on the following afternoon, when, to his astonishment, she arrived at Samatau in a native beat. It seems that after Hutton landed them--she, little Loise, and Olivee--on the reef, they were met by a party of natives who were returning from a fishing excursion. These people at once took them to the village, where, of course, they were very kindly treated.
"Mrs. Raymond, who was half mad with anxiety for you, asked the chief to provide her with a boat to return to Samatau and tell her husband of what had happened. They left after an hour's rest and almost foundered in the same squall which overtook the _Lupetea_. However, they reached Samatau a little before sunset. Raymond at once sent Meredith and Rudd to Apia to charter two or even three local schooners to sail in search of the _Lupetea_, and for over a month whilst I was there a most unremitting search was kept up, and letters were sent all over the Pacific asking the traders at the various islands to keep a good look-out either for the schooner or any wreckage which might come ashore.
"I arrived at Samatau in the _Esmeralda_ about a fortnight after Villari left there, and found Mrs. Raymond alone and distracted with fear for your safety. During the following week, one of the schooners which were out searching for you returned. Raymond was on board. He had been searching through the windward islands of the Fiji Group, but without of course finding a trace of the missing vessel. On the way back, though, they spoke a Tahitian barque, whose captain told them that the bodies of Hutton and the four men who were with him had been found on the reef at Savai'i a few days after the scoundrels had put Mrs. Raymond ashore at Lotofanga. The boat had evidently been driven ashore during the stormy weather which prevailed for three or four days afterwards.
"After remaining ashore for a day only, Raymond again sailed--this time to make a search among the Friendly Islands; and I, with Mr. Rudd and Overseer Lorimer to assist me, sailed for the Solomon Group. We decided, instead of proceeding direct to the Solomons for our cargo of black humanity, to first cruise through the New Hebrides Group, in the hope we might learn something of the _Lupetea_."
"It makes me feel as if I were a real missing princess, Captain Frewen."
"So you were--until to-night. Well, from the New Hebrides we went north to the Solomons, where we were singularly fortunate in getting five hundred natives in a few weeks without any trouble. I landed them at Samatau without losing a single man, and they are now working on the new plantation as happy as sand-boys.
"Raymond was at home when I returned, but there was still one vessel away looking for you--the cutter _Alrema and Niya_--and in fact we long since decided not to entirely abandon the search for a full year.
"I left on a second trip for the Solomons just nine days ago, and we sighted this island early this morning. I did not think that we should hear anything of the _Lupetea_ so far to the westward--over a thousand miles from Samoa--but as three of our coloured crew are down with fever, I decided to anchor, leave them here in care of the natives, and also find out if any wreckage had been seen. We could not see any signs of houses on this side of the island, but did see a man making gestures to the ship from the reef; however, as I did not intend to go ashore until the morning, we did not lower a boat. You can imagine our surprise when the glare of a blue light was seen."
"Mate's boat is alongside, sir," announced the bos'un.
And in a few minutes the smiling Serena entered the cabin and placed little Marie in her mother's arms.
* * * * *
Shortly after dawn the merry click of the windlass pawls told Mrs. Marston that the _Esmeralda_ was getting underweigh again for Samoa--for the projected voyage to the
"How know you, Lilo?" cried Mrs. Marston tremblingly. "How can you tell it is my ship? And where is it?"
As soon as the boy was able to make himself heard through the clamour of his companions, he told Mrs. Marston that whilst he was engaged in fishing along the shore of an unfrequented little bay on the north end of the island, he was startled by the sudden appearance of a large ship, which he instantly recognised as the _Esmeralda_. She came around a headland with a number of her hands aloft taking in sail, and dropped anchor about half a mile from the land. Lilo waited some time to see if a boat would come on shore, and also ran out to the edge of the reef, and tried to attract the attention of the people on board, but no notice was taken of him. Then, as darkness was coming on, he set off for the village at a run to tell his mistress.
"We must hasten on board, Lilo," said Mrs. Marston, as she walked hurriedly along beside him to the house. "Run quickly to the old white man, and ask him to send his boat here for me."
