» Fiction » Charlie Gyid, Anysia Eaton [books you need to read TXT] 📗

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ideas for questions.
‘Hurry up. I’m running out of questions’
‘I’m in the grand hall. Just looking for the floor plan. I let you know when I’m out.’
“My dear, you can put full faith in us that there is no other way of getting in to that box” said Sir Mallot quietly “besides you are perfectly safe inside the covert”
“Unless she finds a way to get in” I suggested.
That thought seemed to strike the others as a shock.
“That is impossible, there is a charm on her that forbids her from this place” snapped Mistress Halsente.
“Just a suggestion” I whispered almost so quiet I couldn’t even hear myself.
“I’m sorry.” She said. She took me by the shoulders and said to me “You have nothing to worry about Charlie. Everything is alright while we are here and we don’t plan to leave anytime soon”
‘Ok, I’m clear of the grand hall. I’ll meet you in your room’
I nodded.
“Is there anything else we can help you with?” Sir Mallot asked me.
“No, I think that was it. If I think of anything I’ll find you” I said.
“Yes. I shall see you on Monday in class” he replied.
I nodded and then headed out. As soon as I was clear of the door I rushed up to my room.
When I entered Brad was stood over a map of lines and boxes, looking carefully over every section.
“Well, any luck?” I asked him.
“There are several ways out. The main way, and then four secret passageways. Each of the passageways are just as tricky to access as each other. One is right by Sir Mallot’s bedroom, one by Mistress Halsente’s bedroom, and then the other two by guard bedrooms. They obviously selected those rooms for a reason.” He replied.
“So, your saying if we do manage to get out, chances are they’ll know about it before we even reach the exit of the exit” I commented.
“Pretty much. We’ll have to have somebody’s help, get one of those people away from the exit so we can exit. Now, my room is just down the corridor from Sir Mallot’s room, so we could hide in there until it is clear, so I suggest using that exit route” he suggested.
“Yeh, but how will we get him out of his room and away from the corridor?” I asked.
“Perhaps Billy will help us” He replied.
“Yeh, he would be able to lure Sir Mallot away from the exit long enough for us to escape” I said.
“We’ll wait from Gabby and Alison to return and then we’ll get that plan into action” he replied.
We didn’t have to wait for very long, Gabby and Alison were in in seconds.
“Guard wise we are stuck. There is nothing anywhere that tells anyone the guards rota. It changes regularly and they work it out themselves and leaves the agreements in their own personal chambers” informed Gabby.
“We have another way. There is a secret passageway by Sir Mallot’s room, all we need to sort out is the distraction. Brad is going to talk to Billy about that” I explained.
“Well then, what are you waiting for. The sooner we go the less time they have to find out what we are planning” ushered Gabby.
“Ok. I’ll go” said Brad.
He kissed me on the lips and then headed out.
“So, how are we going to find this Laura Drew?” I asked Gabby.
“We’re still trying to work that out” replied Gabby.
“Gabby, if we leave not knowing what we’re doing, we’re going to be out there for ages” I said.
“Well we know we need to get to the German Covert somehow” commented Alison.
“How are we going to get there?” I asked them both.
“There’s a train that leaves the town Malistiwa – that’s not far from here – and it goes straight to a town almost next door to the German Covert.” Replied Gabby.
“Ok. We just going to hope this Laura Drew person is there?” I asked relaxing slightly.
“Yes” replied Alison taking a deep breath out.
“And even if she is not, the covert will know where she is” continued Gabby.
The door opened, Brad walked in followed by Billy.
“He’s agreed to do it” commented Brad.
“Good. We have a way to get to Germany.” I told him.
“Now, on the timetable, the first train tomorrow leaves at nine. If we leave at eleven tonight by the time we get to Malistiwa we’ll only have to wait three hours at the most. So I suggest we leave then” suggested Gabby, fiddling with her fringe.
“Right so, exactly on two minutes to eleven you will knock on Sir Mallot’s door saying that somebody is causing a racket up by your room, Billy, and then we will head out that exit. We shall walk to the town Malistiwa, where we will catch the train to Germany and find this Laura Drew.” Explained Brad.
It was a long wait until the time we all headed to Brad’s room. Brad sat by the door so he could hear when Billy goes past with Sir Mallot.
And exactly on two minutes to eleven we all heard Billy go rushing past with Sir Mallot. We sat for one more minute and then headed out. We went to the exit and opened the door. We quickly rushed through making sure the exit was fully closed behind us.
“Alright. Here we go” whispered Brad.
Brad, Alison, Gabby and I started the long walk through the pitch black tunnel. We kept our hands on the wall. The tunnel was pitch black. I couldn’t see where I was putting my feet.
“We should have brought a light” I moaned.
“They might spot the light if they were to look down the tunnel now. It wasn’t worth the risk” replied Gabby.
