Stand by for Mars!, for Mars! by Carey Rockwell [e ink ebook reader txt] 📗

- Author: for Mars! by Carey Rockwell
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"That could only mean one thing," said Strong bitterly. "There has been a power-deck failure of some sort."
"Three miles to objective, sir," reported Roger. "I think I can pick her up on the teleceiver now, but only one way, from us to her."
"All right," said Strong, "see what you can do."
In a few moments the teleceiver screen glowed and then the silver outline of the Lady Venus appeared on the screen.
"I don't see any damage to her hull," said Strong half to himself. "So if it was an explosion, it wasn't a bad one."
"Yes, sir," said Tom. "Shall I stand by with the flares?"
"Better send up a yellow identification flare, identifying us as the Solar Guard. Let them know who we are!"
Tom turned to the yellow button on his left and pressed it. Immediately a white flash resembling a meteor appeared on the teleceiver screen.
"There should be an answer soon," said Strong.
"Three thousand yards to objective," reported Roger.
"Fire braking rockets one half," ordered Strong.
Tom relayed the order to Astro and made the necessary adjustments on the control panel.
"Stern drive rockets out," ordered Strong.
Once again Tom relayed the message to Astro and turned to the control board.
"Cut all rockets!" ordered Strong sharply.
The great ship, slowed by the force of the braking [Pg 136]rockets, became motionless in space a bare five hundred yards from the Lady Venus.
"They should be sending up their safety-factor flare soon," said Strong. "Keep trying to raise them on the teleceiver, Roger."
Strong was peering through a crystal port directly at the ship hanging dead in space opposite them. There wasn't any sign of life. Tom stepped to the side of Steve Strong and looked out at the crippled passenger ship.
"Why don't we go aboard, sir?" asked Tom.
"We'll wait a little longer for the flare. If we don't get it soon—"
"There it is, sir!" shouted Tom at Strong's side.
From the flare port near the nose of the commercial ship, a ball of fire streaked out.
"Red!" said Strong grimly, "That means we can't go alongside. We'll have to use jet boats."
"Captain Strong," shouted Roger from the radar deck, "they're signaling us with a small light from the upper port on the starboard side!"
"Can you read it?" asked Strong quickly.
"I think so, sir. They're using standard space code, but the light is very dim."
"What do they say?"
" ... reaction ... chamber—" said Roger slowly as he read the blinking light, " ... radiation ... leaking around ... baffle ... all ... safe...." Roger stopped. "That's all, sir. I couldn't get the rest of it."
Strong turned to the intercom. "Astro, get the jet boats ready to blast off immediately. Roger, send this message. 'Am coming aboard. Stand by to receive me on your number-one starboard jet-boat catapult deck, signed, Strong, Captain, Solar Guard.'"
"Yes, sir!" replied Roger.
"Get into your space suit, Tom, and give Astro a hand with the jet boats. I have to get a message back to [Pg 137] Space Academy and tell them to send out help right away."
"Aye, sir," said Tom.
"Roger," said Strong, "stand by to record this message for the teleceiver in case Space Academy should call our circuit while we're off the ship."
"All set, sir," came the reply from the radar deck.
"O.K.—here goes—Captain Steve Strong—Solar Guard—am boarding passenger ship Lady Venus. Secondary communications signal message received indicates it is power-deck failure. Am taking cadets Corbett, Manning and Astro and boarding same at"—he paused and glanced at the clock—"thirteen hundred fifty one hours!"
"That all, sir?" asked Roger.
"That's it. Get that set on the open circuit for any one calling us, then climb into your space suit!"
In a matter of minutes, the four spacemen of the Polaris crew were making last-minute adjustments on their space suits. Astro picked up his heavy belt of tools and strapped them around his waist.
"What's that for, Astro?" asked Strong. "They'll have tools aboard the ship if we need them."
"If that lead baffle in the reaction chamber has worked loose, sir, the odds are ten to one that the control chamber is flooded with radiation. And if it is, the tools are probably so hot you couldn't use them."