But Manning had already heard the news, and his boat had not only been launched, but, manned by half a dozen stalwart Anoudans, was at that moment coming down inside the reef. The old trader's half-caste son Joe was steering, and the moment the boat touched the beach, he sprang out and ran up to the house.
"Father sent me for you, Mrs. Marston. The old man is nearly off his head with excitement. He has sent a native out on the reef to burn a blue light so that it can be seen by the people on board the ship, who will then know that there are white people here."
"Thank you, Joe," she said, as, kissing her little Marie, and bidding Serena take her to Manning's house, and there await her return from the ship, she ran swiftly to the boat, which at once pushed off, accompanied by twenty or thirty canoes--all crowded with natives.
"Look!" cried Joe Manning, "there is the blue light!"
Half a mile away, on a projecting horn of the reef, the blue flame was shedding its brilliant light, and clearly revealing the all but nude figure of the man who held it.
"Father said, Mrs. Marston, when he took those three blue lights ashore from the wreck of the _Lupetea_, that they might come in useful some night----" and then he uttered a yell of delight as a great rocket shot high up in air and burst; the ship had seen the blue light and was answering it!
"Hurrah! she sees the blue light!" he cried, and then with voice and gesture he urged his crew to greater exertions. They responded with a will, and then, as a second rocket shot upward, a deep "_Aue!_" of admiration was chorused forth by the occupants of the canoes, which were trying hard to keep pace with the swift whale-boat.
"We'll see her as soon as we get round the north end, ma'am," said the half-caste, as he swung the boat's head towards a passage through the surrounding reef. Mrs. Marston made no reply; she was too excited to speak, as with parted lips and eager eyes she sat gazing straight ahead.
Ten minutes passed, and only the _swish, swish_ of the canoe paddles and the boat's oars broke the silence; then the high north point of the island was rounded, and the _Esmeralda_ lay before them, so close, that even though it was dark, figures could be seen moving about her decks, which were well lit up.
Bidding his men cease pulling, and the natives in the canoes to keep silent for a moment, the burly half-caste hailed.
"Ship ahoy!"
"Hallo, there!" cried Prewen's well-remembered voice, "we see you. Come round on the port side."
"Ay, ay, sir," shouted Manning, and then, unable to restrain himself, he expanded his mighty chest and bawled out--
In a moment or two there came an outburst of cheering from the ship, and then amidst the shouts and yells of the Anouda natives the boat dashed alongside, and Mrs. Marston ascended the ladder. A crowd of men were at the gangway, and almost ere her foot had touched the deck Frewen had grasped her hand.
"Thank God, we have found you at last, Mrs. Marston!"
She tried to speak, and then would have fallen, had not Randall Cheyne sprung forward and caught her.
"Carry her to the cabin, Randall," said Frewen, "the poor little woman has fainted."
Half an hour later, the chief officer ran up on the poop-deck and called out--
"All hands aft!"
As the crew--who had been eagerly listening to Joe Manning's account of how Mrs. Marston had come to the island--crowded aft, the mate cried out--
"Boys, I want volunteers to man the starboard quarter-boat to bring Mrs. Marston's baby on board."
Such a wild rush was made for the boat falls that the good-natured officer had to interfere and pick out eight men, and with Lilo as pilot and himself in charge, the boat left the ship amid further cheering.
In the cabin Mrs. Marston, now looking bright and happy, was telling her story to Frewen and Cheyne.
"And now," she said, as she concluded, "I am the very happiest woman in all the world, and oh! Captain Frewen, when I think I shall see Mrs. Raymond within a few days, I feel almost hysterical. I'm sure I won't want to go to sleep for a week."
Frewen laughed as he looked at the flashed, beautiful face. "Well, I don't think you'll get too much sleep to-night, for the men are as much excited as any one aft, and I sent word that they can have a bit of fun and make as much noise as they like until eight bells, and drink your and your baby's health seven times."
"Ah! my poor little baby. How cruel of me to forget her! Oh, please let me go for her."
