» Fiction » The Young Trawler, Robert Michael Ballantyne [e novels to read .txt] 📗

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shins, and a bandage for Spivin's cut, as well as some cuffs for them that wants 'em."

Captain Bright did not like visiting the mission-ship, having no sympathy with her work, but as she happened to be not far distant at the time, and he was in want of surgical assistance, he had no reasonable ground for objecting.

By this time the admiral had signalled to steer to the nor'-east, and the fleet was soon racing to windward, all on the same tack. Gradually the _Evening Star_ overhauled the mission-ship, but before she had quite overtaken her, the wind, which had been failing, fell to a dead calm. The distance between the two vessels, however, not being great, the boat was launched, and the skipper, Luke Trevor, Gunter and Billy went off in her.

The mission vessel, to which reference has more than once been made, is a fishing-smack in the service of the Mission to Deep-Sea Fishermen, and serves the purpose of a floating church, a dispensary, a temperance halt and a library to a portion of the North Sea fleet. It fills a peculiar as well as a very important position, which requires explanation.

Only a few years ago a visitor to the North Sea fleet observed, with much concern, that hundreds of the men and boys who manned it were living godless as well as toilsome lives, with no one--at least in winter--to care for their souls. At the same time he noted that the Dutch _copers_, or floating grog-shops, were regularly appointed to supply the fleets with cheap and bad spirits, and stuck to them through fair-weather and foul, in summer and winter, enduring hardship and encountering danger and great risk in pursuit of their evil calling. Up to that time a few lay missionaries and Bible-readers had occasionally gone to visit the fleets in the summer-time, [see Appendix], but the visitor of whom we write felt that there was a screw loose here, and reasoned with himself somewhat thus:--

"Shall the devil have his mission-ships, whose crews are not afraid to face the winter gales, and shall the servants of the Lord be mere fair-weather Christians, carrying their blessed and all-important message of love and peace to these hard-working and almost forsaken men only during a summer-trip to the North Sea? If fish _must_ be caught, and the lives of fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons be not only risked but lost for the purpose, has not the Master got men who are ready to say, `The glorious Gospel _must_ be carried to these men, and we will hoist our flag on the North Sea summer and winter, so as to be a constant witness there for our God and His Christ?'"

For thirty years before, it has been said, a very few earnest Christians among the fishermen of the fleet had been praying that some such thoughts might be put into the hearts of men who had the power to render help.

We venture to observe in passing that, perchance, those praying fishermen were not so "few" as appearances might lead us to suppose, for God has His "hidden ones" everywhere, and some of these may have been at the throne of grace long prior to the "thirty years" here mentioned.

Let not the reader object to turn aside a few minutes to consider how greatly help was needed--forty-six weeks or so on the sea in all weathers all the year round, broken by a week at a time--or about six or seven weeks altogether--on shore with wife and family; the rest, hard unvarying toil and exposure, with nothing to do during the brief intervals of leisure--nothing to read, nothing new to think of, no church to raise the mind to the Creator, and distinguish the Sabbath from the week-day, and no social intercourse of a natural kind, (for a society of men only is not natural), to elevate them above the lower animals, and with only drinking and gambling left to degrade them below these creatures; and this for forty or fifty years of their lives, with, in too many cases, neither hope nor thought beyond!

At last the fishermen's prayers were answered, the thoughts of the visitor bore fruit, and, convinced that he was being led by God, he began to move in the matter with prayer and energy. The result was that in the year 1881 he received the unsolicited offer of a smack which should be at his entire disposal for mission purposes, but should endeavour to sustain herself, if possible, by fishing like the rest of the fleet. The vessel was accepted. A Christian skipper and fisherman, named Budd, and a like-minded crew, were put into her; she was fitted out with an extra cabin, with cupboards for a library and other conveniences. The hold was arranged with a view to being converted into a chapel on Sundays, and it was decided that, in order to keep it clear on such days, the trawl should not be let down on Saturday nights; a large medicine-chest--which was afterwards reported to be "one of the greatest blessings in the fleet,"--was put on board; the captain made a colporteur of the Bible Society, agent for the Shipwrecked Mariners' Society and of the Church of England Temperance Society. The Religious Tract Society, and various publishers, made a grant of books to form the nucleus of a free lending library; the National Lifeboat Institution presented an aneroid barometer, and Messrs. Hewett and Company made a present of the insurance premium of 50 pounds. Thus furnished and armed, as aforesaid, as a Mission Church, Temperance Hall, Circulating Library, and Dispensary, the little craft one day sailed in amongst the smacks of the "Short Blue" fleet, amid the boisterous greetings of the crews, and took up her position under the name of the _Ensign_, with a great twenty-feet Mission-flag flying at the main-mast-head.