"That's good thinking, Astro," complimented Strong. He turned to Tom and Roger and checked their suits and the oxygen supply and feeder valves on their backs. He then turned his back while Tom checked his, and Roger adjusted Astro's.
"All right, turn on your communicators and test them," ordered Strong.
One by one the boys flipped on the switch of the portable spacephones in their fish-bowl helmets and spoke [Pg 138]to each other. Strong indicated that he was satisfied and turned toward the jet-boat catapult deck, the three boys following him in single file.
"Astro, you and Roger take number-one boat," said Strong. "Tom and I will take number two." His voice had a harsh metallic tone through the headset spacephones.
Roger hurried along with Astro to the number-one boat and climbed inside.
"Jet boat has its own oxygen system," said Astro to Roger. "Better make use of it while we're in here and save our suits' supplies."
"Good idea," said Roger. He locked the clear plastic airtight covering of the jet boat and began flicking at the control buttons.
"Strap in, you Venusian hick. Here we go!" Roger shoved a lever at his side, making the jet-boat deck airtight from the rest of the Polaris, and then, by pressing a button on the simple control board, a section of the Polaris' hull slipped back, exposing them to empty space.
The controls of a jet boat were simplicity itself. A half-moon wheel for guiding, up, down and either side, and two pedals on the floor, one for going and one for stopping. Roger stepped on the "Go" pedal and the small ship flashed out into the darkness of space.
Almost immediately on the opposite side of the Polaris, Captain Strong and Tom in the second boat shot away from the rocket cruiser and both boats headed for the stricken spaceship. [Pg 139]
CHAPTER 14The hatch clanked shut behind them. Inside the huge air lock of the Lady Venus, Tom, Roger, Astro and Captain Strong waited for the oxygen to equal the pressure in their space suits before removing their fish-bowl space helmets.
"O.K., sir," said Tom, "pressure's equal."
Strong stepped to the hatch leading to the inside of the ship and pushed hard. It slid to one side.
"How many jet boats do you have?" was the first thing Strong heard as he stepped through the door to the interior of the passenger ship.
"Al James!" cried Manning. "So this is your tub?"
The startled young skipper, whom Tom, Roger and Astro had met in Atom City, turned to face the blond-headed cadet.
"Manning!" he gasped.
"What's your trouble, skipper?" asked Strong of the young spaceship captain.
Before James could answer there was a sudden clamor from beyond the next hatch leading to the main passenger cabin. Suddenly the hatch was jerked open and a group of frightened men and women poured through. The first to reach Strong, a short fat man with a moonface and wearing glasses, began to jabber hysterically, while clinging to Strong's arm. [Pg 140]
"Sir, this ship is going to blow up any moment. You've got to save us!" He turned to face Al James. "And he refused to allow us to escape in the jet boats!" He pointed an accusing finger at the young skipper as the other passengers loudly backed him up.
"Just a moment," snapped Strong. "There's a Solar Guard rocket cruiser only five hundred yards away, so take it easy and don't get hysterical. No one is going to get hurt if you keep calm and obey orders!" He turned to James. "What's the trouble, skipper?"
"It's the reaction chamber. The lead baffle around the chamber worked loose and flooded everything with radiation. Now the mass in number-three rocket is building and wildcatting itself. If it gets any higher, it'll explode."
"Why didn't your power-deck man dump the mass?" asked Strong.
"We didn't know it was wildcatting until after he had tried to repair it. And he didn't tighten the bolts enough to keep it from leaking radiation." The young skipper paused. "He lived long enough to warn us, though."
"What's the Geiger count on the radiation?" asked Strong.
"Up to twelve thirty-two—about ten minutes ago," answered James. "I pulled everybody out of the power deck and cut all energy circuits, including the energizing pumps. We didn't have any power so I had to use the combined juice of the three jet boats to send out the emergency signal that you picked up." He turned to face the little man with the glasses. "I had a choice of either saving about fifteen passengers on the jet boats, and leaving the others, or take a chance on saving everybody by using the power to send out a message."