"You are too late," said Frewen with a smile, "the mate has just gone, and he'll bring her to you before another hour has passed. He has taken your boy Lilo with him as pilot."
Mrs. Marston sighed contentedly, and then looked round at the familiar cabin.
"Oh, how I shall love to see Samatau again, Captain Frewen, and oh! how wonderful it is that the _Esmeralda_ of all ships should be the one to find me. If only Mrs. Raymond could know I was safe and on board talking to you of her!"
"She will indeed be yery happy; and yet, do you know, Mrs. Marston, that she always said you were not dead, although when month after month passed by, and a most careful search had been made of all the islands within a radius of six hundred miles, and no trace of the _Lupetea_ was found, Mr. Raymond himself lost all hope."
"How long was it before Mr. Raymond knew of what had occurred on board that night off Lotofanga?" she asked.
"Mrs. Raymond herself told him on the following afternoon, when, to his astonishment, she arrived at Samatau in a native beat. It seems that after Hutton landed them--she, little Loise, and Olivee--on the reef, they were met by a party of natives who were returning from a fishing excursion. These people at once took them to the village, where, of course, they were very kindly treated.
"Mrs. Raymond, who was half mad with anxiety for you, asked the chief to provide her with a boat to return to Samatau and tell her husband of what had happened. They left after an hour's rest and almost foundered in the same squall which overtook the _Lupetea_. However, they reached Samatau a little before sunset. Raymond at once sent Meredith and Rudd to Apia to charter two or even three local schooners to sail in search of the _Lupetea_, and for over a month whilst I was there a most unremitting search was kept up, and letters were sent all over the Pacific asking the traders at the various islands to keep a good look-out either for the schooner or any wreckage which might come ashore.
"I arrived at Samatau in the _Esmeralda_ about a fortnight after Villari left there, and found Mrs. Raymond alone and distracted with fear for your safety. During the following week, one of the schooners which were out searching for you returned. Raymond was on board. He had been searching through the windward islands of the Fiji Group, but without of course finding a trace of the missing vessel. On the way back, though, they spoke a Tahitian barque, whose captain told them that the bodies of Hutton and the four men who were with him had been found on the reef at Savai'i a few days after the scoundrels had put Mrs. Raymond ashore at Lotofanga. The boat had evidently been driven ashore during the stormy weather which prevailed for three or four days afterwards.
"After remaining ashore for a day only, Raymond again sailed--this time to make a search among the Friendly Islands; and I, with Mr. Rudd and Overseer Lorimer to assist me, sailed for the Solomon Group. We decided, instead of proceeding direct to the Solomons for our cargo of black humanity, to first cruise through the New Hebrides Group, in the hope we might learn something of the _Lupetea_."
"It makes me feel as if I were a real missing princess, Captain Frewen."
"So you were--until to-night. Well, from the New Hebrides we went north to the Solomons, where we were singularly fortunate in getting five hundred natives in a few weeks without any trouble. I landed them at Samatau without losing a single man, and they are now working on the new plantation as happy as sand-boys.
"Raymond was at home when I returned, but there was still one vessel away looking for you--the cutter _Alrema and Niya_--and in fact we long since decided not to entirely abandon the search for a full year.
"I left on a second trip for the Solomons just nine days ago, and we sighted this island early this morning. I did not think that we should hear anything of the _Lupetea_ so far to the westward--over a thousand miles from Samoa--but as three of our coloured crew are down with fever, I decided to anchor, leave them here in care of the natives, and also find out if any wreckage had been seen. We could not see any signs of houses on this side of the island, but did see a man making gestures to the ship from the reef; however, as I did not intend to go ashore until the morning, we did not lower a boat. You can imagine our surprise when the glare of a blue light was seen."
"Mate's boat is alongside, sir," announced the bos'un.
And in a few minutes the smiling Serena entered the cabin and placed little Marie in her mother's arms.
* * * * *
Shortly after dawn the merry click of the windlass pawls told Mrs. Marston that the _Esmeralda_ was getting underweigh again for Samoa--for the projected voyage to the
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