Brad was at the front, I was behind him, Alison behind me and then Gabby at the back.
I heard Brad give out a yell.
“Brad?” I couldn’t help but shout “Are you ok?”
“There’s a slope” he shouted back, the sound of voice sounded like it was bouncing of the walls. He seemed miles away. “A steep slope, like a slide, but it comes out at the exit”
I stepped forward and I knew instantly what he was on about. I was sent zooming down a natural slide. I couldn’t help but let out a small scream as I went down. I had never really liked slides, especially in the dark. The slide was starting to level out. My legs hit something hard forcing it to land on me.
“Sorry” I heard Brad mutter.
“Brad” I swung my arms around him. He was still lay on top of me. He stood and pulled me up with him, but then we heard Alison screaming her way down the slide. He pushed me up against the wall allowing Alison to fly past us, landing bottom first on the floor. I quickly grabbed her and pulled her to one side as I heard Gabby come down. She too hit the floor bottom first.
“Ouch” she moaned as she stood up.
We could see a glisten of light up ahead, well, up ahead and around a corner.
“That looks like our exit” I commented.
“It sure does” replied Brad taking my hand in his.
We all made our way to the corner, and just like we had said, the exit of the mountain was there.
We were about to step out of the protection of the Covert into the perilous world.

The view from the exit was breath taking. Green mountain after green mountain, with snow covered tops. The sunset red sky had not even a wisp of an airplane vapour trail spoiling the view. We took a step to the exit when we saw what our next trouble would be. To get down from the exit you have to climb down a horizontal rock wall. Brad left the safety of the platform first. He lowered himself down to the next platform, and then the next. I followed. Followed closely by Alison and Gabby. There was some tense moment as we scaled the perilous drop. Some of the rocks were so weak, they only took a slight tap to go crumbling down the side of the mountain.
“Why do they have this as an exit?” I grumbled as we took a break halfway down.
“Easier to leave then it is to arrive” replied Brad.
“Huh?” I had to ask didn’t I.
“Well, if the covert was ever attacked, the attackers would take more time climbing up one way then what we will dropping down the other” explained Brad.
“Your people are strange” Commented Alison.
Brad and Gabby just smiled at the comment but I couldn’t help but nod along. They were strange, I mean, we are strange.
“Ready to finish the climb?” asked Brad.
I didn’t have to reply, everybody just stood up ready. Brad dropped first, again. I didn’t like him going first, if he fell nobody would be able to catch him, but he refused to let any of us girls go first.
“I swear sir, whoever it was, was making a hell of a noise” commented Billy as he completed his part of the deal.
“I’ll look in to it, Billy, now try and get some sleep” replied Sir Mallot heading to walk away.
Brad looked at his watch.
Will they be out by now? He thought.
“Wait sir” he shouted deciding to give us a bit more time.
“Yes Billy” commented Sir Mallot turning back to face Billy.
“What if it was..? You know. Like when we had that panic” asked Billy trying to buy us more time. That had been the first thing that had come into his head.
“I highly doubt it Billy, probably just somebody messing about” replied Sir Mallot in his usual calm tone.
“I was just suggesting, cause there’s an entrance, isn’t there, down the corridor connected to mine. What if somebody was rushing past?” he asked. As soon as the words had left his lips, he knew he had gone too far. He slapped his hand across his mouth to stop him from saying anymore.
“Billy, there has been no intruder. There was never any noise was there Billy?” Sir Mallot had gone suspicious. He looked Billy in the eye waiting for an answer.
‘I’m busted. Please tell me you are already out.’
‘Yeh, it’s alright, we’re at the bottom of the mountain.’
“No sir” replied Billy going quiet. Even Billy knew he couldn’t lie to Sir Mallot when he was eye to eye with him.
“Why did you bring me out then?” asked Sir Mallot accusingly.
Billy didn’t reply.
“Billy, Why did you bring me out?” repeated Sir Mallot with a hint of anger in his voice.
“I was asked to” replied Billy suddenly falling quiet. He didn’t want to tell but he knew he was a terrible liar when Sir Mallot is like this. His face was starting to go pale from his worry of spilling the beans.
“Who asked you to?” asked Sir Mallot.
Billy looked to the floor. The one question he didn’t want to be asked. He looked into Sir Mallot’s beady eyes.
“Perhaps you’d talk to Mistress Halsente” commented Sir Mallot. Everybody knew that Mistress Halsente could get an answer out of anybody.
‘Don’t stop to rest. You’ll get busted if you do, Sir Mallot has grown suspicious, he’s taking me to talk to Mistress Halsente’
‘Ok, thanks for the warning. And try and buy us as much time as you can. We all know what Mistress Halsente is like’
Billy didn’t get a say in this, Sir Mallot literally dragged him to Mistress Halsente’s room.
“We have to keep moving. Billy will break and tell them any
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