"Ummmmh," said Strong to himself. He felt confidence in a young spaceman who would take a decision [Pg 141]like that on himself. "What was that Geiger count again?" he asked.
"Must be better than fourteen hundred by now," answered James.
Strong made a quick decision.
"All right," he said, tight-lipped, "abandon ship! How many passengers?"
"Seventeen women and twenty-three men including the crew," replied James.
"Does that include yourself?" asked Strong.
"No," came the reply.
Strong felt better. Any man who would not count himself on a list to survive could be counted on in any emergency.
"We'll take four women at a time in each jet boat first," said Strong. "James, you and I will operate the jet boats and ferry the passengers to the Polaris. Tom, you and Roger and Astro get everybody aboard the ship ready to leave."
"Yes, sir," said Tom.
"We haven't much time. The reaction mass is building fast. Come on, James, we have to rip out the seats in the jet boats to get five people in them." Strong turned back into the jet-boat launching well.
"May I have the passenger lists, Captain?" asked Tom, turning to James. The young skipper handed him a clip board with the names of the passengers and crew and followed Strong.
"We will abandon ship in alphabetical order," announced Tom. "Miss Nancy Anderson?"
A young girl about sixteen stepped forward.
"Just stand there by the hatch, Miss," said Tom. He glanced at the next name. "Miss Elizabeth Anderson?" Another girl, looking very much like the first, stepped forward and stood beside her sister.
"Mrs. John Bailey?" called Tom. [Pg 142]
A gray-haired woman of about sixty stepped forward.
"Pardon me, sir, but I would rather remain with my husband, and go later with him."
"No—no, Mary," pleaded an elderly man, holding his arm around her shoulder. "Go now. I'll be all right. Won't I, sir?" He looked at Tom anxiously.
"I can't be sure, sir," said Tom. He found it difficult to control his voice as he looked down at the old couple, who couldn't weigh more than two hundred pounds between them.
"I'm going to stay," said the woman firmly.
"As you wish, Madam," said Tom. He looked at the list again. "Mrs. Helen Carson?"
A woman about thirty-five, carrying a young boy about four years old, stepped out and took her place beside the two sisters.
In a moment, the first eight passengers were assembled into two groups, helped into space suits, with a special portable suit for the little boy, and loaded in the jet boats. The red light over the hatch glowed, then went out. The first load of passengers had left the Lady Venus.
"They're pretty jumpy," Roger whispered, nodding toward the remaining passengers.
"Yeah," answered Tom. "Say, where's Astro?"
"I don't know. Probably went to take a look at the jet boats to see if one could be repaired so we'd have a third ferry running."
"Good idea," said Tom. "See if you can't cheer these people up, Roger. Tell them stories or sing songs—or better yet, get them to sing. Try to make them forget they're sitting on an atom bomb!"
"I can't forget it myself," said Roger. "How can I make them forget it?"
"Try anything. I'll go see if I can't give Astro a hand!"
Roger turned to face the assembled passengers and [Pg 143]smiled. All around him in the main passenger lounge, the frightened men and women sat huddled together in small groups, staring at him, terror in their eyes.
"Ladieeees and Gentlemen," began Roger. "You are now going to be entertained by the loudest, corniest and most miserable voice in the universe. I'm going to sing!"
He waited for a laugh, but there was only a slight stir as the passengers shifted nervously in their seats.
Shrugging his shoulders, Roger took a deep breath and began to sing. He only knew one song and he sang it with gusto.
To the far-flung stars of outer space,
We're Space Cadets training to be...."
On the lower deck of the passenger ship, Tom smiled as he faintly heard his unit-mate's voice. He made his way to the jet-boat deck of the Lady Venus and opened the hatch.
"Hey, Astro," he called. There wasn't any answer.
He stepped inside and looked around
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