This, then was the style of vessel towards which the boat of the _Evening Star_ was now being pulled over a superficially smooth but still heaving sea. The boat was not alone. Other smacks, the masters of which as well as some of the men were professed Christians, had availed themselves of the opportunity to visit the mission smack, while not a few had come, like the master of the _Evening Star_, to procure medicine and books, so that when David Bright drew near he observed the deck to be pretty well crowded, while a long tail of boats floated astern, and more were seen coming over the waves to the rendezvous.

It was no solemn meeting that. Shore-going folk, who are too apt to connect religious gatherings with Sunday clothes, subdued voices, and long faces, would have had their ideas changed if they had seen it. Men of the roughest cast, mentally and physically, were there, in heavy boots and dirty garments, laughing and chatting, and greeting one another; some of the younger among them sky-larking in a mild way--that is, giving an occasional poke in the ribs that would have been an average blow to a "land-lubber," or a tip to a hat which sent it on the deck, or a slap on the back like a pistol-shot. There seemed to be "no humbug," as the saying goes, among these men; no pretence, and all was kindly good-fellowship, for those who were on the Lord's side showed it--if need were, said it--while those who were not, felt perhaps, that they were in a minority and kept quiet.

"Come along, Joe, what cheer!"

"Here you are, Bill--how goes it, my hearty!"

"All well, praise the Lord."

"Ay, hasn't He sent us fine weather at the right time? just to let us have a comfortable meetin'!"

"That's so, Dick, the Master does all things well."

"What cheer! Johnson, I'm glad to see _you_ here. The boy has got some cocoa for'ard--have some?"

"Thank 'ee, I will."

Such were some of the expressions heartily uttered, which flew about as friend met friend on the mission deck.

"I say, Harry," cried one, "was it you that lost your bowsprit this mornin'?"

"No, it was the Swab," said Harry, "but we lost our net and all the gear last night."

"That was unfort'nit," remarked a friend in a tone of sympathy, which attracted the attention of some of those who stood near.

"Ah! lads," said the master of the mission-ship, "that was a small matter compared with the loss suffered by poor Daniel Rodger. Did you hear of it?"

"Yes, yes," said some. "No," said another. "I thought I saw his flag half-mast this mornin', but was too fur off to make sure."

Most of the men crowded round the master of the smack, while, in deep sad tones, he told how the son of Daniel Rodger had, during the night, been swept overboard by a heavy sea and drowned before the boat could be launched to rescue him. "But," continued the speaker in a cheerful voice, "the dear boy was a follower of Jesus, and he is now with Him."

When this was said, "Praise the Lord!" and "Thank God!" broke from several of the men in tones of unmistakable sincerity.

It was at this point that the boat of the _Evening Star_ ranged alongside. The master of the mission smack went to the side and held out his hand, which David Bright grasped with his right, grappling the smack's rail at the same time with his left, and vaulted inboard with a hearty salutation. As heartily was it returned, especially by the unbelievers on board, who, perchance, regarded him as a welcome accession to their numbers!

Billy, Gunter, and the others tumbled on to the deck in the usual indescribable manner, and the former, making fast the long painter, added the _Evening Star's_ boat to the lengthening flotilla astern.

"Your man seems to be hurt," said the master of the mission smack--whom we may well style the missionary--"not badly, I hope. You're limpin' a bit."

"Oh! nothin' to speak of," growled Gunter, "on'y a bit o' skin knocked off."

"We'll put that all right soon," returned the missionary, shaking hands with the other members of the crew. "But p'r'aps you'd like to go below with us, first. We're goin' to hold a little service. It'll be more comfortable under hatches than on deck."

"No, thank 'ee," replied Gunter with decision. "I'll wait till yer done."

"P'r'aps _you_ would like to come?" said the missionary to the captain.

"Well, I--I may as well as not," said David with some hesitation.

"Come along then, lads," and the genial sailor-missionary led the way to the capacious hold, which had been swept clean, and some dozens of fish-boxes set up on end in rows. These, besides being handy, formed excellent seats to men who were not much used to arm-chairs.

In a few seconds the little church on the Ocean Wilderness was nearly full of earnest, thoughtful men, for these fishermen were charmingly natural as well as enthusiastic. They did not assume solemn expressions, but all thought of sky-larking or levity seemed to have vanished as they entered the hold, and earnestness almost necessarily involves gravity.

With eager expectation they gazed at their leader while he gave out a hymn.

"You'll find little books on the table here, those of you who haven't got 'em," he said, pointing to a little pile of red-covered booklets at his side. "We'll sing the 272nd.

"`Sing them over again to me,
Wonderful words of life!'"

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